How to Iterate a Resharper Template? - resharper

I have a small Resharper Template I have written for Null check of a function Parameter (C#).
Check.IsNotNull($param$, "$param$"); - Suggest Parameter - #1
I can now null check the function paramters one by one. But I want to be able to null check all the paramters at once through a template. Is it Possible in Resharper?. Is there someting like a "$Foreach" using which I can loop through parameter variables and write the code to check them one by one ?. (without writing out the foreach into the code)
I see that the "Alt + Ins" does something similar. (Taking all Properties on the class and making them as parameters of a constructor). So hoping that there's a way out.

Sadly, there isn't a way to do that right now. I created an issue at though: RSRP-263951 Live templates: ability to create templates that write code for each parameter/property/field etc.. Vote there if you want to see this feature in future versions of ReSharper.


Customizing a jdbcChannelMessageStore in Spring Integration

I'm relatively new with SI (I say "relatively" because I did some work with SI version 0.6 to 1, but I had to stop then and I'm now on it again in 4.2.5) and for now I'm writing some prototypes for POCs. In one of then I configured a channel backed by a jdbcChannelMessageStore which I wanted to customize in a simple way. To change the column MESSAGE_BYTES from bytea to text.
So I changed the schema-postgresql.sql to include that change and hope that I could only rewrite the jdbc statement for the INSERT. However, even if the statement itself is easily changeable, setting the parameters is not, since it is buried inside a lambda inside the jdbcTemplate.update itself inside the addMessageToGroup method. So the only solution would be to override the entire addMessageToGroup method, which seems not a good solution at all, since it contains more logic than the simple jdbc insert.
So what ended up doing was what I commented on my code as // very big hack. I overriden the DefaultLobHandler to actually not use the lob at all but a setString(...) instead.
So, I have a question and a suggestion:
Is there a way customize the JdbcChannelMessageStore to have our own schema structure and/or our own statements, without using things like this "big hack"?
If there is no better way, can I suggest to at least put the prepared statement fields setters on it's own protected (or public) method, instead of a lambda inside the jdbcUpdate?
Thanks in advance.
We should probably make it easier to override that logic, perhaps by delegating to an overridable method.
Contributions are always welcome :).

Change Order of Literal Entries in R# Snippet Templates

So the R# template for foreach looks like this:
The problem is that it jumps me to enter $COLLECTION$, then $TYPE$, then $VARIABLE$, but my mental process is $TYPE$, $VARIABLE$, $COLLECTION$, and the ordering is tripping me up all the time. Is there a way to change the order in which these get entered? I didn't see anything in the template specifying order.
Of course, I found the answer as soon as posed the question. Edit the template from Template Explorer and change the order of the variables on the right.
Edit the template from Template Explorer and change the order of the variables on the right.

How to get data from custom properties in UITestPropertyProvider

According to the code sample on MSDN ( any custom property data that you need to get out of your control should be in a semicolon delimited string in the AccessibleObject's Description property. This does not seem right to me at all. This seems like just a quick and dirty trick to get it working. What is the correct way to get the value of properties from custom controls? And if this actually is how you're supposed to do it, then how are you supposed to set those properties using the SetPropertyValue method? The example in the link above just throws a NotImplementedException in SetPropertyValue.
Since the IAccessible interface has only a limited number of properties the best solution is to cram any extra information into the Description property (that's what they do at the company I work at, and our developers don't work quick and dirty :) ). To modify the return value of this property you have to implement the Iaccessible interface on your control. Or, since you only want to modify the Description property you only need to modify that property and leave the rest to the proxy (I'm not sure how this works exactly but there are tutorials for it on MSDN).
The SetPropertyValue method in the UITestPropertyProvider is for the UItestControls. By overwriting it you can modify the way CUIT interacts with the control during playback. For example, if you overwrite SetPropertyValue for the Text property you can change the way CUIT types strings into the control.

Get count of items in a velocity list

I'm creating a set of custom templates and structures for a Liferay site.
One structure provides for a repeatable section, which its matching template then iterates over.
However, for styling reasons, I need to know how many instances of the repeatable section are actually present, and I need to know before I loop.
So, the template code is something like this:
#foreach($thisChunk in $chunk.getSiblings())
[emit some HTML]
I want to do some conditional logic before the foreach, and emit a different CSS classname on the containing element depending on how many $chunks there are.
Any ideas how to access the number of siblings without looping through them first?
Easy: $chunk.getSiblings().size()
How to find out? It's a plain old Java object (java.util.ArrayList in my quick test). You can find this out when you just temporarily debug your template with $chunk.getSiblings().getClass().getName() and then continue with the interface of that class.

Drupal Views Arguments

I know how to successfully use arguments in drupal's views module, but when it "filters" based on those arguments it uses "=" in the where clause of the SQL statement. However, I would like to use "like" instead of "=" in the where clause of the SQL statement so I can pass in, say the title of a node, as an argument and then show all nodes that CONTAIN the title passed in. I am not interested in grabbing only the nodes where the title is exactly the same as the title passed in. Does anyone know how I can do this? Is this possible?
one possible solution would be to generate the view by code with your required query.
I am looking for the same solution. It looks like you can modify the query using the views_views_pre_execute hook. The link below has a pretty good explanation. Haven't tried it yet but giving it a shot now...
You could export the view, which outputs the views-generated query as code, then modify the query to suit your needs, and load it programatically (
In drupal 7 you can use views query alter to generate your custom querys:
Take a look at this example:
I don't think you can do this. See here (
There are no options for selecting which operator should be used with contextual filters (save the exclude option). All default to is equal to.
