regarding graphical user interfaces in c on linux operating system - linux

I want to know whether we need to download GTK for making graphical interfaces in C on linux, since i have read somewhere that it is by default installed.

You have a number of choices for a GUI on Linux. Most distros ship with x11 at least, though you will have to design the controls yourself. GTK and QT are two common toolkits, which have their own look and feel (of course QT isn't C).

There exist a lot of library to do GUI in linux. Some are installed by default depending on the Distribution and your environment (eg: gnome come with GTK).
You can also want to use other library like qt... (with may required an installation if it is not provided in your distribution, but nowadays, It is really easy to install such library eg: apt-get, yum, rpm...)


C++ .a: what affects portability across distros?

I'm building a .a from C++ code. It only depends on the standard library (libc++/libstdc++). From general reading, it seems that portability of binaries depends on
compiler version (because it can affect the ABI). For gcc, the ABI is linked to the major version number.
libc++/libstdc++ versions (because they could pass a vector<T> into the .a and its representation could change).
I.e. someone using the .a needs to use the same (major version of) the compiler + same standard library.
As far as I can see, if compiler and standard library match, a .a should work across multiple distros. Is this right? Or is there gubbins relating to system calls, etc., meaning a .a for Ubuntu should be built on Ubuntu, .a for CentOS should be built on CentOS, and so on?
Edit: see If clang++ and g++ are ABI incompatible, what is used for shared libraries in binary? (though it doens't answer this q.)
Edit 2: I am not accessing any OS features explicitly (e.g. via system calls). My only interaction with the system is to open files and read from them.
It only depends on the standard library
It could also depend implicitly upon other things (think of resources like fonts, configuration files under /etc/, header files under /usr/include/, availability of /proc/, of /sys/, external programs run by system(3) or execvp(3), specific file systems or devices, particular ioctl-s, available or required plugins, etc...)
These are kind of details which might make the porting difficult. For example look into nsswitch.conf(5).
The evil is in the details.
(in other words, without a lot more details, your question don't have much sense)
Linux is perceived as a free software ecosystem. The usual way of porting something is to recompile it on -or at least for- the target Linux distribution. When you do that several times (for different and many Linux distros), you'll understand what details are significant in your particular software (and distributions).
Most of the time, recompiling and porting a library on a different distribution is really easy. Sometimes, it might be hard.
For shared libraries, reading Program Library HowTo, C++ dlopen miniHowTo, elf(5), your ABI specification (see here for some incomplete list), Drepper's How To Write Shared Libraries could be useful.
My recommendation is to prepare binary packages for various common Linux distributions. For example, a .deb for Debian & Ubuntu (some particular versions of them).
Of course a .deb for Debian might not work on Ubuntu (sometimes it does).
Look also into things like autoconf (or cmake). You may want at least to have some externally provided #define-d preprocessor strings (often passed by -D to gcc or g++) which would vary from one distribution to the next (e.g. on some distributions, you print by popen-ing lp, on others, by popen-ing lpr, on others by interacting with some CUPS server etc...). Details matter.
My only interaction with the system is to open files
But even these vary a lot from one distribution to another one.
It is probable that you won't be able to provide a single -and the same one- lib*.a for several distributions.
NB: you probably need to budget more work than what you believe.

Lowest common denominator GUI library on unix/Xserver

I want to code a primitive, DE independant application. Hence I want to be independant of Qt and GTK. What is the next lower library below Qt/GTK. I mean what is the lowest common denominator that is used by either of them and is available on every graphical linux system.
The X11/Xorg server is used by both Qt, GTK, and pretty much every GUI toolkit out there (FLTK, etc...), so it is the "lowest common denominator" you're talking about. You can use it directly with the XCB or Xlib library.
There is no such common library.
If you are writing a desktop app (i.e something you expect the user to interact with through their usual windowing system) my advice would be to use either QT or GTK - choice is yours.
There are some other reportedly simplier 'lightweight' libraries you can use such as EFL (Enlightenment) and TK (i.e. Old school tcl/tk apps haven't seen one of these for years). Or you could even use something more exotic like Motif (for that cutting edge mid 90's unix workstation CDE look and feel) - I hear that is open source now (finally).
For a full screen app like a game I believe you can use SDL or maybe ever write out directly to Linux's frame buffer device - I can't really offer anything here I have no experience.
There is no gurantee any of these libraries will be available on any given Linux installation. Thankfully package management exists to take care of this for you. Write the app publish the source and the make files. If people find it useful and want it in their distribution someone will package it for you.
If you are making a closed source binary you are left with static linking.

Where to start to learn how to build Linux GUI apps based on scripts?

