Why do programming languages use commas to separate function parameters? - programming-languages

It seems like all programming languages use commas (,) to separate function parameters.
Why don't they use just spaces instead?

Absolutely not. What about this function call:
function(a, b - c);
How would that look with a space instead of the comma?
function(a b - c);
Does that mean function(a, b - c); or function(a, b, -c);? The use of the comma presumably comes from mathematics, where commas have been used to separate function parameters for centuries.

First of all, your premise is false. There are languages that use space as a separator (lisp, ML, haskell, possibly others).
The reason that most languages don't is probably that a) f(x,y) is the notation most people are used to from mathematics and b) using spaces leads to lots of nested parentheses (also called "the lisp effect").

Lisp-like languages use: (f arg1 arg2 arg3) which is essentially what you're asking for.
ML-like languages use concatenation to apply curried arguments, so you would write f arg1 arg2 arg3.

Tcl uses space as a separator between words passed to commands. Where it has a composite argument, that has to be bracketed or otherwise quoted. Mind you, even there you will find the use of commas as separators – in expression syntax only – but that's because the notation is in common use outside of programming. Mathematics has written n-ary function applications that way for a very long time; computing (notably Fortran) just borrowed.

You don't have to look further than most of our natural languages to see that comma is used for separation items in lists. So, using anything other than comma for enumerating parameters would be unexpected for anyone learning a programming language for the first time.

There's a number of historical reasons already pointed out.
Also, it's because in most languages, where , serves as separator, whitespace sequences are largely ignored, or to be more exact, although they may separate tokens, they do not act as tokens themselves. This is moreless true for all languages deriving their syntax from C. A sequence of whitespaces is much like the empty word and having the empty word delimit anything probably is not the best of ideas.
Also, I think it is clearer and easier to read. Why have whitespaces, which are invisible characters, and essentially serve nothing but the purpose of formatting, as really meaningful delimiters. It only introduces ambiguity. One example is that provided by Carl.
A second would f(a (b + c)). Now is that f(a(b+c)) or f(a, b+c)?
The creators of JavaScript had a very useful idea, similar to yours, which yields just the same problems. The idea was, that ENTER could also serve as ;, if the statement was complete. Observe:
function a() {
return "some really long string or expression or whatsoever";
function b() {
"some really long string or expression or whatsoever";
alert(a());//"some really long string or expression or whatsoever"
alert(b());//"undefined" or "null" or whatever, because 'return;' is a valid statement
As a matter of fact, I sometimes tend to use the latter notation in languages, that do not have this 'feature'. JavaScript forces a way to format my code upon me, because someone had the cool idea, of using ENTER instead of ;.
I think, there is a number of good reasons why some languages are the way they are. Especially in dynamic languages (as PHP), where there's no compile time check, where the compiler could warn you, that the way it resolved an ambiguity as given above, doesn't match the signature of the call you want to make. You'd have a lot of weird runtime errors and a really hard life.
There are languages, which allow this, but there's a number of reasons, why they do so. First and foremost, because a bunch of very clever people sat down and spent quite some time designing a language and then discovered, that its syntax makes the , obsolete most of the time, and thus took the decision to eliminate it.

This may sound a bit wise but I gather for the same reason why most earth-planet languages use it (english, french, and those few others ;-) Also, it is intuitive to most.

Haskell doesn't use commas.
multList :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
multList (x : xs) y = (x * y) : (multList xs y)
multList [] _ = []
The reason for using commas in C/C++ is that reading a long argument list without a separator can be difficult without commas
Try reading this
void foo(void * ptr point & * big list<pointers<point> > * t)
commas are useful like spaces are. In Latin nothing was written with spaces, periods, or lower case letters.
Try reading this
it's primarily to help you read things.

This is not true. Some languages don't use commas. Functions have been Maths concepts before programming constructs, so some languages keep the old notation. Than most of the newer has been inspired by C (Javascript, Java, C#, PHP too, they share some formal rules like comma).

While some languages do use spaces, using a comma avoids ambiguous situations without the need for parentheses. A more interesting question might be why C uses the same character as a separator as is used for the "a then b" operator; the latter question is in some ways more interesting given that the C character set has at three other characters that do not appear in any context (dollar sign, commercial-at, and grave, and I know at least one of those (the dollar sign) dates back to the 40-character punchcard set.

