Are there any good desktop linux tools for viewing a bazaar branch's history? - linux

For viewing diffs, I use the excellent Meld tool. But when it comes to looking at earlier revisions, I usually just find myself looking at the branch in Launchpad, where my code is hosted. Are there are good desktop tools for allowing me to do this? Ideally, Olive's "History Mode" should do the trick, but it just gives me errors when I try to switch to History Mode.
I prefer Gtk tools, but I'm open to anything.

I've not been that impressed with the Gtk tools, but the Qt tools for Bazaar are excellent. Try Bazaar Explorer with QBzr: they're very usable and give a good means of looking through the history.
To install the latest versions with Bazaar, do this:
cd ~/.bazaar/plugins
bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer explorer
bzr branch lp:qbzr

bzr-gtk plugin has visualize command or just vis. Also QBzr has qlog command. The latter is a bit more powerful, but requires PyQt4/Qt4 libs.


How do I open android projects using emacs ede

The emacs documentation mentions that global-ede-mode supports android projects.
It mentions a function to declare the android sdk location, which I cannot find in emacs.
It also mentions that ede includes tools to interface with android tools, such as build and run emulators. These tools I cannot find either.
Has anybody had any luck using emacs built in ede mode to access android projects?
Currently running lubuntu 14.04 with emacs 24.3.1
The Android support for EDE is part of the CEDET project at, but that part wasn't included during the last merge from the CEDET repository into Emacs. Apparently that support wasn't removed form the manual. :)
If you download the sources from bzr, you will discover lisp/cedet/cedet-android.el, and lisp/cedet/ede/android.el which is the the support you found described in the manual.
In theory, you might be able to pull those two files down from bzr and just add to your own lisp repository, though it is always safest to download the entirety of the CEDET code and use it's install mechanism to ensure everything works correctly.
Once installed, you will find that the Development menu as project and target options that list things like starting up the debugger, or easily navigating between different .xml sources and your java source.

Ability to have multiple programmers work on same project

I am working with a small group of developers; we want the ability to be working on the same project at the same time over the internet. Is there a way to do this? I have read into Team Foundation Server but none of us have been successful in creating actual code files. Any suggestions? We are using Visual Studios 2012, C#.
As I pointed out in my comment, you can use Git or Subversion. I haven't used Visual Studio much lately, but you should be able to integrate Subversion with it pretty easily. I haven't tried Git with Visual Studio, but considering its popularity I bet it integrates rather easily also.
Both of them are means of source control. Subversion is a simpler interface with a smaller learning curve, but Git uses a distributed model and gives you finer control over the history and progress of your project. Git comes with some visualization tools (gitg, gitk, etc.). You can use a client like TortoiseSVN for Subversion.
Both of them support using external tools to compare files/projects (diffs), which is a bonus for most Windows users. You can use something like WinMerge for that.
That should be all you need :)

web developer tools linux

I started using Linux for PHP web development. What is a helpful toolset to use for web development (mostly PHP) available for the Linux platform. My Current IDE is netbeans and I am happy with it.
In no particular order, my perfect environment consists of:
vim - text editing
git - version control
screen - terminal management
This is all you really need to build a great app in any language, for that matter (baseline). Every language has its specifics, but the above will more than get you started.
The PDT project provides a PHP
Development Tools framework for the
Eclipse platform. This project
encompasses all development components
necessary to develop PHP and
facilitate extensibility. It leverages
the existing Web Tools Platform (WTP)
and Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK)
in providing developers with PHP
You can have a try for eclipse.
Another one not mentioned in this thread (suitable for PHP and a lot of other dynamic languages):
Komodo Edit (free version of the Komodo IDE)
I really like using Netbeans and SqlSquirrel. Both of these tools are written in Java and they are cross platform compatible. Also an odd note about SqlSquirrel: It uses the Netbeans editor. Also, if you like there are many tutorials and articles on using PHP with Netbeans on their site. Overall, go with the toolset that you like the most. There isn't a single toolset that works with everyone, and for all problems.
I like Eclipse PDT, and it can be used both on Windows (which I use at work) and on Linux (which I use at home).
Features are quite the same as netbeans, I'd say ; especially, you've got nice stuff like graphical debugging, when used with Xdebug.
I'd say that, these days, when it comes to a modern full-IDE for PHP, that works on Linux, and is free, there are two choices : netbeans and Eclipse PDT. Which one you prefer is generally a matter of taste, as far as I can tell.
If you're happy with NetBeans, stick to that as you IDE. Learn to use Vim or emacs just for common knowledge. Use version control, Subversion and git are good choices.
The power of linux is in the command line. Whatever you do outside the IDE, learn to do it with command line. After a while you'll be comfortable with it and you'll discover that there's bunch of stuff you never want to do with GUIs anymore :)

What is the best multi-platform SVN GUI client?

