SubSonic generated code and always filtering records - subsonic

I have a table called "Users" that has a column called "deleted", a boolean indicating that the user is "Deleted" from the system (without actually deleting it, of course).
I also have a lot of tables that have a FK to the Users.user_id column. Subsonic generates (very nicely) the code for all the foreign keys in a similar manner:
public IQueryable<person> user
var repo=user.GetRepo();
return from items in repo.GetAll()
where items.user_id == _user_id
select items;
Whilst this is good and all, is there a way to generate the code in such a way to always filter out the "Deleted" users too?
In the office here, the only suggestion we can think of is to use a partial class and extend it. This is obviously a pain when there are lots and lots of classes using the User table, not to mention the fact that it's easy to inadvertently use the wrong property (User vs ActiveUser in this example):
public IQueryable<User> ActiveUser
var repo=User.GetRepo();
return from items in repo.GetAll()
where items.user_id == _user_id and items.deleted == 0
select items;
Any ideas?

You need to change following code in your file and regenerate your code:
Following is code is located under : #region ' Foreign Keys '
Update: I've updated code for your comment for checking if delete column is available then only apply delete condition.
HasLogicalDelete() - This function will return true if table has "deleted" or "isdeleted" column, false otherwise.
public IQueryable<<#=fk.OtherClass #>> <#=propName #>
var repo=<#=Namespace #>.<#=fk.OtherClass#>.GetRepo();
return from items in repo.GetAll()
where items.<#=CleanUp(fk.OtherColumn)#> == _<#=CleanUp(fk.ThisColumn)#> && items.deleted == 0
select items;
return from items in repo.GetAll()
where items.<#=CleanUp(fk.OtherColumn)#> == _<#=CleanUp(fk.ThisColumn)#>
select items;

Are you using Subsonic3? If so then you can actually edit the templates to modify the way the Data Access Layer classes are generated.


Acumatica GetList error: Optimization cannot be performed.The following fields cause the error: Attributes.AttributeID

Developer's version of Acumatica 2020R1 is installed locally. Data for sample tenant MyTenant from training for I-300 were loaded, and WSDL connection established.
DefaultSoapClient is created fine.
However, attempts to export any data by using Getlist cause errors:
using (Default.DefaultSoapClient soapClient =
new Default.DefaultSoapClient())
//Sign in to Acumatica ERP
//Retrieving the list of customers with contacts
//Retrieving the list of stock items modified within the past day
// RetrievalOfDelta.ExportStockItems(soapClient);
public static void ExportItemClass(DefaultSoapClient soapClient)
Console.WriteLine("Retrieving the list of item classes...");
ItemClass ItemClassToBeFound = new ItemClass
ReturnBehavior = ReturnBehavior.All,
Entity[] ItemClasses = soapClient.GetList(ItemClassToBeFound);
string lcItemType = "", lcValuationMethod = "";
int lnCustomFieldsCount;
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("ItemClass.csv"))
//Write the values for each item
foreach (ItemClass loItemClass in ItemClasses)
The Acumatica instance was modified by adding a custom field to Stock Items using DAC, and by adding several Attributes to Customer and Stock Items.
Interesting enough, this code used to work until something broke it.
What is wrong here?
Thank you.
In the request you have the following line: ReturnBehavior = ReturnBehavior.All
That means that you try to retrieve all linked/detail entities of the object. Unfortunately, some object are not optimized enough to not affect query performance in GetList scenarios.
So, you have to options:
Replace ReturnBehavior=All by explicitly specifying linked/detail entities that you want to retrieve and not include Attributes into the list.
Retrieve StockItem with attributes one by one using Get operation instead of GetList.
P.S. The problem with attributes will most likely be fixed in the next version of API endpoint.
Code sample for Get:
public static void ExportItemClass(DefaultSoapClient soapClient)
Console.WriteLine("Retrieving the list of item classes...");
ItemClass ItemClassToBeFound = new ItemClass
ReturnBehavior = ReturnBehavior.Default //retrieve only default fields (without attributes and other linked/detailed entities)
Entity[] ItemClasses = soapClient.GetList(ItemClassToBeFound);
foreach(var entity in ItemClasses)
ItemClass itemClass= entity as ItemClass;
// retrieve each ItemClass with all the details/linked entities individually
ItemClass retrievedItemCLass = soapClient.Get(itemClass);

