Fix Bar Chart Width and Spacing between bars in JFreeChart - width

I have stacked bar chart in which the number of columns is dynamic, can change from 1 to n columns. I want the spacing between the charts and width of the bar to be consistent. How do I fix it. Please suggest solutions / ideas.

In a Stacked Bar chart, you can change the spacing between bars using
CategoryAxis.setMargin and
Code is below
protected JFreeChart generateGraph() {
CategoryAxis categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis("Categories");
ValueAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis("Values");
StackedBarRenderer renderer = new StackedBarRenderer();
renderer.setBarPainter(new StandardBarPainter());
renderer.setBaseItemLabelGenerator(new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator());
CategoryPlot plot = new CategoryPlot( _dataset,
JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart( "Title",
return chart;

StackedBarRenderer devotes some effort to making the "spacing between the [bars] and width of the bar to be consistent." It's not clear what you want it to do differently as the number of columns changes. The relevant geometry is determined by the parent BarRenderer in such methods as calculateBarWidth(), which can be overridden as desired. Also, verify that there is a value for each category in each series.


Change chart height without resizing plotArea

I am trying to resize an excel chart with VBA.
Is it possible to change ActiveChart.ChartArea.Height without affecting the size of the PlotArea? Whenever I attempt to change the chart height it looks like the plot area is automatically resized, which is an undesired outcome.
I have tried the following sequence, when downsizing a graph:
Changing plotarea to fixed desired height;
Changing chart height to fixed desired height;
Changing plotarea to fixed desired height;
This sequence does not yield expected results, as (1) the chart is not changed to specified height, and (2) the plotarea height is output correctly, but its positioning within the chart (.InsideTop) has changed.
Please, test the next way of dealing with a chart dimensions. The scenario involves the next process: firstly memorizing the PlotArea dimensions (Height/Width), then play with the chart (Object) dimensions, reset the PlotArea ones and set its Position to Automatic. Excel tries guessing what you want accomplishing and it looks/is more probable that both chart elements to be modified proportionally:
Sub testActiveChartDimensions()
Dim ch As Chart, plHeight As Double, plWidth As Double
Set ch = ActiveChart 'plays with a selectded chart
plHeight = ch.PlotArea.height: plWidth = ch.PlotArea.width 'memorize the plot area dimensions
ch.Parent.height = ch.Parent.height * 2: ch.Parent.width = ch.Parent.width * 2 'resize the chartObject
ch.PlotArea.height = plHeight: ch.PlotArea.width = plWidth 'reset the initial dimensions for plot area
' you can set any other dimensions (just to be lower than the new chart dimensions...)
ch.PlotArea.Position = xlChartElementPositionAutomatic 'center it on the chart object
End Sub

How to increase size of text value on top of MPAndroid Bar Chart?

I have created a chart using MPAndroid Chart. I want to know how can I increase the size of text value on top of each bar in MPAndroid Bar Chart? Which API should I use? I have circled the value in the attached picture in Red circle
you can try it by using
where barDataset is BarDataSet
I was able to find the answer to my question after some trials. This is the code to set the font size of left and right Y-axis on a MPAndroidChart
import com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.CombinedChart;
//Code snippet
CombinedChart combinedChart = (CombinedChart) findViewById(;
YAxis yaLeft = combinedChart.getAxisLeft();
YAxis yaRight = combinedChart.getAxisRight();