It seems like all programming languages use commas (,) to separate function parameters.
In natural languages that include comma in their script, that character is used to separate things. For instance, if you where to enumerate fruits, you'd write: "lemon, orange, strawberry, grape" That is, using comma.
Hence, using comma to separate parameters in a function is more natural that using other character ( | for instance )
someFunction( name, age, location )
someFunction( name|age|location )
Why don't they use just spaces instead?
Thats possible. Lisp does it.
The main reason is, space, is already used to separate tokens, and it's easier not to assign an extra functionality.

I have programmed in quite a few languages and while the comma does not rule supreme it is certainly in front. The comma is good because it is a visible character so that script can be compressed by removing spaces without breaking things. If you have space then you can have tabs and that can be a pain in the ... There are issues with new-lines and spaces at the end of a line. Give me a comma any day, you can see it and you know what it does. Spaces are for readability (generally) and commas are part of syntax. Mind you there are plenty of exceptions where a space is required or de rigueur. I also like curly brackets.

It is probably tradition. If they used space they could not pass expression as param e.g.
f(a-b c)
would be very different from
f(a -b c)

Some languages, like Boo, allow you to specify the type of parameters or leave it out, like so:
def MyFunction(obj1, obj2, title as String, count as Int):
...do stuff...
Meaning: obj1 and obj2 can be of any type (inherited from object), where as title and count must be of type String and Int respectively. This would be hard to do using spaces as separators.


Is Rust's lexical grammar regular, context-free or context-sensitive?

The lexical grammar of most programming languages is fairly non-expressive in order to quickly lex it. I'm not sure what category Rust's lexical grammar belongs to. Most of it seems regular, probably with the exception of raw string literals:
let s = r##"Hi lovely "\" and "#", welcome to Rust"##;
println!("{}", s);
Which prints:
Hi lovely "\" and "#", welcome to Rust
As we can add arbitrarily many #, it seems like it can't be regular, right? But is the grammar at least context-free? Or is there something non-context free about Rust's lexical grammar?
Related: Is Rust's syntactical grammar context-free or context-sensitive?
The raw string literal syntax is not context-free.
If you think of it as a string surrounded by r#k"…"#k (using the superscript k as a count operator), then you might expect it to be context-free:
: 'r' delimited_quoted_string
: quoted_string
| '#' delimited_quoted_string '#'
But that is not actually the correct syntax, because the quoted_string is not allowed to contain "#k although it can contain "#j for any j<k
Excluding the terminating sequence without excluding any other similar sequence of a different length cannot be accomplished with a context-free grammar because it involves three (or more) uses of the k-repetition in a single production, and stack automata can only handle two. (The proof that the grammar is not context-free is surprisingly complicated, so I'm not going to attempt it here for lack of MathJax. The best proof I could come up with uses Ogden's lemma and the uncommonly cited (but highly useful) property that context-free grammars are closed under the application of a finite-state transducer.)
C++ raw string literals are also context-sensitive [or would be if the delimiter length were not limited, see Note 1], and pretty well all whitespace-sensitive languages (like Python and Haskell) are context-sensitive. None of these lexical analysis tasks is particularly complicated so the context-sensitivity is not a huge problem, although most standard scanner generators don't provide as much assistance as one might like. But there it is.
Rust's lexical grammar offers a couple of other complications for a scanner generator. One issue is the double meaning of ', which is used both to create character literals and to mark lifetime variables and loop labels. Apparently it is possible to determine which of these applies by considering the previously recognized token. That could be solved with a lexical scanner which is capable of generating two consecutive tokens from a single pattern, or it could be accomplished with a scannerless parser; the latter solution would be context-free but not regular. (C++'s use of ' as part of numeric literals does not cause the same problem; the C++ tokens can be recognized with regular expressions, because the ' can not be used as the first character of a numeric literal.)
Another slightly context-dependent lexical issue is that the range operator, .., takes precedence over floating point values, so that 2..3 must be lexically analysed as three tokens: 2 .. 3, rather than two floating point numbers 2. .3, which is how it would be analysed in most languages which use the maximal munch rule. Again, this might or might not be considered a deviation from regular expression tokenisation, since it depends on trailing context. But since the lookahead is at most one character, it could certainly be implemented with a DFA.
On reflection, I am not sure that it is meaningful to ask about a "lexical grammar". Or, at least, it is ambiguous: the "lexical grammar" might refer to the combined grammar for all of the languages "tokens", or it might refer to the act of separating a sentence into tokens. The latter is really a transducer, not a parser, and suggests the question of whether the language can be tokenised with a finite-state transducer. (The answer, again, is no, because raw strings cannot be recognized by a FSA, or even a PDA.)
Recognizing individual tokens and tokenising an input stream are not necessarily equivalent. It is possible to imagine a language in which the individual tokens are all recognized by regular expressions but an input stream cannot be handled with a finite-state transducer. That will happen if there are two regular expressions T and U such that some string matching T is the longest token which is a strict prefix of an infinite set of strings in U. As a simple (and meaningless) example, take a language with tokens:
Both of these tokens are clearly regular, but the input stream cannot be tokenized with a finite state transducer because it must examine any sequence of as (of any length) before deciding whether to fallback to the first a or to accept the token consisting of all the as and the following b (if present).
Few languages show this pathology (and, as far as I know, Rust is not one of them), but it is technically present in some languages in which keywords are multiword phrases.
Actually, C++ raw string literals are, in a technical sense, regular (and therefore context free) because their delimiters are limited to strings of maximum length 16 drawn from an alphabet of 88 characters. That means that it is (theoretically) possible to create a regular expression consisting of 13,082,362,351,752,551,144,309,757,252,761 patterns, each matching a different possible raw string delimiter.

