Is the valid state domain of a program a regular language? - bug-tracking

If you look at the call stack of a program and treat each return pointer as a token, what kind of automata is needed to build a recognizer for the valid states of the program?
As a corollary, what kind of automata is needed to build a recognizer for a specific bug state?
(Note: I'm only looking at the info that could be had from this function.)
My thought is that if these form regular languages than some interesting tools could be built around that. E.g. given a set of crash/failure dumps, automatically group them and generate a recognizer to identify new instances of know bugs.
Note: I'm not suggesting this as a diagnostic tool but as a data management tool for turning a pile of crash reports into something more useful.
"These 54 crashes seem related, as do those 42."
"These new crashes seem unrelated to anything before date X."
It would seem that I've not been clear about what I'm thinking of accomplishing, so here's an example:
Say you have a program that has three bugs in it.
Two bugs that cause invalid args to be passed to a single function tripping the same sanity check.
A function that if given a (valid) corner case goes into an infinite recursion.
Also as that when the program crashes (failed assert, uncaught exception, seg-V, stack overflow, etc.) it grabs a stack trace, extracts the call sites on it and ships them to a QA reporting server. (I'm assuming that only that information is extracted because 1, it's easy to get with a one time per project cost and 2, it has a simple, definite meaning that can be used without any special knowledge about the program)
What I'm proposing would be a tool that would attempt to classify incoming reports as connected to one of the known bugs (or as a new bug).
The simplest thing would be to assume that one failure site is one bug, but in the first example, two bugs get detected in the same place. The next easiest thing would be to require the entire stack to match, but again, this doesn't work in cases like the second example where you have multiple pieces of (valid) valid code that can trip the same bug.

The return pointer on the stack is just a pointer to memory. In theory if you look at the call stack of a program that just makes one function call, the return pointer (for that one function) can have different value for every execution of the program. How would you analyze that?
In theory you could read through a core dump using a map file. But doing so is extremely platform and compiler specific. You would not be able to create a general tool for doing this with any program. Read your compiler's documentation to see if it includes any tools for doing postmortem analysis.

If your program is decorated with assert statements, then each assert statement defines a valid state. The program statements between the assertions define the valid state changes.
A program that crashes has violated enough assertions that something broken.
A program that's incorrect but "flaky" has violated at least one assertion but hasn't failed.
It's not at all clear what you're looking for. The valid states are -- sometimes -- hard to define but -- usually -- easy to represent as simple assert statements.
Since a crashed program has violated one or more assertions, a program with explicit, executable assertions, doesn't need an crash debugging. It will simply fail an assert statement and die visibly.
If you don't want to put in assert statements then it's essentially impossible to know what state should have been true and which (never-actually-stated) assertion was violated.
Unwinding the call stack to work out the position and the nesting is trivial. But it's not clear what that shows. It tells you what broke, but not what other things lead to the breakage. That would require guessing what assertions where supposed to have been true, which requires deep knowledge of the design.
"seem related" and "seem unrelated" are undefinable without recourse to the actual design of the actual application and the actual assertions that should be true in each stack frame.
If you don't know the assertions that should be true, all you have is a random puddle of variables. What can you claim about "related" given a random pile of values?
Crash 1: a = 2, b = 3, c = 4
Crash 2: a = 3, b = 4, c = 5
Related? Unrelated? How can you classify these without knowing everything about the code? If you know everything about the code, you can formulate standard assert-statement conditions that should have been true. And then you know what the actual crash is.


Rust features which allow the optimizer to change the program's result?

