Cross-platform game development: ease of development vs security [closed] - security

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm a member and contributor of the Argentum Online (AO) community, the first MMORPG from Argentina, which is Free Software; which, although it's not 3D, it's really addictive and has some dozens of thousands of users.
Really unluckily AO was developed in Visual Basic (yes, you can laugh) but the former community, so imagine, the code not only sucks, it has zero portability.
I'm planning, with some friends to rewrite the client, and as a GNU/Linux frantic, want to do it cross-platform. Some other people is doing the same with the server in Java.
So my biggest problem is that we would like to use a rapid development language (like Java, Ruby or Python) but the client would be pretty insecure. Ruby/Python version would have all it's code available, and the Java one would be easily decompilable (yes, we have some crackers in the community)
We have consider the option to implement the security module in C/C++ as a dynamic library, but it can be replaced with a custom one, so it's not really secure.
We are also considering the option of doing the core application in C++ and the GUI in Ruby/Python. But haven't analysed all it's implications yet.
But we really don't want to code the entire game in C/C++ as it doesn't need that much performance (the game is played at 18fps on average) and we want to develop it as fast as possible.
So what would you choose in my case?
Thank you!

There's an old adage: 'security by obscurity is no security'.
Don't worry about the code being available, that will make no difference at all. Instead, design the network protocol so it is hard to crack, which means really strong authentication for transactions that matter.
Actually, what I'd do, is try to port the game to Mono, starting from the VB source you have now, and gradually write new code in either C# or IronPython.

The client being "secure" or not should, ideally, not be an issue. If it is an issue, there's a problem with the game's architecture.
The client being able to do "whatever it wants" is irrelevant. In a well-architected multiplayer game, the client only has the data that it absolutely needs, and all actions are authorized by the server.
Let's say someone hacks a client to say that their opponent is dead. Fine. They can hack it on their client all day long, and maybe even trick the renderer into rendering the opponent falling over. However, they should not have any authority to say whether or not the opponent is dead - that's up to the server. So the server gets a message saying "Opponent X is dead." The server should be smart enough to go "ummmm, no" and the opponent happily keeps being alive and doing whatever he wants.
This is an ideal, of course, and often some compromises need to be made for fluidity of gameplay and/or server load. However, for the important things, everything should be verified by the server. Especially in an MMO.
Treat your game as if your client was open source.

I would suggest an upgrade path from VB6 -> VB.NET. Visual Studio would take care of most of the conversion process for you. After you get it properly ported, you could convert it to C# if you want. Then you'll have to create workarounds for non-portable(Windows only) features and those not supported by Mono.

I don't get it. You want to rewrite a free software program and make it closed source? I guess you can do it if you rewrite everything, but since now it is open, the protocol is open too.
So, even if security through obscurity was fine (and it is not), you would not have it anyway since there is no obscurity.
in no occasion the client should be authoritative about anything more than what he wants to do (and even in that case, it's the server who decides if he can do it, and what is the outcome)
in no occasion the client should know things he is not supposed to show
fail those, and everything else won't matter any more.
If the overall design is flawed, either fix it or stop worrying: it is pointless to brush your teeth if a tiger is eating you.

I can't comment the last answer..
The thing is that this game in particular, has some thinks that changing them will make the game totally different..
For example, the client knows at each moment where are the other users. (its a tile engine based game) so, when a character is invisible, it is posible to see it accessing to the code (or editing memory or handling the packets).. Okey, let's say the client doesn't know anything about the invisible characters.. When a character casts an spell, he has an "Overhead" message, like "VAX IN TAR" or things like that.. So, you can see the position of the character that casted that spell.. People often send an empty chat (it is fair in the game) so, whoever is able to read the chats and look for an empty chat (full of spaces), he knows where an invisible char is..
And all things like that. It is possible to do all those things to put the ALL the stuff in the server, but it would be a whole different game.
This game is a very dinamic game, every player make a lot of things, and having all this things in the server will make it totally unplayable.
Sorry for my bad english.
(Im a friend of alcuadrado, who can't comment in the other post, sorry if this is not an answer)


justify my love of gvim [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 12 years ago.
I have been using gvim at work for a year or so, just at the point where I'm loving it, getting the hang of it and trying to j,k all over Microsoft Outlook. Then my computer died. Now, originally I had installed gvim myself, which at the time was a "no-no" and is now is really a bad idea (what with all the people introducing viruses to the network and whatnot).
We have a software review board to which I was sent when I wanted gvim "legally" installed. I was told that the standard text editor is UltraEdit and they don't want to support more than one. If I want to use gvim I need to talk management into making it the standard.
I'm kind of at a loss. Obviously, I can tout the cost savings, but I was having a hard time explaining what my fuss was about. If it were another programmer, I'd just force them to use it and they'd figure it out for themselves. But management folk aren't much interested in not being able to figure out you need to "i" before you can type, er, insert.
I told my manager it was like having a rowboat instead of swimming everywhere. And sometimes you're motorboating in that thing, but I'm looking for concise, compelling arguments which aren't based on bad analogies. There are a number of similar-ish questions, but I fear they trend too technical. Any ideas?
And after all your awesome advice wins the day for me, how do I ease former UltraEdit users into becoming gvimmers?
Thanks for the answers! I accepted one but took from many (don't know if that matters as question is now closed). Even though it was apparently too open-ended it is helping me plead my case with the powers-that-be.