First off, I'm looking to write GUI apps based on an interpreted language (PHP if possible--otherwise, Python). Second, I'm looking for a rapid-app GUI designer that lets me create windows, drop UI elements on it, and wire those elements up to code easily. Finally, it would be nice to have a simple way to package the whole thing up (deb, rpm, etc). Ideally my application should work on any Linux platform, and in Gnome or KDE.
I'm wondering if Glade is the way to go? And do I install just "glade" (via APT) or "glade-gnome"? (I'm on Linux Mint 10)
Bonus question: it would be cool to be able to have code that I could very easily just port over to Windows & Mac OS and work as well (UI and all). Of course, I'm thinking Python is probably the way to go as the underlying language.. if I recall correctly, Python has some way to build UIs that work on any platform? I could be wrong.
EDIT: Again, I have to say.. it is important to be able to have an interface designer of sorts. I absolutely do not want to code windows, buttons, input boxes, etc., by hand.
I'd really suggest you have a look at Qt. You have Python GPL (PyQt) bindings available or the (newer) LGPL Pyside bindings readily available:
A mature, stable, well documented and extremely rich framework
Comes with a GUI Designer for easy drag and drop UI design
Cross platform for free (Windows, Linux, Mac)
Look at PyGTK, wxPython

Linux/Mac: What is good method to determine platform at compile time?

I would like to generalize a build system to compile on several (somewhat similar) platforms. What is a good method for determining the type of host that the shell script or Makefile is running on. I would like to distinguish between mac and linux, but also different specific distributions of linux (e.g. RHEL, Ubuntu). Cygwin is not important for me, but if you include it in your response I am sure others will find it valuable.
The rationale may include using the host type to fetch and install the correct versions of binary packages when it is more convenient to do so than compile from source. In addition, some commercial software is binary-packaged for specific distros, so part of the motivation is to grab the right binary.
Autotools to the rescue. It has tons of macros that help you do this kind of stuff.
uname -a to distinguish major *nix variants
Not so sure what the best way to distinguish red hat from ubuntu would be - could look for package managing tools and query installed packages, eventually helping you narrow down different debian derivatives, etc. There's probably something more obvious and up front though.
linux variants generally store distro information in /etc/issue.
most kernels will put info in /proc/version
It's not completely straightforward. You can use uname to find out the general parameters but to differentiate between distributions is a harder task. Maybe you should consider using something like autoconf to generalise your build system?
Just in case you're using Qt, there's this really nice set of defines, Q_OS_*, that guide you to the Operating System you're compiling on:
They are defined in QtGlobal. There are even defines that help you figure out the compiler used Q_CC_* or the target Windowing System Q_WS_*.
But if you're not using Qt and want to go for a generic method, you most likely have to fall back to the Autotools package or CMake.
Determining Linux distributions is pretty tricky, but not hard. You first have to figure out what distributions you care about and then make all kinds of distribution specific file/configuration checks like in this example for the ones you've chosen, since you can't really support all of the myriad of Linux distros available out the. :-)
As for the Mac side i'll let the Mac experts answer, but it shouldn't be that hard, since at least the diversity issue is out of the question.

Distributing a program in linux without the source

I want to be able to distribute a program in Linux without distributing the source with it. The current solution is distributing a tar.gz with a precompiled binary. What is the easiest way to have this binary be placed in the Applications Menu? Is there a way to do this that is common across most linux distributions, but Ubuntu, Fedora, and OpenSUSE would be the priority.
You will want to create a .deb and a .rpm. The former covers Ubuntu (Debian variants), and the latter Red Hat variants. You can also supply a standalone executable for other users who can deal with things like menus themselves.
You will have to deal with Gnome and KDE menu management, and also different distributions lay out their menus differently. There is also the issue of netbook variants such as Moblin, that have a netbook interface that probably has its own "add application" mechanism. I don't know if it is possible for a single .deb to handle both Gnome and KDE menus systems (for Ubuntu and Kubuntu respectively) but I imagine the capability is there to reduce duplication of effort for Ubuntu.
All recent distributions should have xdg-utils installed, which provides scripts such as
which seem to be what you're looking for.
Haven't looked into it lately...but back in the day (which really wasn't all that long ago) when I was using Linux, RPM was the easiest way to distribute pre-combiled binaries (most distributations had, and still have, some kind of support for RPM packages).
Here's an old how-to on building an RPM package:
Linux Online - RPM How-To
You could look at BitRock intaller.
Try Autopackage or other solutions posted in another question.
Do tar.gz and then give community rights to redistribute modified packages. They will make RPMs, DEBs and any other packages for their beloved distributions... which will probably fit their distros much better than you could ever make.
There is really too many differences between distributions to make one-size-fits-all package, often subtle ones. For example some distributions has "Application" section, other "Applications"... and this made menu items disappear on some distros. Libraries can be different, default settings can be different, and so on...
RPMs and DEBs aren't so portable as it is believed. With one package there might be problems even with different versions of a single distribution, and there is nothing worse than fighting to install badly prepared package correctly.
JeeBee is correct that you would want to go with .deb or .rpm.
For Ubuntu/Debian (the .deb) I would add that you do not send it to people but you create a "repository" and have the users add that url to their /etc/apt/sources.list, then you get a easy way to update the software as well.
That way you solve the distribution and updated problem at the same time.
And here is a example of how this could look like:
And how a repository could look like:
But don't repeat Atmels mistake and only do i386 because there is a lot of other common architectures out there right now, like the amd64.
For RPM, this three-part tutorial by IBM is the best beginner's guide to packaging I know:
