ajax library with editor and spell checker - text-editor

Recommendations for an text editor and spell checker included in an HTML library

Tiny MCE


Atom is not highlighting Haskell syntax?

I am using Haskell in Atom text editor version 1.23.1 on Mac. Other languages syntax is highlighted correctly but when I code in Haskell the text editor does not highlight the syntax correctly and shows it as plain text. I have tried searching for it and found that in Atom pressing ctrl-shift-L I can temporarily change the grammar. However, there is no option for Haskell as can be seen in the screenshot below.
The screenshot below shows what I am expecting.
Is there anything that I might have done wrong? Can anyone give me a clear and easy solution to this problem. Thank you
Haskell support unfortunately doesn't come packaged with atom. Use the language-haskell package.
The language-haskell package, according to the page 'Adds syntax highlighting and snippets to Haskell files in Atom.' It comes with support for .hs, .lhs, and .cabal files.
You can find help on installing atom packages here.
If you want to talk about adding Haskell support, or changing atom features, it seems that the atom forum would be the best place to do so.

"Jump to definition" in Rust

After years of coding in modern IDEs (Visual Studio, Xcode, JetBrain's products) I'm quite used to invaluable Jump to definition feature. It is especially invaluable for system libraries and frameworks when you yet learning the core features of the new language.
Is there any way to achieve the same functionality for the Rust combined with any modern IDE or text editor? Any vim, sublime text plugin?
IDE support for Rust is not there yet. There exists at least the Racer project, that provides a jump-to-definition feature among other things.
Racer is intended to be integrated into any IDE/text editor, and ships with an emacs integration.
In Vim and emacs you can use ctags to get you a lot of the way there; the language definitions are in src/etc/ctags.rust and you can produce tags for the Rust distribution with make TAGS.vi (or make TAGS.emacs for emacs’ format). See mk/ctags.mk for more information.
For setting them up and using them in Vim, see :help tags.
There is a project called rusty-tags generating ctags for Rust. At the time of this post, it is still actively maintained.
The RustDT IDE now supports Open Definition functionality, using the Racer tool.
Sublime's RustAutoComplete has a working Go to Definition using a separately installed Racer.
I'm using it and it works.
That being said, in 2014 the language is still in a flux and the Racer functionality is still limited.
I currenly have "auto_complete": false and only use the completion manually (with a keyboard shortcut) in order to avoid some Racer crashes.
Emacs can be integrated with rust-analyzer via lsp-mode. This will allow you to navigate the source code using Rust's type system. I describe a detailed setup in the code navigation section of my Rust with Emacs guide.
dumb-jump works well for rust.

NSIS guidelines

I want to make my NSIS code more readable.
I need some guidelines regarding writing code section wise (like there is #region #endregion in C#) or any such information that can make writing NSIS code interesting and easy.
Please help me out.
Also there is Visual Studio (2008, 2008, 2010 and 2012) addin available called Visual & Installer.
It offers a lot of features like syntax highlighting, navigation, (GoTo definition, Goto reference, navigation bars, open file at cursor, ...) also IntelliSense support and much more.
Try here: http://www.unsigned-softworks.sk/visual-installer/
If you are looking for an IDE, you can try with SciTE that supports code folding, colorization, makensis compilation from the editor and compilation errors parsing. (BTW: Scite is not actually an IDE, but rather a very light yet powerful text editor with built-in support for colorizing and compiling programming languages)
With the latest versions of SciTE, you just need to uncomment the loading of NSIS support that is not enabled by default.
Also, there is the Development Environments section of the NSIS wiki that can point you some alternatives (like adding NSIS support to Eclipse).

how to pretty print source code of common languages in browser html output with javascript?

