grep for value of keyvaue pair and format - linux

When I do the following
ps -aef|grep "asdf"
I get a list of processes that are running. Each one of my process has the following text in the output:
I'd like to be able to format the out put so all I get is:
The following processes are running:
Process A
Process B

Use sed(1):
... | grep "asdf" | sed -e 's:.*-ProcessName=\([^ ]\+\).*:Process \1:'

you can format your ps output using -o eg
ps -eo args| awk -F"=" '/asdf/{print $2}'


Linux ps aux with grep check for specific PHP process ID

I'm trying to figure out whether a PHP process is running or not using the ps aux command and passing grep to it, for instance:
I need it to return and tell me whether a process ID on php is running or not but whenever I try the following I always seem to get a result where the result is appending 1234 at the end, what am I missing?
ps aux | grep 'php|1234'
Suggesting pgrep command instead of ps aux
pgrep -af "php"
The reason your get always one line:
php process is not matched with grep 'php|123123123'
ps aux list the grep command you submitted and the grep command match itself
maybe you meant grep -E 'php|123123123' to match php or 123123123
The solution I've come across thanks to a user above is to do:
ps aux | grep '123456' | grep 'grep' -v
Where 123456 would be the process ID

grep a variable containing special characters

i'm new to bash scripting and i have to determine if a process is running in a linux environment.
Actually i use the follow command to do the job:
#ps -ef | awk '{print substr($0, index($0,$8))}' | grep -v grep | grep -w -F $PROCESSNAME
awk '{print substr($0, index($0,$8))}'
allow me to ignore UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME fields and
grep -v grep
allow me to ignore the row that contains the command itself. So at this point i have a list of all processes running on the system.
read a variable which contains the name of the process that i want to check.
For what i understand the full command should return only the row that has the exact value of $PROCESSNAME
Actually this doesn't works correctly for processes that follow the pattern "[processname]", and probably also for other patterns.
For example to simplify, if i have a running process named "[vmmemctl]" and i run:
#ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -w -F "vmmemctl]"
it actually returns a result:
#root 615 2 0 Feb26 ? 00:01:00 [vmmemctl]
but the actual process name in the command is different from the process name in the result.
What is the correct command that doesn't have this behavior?
Thank you
awk to the rescue!
ps -ef | awk '$8=="[command]"{NF=8;print}'
ps -ef | awk -v c="vmmemctl]" '$8==c{NF=8;print}'
note that this is for an exact match not pattern.
since this is an exact match the command can have spaces and other special chars in it (it's not pattern match but string equality). Using your variable name it will look like this
ps -ef | awk -v c="$PROCESSNAME" '$8==c{NF=8;print}'

Create a list of process ordered by status

I need create a shell script to list the process by status type.
The output must be something like:
Process running:
Process sleeping:
I did this, but doesnt work the ps aux | awk '$8 ~ PROCESS':
for PROCESS in `ps -v | awk 'NR!=1 {print $2}' | sort -u`; do
echo "Procesos como $PROCESS:"
ps aux | awk '$8 ~ PROCESS'
Cause that script outputs all the process, not filter by Process.
Any help?
A simple solution would be to use ps and sort:
ps u | sort -rk 8
-r reverses the sort (so that the list header remains above), and -k 8 selects the 8th field (STAT).
You can then select processes in a specific state using anything form head to awk, and print out whatever you like.
You can also use top, in non-interactive mode ( the -S option to display and sort by state):
top -b -n 1 -S

selecting only required lines from unix shell prompt

Lets say I am running
$: ps au
in a shell prompt and want to select 2nd field of 5th entry in that, no matter which process it is. How do I do that ?
With awk.
awk 'NR==6 { print $2 }'
The 6th record because you need to skip the header.
If you don't want to use awk or the equivalent perl or ruby commands, you can also use more low-level tools:
ps au | head -6 | tail -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2
In "ps au" output, second field is the process ID; you can extract it directly by telling to ps what you need:
ps a -o pid=
Then you just need to output the fifth line:
ps a -o pid= | sed '5!d'

linux shell scripting kiddie's question

an Unix shell script with only purpose - count the number of running processes of qmail (could be anything else). Easy thing, but there must be some bug in code:
rows=`ps aux | grep qmail | wc -l`
echo $rows
echo $rows
always shows greater number of rows (11) than if I just count rows in
ps aux | grep qmail
There are just 8 rows. Does it work this way on your system too?
Nowadays with linux, there is pgrep. If you have it on your system, you can skip grep -v grep
$ var=$(pgrep bash) # or `pgrep bash | wc -l`
$ echo $var
2110 2127 2144 2161 2178 2195 2212 2229
$ set -- $var; echo ${#}
also, if your ps command has -C option, another way
$ ps -C bash -o pid= | wc -l
if not, you can set a character class in your grep pattern
$ ps aux|grep [q]mail | wc -l
It appears that you're counting the grep process itself and the header line that ps normally prints before its output.
I'd suggest something more like:
qprocs=$(ps auxwww | grep -c "[q]mail")
... note that GNU grep has a "-c" switch to have it print a "count" of matches rather than the lines themselves. The trick with the regular expression here is to match qmail without matching the literal string that's on the grep command line. So we take any single character in the string and wrap it in square brackets such that it is a single character "class." The regexp: [q]mail matches the string qmail without matching the string [q]mail.
Note that even with this regex you may still find some false positive matches. If you really want to be more precise then you should supply a custom output format string to your ps command (see the man pages) or you should feed it through a pipemill or you should parse the output of the ps command based on fields (using awk or cut or a while read loop). (The -o option to ps is by far the easiest among these).
No, since I'm not running qmail. However, you will want to, at a bare minimum, exclude the process running your grep:
ps aux | grep qmail | grep -v grep
For debugging, you may want to do:
rows=`ps aux | grep qmail`
echo $rows >debug.input
od -xcb debug.input
(to see your input to the script in great detail) and then rewrite your script temporarily as:
rows=`cat debug.input | wc -l`
echo $rows
That way, you can see the input and figure out what effect it's having on your code, even as you debug it.
A good debugger will eventually learn to only change one variable at a time. If your changing your code to get it working, that's the variable - don't let the input to your code change as well.
$ /sbin/pidof qmail
A few ways...
ps -e | grep ' [q]mail' | wc -l
ps -C qmail -opid= | wc -l
pidof qmail | tr ' ' '\n' | wc -l
pgrep is on many Linux distributions, and I imagine available for other Unices.
[dan#khorium ~]$ whatis pgrep
pgrep (1) - look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes
[dan#khorium ~]$ pgrep mingetty
In your case, pgrep qmail | wc -l should do the trick.