Seems simple enough. Tell them that you are far more proficient with Vim and that you know next to nothing about UltraEdit. Whether this is true is irrelevant - provisioning requests for software aren't delivered under oath :-)
This has two effects:
you won't need the IT staff to support you since you such a guru.
you won't need weeks of ramp-up time trying to figure out how UltraEdit works.
Managers understand cost/benefit analyses. The cost of letting you use Vim is zero. The cost of making you use UltraEdit is considerably more.
Likewise Vim's benefits are high since you're immediately productive.
The company where I work actually has two classes of software that they let us use. The first is the stuff they support. The second is stuff that you need to get yourself (off the company distribution site, not from outside, they're still paranoid about malware and rightly so) and, if you have trouble with it, don't call them.
But don't make the mistake of trying to evangelise Vim. You want to be given a choice, not try to convince everyone else to have their choice taken away.
gvim is a portable app. So don't install it but have it anyway.
The argument I would use is that individual developers are more productive in different environments and this one doesn't even cost them anything. And, on that note, while I'm a gvim lover myself, I think forcing others onto it is guaranteed to only make them hate it.
To be honest, I don't know what UltraEdit provides that Notepad++ doesn't - which suggests a waste of money.
But, their response seems like a canned "we don't want to do our job so go away". If I were in your position I would present the use cases that I used with vi and DEMAND that they show me how to do the same thing in UltraEdit because they "support" that product. And trust me, I would make sure I make multiple tickets in the ticketing system just to piss them off. And at any point if they say "I don't know", contact their supervisor and ask them why you can't have gvim installed when the techs don't even know about the "supported" software.
If they refuse to help you or take their time, contact their supervisor and tell them they are impairing your ability to do your job.
Eventually someone will listen to you and cave :).
gvim is indeed a thing of great power. Grown men have been known to weep at the mere thought of its beauty. The productivity increases provided by this tool are immense if you know them by heart, and switching back to a conventional editor can make you feel as if you are typing with only your thumbs.
Given this, I would suggest you take some sort of productivity measurement, if you can. For similar straightforward development tasks, measure the lines of code you output in n hours with gvim, and then with UltraEdit. Include tasks such as refactoring into these measurements. Then, take these numbers to management and say, "Would you have me perform at 1/x the speed that I could be performing? Remember, this is dollars and cents we are talking about!"
Also assure these naive creatures that gvim is not a virus and will not take down the network in flames. It is, in fact, a text editor.
Implore them to amend the standards to allow for the application of a little logic. A little logic can go a long, long way.
Good luck to you, roger. As a fellow gvim enthusiast, I salute you.
This question is a better fit for But anyway. I think this whole "everybody at work must use one editor only" is absurd. Whatever happened to "different strokes for different folks", especially for creative types like programmers?
If your work doesn't see programmers as creative types, then you have a bigger problem. Time to visit ;-)
As a personal aside, I type with Dvorak. I don't necessarily want to convert all my workmates to Dvorak, but, I would find a different job if work made me use qwerty. There is simply no way I would agree to retrain myself on qwerty given that I type at 100 to 120 wpm on Dvorak, and no amount of qwerty training will get me to that speed.
Under these circumstances, I would consider going rogue.
I'm afraid you've presented a no win situation that I've faced many times in my programming career - a draconian policy inflicted on productive employees by middle management. A vain effort to homogenize the environment and work force beyond any level that can be considered reasonable.
Ponder the consequences of going rogue, by installing vim on your box anyways, and see if they are worth the benefit to you. If you decide that it is worth it, just do it. It's not like you are doing something illegal, after all. If the consequences are dire, I'm afraid you will have to cave in and start using UltraEdit. It's not the end of the world (it could have been notepad), but as an avid vim user myself, I feel your pain.
Update: I see people are voting me down, but this is the real world and the real world isn't perfect(ly theoretical in nature). Sometimes sacrifices have to be made, but in the end it's still your decision and only you have enough information to weigh the consequences. All we can do is present you with options, some more extreme than others...
Programmers are a very expensive resource, and you are losing productivity by using UltraEdit. Just do a little math:
Suppose you spend 60 minutes a day for a month dealing with UltraEdit instead of programming. Then, maybe after month of adjustment, it only takes you an extra 30 minutes a day to use UltraEdit. Add those minutes together, and you get nearly 20 days per year! This means it costs your company nearly a month of your time every year to use UltraEdit.
Now find a few colleagues who have similar opinions. If four or five of you get together, the amount of lost time gets really big really fast.
Just flip the numbers around, and tell your manager that you know a great way to A) save the company a bunch of money or B) greatly improve programmer productivity.
Whether that argument will work depends on your company (and your position in the company).
The people who craft IT policies should understand that a programmer's computer needs are quite different from those of the average business user.

Need advice to design 'crack-proof' software [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am currently working on a project where i need to create some architecture, framework or any standards by which i can "at least" increase the cracking method for a software, i.e, to add to software security. There are already different ways to activate a software which includes online activation, keys etc. I am currently studying few research papers as well. But there are still lot of things that i want to discuss.
Could someone guide me to some decent forum, mailing list or something like that? or any other help would be appreciated.
I'll tell you the closest thing to "crackproof": a web application.
Desktop applications are doomed, for many other reasons, but making your application run "in the cloud", in a browser, gives you a lot more control about security.