How to flip axes and show it zoomed in for LineGraph MPAndroidchart

I'm not sure how to flip the axes of my chart. Below is the code I'm using.
Please see also the picture on how it looks right now. Instead of drawing the data vertically I'd like to show it horizontally. It suppose to look like a stock chart because that is what it actually is. I'm using YQL to get the historical data of the symbol as Json format.
I also see the data is scooped in the whole screen. I'd like to see the last month for example and just allow the user to swipe to the right for more or just to zoom out.
I'd appreciate some help.
float vals=0;
String[] resultStrs = new String[StockHistoryArray.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < StockHistoryArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject chartDataObj = StockHistoryArray.getJSONObject(i);
yVals.add(new Entry(vals,(int) Float.parseFloat(chartDataObj.getString("Adj_Close")),i+1));
xVals.add(i, String.valueOf(vals));
LineDataSet setting = new LineDataSet(yVals, "Stock Chart");
ArrayList<ILineDataSet> dataSets = new
LineData data = new LineData(xVals, dataSets);
Legend l = lineChart.getLegend();
XAxis x1 = lineChart.getXAxis();
YAxis y1 = lineChart.getAxisLeft();
return null;
Here is the screen shot after I run this code. It is one year history.
screen capture
You are doing wrong in the following line.
yVals.add(new Entry(vals,(int) Float.parseFloat(chartDataObj.getString("Adj_Close")),i+1));
Use like this to draw the chart correctly
yVals.add(new Entry(entryVal,entryXIndex);
If your value in chartDataObj.getString("Adj_Close")
then you need to add like this
yVals.add(new Entry(Float.parseFloat(chartDataObj.getString("Adj_Close")), i);

Flot reset zoom

I'm using Flot Charts with mouse scroll to zoom in and out. I created a button to call zoomOut() and it works well, but I can't find any solution to how I can zoom out all the way so that it Looks just like when it was first loaded. I don't want to reload that who container because it using ajax to pull data from mysql on refresh.
I Googled but couldn't find anything.
You can also set a double click to reset the zoom function of the Flot chart. It redraws the Flot chart to its original state and can be used with dynamic data.
$("#placeholder").dblclick(function () {
plot = $.plot(placeholder, dataset, options);
You can set the ranges of the axes to null. By setting this, the zoom level will be set so every data point is visible, just like the default zoom level.
Unlike the other solutions, this solution will not construct a whole new plot.
var axes = plot.getAxes(),
xaxis = axes.xaxis.options,
yaxis = axes.yaxis.options;
xaxis.min = null;
xaxis.max = null;
yaxis.min = null;
yaxis.max = null;
// Don't forget to redraw the plot
You can save your initial ranges of axes and redraw your plot like in example for navigating. But your code will be look like these:
// do the zooming
plotObjectPointer = $.plot(placeholder, plotData,
$.extend(true, {}, options, {
xaxis: { min: ranges.xaxis.from, max: },
yaxis: { min: ranges.yaxis.from, max: }
where ranges will be your initial ranges. To prevent repeated Ajax loading you can use window.localStorage or just another var for storing plotData.

Flot pie charts - externally selecting slices

I found this solution.
If type of chart is pie, how specify parameters (x,y) of highlight(x, y)?
Sorry for my bad English.
Unfortunately, flot doesn't expose the pie highlighting code to the user. So we are pretty much out of luck, but what may work for you is synthesizing a click event at the appropriate place on the page:
$("#highligher").click(function () {
var e = jQuery.Event('click');
e.pageX = 250; //add a made up x/y coordinate to the click event
e.pageY = 250;
$('#plot canvas:first').trigger(e); //trigger the click event on the canvas
Here it is in action:
The problem is you have to know where the slice you want to highlight is already. This would be easy enough to set if the graph is static. If it's a dynamic graph, you'd have to dig into the source of the pie code to figure out how to calculate where the pie slice is. It might be easier in that case to just have a copy of all the pie functions and manually draw on the pie overlay.
Just got this working by altering a few things...
I changed highlight and unhighlight in jquery.flot.pie.js to pieHighlight and pieUnhighlight.
Then, after these two lines in jquery.flot.pie.js...
plot.hooks.processOptions.push(function(plot, options) {
if ( {
I added...
plot.highlight = pieHighlight;
plot.unhighlight = pieUnhighlight;
We're maintaining selection state outside of the chart (as a backbone model). When a selection event (click) occurs, we set the selected slice in the model. When selection changes, we refresh the chart using a selection color for the pie slices that are selected.
var data = [];
var color = slice.index == selected ? '#FF0000' : '#0000FF';
The snippet above uses blue for all non-selected slices, red for the selected slice. Your color logic will be more sophisticated.
NOTE: You can also use rgba CSS for the colors, which gives a really nice effect. For example:
var color = slice.index == selected ? 'rgba(0,0,255,1)' : 'rgba(0,0,255,0.5)';