In some languages, optimization is allowed to change the program execution result. For example,
C++11 has the concept of "copy-elision" which allows the optimizer to ignore the copy constructor (and its side-effects) in some circumstances.
Swift has the concept of "imprecise lifetimes" which allows the optimizer to release objects at any time after last usage before the end of lexical scope.
In both cases, optimizations are not guaranteed to happen, therefore the program execution result can be significantly different based on the optimizer implementations (e.g. debug vs. release build)
Copying can be skipped, object can die while a reference is alive. The only way to deal with these behaviors is by being defensive and making your program work correctly regardless if the optimizations happen or not. If you don't know about the existence of this behavior, it's impossible to write correct programs with the tools.
This is different from "random operations" which are written by the programmer to produce random results intentionally. These behaviors are (1) done by optimizer and (2) can randomize execution result regardless of programmer intention. This is done by the language designer's intention for better performance. A sort of trade-off between performance and predictability.
Does Rust have (or consider) any of this kind of behavior? Any optimization that is allowed to change program execution result for better performance. If it has any, what is the behavior and why is it allowed?
I know the term "execution result" could be vague, but I don't know a proper term for this. I'm sorry for that.
I'd like to collect every potential case here, so everyone can be aware of them and be prepared for them. Please post any case as an answer (or comment) if you think your case produces different results.
I think all arguable cases are worth to mention. Because someone can be helped a lot by reading the case details.
If you restrict yourself to safe Rust code, the optimizer shouldn't change the program result. Of course there are some optimizations that can be observable due to their very nature. For example removing unused variables can mean your code overflows the stack without optimizations, while everything will fit on the stack when compiled with optimizations. Or your code may just be too slow to ever finish when compiled without optimizations, which is also an observable difference. And with unsafe code triggering undefined behaviour anything can happen, including the optimizer changing the outcome of your code.
There are, however, a few cases where program execution can change depending on whether you are compiling in debug mode or in release mode:
Integer overflow will result in a panic in debug build, while integers wrap around according to the two's complement representation in release mode – see RFC 650 for details. This behaviour can be controlled with the -C overflow-checks codegen option, so you can disable overflow checks in debug mode or enable them in release mode if you want to.
The debug_assert!() macro defines assertions that are only executed in debug mode. There's again a manual override using the -C debug-assertions codegen option.
Your code can check whether debug assertions are enabled using the debug-assertions configuration option
These are all related to debug assertions in some way, but this list is not exhaustive. You can probably also inspect the environment to determine whether the code is compiled in debug or release mode, and change the behaviour based on this.
None of these examples really fall into the same category as your examples in the original question. Safe Rust code should generally behave the same regardless of whether you compile in debug mode or release mode.
There are far fewer foot-guns in Rust when compared to C++. In general, they revolve around unsafe, raw pointers and lifetimes derived from them or any form of undefined behavior, which is really undefined in Rust as well. However, if your code compiles (and, if in doubt, passes cargo miri test), you most likely won't see surprising behavior.
Two examples that come to mind which can be surprising:
The lifetime of a MutexGuard; the example comes from the book:
while let Ok(job) = receiver.lock().unwrap().recv() {
One might think/hope that the Mutex on the receiver is released once a job has been acquired and job() executes while other threads can receive jobs. However, due to the way value-expressions in place-expressions contexts work in conjunction with temporary lifetimes (the MutexGuard needs an anonymous lifetime referencing receiver), the MutexGuard is held for the entirety of the while-block. This means only one thread will ever execute jobs.
If you do
loop {
let job = receiver.lock().unwrap().recv().unwrap();
this will allow multiple threads to run in parallel. It's not obvious why this is.
Multiple times there have been questions regarding const. There is no guarantee by the compiler if a const actually exists only once (as an optimization) or is instantiated wherever it is used. The second case is the way one should think about const, there is no guarantee that this is what the compiler does, though. So this can happen:
const EXAMPLE: Option<i32> = Some(42);
fn main() {
assert_eq!(EXAMPLE.take(), Some(42));
assert_eq!(EXAMPLE, Some(42)); // Where did this come from?

Is it possible to ignore all members of a module in Python3?

I want to implement a argument type checker. I've read several times about Python and Duck typing, but I'm tired of hunting bugs when I could easily enforce the type of inputs for my functions.
My plan is to implement a type checker that right after the function definition, receives the inputs and does its assertion job.
Something like this
import sanity_check
<do something>
<do something>
It is not my intention for this type checker to clearly estate what is checking (that is left for the comments on the functions), but just to enforce types.
My idea would be that after implementation, I can erase this sanity check module by just automatically erase all lines with the "sanity_check" word. So, it is not intended permanent use, just during implementation.
Onto my question. I do not want to be constantly erasing and copying back these lines whenever I want to test for real the code, since given the nature of the codes I'm implementing, I know the function call overhead will make significant delays on my codes.
Is it there a way to ignore all the members of this "sanity_check" module?
Setting all the members to None could be a way, but I do not know how to do this.
It sounds like you want a combination of type annotations with a static type checker like mypy, plus some assert statements:
Assert statements are a convenient way to insert debugging assertions into a program [..] The current code generator emits no code for an assert statement when optimization is requested at compile time.
You can use this to make runtime checks in debug mode and choose to run your code using the -O flag to omit assert statements and get maximum performance.
Static type hints can catch other types of problems without incurring (significant) runtime overhead; see
def foo(bar: list):
assert len(bar) >= 3, 'List must be at least 3 long, got %d' % len(bar)
mypy will help you find bugs where you're not even passing a list into foo, while the assert statement will warn you at runtime if the list is too short, and the check can be omitted if you run the code via python -O