A desktop software runs on the client's computer, so the client has full access to it. A web app runs on your server, so the client only sees a tiny bit of it.
You need to begin by infiltrating the local hacking gang, posing as an 11 year old who wants to "hack it up". Once you've earned their trust you can learn what features they find hardest to crack. As you secretly release "uncrackable" software to the local message boards, you can see what they do with it. Build upon your inner knowledge until they can no longer crack your software. When that is done, let your identity be known. Ideally, this will be seen as a sign of betrayal, that you're working against them. Hopefully this will lead them to contact other hackers outside the local community to attack your software.
Continue until you've reached the top of the hacker mafia. Write your thesis as a book, sell to HBO.
Isn't it a sign of success when your product gets cracked? :)
Seriously though - one approach is to use License objects that are serialized to XML and then encrypted using public/private key pairs. They are then read back in at runtime, de-serialized and processed to ensure they are valid.
But there is still the ubiquitous "IsValid()" method which can be cracked to always return true.
You could even put that method into a signed assembly to prevent tampering, but all you've done then is create another layer of "IsValid()" which too can be cracked.
We use licenses to turn on or off various features in our software, and to validate support/upgrade periods. But this is only for our legitimate customers. Anyone who wants to bypass it probably could.
We trust our legitimate customers to not try to bypass the licensing, and we accept that our illegitimate customers will find a way.
We would waste more money attempting to imporve the 'tamper proof' nature of our solution that we loose to people who pirate software.
Plus you've got to consider the pain to our legitimate customers, and asking them to paste a license string from their online account page is as much pain as I'd want to put them through. Why create additional barriers to entry for potential customers?
Anyway, depending on which solution you've got in place already, my description above might give you some ideas that might decrease the likelyhood someone will crack your product.
As nute said, any code you release to a customer's machine is crackable.
Don't try for "uncrackable." Try for "there's enough deterrent to reasonably protect my assets."
There are a lot of ways you can try and increase the cost of cracking. Most of them cost you but there is one thing you can do that actually reduces your costs while increasing the cost of cracking: deliver often.
There is a finite cost to cracking any given binary. That cost is increased by the number of binaries being cracked. If you release new functionality every week, you essentially bifurcate your users into two groups:
Those who don't need the latest features and can wait for a crack.
Those who do need the latest features and will pay for your software.
By engaging in the traditional anti-cracking techniques, you can multiply the cost of cracking one binary an, consequently, widen the gap between when a new feature is released and when it is available on the black market. To top it all off, your costs will go down and the amount of value you deliver in a period of time will go up - that's what makes it free.
The more often you release, the more you will find that quality and value go up, cost goes down, and the less likely people will be to steal your software.
As others have mentioned, once you release the bits to users you have given up control of them. A dedicated hacker can change the code to do whatever they want. If you want something that is closer to crack-proof, don't release the bits to users. Keep it on the server. Provide access to the application through the Internet or, if the user needs a desktop client, keep critical bits on the server and provide access to them via web services.
Like others have said, there is no way of creating a complete crack-proof software, but there are ways to make cracking the software more difficult; most of these techniques are actually used by bad guys to hide the malware inside binaries and by game companies to make cracking and copying the games more difficult.
If you are really serious about doing this, you could check e.g., what executable packers like UPX do. But then you need to implement the unpacker also. I do not actually recommend doing this, but studying game protectors and binary obfuscation might help you in your quest.
First of all, in what language are you writing this?
It's true that a crack-proof program is impossible to achieve, but you can always make it harder. A naive approach to application security means that a program can be cracked in minutes. Some tips:
If you're deploying to a virtual machine, that's too bad. There aren't many alternatives there. All popular vms (java, clr, etc.) are very simple to decompile, and no obfuscator nor signature is enough.
Try to decouple as much as possible the UI programming with the underlying program. This is also a great design principle, and will make the cracker's job harder from the GUI (e.g. enter your serial window) to track the code where you actually perform the check
If you're compiling to actual native machine code, you can always set the build as a release (not to include any debug information is crucial), with optimization as high as possible. Also in the critical parts of your application (e.g. when you validate the software), be sure to make it an inline function call, so you don't end up with a single point of failure. And call this function from many different places in your app.
As it was said before, packers always add up another layer of protection. And while there are many reliable choices now, you can end up being identified as a false positive virus by some anti-virus programs, and all the famous choices (e.g. UPX) have already pretty straight-forward unpackers.
there are some anti-debugging tricks you can also look for. But this is a hassle for you, because at some time you might also need to debug the release application!
Keep in mind that your priority is to make the critical part of your code as untraceable as possible. Clear-text strings, library calls, gui elements, etc... They are all points where an attacker may use to trace the critical parts of your code.

Ethics of using a "fringe" language for your job? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Just want to ask for some opinions here. How do you feel about using a language (and/or framework) that isn't widely used in your location to write software for a company? For instance, I live in an area dominated by .NET, with the occasional PHP job. Let's say that I'm learning Python and decide to use it to write software for my job (I'm a "Team of One" so I can pretty much use anything I want).
Now their software is written in a language that pretty much nobody in the area uses or knows; if I were to leave the company, they'd basically have nobody to maintain/add to it unless they retain on me as a consultant. While that's really good for me, it seems a bit "crooked" - granted, that's how the business world works.
What are your thoughts?