how to pretty print source code of common languages in browser html output with javascript?
I mean so that there is some indentation and code formatting.
Currently i only got
for coloring the syntax.
But i would also like some indentation and other formatting.
user puts in some code.
system formats and highlights code in the browser view.
so-> is there a general code formatter for formatting code?
best in javascript
I am grateful for any help.
Probably SyntaxHighlighter is the most popular. But you have a choice, have a look at 16 Free Javascript Code Syntax Highlighters For Better Programming
If you mean real time syntax highlighter, you can also try JS-CodeEdit:
JS-CodeEdit is a JavaScript editor
that converts your HTML textareas into
a code editor with realtime syntax
highlighting. If added into a form,
the content can be submitted e.g. to
be written to a file. A nice thing is
that you can add as many editors as
you want within a HTML page.
But it support a bit limited list of languages: JavaScript, PHP, Perl, HTML, CSS, XML, SQL (this list is increased with each release).
You might want to check out Giki : http://guyht.github.com/Giki/examples/wiki.html
Its a real time syntax highlighter, very easy to customise.
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/guyht/Giki
Here is a open source command line program, with optional GUI, which can format and highlight approx. 100 programming languages, with configurable colour themes and output as HTML, XHTML, RTF, TeX, LaTeX, terminal escape sequences, SVG and BBCode format. See the complete feature list, examples, screenshots and screencast.
There is also a macOS quick view plugin available, too.
This is not Javascript but you can do the stuff ex. via AJAX.

Vim for Word (or something like it)

Are there any rich-text editors that have Vi(m) keybindings? Specifically, something like Word where I can compose a document with colors, headings, et al. but use Vi(m) bindings to move around and compose?
So if you have to use MS Word and want vim key bindings, there is an add on, but if you are not bound to that I would def. go for LaTeX + the vim latex suite.
Are you familiar with Latex?
Simply put it allows you to format your documents in plain text using tags or commands.
You then "compile" your document into the final format .pdf,.ps, etc.
\title{Cartesian closed categories and the price of eggs}
\author{Jane Doe}
\date{September 1994}
Hello world!
This will allow you to write in vim, but still get professional non plain text output for your documents.
If you like Markdown or Latex, you could use the free open source Rstudio editor, with VIM-mode enabled. Export as either Word, PDF, or HTML etc.
Download Rstudio:
Read about markdown:
If you wish to use vim for text editing, but want to, for example have text in different colors, bold it and such ... you can use Txtfmt plugin. It enables you, by using special characters, to "prettify" plain text files a little. They can look quite nice, and it comes handy if you're used to vim, and are, for example, writing documentation for your programs which you'll later just get in word, and make an adjustment or two, and ship off.
If you want to (or have to) stay with Word and don't want to shell out $100 for a ViEmu license, you can try using this AutoHotKey script for providing some basic vi-like functionality. The repo linked also provides a standalone exe to get the same without using AutoHotKey.
There are many good reasons to ditch word entirely, but sometimes that's just not an option :(
The Txtfmt plugin definitely provides the functionality you are looking for. It's a bit like having "rich text" capability for plain text in Vim.
Txtfmt (The Vim Highlighter)
The latest version supports 8 configurable foreground and background colors, as well as all combinations of bold, underline, italic, etc... The highlighting is token-based, but the tokens are rendered invisible by the syntax, and can be inserted with very convenient and intuitive mappings, which don't require you to remember anything: e.g., "bold-underline" could be specified with a string such as bu or ub. The version under development even supports visual maps, which will permit you to select some text and say (for example) "Make this text red, bold-italic", and have the plugin handle insertion/removal of the appropriate tokens automatically. (It's really quite simple and intuitive, however, even with the non-visual mappings.)
Although the plugin is highly configurable, the default settings are appropriate for most users, and the author is more than happy to answer any setup or usage questions...
There's a way of configuring Abiword to use vi key bindings
You can use the text editor of your choice with vim keys (vim, emacs, sublime, atom, vscode ,etc.) and write your document in markdown. Then use an open source tool called pandoc to translate it into almost any other markup language that you want. It is possible to compile your document to rich text formats including MS Word or even MS Powerpoint.
You can costumize your output by using a template.
Pandoc has extensive documentation and uses a richer markup syntax that allows you to do pretty much anything you want with the text. It is being actively developed by the community. Almost any major text editor has a few plugins for pandoc too.
You can use GlobalVim.
It can simulate vim modes and commands in most editing area.