Handling invalid states in haskell

I'm trying to get a better feel for how to handle error states in Haskell, since there seem to be a lot of ways to do it. Ideally, my data structures would make any invalid inputs unrepresentable, but despite considerable effort to the contrary, I still occasionally end up working with data where the type system can allow invalid states. As an example, let's consider that my program input is the training results for a neural network. In order for math to work, each matrix needs to have the correct bounds, and that's not (really) representable by the type system. If data is invalid, there's really nothing the application can do but halt any further processing and notify someone of the problem (so it's not recoverable). What's the best way to handle this in Haskell? It seems like I could:
1) Use error or other partial functions when processing my data. My understanding is this should only be used to represent a bug in the code. So it would have to be coupled with some sort of validation at the point that I load the data, and any point "after" that check I just assume that the data is in a valid format. This feels imperative to me, and doesn't seem to fit very well with lazy, declarative code.
2) Throw an exception when processing the data using Control.Exception.throw, and then catch it at the top level where I can alert someone. Contrary to error, I believe this doesn't indicate a bug in the program, so perhaps there wouldn't be verification when I load the data beyond what can be represented through the type system? The presence or absence of an exception when processing the data would define the verification.
3) Lift any data processing that could fail into the IO monad and use Control.Exception.throwIO.
4) Lift any data processing that could fail into the IO monad and use fail (I've read that using fail frowned on by the community?)
5) Return an Either or something similar, and let that bubble up through all your logic. I've definitely had some cases where composing Eithers becomes (to me) exceedingly impractical.
6) Use Control.Monad.Exception, which I only marginally understand, but seems to involve lifting any data processing that could fail into some exceptional monad, that I think is supposed to be more easily composeable than Either?
and I'm not even sure that's all the options. Is there an approach to this problem that's generally accepted by the community, or is this really an opinionated topic?

Throwing exceptions vs error object in nodeJS

I am trying to implement a utility library in nodeJS that I can use in different projects. I am stuck with how to handle errors properly.For example suppose I have a function
function dateCompare(date1,operator,date2) // it can take either a date object or valid date string.
Now suppose an invalid input is supplied-
1. I can return error in result like asynchronous logic- {error:true,result:""}, but this prevents me from using my function as if((date1,'eq',date2) || (date3,'l3',date4)
2. If I throw custom exception here, then I am afraid that node is single threaded and creating error context is very expensive.
How can we handle it so that it is easy to use as well as not very expensive? Under what circumstances throwing exceptions will be more appropriate even if it is too expensive ? some practical use cases will be very helpful.
There's no "right" answer for questions like this. There are various different philosophies and you have to decide which one makes the most sense for you or for your context.
Here's my general scheme:
If you detect a serious programming mistake such as a required argument to a function is missing or is the wrong type, then I prefer to just throw an exception and spell out in the exception msg exactly what is wrong. This should get seen by the developer the first time this code is run and they should then know they need to correct their code immediately. The general idea here is that you want the developer to see their error immediately and throwing an exception is usually the fastest way to do so and you can put a useful message in the exception.
If there are expected error return values such as "user name already taken" or "user name contains invalid characters" that are not programming mistakes, but are just an indication of why a given operation (perhaps containing user data) did not complete, then I would craft return values from the function that communicate this info to the caller.
If your function needs to return either a result or an error, then you have to decide on a case by case basis if it is easy to come up with a range of error values that are easily detectable as separate from the successful return values. For example, Array.prototype.indexOf() returns a negative value to indicate the value was not found or zero or a positive number to indicate it is returning an index. These ranges are completely independent so they are easy to code a test to distinguish them.
Another reason to throw an exception is that your code is likely to be used in a circumstance where it's simpler to let the exception propagate up several calling levels or block levels rather than manually writing code to propagate errors. This is a double edged sword. While sometimes it's very useful to let the exception propagate, sometimes you actually need to know about and deal with the exception at each level anyway to properly clean up in an error condition (release resources, etc...) so you can't let it go up that may levels automatically anyway.
If such a distinction is not simple to do for either you the code of the function or the developer who will call it, then sometimes it makes sense to return an object that has more than one property, one of which is an error property, another of which is a value.
In your specific case of:
function dateCompare(date1,operator,date2)
if (dateCompare(date1,'eq',date2) || dateCompare(date3,'l3',date4))
It sure would be convenient if the function just returns a boolean and throws an exception of the date values or operator are invalid. Whether this is good design decision depends a bit on how this is going to be used. If you're in a tight loop, running this on lots of values, many of which will be badly formatted and would throw such an exception and performance is important in this case, then it may be better to return the above-described object and change how you write the calling code.
But, if a format failure is not a regular expected case or you're only doing it once or the performance difference of an exception vs. a return value wouldn't even be noticed (which is usually the case), then throw the exception - it's a clean way to handle invalid input without polluting the expected use case of the function.
How can we handle it so that it is easy to use as well as not very
It's not expensive to throw an exception upon bad input if that isn't the normally expected case. Plus, unless this code is in some kind of tight loop and called many times, it's unlikely you would even notice the difference between a return value and a thrown/caught exception. So, I'd suggest you code to make the expected cases simpler to code for and use exceptions for the unexpected conditions. Then, your expected code path doesn't go the exception route. In other words, exceptions actually are "exceptions" to normal.
Under what circumstances throwing exceptions will be more appropriate
even if it is too expensive?
See the description above.

Programming style question on how to code functions

So, I was just coding a bit today, and I realized that I don't have much consistency when it comes to a coding style when programming functions. One of my main concerns is whether or not its proper to code it so that you check that the input of the user is valid OUTSIDE of the function, or just throw the values passed by the user into the function and check if the values are valid in there. Let me sketch an example:
I have a function that lists hosts based on an environment, and I want to be able to split the environment into chunks of hosts. So an example of the usage is this:
listhosts -e testenv -s 2 1
This will get all the hosts from the "testenv", split it up into two parts, and it is displaying part one.
In my code, I have a function that you pass it in a list, and it returns a list of lists based on you parameters for splitting. BUT, before I pass it a list, I first verify the parameters in my MAIN during the getops process, so in the main I check to make sure there are no negatives passed by the user, I make sure the user didnt request to split into say, 4 parts, but asking to display part 5 (which would not be valid), etc.
tl;dr: Would you check the validity of a users input the flow of you're MAIN class, or would you do a check in your function itself, and either return a valid response in the case of valid input, or return NULL in the case of invalid input?
Obviously both methods work, I'm just interested to hear from experts as to which approach is better :) Thanks for any comments and suggestions you guys have! FYI, my example is coded in Python, but I'm still more interested in a general programming answer as opposed to a language-specific one!
Good question! My main advice is that you approach the problem systematically. If you are designing a function f, here is how I think about its specification:
What are the absolute requirements that a caller of f must meet? Those requirements are f's precondition.
What does f do for its caller? When f returns, what is the return value and what is the state of the machine? Under what circumstances does f throw an exception, and what exception is thrown? The answers to all these questions constitute f's postcondition.
The precondition and postcondition together constitute f's contract with callers.
Only a caller meeting the precondition gets to rely on the postcondition.
Finally, bearing directly on your question, what happens if f's caller doesn't meet the precondition? You have two choices:
You guarantee to halt the program, one hopes with an informative message. This is a checked run-time error.
Anything goes. Maybe there's a segfault, maybe memory is corrupted, maybe f silently returns a wrong answer. This is an unchecked run-time error.
Notice some items not on this list: raising an exception or returning an error code. If these behaviors are to be relied upon, they become part of f's contract.
Now I can rephrase your question:
What should a function do when its caller violates its contract?
In most kinds of applications, the function should halt the program with a checked run-time error. If the program is part of an application that needs to be reliable, either the application should provide an external mechanism for restarting an application that halts with a checked run-time error (common in Erlang code), or if restarting is difficult, all functions' contracts should be made very permissive so that "bad input" still meets the contract but promises always to raise an exception.
In every program, unchecked run-time errors should be rare. An unchecked run-time error is typically justified only on performance grounds, and even then only when code is performance-critical. Another source of unchecked run-time errors is programming in unsafe languages; for example, in C, there's no way to check whether memory pointed to has actually been initialized.
Another aspect of your question is
What kinds of contracts make the best designs?
The answer to this question varies more depending on the problem domain.
Because none of the work I do has to be high-availability or safety-critical, I use restrictive contracts and lots of checked run-time errors (typically assertion failures). When you are designing the interfaces and contracts of a big system, it is much easier if you keep the contracts simple, you keep the preconditions restrictive (tight), and you rely on checked run-time errors when arguments are "bad".
I have a function that you pass it in a list, and it returns a list of lists based on you parameters for splitting. BUT, before I pass it a list, I first verify the parameters in my MAIN during the getops process, so in the main I check to make sure there are no negatives passed by the user, I make sure the user didnt request to split into say, 4 parts, but asking to display part 5.
I think this is exactly the right way to solve this particular problem:
Your contract with the user is that the user can say anything, and if the user utters a nonsensical request, your program won't fall over— it will issue a sensible error message and then continue.