I should mention that this is a very small company and I'm the only IT person, so I have full reign to choose our development platform. I'm not specifically using Python, but chose it as an example since my area is almost entirely .NET based; I don't care for .NET anymore though, which is why I don't want to consider using it. Also, the company is.. how shall we say... extremely frugal and wouldn't purchase the required resources for .NET (e.g. server licenses, SQL licenses, Visual Studio, components). I personally have an MSDN subscription but I can't use that for them.
Also FWIW there are people in the area who use the language I'm considering using (Ruby on Rails), but nowhere near as many people as .NET developers. It's not like I'm using something that only I know.
You may think that this approach is good for you. But in fact all this does is paint you in to a corner. The best way to get promotion - within an organisation is to make yourself unnecessary in your current position. That might seem like nonsense, but it is in fact true. Think of it like this, if it is essential to the company that you continue to maintain the python code you wrote for them, and they can't go to anyone else to get that skill, then they will continue to pay (maybe a little above market rates) to maintain that code.
If however, you write that code in .net where there is a plentiful supply in your area, then as the company expands and the code you've written proves successful, you will be able to hire people to maintain that code and you can move on to designing other systems. Or moving in to managing a team of .net coders - if that's your want.
Even if you want to leave, the best thing for your career is going to be to get the best possible reference. To do that, write them some code that is easy to maintain. Help them hire someone to replace you to maintain it. They will be grateful and recommend you as a consultant to their friends.
Code in something esoteric - for which there is little support in your area - and they will be saying to their friends on the golf course "no don't hire that guy, he wrote this system for us which does the job, but no one else can maintain it. We're stuck with him forever and now he's too busy to look after us properly!"
Do what's best for the business, not what might be of most interest to you - or appear that way on the face of it. You'll win out in the long run.
I think that you're responsible to decide on the language that's best suited for the job. That includes an objective evaluation of the merits of the language and framework, it includes your own personal skill with the language (since you're the one doing the work) and it includes maintainability by others. Only you and your company can decide how much importance to place on each of those.
For your own personal development, if your area is dominated by .net, why don't you want to get up to speed in that instead of Python?
From an ethical standpoint, I would not write something that could not easily be maintained by someone else.
A lot of responses seem to be a poor fit for the question. We're not talking about using an unapproved language in an environment with existing standards. We're talking about a situation where the poster is the entire IT and development department for his company.
It's certainly important to keep in mind availability of talent, but Ruby is hardly a fringe language these days. In an environment where there's only one developer, productivity is also a very important consideration. Being able to build and maintain software quickly and easily without a large team requires tools with different characteristics than a large team might require.
I think what's more important than whether to use Ruby or (something else) is to try to pick something as general-purpose as practical and use it for everything unless there's a really good reason to use something else. If you go with Ruby, stick with Ruby for your utility scripts, cron jobs and that little GUI app the boss wanted to automatically SMS the intern when he takes more than five minutes to bring him his coffee.
I think using python would be the right thing to do if it would meet the clients requirements, and save them money over the alternative. Whether or not there is a wide assortment of characters to work on the application down the road is irrelevant, unless they've specified this as a non-functional requirement.
As usual, using the best tool for the job at hand will serve you well.
It indeed is a bit crooked IF you use it only for that purpose.
However, if you use it because it IS the best solution, youre in the clear.
Also, they can just hire someone else who knows python.
My work ethics dont allow me to do something like this just to keep me in business.
My personal opinion is you should try where possible to respect the working practices of wherever you are - whether that's indentation style, naming convention, testing procedure or programming language.
If you feel strongly that a different language would be better suited for a certain task, then lobby to have it accepted (with the required re-training of others).
Purposefully leaving an app that no one else can maintain is very bad professional conduct, IMO.
We recently had a bad hire at my shop and he decided out of the blue he was going to use Perl instead of any version of .NET to do some simple reporting stuff (That could have just as easily been done in .NET). It was atrocious. I would suggest using the platform as specified and clearing any deviation with the people who run the joint...
Plenty of answers have touched on this, but here's my take based on production application support.
My company had a startup phase where code hustlers whipped up solutions in whatever the personal preference or flavor of the week was. Bad for maintainability and supportability.
Making a change is ok, though, as long as it's consistent. If Python is going to pave the way to the future, then go for it. Don't forget that the legacy .NET and PHP code still needs to be supported until end of life. Building yourself a hodge podge of platforms and frameworks will just create more difficulty for you on the job and the company when you're no longer around.
If you feel in your heart you are acting dishonestly, then you probably are.
No one likes a dishonest person. That can't be good for your reputation.
Do your best to choose based on what is actually best, not what satisfies some underhanded motives.
It depends. I did some of what would normally just be a bash script, in Java instead at one place. Why? Because they're all Java programmers and frequently have interns/coops coming through that may or may not know anything else (and may or may not even be all that great with Java).
Other places though tend to have more experienced programmers and I expect that they'll be able to figure out another language without too much effort. So, I would go with what's "best" for the project.
I agree with what mquander says above, but you may also have to be prepared to justify why you want to use this other language to your development manager. If he/she then agrees, perhaps the language could become more widely adopted within the company.
Think of it in terms of business benefit you bring to the company, now and in the mid-term.
If you can deliver something much faster using a different technology, and it still achieves the goals, I'd go for it - but I'd still let some other people know and respect the company's final decision. If however, it's purely for yourself, then I'd probably be a litte more careful.
