Groovy Prototype Object - groovy

I have a method with an incoming variable, which represents a script.
class Foo {
static init(app) {
What is the best way to add a ton of new functionality to the app variable in the init method? Basically, I would like to add all the functionality of another object to the app object.
For instance, if I had another class:
class Bar {
def a() { }
def b() {
I would like the app object to basically be a new Bar(). In JavaScript, this is easy by using the prototype object, but I cannot seem to get it working in groovy. What is the best way to accomplish this? Or should I be doing something differently?

YourClass.metaClass.static.yourMethod is the most similar to JS prototype I've seen in Groovy. Check this link out:
Groovy meta-programming - adding static methods to Object.metaClass

There are several ways to do this and each has advantages and disadvantages. On the Groovy Documentation page, the section on Dynamic Groovy illustrates several of these. If I understand you correctly, the simplest way is to just use the metaClass of an instance to add new functionality, a la:
class Foo {
static void init (a) {
a.metaClass.a = { println "a()"; }
a.metaClass.b = { println "b()"; }
def myObject = new Object();
Foo.init (myObject);

The easiest way to do this would be with a mixin. Basically you can call mixin on app's class and pass it another class to incorporate that functionality into it.
I've modified your example to show this mixing in the Bar class.
class Foo {
static init(app) {
app.class.mixin Bar
class Bar {
def a() { println "a called" }
def b() {
println "b called"
def app = new Object()
The output of this would be:
a called
b called
In this case I added Bar to the Object class but you could add it to any class in your application.


Trying to call a function from inside the class in Groovy, getting MissingMethodException

I'm running the following code (in Jenkins script console):
def sayHello() {
println "Hello"
class MyClass {
MyClass() {
def a = new MyClass()
In all the good faith, I expect the constructor code to call the function that will print Hello.
Instead I get
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: MyClass.sayHello() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.unwrap(
What is going on here? I can't call the function from inside the class?
You get the error because you cannot access methods of one class from another class, unless you access an instance of that class.
In your case, the code is embedded automatically into a run() method inside the Main class derived from groovy.lang.Script. The class MyClass is an inner class of the Main class. See here Scripts versus classes.
Solution: to access the method sayHello() of the Main class, you must pass an instance of it, using this keyword:
def sayHello() {
println "Hello"
class MyClass {
MyClass(Script host) {
def a = new MyClass(this)
Not sure what and why you are trying to do, but the simplest option to call a "function" from a constructor inside a Script is to put it in another class:
class A {
static sayHello() {
println "Hello"
class MyClass {
MyClass() {
def a = new MyClass()

Create a new class "on the fly"?

... specifically in Groovy (hence tag)?
In Java you can't do this... but in dynamic languages (e.g. Python) you typically can.
An attempt to do something like in the given block of a Spock feature (i.e. test method) meets with, in Eclipse:
Groovy:Class definition not expected here. Please define the class at
an appropriate place or perhaps try using a block/Closure instead.
... an "appropriate" place would obviously be outside the feature. This would be clunky and not groovy. Having used Groovy for a few months now I get a feel for when Groovy should offer something groovier.
So say I'd like to extend my abstract class AbstractFoo and make a new subclass Foo, in my feature, is there any way to "use a block/Closure" to achieve something like that?
You can simply create an anonymous class by instantiating AbstractFoo and providing inline implementation of abstract methods. Consider following example:
abstract class AbstractFoo {
void bar() {
println text()
abstract String text()
def foo1 = new AbstractFoo() {
String text() {
return "Hello, world!"
def foo2 = new AbstractFoo() {
String text() {
return "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
Both foo1 and foo2 implement AbstractFoo and they provide different implementation of text() method that results in different bar() method behavior. Running this Groovy script produces following output to the console:
Hello, world!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
It's nothing Groovy-specific, you can achieve exactly the same behavior with Java. However you can make it a little bit more "groovier" by casting a closure to a AbstractFoo class, something like this:
def foo3 = { "test 123" } as AbstractFoo
In this case closure that returns "test 123" provides an implementation for an abstract text() method. It works like that if your abstract class has only single abstract method.
Abstract class with multiple abstract methods
But what happens if an abstract class has multiple abstract methods we want to implement on fly? In this case we can provide implementation of this methods as a map, where keys are names of abstract methods and values are closures providing implementation. Let's take a look at following example:
abstract class AbstractFoo {
abstract String text()
abstract int number()
void bar() {
println "text: ${text()}, number: ${number()}"
def foo = [
text: { "test 1" },
number: { 23 }
] as AbstractFoo
This example uses an abstract class with two abstract methods. We can instantiate this class by casting a map of type Map<String, Closure<?>> to AbstractFoo class. Running this example produces following output to the console:
text: test 1, number: 23
Creating non-anonymous classes on fly in Groovy
Groovy also allows you to create a class e.g. from a multiline string using GroovyClassLoader.parseClass(input) method. Let's take a look at following example:
abstract class AbstractFoo {
void bar() {
println text()
abstract String text()
def newClassDefinitionAsString = '''
class Foo extends AbstractFoo {
String text() {
return "test"
def clazz = new GroovyClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()).parseClass(newClassDefinitionAsString)
def foo = ((AbstractFoo) clazz.newInstance())
Here we are defining a non-anonymous class called Foo that extends AbstractFoo and provides a definition of test() method. This approach is pretty error prone, because you define a new class as String, so forget about any IDE support in catching errors and warnings.
Providing a subclass in a test specification
Your initial question mentioned about an attempt to create a class for a specification in a given: Spock block. I would strongly suggest using the simplest available tool - creating a nested private static class so you can easily access it inside your test and you don't expose it outside the test. Something like this:
class MySpec extends Specification {
def "should do something"() {
Class<?> clazz = Foo.class
private static class Foo extends AbstractFoo {

