Problem identifying moss features from GUIDS - sharepoint

We are using a site definition and it has 3 feature dependencies that we are struggling to identify:
<ActivationDependency FeatureId="7EDD3C9C-8AC6-4ab5-A209-30B5DC422464" />
<ActivationDependency FeatureId="63FDC6AC-DBB4-4247-B46E-A091AEFC866F" />
<ActivationDependency FeatureId="22A9EF51-737B-4ff2-9346-694633FE4416" />
Can anyone identify what these features or give me an idea as to how to identify them?
I think they are out of the box moss features but they are not installed on the farm currently.
Thanks for any suggestions

22A9EF51-737B-4ff2-9346-694633FE4416 - Publishing Web Feature
The other two GUIDs are not googleable and don't return any results on MSDN. Are they Microsoft features, or could they be 3rd party?

An alternative to Copernic Dekstop search is a tool called Agent Ransack from Mythicsoft. It allows for really good text search in files (in the FEATURES folder of the 12 hive in your case) and it is free. Download it here.

I use Copernic Desktop Search and have indexed a copy of the 12 hive. I frequently use it to search for out of the box and custom features by GUID, just as you are.
As Andrew said, 7EDD3C9C-8AC6-4ab5-A209-30B5DC422464 and
63FDC6AC-DBB4-4247-B46E-A091AEFC866F are not standard features as they were not in the 12 hive. But if you download Copernic (or use a similar search tool) and point it at your solution, you should be able to find the feature definitions pretty quickly.


Kentcio v9 Smart Search Dialog with Results search mode localization

How can i localize the drop down option for the search mode? I did some digging and was able to adjust the localization for the search form labels but i'm at loss here.
The CMS Module SearchDialog.ascx call the drop down list here, but i can't see where the values come from.
<cms:CMSDropDownList runat="server" ID="drpSearchMode" CssClass="DropDownField" />
Go to the localization App and create resource strings for
Believe those are the 4 you need.
I couldn't find official documentation that helps much with this, though there have been articles in the past on older versions. However, one trick I've used previously is to look in the ~/CMSResources/cms.resx file, find the localized string there, and add a new one with the same key to the Localization module in Kentico. That is, add a new resource string in Kentico with the same key (the naming will be different depending on your version of Kentico).
Here's the docs discussing setting up a multilingual interface:
And here's a screenshot of the resx file:
So in your case I'd create a new resource string within Kentico called "srch.dialog.allwords" as an example and that should overwrite and take priority over whatever is in the .resx file, plus you can manage it via the Kentico admin. There may be a quicker or more reliable way to view the list of default resource strings but in my recent installs of Kentico, the list is hidden from the admin interface.
Alternatively, of course, you could manage the resource strings via various .resx files as in the documentation, but I try to manage as much of these pieces via Kentico as possible for convenience.

Excel-like filtering in LightSwitch

I'm pretty new to LightSwitch and trying to make a responsive filter feature to my tables.
This is what it looks like in Excel
Telerik extensions has this feature and you can use that in LightSwitch, but I can't afford the license.
Is there any other way to accomplish the same thing without paying $999? Thanks in advance
There is a filter control extension available here, but it seems that both the VS10 and VS12 versions are not fully functional (I did not have time to check by myself).

Multilingual solution

Two questions, hopefully with similar answers.
I'll be releasing a JavaScript package in my solution where the error messages are to be displayed. The problems is that I'll be targeting German, English and French. Possibly, also a fourth language TBD. What would be the nicest way to resolve this?
The label names should definitely be localized. Is there a built-in approach to that in CRM 2011? Like a resource table or something like that?
My current solution for (1) is to keep an extra web resource with the strings and distributing a different file for each language. I may rebuild it and distribute all the languages at once and only use a parameter, possibly settable from the GUI if I create a settings-entity. A bit cumbersome.
My current solution for (2) involves a lot of praying and a divine act of some sort. :)
To determine current CRM user language dynamically from Javascript you can use window.USER_LANGUAGE_CODE (this variable exists on all CRM pages) - for example it will be equal 1033 for English. Than based on that info, you can pick needed string resources from your file.
Also in forms context there are two predefined functions, which return current Organization language code and current User language code: Xrm.Page.context.getOrgLcid() and
Xrm.Page.context.getUserLcid() .
If you are talking about custom entities and fields, you can easily add localized display names for them via your solution. You need to edit customizations.xml file from your unzipped solution. For each attribute there you will find such XML containing display names:
<displayname description="Created By" languagecode="1033" />
You can just add new display names for each language you need there.
P.S. If someone interested in different aspects of multilangual support for Dynamics CRM 2011 solutions, I strongly recommend to review this page, also here and here is a very helpful reading.

Export list of Sitecore items as Excel (or other formats)

I noticed that sitecore has the option of exporting users in an Excel format.
I need to have similar functionality for exporting 'participations', (a users can enlist to take part in an 'event', and if their entry is approved via a sitecore workflow, a 'participation' item is created in the content tree)
Since mostly everything in Sitecore is in essence based on items, and I want to export items to Excel, my question is - what are some of the best ways of doing this?
Is there a way to re-use this functionality for regular items?
Would it be a good idea to create a custom admin page (any tips on doing this?) which has some custom code that reads the items from the database using the API?
are there sitecore plugins/shared source projects that can help me achieve this?
Or does anyone have a better idea? - would it be better to just store the participations in SQL? I'm mostly doing it this way because I want to make use of the 'free' functionality offers, for example workflow, but if that leads to me using anti-patterns please shoot me ;)
Link is different now:
P.S. Couldn't leave a comment to original answer as I don't have enough reputation. Oh well :)
Found a most excellent shared source module which does exactly this (and much more)!
Basically it allows you to configure (and easily extend, if you need to) any kind of table based report on 'items'.
The report module shows up as an application in the sitecore menu (like the user manager tool) and comes with features such as xml,csv, xls export. It's also really easy to set up, once you get the hang of it.

How to create a shared document library in SharePoint that can be used in subsites?

We want to create a common document library on a certain site level and then create views on that document library in the different sub sites?
Is that possible in SharePoint?
Can it be done declaratively?
I would recommend to use the DataFormWebPart (requires SharePoint Designer to insert and customize the DFWP, the result can be exported to a feature)
The following blog entry lists a suitable SPDataSource sample:
SPDataSource and Rollups with the Data View
Good Luck!
Not out of the box. You will either need a third party "roll-up" ("roll-down") web part or you will need to write your own. OTB, views for lists/libraries are only visible at the current site level.
That being said, roll-ups (in one form or another) are probably one of the most common 3rd party seller for sharepoint (just a guess). In fact, I would bet there are several free projects out there that you could use (Check codeplex). You should have no problem finding one that meets your needs.
My suggestion would be to write your own, as this would give you some real good experience using the SharePoint object model and there really are no complicated concepts. Once you get past being able to do site navigation and accessing list data through the OM, you pretty much have all the tools you need.
Good Luck
I have found a cheep and great webpart which does a documents rollup from all subsites with search, paging and sorting functions.
i used it, its simple and powerful