I think it's a really bad idea. For you, it means there's no back up in case you want to have a day (or week) off. For them, there's no one else if you leave or are taking a day off. It's a well known ploy, and, honestly, might be reason to not keep you around.
However, this could also be a chance to introduce Python into the environment. You could teach others about it, and explain to management while it's a good third language to have at the group's disposal.
I used to think that you should always pick the right language for the job at work. I'm reversing my opinion though.
The problem arises when some other guy picks a language you don't want to learn. I am concerned that I might be the guy who picks the language no one else wants to learn. Just because I think that Erlang might be the right choice for something doesn't mean that everyone else will want to learn Erlang or respect my decision for using Erlang.
"if I were to leave the company, they'd basically have nobody to maintain/add to it unless they retain on me as a consultant."
Are you saying no one else can learn Python? I find that hard to believe.
New technology is often introduced in small projects by knowledgeable people and diffused through the organization because the small projects were successful.
Use Python. Be successful. Make your case based on your successes.
I had this same problem very often. Coincidentally, it was with those two languages you mention: .NET forced on me, when I preferred to use Python (among others). Could be the opposite, I don't judge.
I refrained to use Python, because of the reasons already mentioned in other answers. I did what I thought was best for the company. Using IronPython won't make your python code any more maintainable for an unexperienced Python programmer.
However, I left the company and now I work in something more in line with my tastes. I'm much happier. In this economy you may not have this option... but it will pass. Do the right thing.
There is a large difference between 'prototype' or 'one-shot' code and production code. For prototyping I use whatever works fastest, but I'm very clear about its status. Production code is written in one of the approved and supported environments.
The ethics is to use the best tool for the job. If there is a tool that takes you only 20% of the time to code vs other choices, and next to no maintenance, and easy to re-factor, you have a duty to pick that tool, assuming it's extensible as you may need in the business.
If you do a good job, hiring future people and training them in terms of HOW your workplace does business should be the practice of any growing business. They will be able to learn the code if they're the right person for the business.
In your case I'm not sure if you want to use Python, unless it has native .NET support to allow your .NET world to interact with it.
Other posters have made some good points, but here's one I've not seen: Communicate the situation to management and let them decide. In other words, talk with your boss and tell him or her that there currently are more .NET developers in your area, so that if you're hit by a bus tomorrow it would easier to find someone else to maintain your code; however, there are tools you need to do your job more efficiently and they cost money (and tell them how much). Alternatively, you could do this in Python or RoR (or whatever) and use free tools, but from what you know, there aren't currently that many people in the area who know those languages. I've used "currently" a couple times here because this may change over time.
Before having this conversation, it might be good to see if you can find user groups for the alternative technology in your area, and how large they are. You could also ask on listserves if there are people who know the alternatives in your area.
Of course, the boss may tell you to keep using .NET without any tools, but in that case it's their decision to shoot themselves in the foot. (And yours to decide if you want to find a new job.)
Regarding the question as asked, I see nothing unethical about it, provided that:
It is a freely-available language. Although I am something of a FOSS partisan, that's not the point of this criterion. It needs to be freely-available (not necessarily FOSS) so that it doesn't impose costs on the company and so that others will have the opportunity to learn it if you ever need to be replaced (or if they want to compete with you for your job).
You are changing languages for solid reasons and not for the sake of creating vendor lock-in (or, if you prefer to think of it as such, "job security"). Ethics aside, you really don't want to have a job where they hate you, but are stuck with you because you're the only one who can maintain the mess you've created anyhow.
In the particular case you've described, I would suggest that switching to RoR may be the more ethical choice, as it would be decidedly unethical (not to mention illegal) to use .NET if there are required resources which are for-pay only and your employer is too cheap frugal to purchase proper licenses for them.
When in Rome... do as the Romans.
You might not be the one who as to maintain this code in the long term and not everyone wants to learn a "fringe language" to make bugfixes or enhancements.
I migrated some VBA stuff over to Perl for processing at a previous job and increased the efficiency by several orders of magnitude, but ultimately no-one else there was willing to learn Perl so I got stuck with that task longer than I wanted it.
I did that, it was Delphi in my case. I think Delphi was used often however when i was looking for a job .... i saw 3 delphi job offers in my whole life. i also saw more java/j2ee/php offers that i can remember. i think its bad idea, with the time i wasted in learning advance delphi programming i could get better with j2ee and start in better company and maybe make now more money.
If they cant find somebody to maintain the app you will always do it and when you quit they will have to re-write it. i think consultant thing is not used often.
I used to be in the "use the best tool for the job" school, but I've changed my mind. It's not enough to just ask "how can I do this job the fastest." If you think you're the only one who will ever need to look at some code, there's a good chance you're mistaken. The total cost of introducing a new language into an environment is higher than you might imagine at first.
If you just need to produce a result, not a program, then you can use whatever you want. Say you need a report or you need to munge some files. If the output is really all that matters, say it's something you could have chosen to do by hand, you can practice using any language you want.
With the release of the MVC Framework I too have been in a similar ethical delema. Use WebForms or switch over to MVC Framework for everything. The answer really is you have to do the right thing and use whatever the standard of the company is. If you deviate from the standard it creates a lot of problems for people.
Think how you would feel if you were dumped a project on VB6 when all you have been doing for years is .Net. So these are the two solutions I have come up with.