If Non Terminals in Gene Expression Programming are mono-type functions, how to build complex Programs?

It just seemed to me studying GEP,and especially analyzing Karva expressions, that Non Terminals are most suitable for functions which type is a->a for some type a, in Haskell notation.
Like, with classic examples, Q+-*/ are all functions from 'some' Double to 'a' Double and they just change in arity.
Now, how can one coder use functions of heterogeneous signature in one Karva expressed gene?
Brief Introduction to GEP/Karva
Gene Expression Programming uses dense representations of a population of expressions and applies evolutionary pressure to make better ones to solve a given problem.
Karva notation represents an expression tree as a string, represented in a non-traditional traversal of level-at-a-time, left-to-right - read more here. Using Karva notation, it is simple and quick to combine (or mutate) expressions to create the next generation.
You can parse Karva notation in Haskell as per this answer with explanation of linear time or this answer that's the same code, but with more diagrams and no proof.
Terminals are the constants or variables in a Karva expression, so /+a*-3cb2 (meaning (a+(b*2))/(3-c)) has terminals [a,b,2,3,c]. A Karva expression with no terminals is thus a function of some arity.
My Question is then more related to how one would use different types of functions without breaking the gene.
What if one wants to use a Non Terminal like a > function? One can count on the fact that, for example, it can compare Doubles. But the result, in a strongly typed Language, would be a Bool. Now, assuming that the Non terminal encoding for > is interspersed in the gene, the parse of the k-expression would result in invalid code, because anything calling it would expect a Double.
One can then think of manually and silently sneak in a cast, as is done by Ms. Ferreira in her book, where she converts Bools into Ints like 0 and 1 for False and True.
Si it seems to me that k-expressed genes are for Non Terminals of any arity, that share the property of taking values of one type a, returning a type a.
In the end, has anyone any idea about how to overcome this?
I already now that one can use homeotic genes, providing some glue between different Sub Expression Trees, but that, IMHO, is somewhat rigid, because, again, you need to know in advance returned types.

Why do some languages need semicolons?

