Delay garbage collection? - garbage-collection

I'm using chrome (the dev version for my mac).
I was looking at the timeline for my page loading and I saw that there is a 150ms delay due to some garbage collection taking place while loading the page.
It's the yellow line.
I was curious if there's any way to stop this, delay it, whatever so I get the page to load faster?

Against the grain of some of the comments, this isn't a C++ issue.
Garbage Collection happens when v8 (the javascript engine in chrome) engine detects that it should start freeing up memory used by objects that are no longer needed in the code. You can visit the v8 page for more information about what the garbage collector does.
There might be lots of reasons why your code is garbage collecting early, and in that case we would need to see your code. Do you have a lot of variables that go out of scope at page load?

Don't create so much garbage: Look at where your JavaScript program allocates memory during load and see if you can eliminate the garbage collection by reusing data structures or delaying that work until after the page has loaded. This lets you 'delay' garbage collection.


Why open connections or unclosed resources can not be garbage collected?

I just gone though memory leaks articles but not getting Why open connections or unclosed resources can not be garbage collected in jvm? Can someone please help with example. Thanks in advance.
The Java garbage collector isn't required to ever reclaim an object, even when it's unreachable. In practice, it's usually reclaimed eventually, but this can take hours (or days, or ∞), depending on the application and garbage collection activity. Read up on generational garbage collection to learn more about this.
The first JVM only supported a conservative garbage collector. There's a bunch of stuff online regarding this design as well, but the main caveat when using one of these type of collectors is that it might never identify an object as being unreachable even when it truly is.
Finally, there's the "epsilon" collector option, which never runs garbage collection at all. This is just used for performance testing and for short-lived Java processes. Once a process exits, the open resources get closed by the operating system anyhow.

Google Cloud Profiling how to optimize my code by analyzing it?

I am trying to analyse the Google CLoud Stackdriver's Profiling, now can anyone please tell me how can I Optimize my code by using this.
Also, I cannot see any of my function name and all, i don't know what is this _tickCallback and which part of the code it is executing ??
Please help me, anyone.
When looking at node.js heap profiles, I find that it's really helpful to know if the code is busy and allocating memory (i.e. does a web server have a load?).
This is because the heap profiler takes a snap shot of everything that is in the heap at a the time of profile collection, including allocations which are not in use anymore, but have not been garbage collected.
Garbage collection doesn't happen very often if the code isn't allocating memory. So, when the code isn't very busy, the heap profile will show a lot of memory allocations which are in the heap but no longer really in use.
Looking at your flame graph, I would guess that your code isn't very busy (or isn't allocating very much memory), so memory allocations from the profiler dominate the heap profiles. If you're code is a web server and you profiled it when it didn't have a load, it may help if you generate a load for it while profiling.
To answer the secondary question: _tickCallback is a Node.js internal function that is used for running things on timers. For example, if anything is using a setTimeout. Anything that is scheduled on a timer would have _tickCallback on the bottom of the stack.
Elsewhere on the picture, you can see some green and cyan 'end' functions on the stack. I suspect those are the places where you are calling response.end in your express request handlers.

when does the garbage collector of v8 engine of chrome is activated by default in nodejs

If my nodejs memory is reached upto 1.5GB and then i am not applying any load on it and the system is idle for 30 minutes then also garbage collector is not freeing the memory
It's impossible to say anything specific, like "why gc is not collecting the garbage" as you ask in the comments, when you say nothing about what your program is doing or how the code looks like.
I can only point you to good explanation of how GC works in Node and explain how to run GC manually to see if that helps. When you run node with the --expose-gc flag, then you can use:
in your code. You can try to run that code in a timeout, on a regular interval or at any other specific moment and see if that frees your memory. If it does, that would mean that the GC was indeed not running and that was the problem. If that doesn't free your memory that could mean that the problems is not with the GC not running, but rather not being able to free anything.
Memory not being freed after manual GC invocation would mean that you have some memory leak or that you use so much memory that cannot be freed by the GC.
If the memory is freed after running GC manually it could mean that it is not running by itself, maybe because you are doing a very long, blocking operation that doesn't give the event loop any chance to run. For example having a long running for or while loop could give such an effect.
Not knowing anything about your code or what it does, it's not possible to give you any more specific solution to your problem.
If you want to know how and when the GC in Node works, then there is some good documentation online.
There is a nice article by StrongLoop about how the GC works:
Node.js Performance Tip of the Week: Managing Garbage Collection
Also this article by Daniel Khan is worth reading:
Understanding Garbage Collection and hunting Memory Leaks in Node.js
It's possible that the GC is running but it can't free any memory because you have some memory leak. Without seeing an actual code or even an explanation of what it does it's realy impossible to say more.

Garbage collector in Node.js

According to google, V8 uses an efficient garbage collection by employing a "stop-the-world, generational, accurate, garbage collector". Part of the claim is that the V8 stops program execution when performing a garbage collection cycle.
An obvious question is how can you have an efficient GC when you pause program execution?
I was trying to find more about this topic as I would be interested to know how does the GC impacts the response time when you have possibly tens of thounsands requests per second firing your node.js server.
Any expert help, personal experience or links would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
"Efficient" can mean several things. Here it probably refers to high throughput. When looking at response time, you're more interested in latency, which could indeed be worse than with alternative GC strategies.
The main alternatives to stop-the-world GCs are
incremental GCs, which need not finish a collection cycle before handing back control to the mutator1 temporarily, and
concurrent GCs which (virtually) operate at the same time as the mutator, interrupting it only very briefly (e.g. to scan the stack).
Both need to perform extra work to be correct in the face of concurrent modification of the heap (e.g. if a new object is created and attached to an already-scanned object, this new reference must be noticed). This impacts total throughput, i.e., it takes longer to actually clean the entire heap. The upside is that they do not (usually) interrupt the program for very long, if at all, so latency is low(er).
Although the V8 documentation still mentions a stop-the-world collector, it seems that an the V8 GC is incremental since 2011. So while it does stop program execution once in a while, it does not 2 stop the program for however long it takes to scan the entire heap. Instead it can scan for, say, a couple milliseconds, and let the program resume.
1 "Mutator" is GC terminology for the program whose heap is garbage collected.
2 At least in principle, this is probably configurable.

Which counter can I use in performance monitor to see how much memory is waiting for the GC?

I am trying to profile a specific page of my ASP.NET site to optimize memory usage, but the nature of .NET as a Garbage Collected language is making it tough to get a true picture of what how memory is used and released in the program.
Is there a perfmon counter or other method for profiling that will allow me to see not only how much memory is allocated, but also how much has been released by the program and is just waiting for garbage collection?
Actually nothing in the machine really knows what is waiting for garbage collection: garbage collection is precisely the process of figuring that out and releasing the memory corresponding to dead objects. At best, the GC will have that information only on some very specific instants in its cycle. The detection and release parts are often interleaved (this depends on the GC technology) so it is possible that the GC never has a full count of what could be freed.
For most GC, obtaining such an information is computationally expensive. If you are ready to spend a bit of CPU time on it (it will not be transparent to the application) then you can use GC.Collect() to force the GC to run, immediately followed by a call to GC.GetTotalMemory() to know how much memory has survived the GC. Note that forcing the GC could induce a noticeable pause, and may also decrease overall performance.
This is the "homemade" method; for a more serious analysis, try a dedicated profiler.
The best way that I have been able to profile memory is to use ANTS Profiler from RedGate. You can view a snapshot, what stage of the lifecycle it is in and more. Including actual object values.