Use your fun languages for consulting contracts you do on the side. Make sure the client knows what you are doing and if they agree go for it.
Try and convince your current company to migrate over to this great new language you are working with.
If you follow these routes you will learn your language and not piss anyone off in the process.
Ruby on Rails is certainly not a fringe language. If the company is too cheap to pony up for the appropriate licensing for Microsoft's tools, then you would have no choice but to find an alternative. RoR certainly would be a reasonable choice and if helps move your career along as well, then it's win-win for both of you!
You can develop .NET adequately with free tools; cost is not a good reason to avoid that platform. Ruby on Rails is becoming reasonably mainstream for building data-driven internet websites. You haven't even told us if thats the sort of software you are building though.
There is really no way with the information that you have provided that anyone can give you a single correct answer.
If you are asking is it ethical to do your work in such a way that the company is dependent upon you, of course the answer is no. If you are asking is it ethical to develop in RoR then the answer is "we don't know" - but my opinion is that probably it would be fine if its the right tool for the job.
Don't underestimate the ability of someone else to support your work or replace you though - if you do your work reasonably well once the solution is in place any programmer worth their pay should be able to learn the platform well enough to maintain it. I've debugged, migrated and supported a few PHP applications for example without ever hardly learning the first thing about PHP. I'd be lost building a new PHP app from scratch and would never even try but its no problem to support one. I think the same would be true of the languages you mention as well - they've got the critical mass that means there is plenty of books and forums etc. Of course if its written badly enough in any language then it may be difficult to support regardless of anyone's skill in the language...
So much discussion for such a clear-cut situation...
It's not up to you, it's up to them. If they're not technical enough to make the call, as it seems, then you have to make it for them in good faith. Anything less is dishonest, and I'm fairly sure that's not in your job description ;)
You've muddied the waters with all the wandering about in the thickets of personal motivations. The answer to that one is that your personal motivations are irrelevant unless and until you've formulated the business case for the possible decisions. If you've done that and the answer still isn't clear-cut, then sure, choosing the answer you like the best is one of the nice things about being in a position to make technical decisions in the first place.
As far as the actual question goes, to my mind if the most technically apt choice is also one that very few people work with, one of two things is happening: a) It's a good choice, and the number of people working with it is going to be exploding over the next 18-24 months (e.g. Django), or b) There's something wrong with my analysis. Technologies may be on the fringe because people are slow to adopt them, but that's generally not why they stay on the fringe.
If you find yourself thinking "I can't choose technology X, that'll make it easier for them to replace me!" you're in the wrong line of work. In almost any enterprise that's not actually failing, the IT guy who makes himself easy to replace tends to move up to harder and more interesting and more lucrative work.
I would not bring a new language/framework/whatever into the place unless they understood that's what I was doing, and that if I left/was fired/was hit by a bus, they'd have to find/train someone to work with it.
I have some experience in a contractor pulling in things just because he felt like it. In some cases they were the best tool for the job (in other cases they were not), but in all cases they were not the best tool for the team that had to maintain the code. In my case the contractor was a serious jerk who didn't really give a darn about anyone else and I believe WAS trying to make himself harder to replace.
In your case, talk to your bosses. If they really don't want to spend the needed money on .NET framework tools/libs, then switching to something else may well BE the right thing to do for them, long term.
And, as someone who has spent his career walking into the middle projects that others have already started - thank you for thinking before you add a new tool to the mix.

What real life examples of security by obscurity have you seen/worked with? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Bonus points for explaining how you improved it.
Real life security by obscurity?
The key to the front door is stashed under a rock nearby, or under the welcome mat, or on top of a high railing.
These are all instances of security through obscurity, as in, it is right out in the open for anyone to grab, but most people wont be able to find it without huge amounts of searching. However, a dedicated attacker can walk right in.
Some people like to make their javascript difficult to read (and therefore hack) by using obfuscation. Google is among the users of this technique. At the simplest level, they change the variable and method names to a single inscrutable letter. The first variable is named "a", the second is named "b" and so on. It does succeed in making the javascript exceedingly difficult to read and follow. And it adds some protection to the intellectual property contained in the javascript code, which must be downloaded to the user's browser to be usable, therfore making it accessible to all.
In addition to making it difficult to read the code, this shortening of variable names reduces the size of the javascript code that has to be downloaded to the user's browser. Theoretically, this can reduce network traffic.
Here's an article about Google's obfuscation, and here's a list of available tools.
On a website I did some contract work on I noticed that they were storing double-hashed passwords. From memory, they were storing something like
$encrypted_password = md5( sha1( plaintext_password ) );
When I asked what the purpose of this was, I found out that the guy who wrote the account creation/login script had been reading about dictionary attacks. He figured that no one would ever think to create a dictionary where they hash inputs with md5 and sha1.
I improved the system by adding a random salt column to their user table. I left the double-hashing in though. It doesn't do anything to hurt the security of the system, and to be honest, I thought it was pretty clever for someone who didn't really know much about security to think of this.
Seen: Websites use a complex url to access ajax components rather than actually password protect them such as:
the string has remained constant, the query is random and is designed to stop attackers.
Improvement: Restrict the page to being accessed only from certain IP addresses. Add an authentication string to the query that is a salted hash of the access time.