I understand that semicolons indicate the end of a line in languages like Java, but why?
I get asked this a lot by other people, and I can't really think of a good way to explain how it works better than just using line breaks or white space.
They don't signal end of line, they signal end of statement.
There are some languages that don't require them, but those languages don't allow multiple statements on a single line or a single statement to span multipile lines (without some other signal like VB's _ signal).
Why do some languages allow multiple statements on a line? The philosophy is that whitespace is irrelevant (an end of line character is whitespace). This allows flexibility in how the code is formatted as formatting is not part of the semantic meaning.
First of all, the semicolon is a statement separator, not a line separator. Some languages use the new line character as statement separator, but languages which ignore all whitespace tend to use the semicolon.
Why do languages ignore whitespace?
A language ignores whitespace to allow the programmer to format the source code as he likes it. For example, in Java there is no difference between
if (welcome)
System.out.println("hello world");
if (welcome) System.out.println("hello world");
This is not because there is one separate case for each of these in the grammar of the language, but because the whitespace is simply ignored.
Why does a programming language need a statement separator?
This is the core of the question. To understand it, let's consider a small language without any statement separator. It contains the following statement types:
var x = foo()
y[0, 1] = x
Here, y is a two-dimensional array and x is written to one of the entries of y.
Now lets look at these statements like the compiler would see them:
var x = foo() y[0, 1] = x bar()
Because there is no statement separator, the compiler has to recognize the end of each statement by itself, to make sense of the input. Is the compiler able to do so? I guess in the above example the compiler can do it.
Now, lets add another type of statement to out language:
[x, y] = ["hello", "world"]
The multi assignment allows the programmer to assign multiple values at once. After this line, the variable x will contain the value "hello" while the variable y contains "world". This might be really handy to allow multiple return values from a function. Now how does this work together with the remaining statement types?
Consider the following sequence of statements:
[x, y] = [1, 2]
First, we call the method foo. Afterwards, we assign 1 to x and 2 to y. At least this is what we meant to do. Here is what the compiler sees:
foo() [x, y] = [1, 2]
Is the compiler able to recognize each statement? No. There are at least two possible interpretations. The first is the one we intended. Here is the second one:
foo()[x, y] = [1, 2]
What does this mean? First, we call the method foo. This method is supposed to return a two-dimensional array. Now, we write the array [1, 2] at the position [x, y] in the returned array.
The compiler cannot recognize the statements, since there are at least two valid interpretations of the given input. Of course, this should never happen in a real programming language. In the given example, it might be easy to resolve, but the point is that it is hard to design a programming language without a statement separator to be not ambiguous. It is hard, because the language designer has to consider all possible permutations of statement types to be sure the language is not ambiguous.
Thus, the statement separator helps the language designer to initially design the language, but more importantly it allows the language designer to easily extend the language in the future, for example by adding new statement types. This is a big thing, since once code is written in your language, you cannot simply change the grammar for existing statement types, because this will cause all the existing code to not compile anymore.
Summing it all up, the semicolon was introduced as statement separator in whitespace ignoring languages, because it is easier to design and extend a language which has a statement separator.
Many languages allow you to put as much spacing as you like. This allows you to be have control over how the code looks.
String result = "asdfsasdfs"
+ "asdfs"
+ "asdfsdf";
Because you are allowed to insert extra newlines you can split that line across several lines without problem. The language still needs to know the line is finished that is why you need a semicolon.
The languages do it, as it signifies the end of a statement, not an end of the line, which means that you can compress code, to make it smaller and take up less space.
Take the C++ code (#include <iostream>):
for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){
std::cout << "did you know?" << std::endl;
std::cout << "; signifies **end of statement**" << std::endl;
std::cout << "**not the end of the line**" << std::endl;
It could also be written
for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){std::cout << "did you know?" << std::endl; std::cout << "; signifies **end of statement**" << std::endl; std::cout << "**not the end of the line**" << std::endl;}
Some programming languages use it to signify the end of a statement thus making the language oblivious to white-space from a statement standpoint. One thing to bear in mid is that if at compile time you are checking for either a new line or a semicolon and then you have to asses several different "situations" the compiler might get what you wanted to do wrong, and it would take a it longer to look for those situations rather than simply looking for a semicolon at the end of the statement. Some higher level languages try to reduce semicolon use or remove it altogether in order to save a few keystrokes, this languages are more oriented toward the comfort of the programmer and generally come with all sort of syntactic sugar; one could argue that not using semicolons is a kind of syntactic sugar.
The use or not of a semicolon in a language should be in according to what the language is trying to accomplish, Languages like C and C++ are mostly about performance, Java and C# are a bit higher in the abstraction sense than C and C++ and then we have things like Scala, Python and Ruby, which are made mostly to make programming more comfortable a the cost of performance,(Ruby openly admits this, and it's very pronounced on Python).
So why do some languages "need" semicolons?
Makes compiling easier
The designer of the language thinks it's more consistent
Historical reasons (Java, C# and C++ are also C's children for example)
and one last thing is that Javascript actually adds the semicolons during compile or before IIRC, so it's not actually semicolon free.
Short answer:
Because everyone else does it.
Not, nor everyone. Furthermore, many popular languages like Python, Ruby, or Visual Basic, don't use semicolon as end of statement but line breaks. Many, not "everyone", still uses semicolon because historical reasons, not rational argumentation: semicolons had a important role to replace the punched-card format in first age of computation, but today it can be totally discarded.
In fact, there're two popular ways of specify an end of statement:
Using a semicolon.
Leaving as is. This makes the compiler read a line break as end of statement. When you want extend your statement to more of one line, you simply use a special character (like \ in Python) to say that the statement has not finished.
In order to make a code more readable, using a special character to specify an end of statement should be an exception, not the rule.
Short answer:
Because everyone else does it.
In theory a language's statement is whatever the language designer is able to syntactically interpret when they parse your file. So if the language designer did not want to have semicolons they could have periods, dashes, spaces, newlines, or whatever to denote the separation of a statement.
Language designers often make the syntax easy to understand so that it can become popular.
Wikipedia: Semicolon Usage in Computer Languages
So if some language designer created a language that used ':-)' to denote the end of a statement it would, 1) be hard to read; 2) not be popular with people who already are used to using a ';'.
echo "Take Care" :-)