Your internal contract with your request-processing function is that you will pass it only sensible requests.
You therefore have a third function, outside the second, whose job it is to distinguish sense from nonsense and act accordingly—your request-processing function gets "sense", the user is told about "nonsense", and all contracts are met.
One of my main concerns is whether or not its proper to code it so that you check that the input of the user is valid OUTSIDE of the function.
Yes. Almost always this is the best design. In fact, there's probably a design pattern somewhere with a fancy name. But if not, experienced programmers have seen this over and over again. One of two things happens:
parse / validate / reject with error message
parse / validate / process
This kind of design has one data type (request) and four functions. Since I'm writing tons of Haskell code this week, I'll give an example in Haskell:
data Request -- type of a request
parse :: UserInput -> Request -- has a somewhat permissive precondition
validate :: Request -> Maybe ErrorMessage -- has a very permissive precondition
process :: Request -> Result -- has a very restrictive precondition
Of course there are many other ways to do it. Failures could be detected at the parsing stage as well as the validation stage. "Valid request" could actually be represented by a different type than "unvalidated request". And so on.
I'd do the check inside the function itself to make sure that the parameters I was expecting were indeed what I got.
Call it "defensive programming" or "programming by contract" or "assert checking parameters" or "encapsulation", but the idea is that the function should be responsible for checking its own pre- and post-conditions and making sure that no invariants are violated.
If you do it outside the function, you leave yourself open to the possibility that a client won't perform the checks. A method should not rely on others knowing how to use it properly.
If the contract fails you either throw an exception, if your language supports them, or return an error code of some kind.
Checking within the function adds complexity, so my personal policy is to do sanity checking as far up the stack as possible, and catch exceptions as they arise. I also make sure that my functions are documented so that other programmers know what the function expects of them. They may not always follow such expectations, but to be blunt, it is not my job to make their programs work.
It often makes sense to check the input in both places.
In the function you should validate the inputs and throw an exception if they are incorrect. This prevents invalid inputs causing the function to get halfway through and then throw an unexpected exception like "array index out of bounds" or similar. This will make debugging errors much simpler.
However throwing exceptions shouldn't be used as flow control and you wouldn't want to throw the raw exception straight to the user, so I would also add logic in the user interface to make sure I never call the function with invalid inputs. In your case this would be displaying a message on the console, but in other cases it might be showing a validation error in a GUI, possibly as you are typing.
"Code Complete" suggests an isolation strategy where one could draw a line between classes that validate all input and classes that treat their input as already validated. Anything allowed to pass the validation line is considered safe and can be passed to functions that don't do validation (they use asserts instead, so that errors in the external validation code can manifest themselves).
How to handle errors depends on the programming language; however, when writing a commandline application, the commandline really should validate that the input is reasonable. If the input is not reasonable, the appropriate behavior is to print a "Usage" message with an explanation of the requirements as well as to exit with a non-zero status code so that other programs know it failed (by testing the exit code).
Silent failure is the worst kind of failure, and that is what happens if you simply return incorrect results when given invalid arguments. If the failure is ever caught, then it will most likely be discovered very far away from the true point of failure (passing the invalid argument). Therefore, it is best, IMHO to throw an exception (or, where not possible, to return an error status code) when an argument is invalid, since it flags the error as soon as it occurs, making it much easier to identify and correct the true cause of failure.
I should also add that it is very important to be consistent in how you handle invalid inputs; you should either check and throw an exception on invalid input for all functions or do that for none of them, since if users of your interface discover that some functions throw on invalid input, they will begin to rely on this behavior and will be incredibly surprised when other function simply return invalid results rather than complaining.