In a more "real life" example, I don't know if it's intentional or not, but I like the way none of the doorbells in my block have any names on them, and that their numbers seem to have no correlation to the apartement numbers whatsoever. Ie. ring on #25 for apartement 605, #13 for apartement 404 and so on. :)
One vendor we deal with requires us to post the username and password in the querystring in ROT-13 "encrypted" format. No joke.
Security through obscurity is a valid tactic. Plenty of people have turned off replying with version information as a best practice for ftp and apache. Honeypots can be considered an obscured practice, since the attacker doesn't know the layout of the network and gets sucked into them. One high security site I know of assigns their username by a five digit alphanumeric phrase (such as '0a3bg') instead of using logical usernames. Anything that makes breaking into a system more difficult, or take longer, is a valid measure.
Security exclusively through obscurity is bad.
People writing their password on pieces of paper and putting it under their keyboard.
I solved it by logging into their computer with their account and sending out an embarrassing email to the group.
Seen: phpMyAdmin moved into the directory _phpmyadmin
Improvement: Disallowed access from outside the company's network.
Similar to #stech's solution.
Some of the admin pages in our application on the web, check for a local IP subnet range, else display access denied.
Improvement is accessed is restricted to users who are inside the network or VPNed to it.
Back in the old DBase/Clipper days I worked for a guy who developed an application for a friend of his. This friend wanted to have some "secretly" accessible program or data (I don't recall) that required a password only known to him.
The solution, I was told, was that Clipper opened a DOS prompt in the secret directory, with black text on black background colors (some ANSI control characters accomplished this).
The user had to type in the password, but this being input line of the DOS command prompt, the "password" was really the name of a batch file that was then executed.
I once saw a photography website where you could strip some characters off from the photo thumbnail pictures url to get the full version.
Many professional photographer websites use Javascript to prevent people from right-clicking on images to "save as ...". Most of those sites also don't do any watermarking.
I used to surf with referer headers disabled... it's quite surprising how many websites will blow up or flat-out reject you if they don't know where you came from.
One website had a poll and used cookies to prevent you from voting multiple times. You could simply erase that cookie and keep voting. And you could script it all using wget, too.
The example I see of this all the time is something being done in source code that the developer assumes no one will ever see. You see this a lot with crypto-keys in particular, embedded right in the source code. A lot of times it is not even a question of decompiling the code, they could outright just use the library.
The solution is always to teach the developer to assume that someone has the source code and can use it against you.
Going to great lengths to hide software names and version numbers .
Ie. changing Tomcat server name and version to some quotes and random numbers (like 666), changing the name and version numbers of regular javascript libraries like scriptaculous and prototype and so on.
In a current project we're using Google Web toolkit (GWT) and this sneaky little thing compiles Java to javascript (which you have little to no control over) and includes the string "GWT" and version number. Totally unacceptable of course so we'll need to make a script that will run after GWT compile to remove all these references(!).
/admin without password.
Yes I've seen it, it's very real.

How to Deal With Fear of Custom Dev [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
I'm dealing with an issue with my current employer that has seriously made me consider seeking employment elsewhere. They are under the impression that 100% of custom development should be eliminated and replaced with COTS products, such as SharePoint. While I realize that this is not a realistic expectation, I've found it impossible to argue my points with the people in management that share these views. Their argument usually involves something along the lines of a feature already existing in SharePoint that covers feature X, therefore there is less risk involved and testing doesn't have to be done against it.
Case in point, we have a situation where a SharePoint list is completely incapable of meeting customer expectations and requirements. Saving this data in a SQL database, however, would easily satisfy the requirements. Any time our development team suggests going outside of the boundaries of SharePoint, however, management goes up in flames about how every line of code adds to the complexity of the project and increases risk. While this is certainly true in some situations, it's not always the case. Their argument, however, is that since SharePoint provides a mechanism for storing data, that we should use it 100% of the time. Regardless of if it meets customer requirements, or not.
I've gotten to the point that I hate coming to work because I'm constantly forced into doing things that I know (with 100% certainty) are not right and that could be made right by doing custom development. It's simply what seems to be an impossible argument where I work, however.
Have any of you experienced a similar situation? If so, what have you done to work through these challenges?
If you don't share the vision of the company and if you can't enlighten them then sure, it is a good time to start looking.
Have you pointed out that there is risk in forcing a "solution" on a client that does not help them or is missing functionality or is unusable?
Perhaps come up with plans to address and mitigate their perceived risks.
You document your concerns and let those above you know them, and then you do as they ask. If it doesn't work, you have documentation that you brought the concerns up. But try to make it work their way, so it doesn't look like you're trying to undermine their plans. They're taking the greater risk, and thus they get the greater responsibility. Try your best to make it work their way, and quit worrying about it.
This may sound bad and may not be the answer you want. There is a little known division in my office called "The Skunk Works." People, on their own accord (usually during lunch breaks or compile time) decide to write little programs that help the company. The fun things about this is the result doesn't "cost" the company anything.
The conversation usually goes like this:
"We need to buy this software" -Boss
"But, we have had that thing for months. John, wrote that back in the day" -Programmer
"?" -Boss
A lot of times the developers see a decision as being bad and just create a parallel process that happens automatically. Then, when the stuff hits the fan and the customers are frustrated, the alternate solution is ALREADY in place.