What are some examples of where using parentheses in a program lowers readability?

I always thought that parentheses improved readability, but in my textbook there is a statement that the use of parentheses dramatically reduces the readability of a program. Does anyone have any examples?
I can find plenty of counterexamples where the lack of parentheses lowered the readability, but the only example I can think of for what the author may have meant is something like this:
if(((a == null) || (!(a.isSomething()))) && ((b == null) || (!(b.isSomething()))))
// do some stuff
In the above case, the ( ) around the method calls is unnecessary, and this kind of code may benefit from factoring out of terms into variables. With all of those close parens in the middle of the condition, it's hard to see exactly what is grouped with what.
boolean aIsNotSomething = (a == null) || !a.isSomething(); // parens for readability
boolean bIsNotSomething = (b == null) || !b.isSomething(); // ditto
if(aIsNotSomething && bIsNotSomething)
// do some stuff
I think the above is more readable, but that's a personal opinion. That may be what the author was talking about.
Some good uses of parens:
to distinguish between order of operation when behavior changes without the parens
to distinguish between order of operation when behavior is unaffected, but someone who doesn't know the binding rules well enough is going to read your code. The good citizen rule.
to indicate that an expression within the parens should be evaluated before used in a larger expression: System.out.println("The answer is " + (a + b));
Possibly confusing use of parens:
in places where it can't possibly have another meaning, like in front of a.isSomething() above. In Java, if a is an Object, !a by itself is an error, so clearly !a.isSomething() must negate the return value of the method call.
to link together a large number of conditions or expressions that would be clearer if broken up. As in the code example up above, breaking up the large paranthetical statement into smaller chunks can allow for the code to be stepped through in a debugger more straightforwardly, and if the conditions/values are needed later in the code, you don't end up repeating expressions and doing the work twice. This is subjective, though, and obviously meaningless if you only use the expressions in 1 place and your debugger shows you intermediate evaluated expressions anyway.
Apparently, your textbook is written by someone who hate Lisp.
Any way, it's a matter of taste, there is no single truth for everyone.
I think that parentheses is not a best way to improve readability of your code. You can use new line to underline for example conditions in if statement. I don't use parentheses if it is not required.
Well, consider something like this:
Result = (x * y + p * q - 1) % t and
Result = (((x * y) + (p * q)) - 1) % t
Personally I prefer the former (but that's just me), because the latter makes me think the parantheses are there to change the actual order of operations, when in fact they aren't doing that. Your textbook might also refer to when you can split your calculations in multiple variables. For example, you'll probably have something like this when solving a quadratic ax^2+bx+c=0:
x1 = (-b + sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)) / (2*a)
Which does look kind of ugly. This looks better in my opinion:
SqrtDelta = sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c);
x1 = (-b + SqrtDelta) / (2*a);
And this is just one simple example, when you work with algorithms that involve a lot of computations, things can get really ugly, so splitting the computations up into multiple parts will help readability more than parantheses will.
Parentheses reduce readability when they are obviously redundant. The reader expects them to be there for a reason, but there is no reason. Hence, a cognitive hiccough.
What do I mean by "obviously" redundant?
Parentheses are redundant when they can be removed without changing the meaning of the program.
Parentheses that are used to disambiguate infix operators are not "obviously redundant", even when they are redundant, except perhaps in the very special case of multiplication and addition operators. Reason: many languages have between 10–15 levels of precedence, many people work in multiple languages, and nobody can be expected to remember all the rules. It is often better to disambiguate, even if parentheses are redundant.
All other redundant parentheses are obviously redundant.
Redundant parentheses are often found in code written by someone who is learning a new language; perhaps uncertainty about the new syntax leads to defensive parenthesizing.
Expunge them!
You asked for examples. Here are three examples I see repeatedly in ML code and Haskell code written by beginners:
Parentheses between if (...) then are always redundant and distracting. They make the author look like a C programmer. Just write if ... then.
Parentheses around a variable are silly, as in print(x). Parentheses are never necessary around a variable; the function application should be written print x.
Parentheses around a function application are redundant if that application is an operand in an infix expression. For example,
(length xs) + 1
should always be written
length xs + 1
Anything taken to an extreme and/or overused can make code unreadable. It wouldn't be to hard to make the same claim with comments. If you have ever looked at code that had a comment for virtually every line of code would tell you that it was difficult to read. Or you could have whitespace around every line of code which would make each line easy to read but normally most people want similar related lines (that don't warrant a breakout method) to be grouped together.
You have to go way over the top with them to really damage readability, but as a matter of personal taste, I have always found;
return (x + 1);
and similar in C and C++ code to be very irritating.
If a method doesn't take parameters why require an empty () to call method()? I believe in groovy you don't need to do this.