Linq queries and optionSet labels, missing formatted value

I'm doin a simple query linq to retrieve a label from an optionSet. Looks like the formatted value for the option set is missing. Someone knows why is not getting generated?
Best Regards
Sorry for the unclear post. I discovered the problem, and the reason of the missing key as formattedvalue.
The issue is with the way you retrieve the property. With this query:
var invoiceDetails = from d in xrmService.InvoiceSet
where d.InvoiceId.Value.Equals(invId)
select new
name = d.Name,
paymenttermscode = d.PaymentTermsCode
I was retrieving the correct int value for the option set, but what i needed was only the text. I changed the query this way:
var invoiceDetails = from d in xrmService.InvoiceSet
where d.InvoiceId.Value.Equals(invId)
select new
name = d.Name,
paymenttermscode = d.FormattedValues["paymenttermscode"]
In this case I had an error stating that the key was not present. After many attempts, i tried to pass both the key value and the option set text, and that attempt worked just fine.
var invoiceDetails = from d in xrmService.InvoiceSet
where d.InvoiceId.Value.Equals(invId)
select new
name = d.Name,
paymenttermscode = d.PaymentTermsCode,
paymenttermscodeValue = d.FormattedValues["paymenttermscode"]
My guess is that to retrieve the correct text associated to that option set, in that specific entity, you need to retrieve the int value too.
I hope this will be helpful.
Best Regards
You're question is rather confusing for a couple reasons. I'm going to assume that what you mean when you say you're trying to "retrieve a label from an OptionSet" is that you're attempting to get the Text Value of a particular OptionSetValue and you're not querying the OptionSetMetadata directly to retrieve the actual LocalizedLabels text value. I'm also assuming "formatted value for the option set is missing" is referring to the FormattedValues collection. If these assumptions are correct, I refer you to this: CRM 2011 - Retrieving FormattedValues from joined entity
The option set metadata has to be queried.
Here is an extension method that I wrote:
public static class OrganizationServiceHelper
public static string GetOptionSetLabel(this IOrganizationService service, string optionSetName, int optionSetValue)
RetrieveOptionSetRequest retrieve = new RetrieveOptionSetRequest
Name = optionSetName
RetrieveOptionSetResponse response = (RetrieveOptionSetResponse)service.Execute(retrieve);
OptionSetMetadata metaData = (OptionSetMetadata)response.OptionSetMetadata;
return metaData.Options
.Where(o => o.Value == optionSetValue)
.Select(o => o.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label)
catch { }
return null;
RetrieveOptionSetRequest and RetrieveOptionSetResponse are on Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages.
Call it like this:
string label = service.GetOptionSetLabel("wim_continent", 102730000);
If you are going to be querying the same option set multiple times, I recommend that you write a method that returns the OptionSetMetadata instead of the label; then query the OptionSetMetadata locally. Calling the above extension method multiple times will result in the same query being executed over and over.

Sitecore Advanced Database Crawler null dates

I have a property in my index (using the Advanced Database Crawler) for an archive date.
I want to find all items where the date is null or in the future....Date range search will accomplish the second part, but what about the first?
You can't do a null search against Lucene. What I've done in the past is to test for emtpy fields and insert the word "EMPTY" in the index. Then when querying the index you need to add a test that checks for the presence (or absence) of that term. It feels kind of dirty doing it that way but that is the only solution I've been able to find or come up with in the 3 years I've been working with Sitecore and Lucene.
In the DateFieldCrawler class, we modified the following code:
public override string GetValue()
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_field.Value))
return DateTools.DateToString(DateTime.MinValue, DateTools.Resolution.DAY);
if (FieldTypeManager.GetField(_field) is DateField)
var dateField = new DateField(_field);
if(dateField.DateTime > DateTime.MinValue)
return DateTools.DateToString(dateField.DateTime, DateTools.Resolution.DAY);
return String.Empty;
By storing this value, we were able to perform the following queries to include null value dates:
DateRangeSearchParam.DateRange toFirstDate =
new DateRangeSearchParam.DateRange(EVENT_FIRST_DATE,
DateTime.MinValue, toDate.Value);
toFirstDate.InclusiveEnd = false;