I have an example of an auto release machine. Developers used to create these custom reports. As our customers increased, the developer's workload increased. The problem was "In order for the customer to get the custom report developer had to be involved." So, while the company was looking into hiring someone to do reports full time or to find ways to have the customers do them, I wrote an auto release machine that looks for report changes and releases them directly to the customer. I also wrote a utility that allows anybody to make changes to the reports that was easier to use than what the developer has. When the Boss made the announcement of trying to find a solution, I told him that it was already in place and that even he could make changes to reports and get them released. Now, everybody can change reports, usually it is management and customer support who make these changes. The fun side is that developers arn't involved anymore.
Just do it. If you're going to quit anyways, might as well try.
Does someone in management own stock in SharePoint? Was the system developed by the CEO's younger brother?
If they are that resilient to change, you should find out the real reason before trying to argue with them. They may claim that there is added complexity, difficulty testing, etc, but if you can counter every argument with one that shows their position, with all due respect, to be misinformed, and they still won't discuss, then you may be arguing the wrong point.
If they are locked into the technology because of a non-technical reason, such as someone once read that SharePoint is the ultimate in any technical situation (and, of course, had no clue what the article was talking about other than SharePoint = good) then you shouldn't bother trying to argue and save your energy. For the job hunt.
Prove it to them. When the requirements ask for a list that can handle 100,000 items with a multi-column sort - write a script that adds 100,000 test items into a sharepoint list and let them try it, preferrably with the "customer" requesting the list watching. :-)
I would definitely get my resume out and into the open if I were you. Not only is the experience that you are currently having frustrating, it can really hurt your career development over the long haul. Just think about it. While you are languishing with your current employer in your current position, other developers are adopting new technologies and expanding their experience.
There is such a thing as ideological differences between developers and what a company's idea of a role for a developer is. If open discussion and candor get you nowhere, you will not be faulted for a lack of effort. Loyalty to a company is a good thing, but the relationship needs to be a two-way street.
Sadly, the will eventually probably come to realize that they are wrong in their assumptions - but you can not wait for that day to come. Sometimes it never comes. In particular (and don't get me wrong, I love SharePoint when it is used for what it is intended for), SharePoint is become the next Access, in that people who read management magazines see enough of it thrown around to call it the messiah.
I find that there is typically no way of 'winning' these debates through talk alone. Many managers form an opinion of a product or solution through reading management oriented articles. See if you can find some counter-articles.
If you can cite examples of things which SharePoint is incapable of doing, and show examples of how you can cost effectively solve these problems through custom development then you are well on your way.
The mistake is to try and make this a conversation about technology, it's not, its about efficiency, cost effectiveness and maintainability - those are the mantras and metrics which will sway non-technical managers into considering alternatives.
If you can put together a proof of concept for some of these issues so much the better, eye candy really helps to sell outside of technical teams.
Finally, good luck :)
I am doing the same thing at my current job, there is no easy way to deal with this kind of situation. All I have been able to do is swallow my arguments, cause they have gotten me no where, and do as required by my management. This off course will go against your basic programmer nature of using the best solution for the task at hand, and maybe getting to build something cool in the process, but since they are the boss it is really your only solution. You could try to site cases, with evidence, where it makes more sense to use custom solutions. But if you boss is anything like mine, it won't get very far before the screaming match begins. The only other solution is dusting off that resume and finding a new job.
I have faced the same kind of challenges right from day one. Management have a natural reluctance to add custom code to the solution. However in most cases it has been posible to explain than the right solution for the customer would include some custom code.
Remember, if you argue that you can include the custom code in the common codebase, then the boss might approve the idea.
I really feel your pain.
If it was me I would use my spare time to collect information that proves my point and document it in a easy to understand way.
If they only understand money, talk money, if they only understand fear (doing "this" because they are scared of "that"), use the fear, finding scary thing for them in "their" solution.
Document every new implementation, the time, money and problem that arises. And document what your solution would be instead.
They probably doesn't see the problem in their solution, because they focus on not having problems in "your" solution.
I have worked in a place where management were not constructive in their approach, not quite as bad as you describe, but bad enough.
There are a couple of options. One is to go ahead and do what needs to be done for the client with the best "value for money" option you can. You will probably have to get the developers together as a team to make this "civil disobedience" work.
A more forceful approach that will really make the shit hit the fan is to go to the client (don't do this if it is an external client or if you wish to keep your job) and lay out what is going to happen to this project if X and Y. This is pretty much telling tales out of school and is going to be bad, but entertaining.
A slightly better way is to go up the chain and get a sponsor who can make shit happen for you. Essentially go behind your boss(es) back. This may work, but it is going to have predictable results for your relationship with your management.
Last and hardest is to identify the person who holds the view that any custom code is bad and engage them in conversation to find out where they got the belief and counter that with examples. Emphasis on conversation as you will have to listen to and understand their underlying concerns (which won't be about custom code per se) and only address them after you gain that persons trust.
I cannot tell you which way of doing things is going to work best because it depends so much on the individuals involved. All I do know is that you cannot change people and in my experience the best way to solve the problem so far has been to leave and work with people who are not so...
how about not calling it custom code. If instead you call it 'anticipated SharePoint user extensions' or something it may soften the misconception surrounding a specific term.
also, as has been said, there may be other hidden from you reasons that management is pushing this agenda. It is probably best to not second guess these too quickly, as many would be valid.
Finally, there are alot of places that need development. it doesnt hurt to look for a better match.
good luck.