Why don't popular programming languages use some other character to delimit strings? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 13 years ago.
Every programming language I know (Perl, Javascript, PHP, Python, ASP, ActionScript, Commodore Basic) uses single and double quotes to delimit strings.
This creates the ongoing situation of having to go to great lengths to treat quotes correctly, since the quote is extremely common in the contents of strings.
Why do programming languages not use some other character to delimit strings, one that is not used in normal conversation \, | or { } for example) so we can just get on with our lives?
Is this true, or am I overlooking something? Is there an easy way to stop using quotes for strings in a modern programming language?
print <<<END
I know about here document syntax, but for minor string manipulation it's overly complicated and it complicates formatting.
[UPDATE] Many of you made a good point about the importance of using only ASCII characters. I have updated the examples to reflect that (the backslash, the pipe and braces).
Perl lets you use whatever characters you like
"foo $bar" eq
qq(foo $bar) eq
qq[foo $bar] eq
qq!foo $bar! eq
qq#foo $bar# etc
'foo $bar' eq
q(foo $bar) eq
q[foo $bar] eq
q!foo $bar! eq
q#foo $bar# etc
The syntax extends to other features, including regular expressions, which is handy if you are dealing with URIs.
"http://www.example.com/foo/bar/baz/" =~ /\/foo/[^\/]+\/baz\//;
"http://www.example.com/foo/bar/baz/" =~ m!/foo/[^/]+/baz/!;
Current: "Typewriter" 'quotation' marks
There are many good reasons for using the quotation marks we are currently using:
Quotes are easily found on keyboards - so they are easy to type, and they have to be easy, because strings are needed so often.
Quotes are in ASCII - most programming tools only handle well ASCII. You can use ASCII in almost any environment imaginable. And that's important when you are fixing your program over a telnet connection in some far-far-away server.
Quotes come in many versions - single quotes, double quotes, back quotes. So a language can assign different meanings for differently quoted strings. These different quotes can also solve the 'quotes "inside" quotes' problem.
Quotes are natural - English used quotes for marking up text passages long before programming languages followed. In linguistics quotes are used in quite the same way as in programming languages. Quotes are natural the same way + and - are natural for addition and substraction.
Alternative: “typographically” ‘correct’ quotes
Technically they are superior. One great advantage is that you can easily differenciate between opening and closing quotes. But they are hard to type and they are not in ASCII. (I had to put them into a headline to make them visible in this StackOverflow font at all.)
Hopefully on one day when ASCII is something that only historians care about and keyboards have changed into something totally different (if we are even going to have keyboards at all), there will come a programming language that uses better quotes...
Python does have an alternative string delimiter with the triple-double quote """Some String""".
Single quotes and double quotes are used in the majority of languages since that is the standard delimiter in most written languages.
Languages (should) try to be as simple to understand as possible, and using something different from quotes to deal with strings introduces unnecessary complexity.
Python has an additional string type, using triple double-quotes,
"""like this"""
In addition to this, Perl allows you to use any delimiter you want,
q^ like this ^
I think for the most part, the regular string delimiters are used because they make sense. A string is wrapped in quotes. In addition to this, most developers are used to using their common-sense when it comes to strings that drastically altering the way strings are presented could be a difficult learning curve.
Using quotation marks to define a set of characters as separate from the enclosing text is more natural to us, and thus easier to read. Also, " and ' are on the keyboard, while those other characters you mentioned are not, so it's easier to type. It may be possible to use a character that is widely available on keyboards, but I can't think of one that won't have the same kind of problem.
E: I missed the pipe character, which may actually be a viable alternative. Except that it's currently widely used as the OR operator, and the readability issue still stands.
Ah, so you want old-fashioned FORTRAN, where you'd quote by counting the number of characters in the string and embedding it in a H format, such as: 13HHello, World!. As somebody who did a few things with FORTRAN back in the days when the language name was all caps, quotation marks and escaping them are a Good Thing. (For example, you aren't totally screwed if you are off by one in your manual character count.)
Seriously, there is no ideal solution. It will always be necessary, at some point, to have a string containing whatever quote character you like. For practical purposes, the quote delimiters need to be on the keyboard and easily accessible, since they're heavily used. Perl's q#...# syntax will fail if a string contains an example of each possible character. FORTRAN's Hollerith constants are even worse.
Because those other characters you listed aren't ASCII. I'm not sure that we are ready for, or need a programming language in unicode...
EDIT: As to why not use {}, | or \, well those symbols all already have meanings in most languages. Imagine C or Perl with two different meanings for '{' and '}'!
| means or, and in some languages concatenate strings already. and how would you get \n if \ was the delimiter?
Fundamentally, I really don't see why this is a problem. Is \" really THAT hard? I mean, in C, you often have to use \%, and \ and several other two-character characters so... Meh.
Because no one has created a language using some other character that has gotten popular.
I think that is largely because the demand for changing the character is just not there, most programmers are used to the standard quote and see no compelling reason to change the status quo.
Compare the following.
print "This is a simple string."
print "This \"is not\" a simple string."
print ¤This is a simple string.¤
print ¤This "is not" a simple string.¤
I for one don't really feel like the second is any easier or more readable.
You say "having to go to great lengths to treat quotes correctly"; but it's only in the text representation. All modern languages treat strings as binary blocks, so they really don't care about the content. Remember that the text representation is only a simple way for the programmer to tell the system what to do. Once the string is interned, it doesn't have any trouble managing the quotes.
One good reason would probably be that if this is the only thing you want to improve on an existing language, you're not really creating a new language.
And if you're creating a new language, picking the right character for the string quotes is probably way way WAY down on the todo list of things to actually implement.
You would probably be best off picking a delimiter that exists on all common keyboards and terminal representation sets, so most of the ones you suggest are right out...
And in any case, a quoting mechanism will still be necessary...you gain a reduction in the number of times you use quoting at the cost of making the language harder for non-specialist to read.
So it is not entirely clear that this is a win, and then there is force of habit.
Ada doesn't use single quotes for strings. Those are only for chars, and don't have to be escaped inside strings.
I find it very rare that the double-quote character comes up in a normal text string that I enter into a computer program. When it does, it is almost always because I am passing that string to a command interpreter, and need to embed another string in it.
I would imagine the main reason none of those other characters are used for string delimiters is that they aren't in the original 7-bit ASCII code table. Perhaps that's not a good excuse these days, but in a world where most language designers are afraid to buck the insanely crappy C syntax, you aren't going to get a lot of takers for an unusual string delimiter choice.
Python allows you to mix single and double quotes to put quotation marks in strings.
print "Please welcome Mr Jim 'Beaner' Wilson."
>>> Please welcome Mr Jim 'Beaner' Wilson.
print 'Please welcome Mr Jim "Beaner" Wilson.'
>>> Please welcome Mr Jim "Beaner" Wilson
You can also used the previously mentioned triple quotes. These also extend across multiple lines to allow you to also keep from having to print newlines.
print """Please welcome Mr Jim "Beaner" Wilson."""
>>> Please welcome Mr Jim "Beaner" Wilson
Finally, you can print strings the same way as everyone else.
print "Please welcome Mr Jim \"Beaner\" Wilson."
>>> Please welcome Mr Jim "Beaner" Wilson