To aggregate or not - order/orderline

About Domain Driven Design, Order and OrderLines are always seen as an aggregate, where Order is the root. Normally, once an order is created, one cannot change it. In my case however, that is possible. Instead each order has a state determining whether the order can be changed or not.
In this case, are both Order and OrderLines their own “aggregate root”? I need to be able to update order lines, so I figure that they should have their own repository. But I do not want to retrieve order lines, and persist them without the order. So this indicates that there’s still an aggregate where Order is the root with a factory method to create order lines (Order.CreateOrderLine(quantity, text, …).
Another approach could be to update the Order when the order lines collection has been modified, and then call UpdateOrder(Order). I would need some way of detecting that only the collection should be updated, and no the Order itself (using Entity Framework).
What do you think?
Order lines shouldn't be an aggregate of it's own, and doesn't need it's own repository. Your aggregate should be setup something like this...
public class Order
private List<OrderLine> _orderLines;
private OrderState _orderState;
public IEnumerable<OrderLine> OrderLines
get { return _orderLines.AsReadOnly();}
public OrderState Status
get { return _orderState; }
public void DeleteOrderLine(Guid orderLineID)
if (Status.IsProcessed)
throw new InvalidOperationException("You cannot delete items from a processed order");
OrderLine lineToRemove = _orderLines.Find(ol => ol.Id == orderLineID);
public void AddOrderLine(Product product, int quantity)
if (Status.IsProcessed)
throw new InvalidOperationException("You cannot add items to a processed order");
OrderLine line = new OrderLine(product.ProductID, (product.Price * quantity), quantity);
Entity framework has some built in features to detect changes to your object. This is explained here (conveniently with an order/order lines example):

Subsonic - Where do i include my busines logic or custom validation

Im using subsonic 2.2
I tried asking this question another way but didnt get the answer i was looking for.
Basically i ususally include validation at page level or in my code behind for my user controls or aspx pages. However i haev seen some small bits of info advising this can be done within partial classes generated from subsonic.
So my question is, where do i put these, are there particular events i add my validation / business logic into such as inserting, or updating. - If so, and validation isnt met, how do i stop the insert or update. And if anyone has a code example of how this looks it would be great to start me off.
Any info greatly appreciated.
First you should create a partial class for you DAL object you want to use.
In my project I have a folder Generated where the generated classes live in and I have another folder Extended.
Let's say you have a Subsonic generated class Product. Create a new file Product.cs in your Extended (or whatever) folder an create a partial class Product and ensure that the namespace matches the subsonic generated classes namespace.
namespace Your.Namespace.DAL
public partial class Product
Now you have the ability to extend the product class. The interesting part ist that subsonic offers some methods to override.
namespace Your.Namespace.DAL
public partial class Product
public override bool Validate()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ProductName))
this.Errors.Add("ProductName cannot be empty");
return Errors.Count == 0;
// another way
protected override void BeforeValidate()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ProductName))
throw new Exception("ProductName cannot be empty");
protected override void BeforeInsert()
this.ProductUUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
protected override void BeforeUpdate()
this.Total = this.Net + this.Tax;
protected override void AfterCommit()
In response to Dan's question:
First, have a look here:
In this file lives the whole logic I showed in my other post.
Validate: Is called during Save(), if Validate() returns false an exception is thrown.
Get's only called if the Property ValidateWhenSaving (which is a constant so you have to recompile SubSonic to change it) is true (default)
BeforeValidate: Is called during Save() when ValidateWhenSaving is true. Does nothing by default
BeforeInsert: Is called during Save() if the record is new. Does nothing by default.
BeforeUpdate: Is called during Save() if the record is new. Does nothing by default.
AfterCommit: Is called after sucessfully inserting/updating a record. Does nothing by default.
In my Validate() example, I first let the default ValidatColumnSettings() method run, which will add errors like "Maximum String lenght exceeded for column ProductName" if product name is longer than the value defined in the database. Then I add another errorstring if ProductName is empty and return false if the overall error count is bigger than zero.
This will throw an exception during Save() so you can't store the record in the DB.
I would suggest you call Validate() yourself and if it returns false you display the elements of this.Errors at the bottom of the page (the easy way) or (more elegant) you create a Dictionary<string, string> where the key is the columnname and the value is the reason.
private Dictionary<string, string> CustomErrors = new Dictionary<string, string>
protected override bool Validate()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ProductName))
this.CustomErrors.Add(this.Columns.ProductName, "cannot be empty");
if (this.UnitPrice < 0)
this.CustomErrors.Add(this.Columns.UnitPrice, "has to be 0 or bigger");
return this.CustomErrors.Count == 0 && Errors.Count == 0;
Then if Validate() returns false you can add the reason directly besides/below the right field in your webpage.
If Validate() returns true you can safely call Save() but keep in mind that Save() could throw other errors during persistance like "Dublicate Key ...";
Thanks for the response, but can you confirm this for me as im alittle confused, if your validating the column (ProductName) value within validate() or the beforevalidate() is string empty or NULL, doesnt this mean that the insert / update has already been actioned, as otherwise it wouldnt know that youve tried to insert or update a null value from the UI / aspx fields within the page to the column??
Also, within insert or updating events we use e.cancel = true to stop the insert update, if beforevalidate failes does it automatically stop the action to insert or update?
If this is the case, isnt it eaiser to add page level validation to stop the insert or update being fired in the first place.
I guess im alittle confused at the lifecyle for these methods and when they come into play