Looking for something on Mac Os and Linux mostly, and GUI, not just the command line tool.
Anybody has experience using Syncro SVN Client ?
For multi-platform (and even if you need a good client for one platform) I'd recommend SmartSVN.
They have a free Foundation Edition available. Since it's a java tool, it works on almost all OS.
Why use a multi-platform tool? The good thing about svn is that you can use one tool on Mac OS, and a completely unrelated tool on Linux, but they'll all still talk to the same repo. On Mac, I'd recommend Versions.
In a Venn-diagram sense, you are cutting it close by a Boolean AND between a) sane cross-platform GUI clients and b) SVN clients. I'd forgo some of the requirements -- I personally like the cmdline versions as well as as the Emacs interfaces on all platforms I use, and I occasionally use the kdesvn GUI on Linux.
Edit: Oh wait, there is one: Qt Creator is a wonderful IDE, is cross-platform and has SVN integration.
Would RapidSvn located here - cross platform written in wxWindows/C++ do?
Yes, SmartSVN is pretty good i would say.
Netbeans is cross platform and has a plugin that enables subversion. An excellent IDE if you ask me...

Linux Development C/C++/bash/python on windows-7

Before resorting to stackoverflow, i have spend a lot of times looking for the solutions. I have been a linux-user/developer for few years, now shifting to windows-7.
I am looking for seting-up a development environment (mainly c/c++/bash/python) on my windows machine. Solutions i tired -
VirtuaBox latest, with grml-medium (very light debian-based distro)
some how managed to install it in VBox, but lots of issues still regarding Guest-Additions, sharing files, screen-resolutions. Tired with it, now.
installed it, added to %PATH%, along with GVIM. Now i can use powershell, run gvim, vim, and mingw from the shell as bash. But no manpages, its a lot of convenience to have them availble, locally and offline. But i think it gives me a gcc development
Do i need mySys now. i can installed it if it provides me with manpages and ssh.
Has avoided till now. But i think it will give me manpages, gcc-utils, python-latest.
Something called Interix.
any taker for that. is it recommened.
What are the best practices? What are you guys following, i dont have a linux-box to ssh to, well if Vbox things works fine at some point of it, i can then ssh to my VBox. I have lost of time setting it up, so abandoning it for a while.
I think only VirtualBox solution will let try things like IPtables, or other linux-system-frameworks.
I checked this
Best setup for Linux development from Windows?
do you recommend coLinux or its derivatives. If yes advices or consideration before i try that.
I recommend VirtualBox+Ubuntu. Cygwin just doesn't cut it for certain tasks and is in beta for Win7.
Here is what I do for Python development on Windows:
EasyEclipse for Python (includes eclipse, subclipse, pydev)
GNU Win32 Native Windows ports for GNU tools
Vim and Emacs (for non-IDE editing work)
I would see if MSysGit can provide what you want first. also since man pages aren't really anything hugely impressive... it might just be possible to just copy them. I've had problems with cygwin, although to be honest I'm not happy with MSys, MSysGit, or Cygwin. I wish someone would build one that was more... linux like. I would if I had to use windows every day, fortunately I only have to use windows sparingly.
IMO I'd say VirtualBox + Gentoo Linux + KDevelop4, Gentoo will give you the control you need over your environment.
I'm doing exactly the opposite of you, I have gcc/qt4 installed on wine to compile for windows and using Linux primarily.
If you want to do development of POSIX applications (mostly command line), with all the familiar Linux tools, then cygwin is your best bet.
It probably include everything you are used to.
But if you will try to do Windows development (anything with UI, drivers, services), then Visual Studio is really gold.
And in general Visual Studio is just great for anything, if you want to spend the time and money. Good IDE, great debugger. I highly recommend it. And if you are in Rome, do what the Romans do :-)
I would recommend Bloodshed DevC++ as a good basic non-microsoft specific Windows solution for developing ANSI C/C++ code. Personally I just use Visual Studio 2008 and ignore all the Microsoft specific extensions.
For Python there is the wonderful Komodo Edit software that is free, personally the IDE version is what I prefer, but I use an old 3.5.3 version that works for me. And they have a very popular Python package called ActivePython as well, that has a bunch of Windows specific extension modules.
Personally cygwin just feels and acts like a hack to me and is painful to setup and maintain. I think running Linux/Unix in a Virtual Machine is much less hassle if you are looking for a *nix environment. Getting a really genuine *nix environment feel is going to be very hard under Windows.
The following suggestions hold if you are not going to do complex template programming as the c++ IDE's other than visual studio SUCK, they cannot efficiently index modern C++ code (the boost library).
I would suggest using Netbeans (it has far better support for C++ than eclipse/CDT) with the following two build environments. Both are important if you want to cross-compile and test against POSIX and win32. This is not a silver-bullet, you should test on different variants of UNIX once in a while:
I would suggest installing Mingw and Msys for windows development, its nice when you can use awk, grep, sed etc on your code :D generative programming is easier with shell tools as well -- writing generative build scripts is a bitch to do effectively of the command line in windows (powershell might have changed this).
I would ALSO suggest installing Cygwin and using that on the side. Mingw is for programming against the win32 low-level API, Cygwin is for programming against the POSIX standard. Cygwin also compiles a lot of software that you would otherwise have to port.
Also once you get your project up and running you can use CMAKE as build environment, its the best thing since sliced bread :P You can get it to spit out build definition for anything and everything -- including visual studio.