Method aliasing in class with Groovy

I'm going to internationalize groovy API abit.
For final class (e.g. String)
String.metaClass.вСтроку = {-> this.toString() }
However, this will create additional closure. Isn't there any way to just alias method with another method?
Something like this:
String.metaClass.вСтроку = String.metaClass.&toString
You could use #Category transform like this
#Category(String) class StringInternationalization {
String вСтроку() {
int длина() {
class ApplyMixin {
static {
final helloString = "Привет мир!"
println helloString.вСтроку()
assert helloString.длина() == helloString.length()
new Main()
This will create 1 Category class for each localised class and one class to apply all mixin transformations(to register all methods.) Also should be faster, then individual closures.
More reading here:

How do I dynamically invoke methods in Groovy?

At runtime I'm grabbing a list of method names on a class, and I want to invoke these methods. I understand how to get the first part done from here:
GroovyObject.methods.each{ println }
What I can't seem to find information on is how to then invoke a method once I've grabbed its name.
What I want is to get here:
GroovyObject.methods.each{ GroovyObject.invokeMethod(, argList) }
I can't seem to find the correct syntax. The above seems to assume I've overloaded the default invokeMethod for the GroovyObject class, which is NOT the direction I want to go.
Once you get a MetaMethod object from the metaclass, you can call invoke on it. For example:
class MyClass {
def myField = 'foo'
def myMethod(myArg) { println "$myField $myArg" }
test = new MyClass()
test.metaClass.methods.each { method ->
if ( == 'myMethod') {
method.invoke(test, 'bar')
Alternatively, you can use the name directly:
methodName = 'myMethod'
Groovy allows for dynamic method invocation as well as dynamic arguments using the spread operator:
def dynamicArgs = [1,2]
def groovy = new GroovyObject()
groovy."$"(staticArg, *dynamicArgs)
Reference here
Question answered here.

ExpandoMetaClass - Static Methods + singleton + overloaded functions

Using ExpandoMetaClass Static Methods can be added dynamically, how can i use this ExpandoMetaClass in Singleton object, with overloaded static function in it, let say the sample program need to be re written using ExpandoMetaClass whats needs to changed in the below program
class testA {
def static zMap = [:]
static def X() {
static def Y() {
static def X(def var) {
static def Y(def var) {
One of the reasons to use a singleton is to avoid having static state and methods in a class. If you're using #Singleton, there's no reason to have static methods or fields. The way to use a singleton is like this:
#Singleton class TestA {
def someField = "hello"
def methodX() {
println TestA.instance.methodX()
You can extend the singleton using ExpandoMetaClass like so:
TestA.instance.metaClass.newMethod = { -> "foo" }
TestA.instance.metaClass.methodX = { -> "goodbye" }
println TestA.instance.newMethod()
println TestA.instance.methodX()
If you really want a static method, you can do something like this:
TestA.metaClass.static.methodY = { -> "I am static" }
println TestA.methodY()
Note that if you override the class metaClass, rather than the instance metaClass, it won't apply to the instance if the instance has already been created. To get around this use #Singleton(lazy = true) and override the metaClass before accessing the instance.
