cruisecontrol <buildargs> nant parameter not being passed -

I've been trying to use the param in my cruisecontrol build config file to no avail. When checking the cruisecontrol log file, whatever buildargs I try to pass are NOT passed to the call to nAnt.
Here's the nant task:
<buildArgs>-D:CCFoo="Unknown" -D:foo="$(foo)"</buildArgs>
Here's what appears in the logfile for that call to nant:
2010-01-28 08:45:12,815 [TekWebsite:DEBUG] Starting process [C:\MCR\Trunk\BuildLibrary\NAnt.exe] in working directory [C:\MCR\Trunk\tek.Build] with arguments [-nologo -logger:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger -D:CCNetArtifactDirectory="C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\server\builds" -D:CCNetBuildCondition=ForceBuild -D:CCNetBuildDate=2010-01-28 -D:CCNetBuildTime=08:45:12 -D:CCNetFailureUsers= -D:CCNetIntegrationStatus=Unknown -D:CCNetLabel=50 -D:CCNetLastIntegrationStatus=Failure -D:CCNetListenerFile="C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\server\builds\ClarksWebsite_ListenFile.xml" -D:CCNetModifyingUsers= -D:CCNetNumericLabel=50 -D:CCNetProject=TekWebsite -D:CCNetProjectUrl=http://cor-str-mcr08/ccnet/server/local/project/TekWebsite/ViewProjectReport.aspx -D:CCNetRequestSource=Dashboard -D:CCNetWorkingDirectory="C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\server" cc]
I'm thinking that maybe there's a config setting for cruisecontrol that tells it to ignore buildargs?
I've tried reordering the lines in the nant task, putting buildargs at the top as you see, and a few places in the middle and the bottom. I've tried the different syntaxes that are available for buildargs such as:

I figured this out - the ccnet.config file that's used by the ccnet daemon process won't reload the build config file until either:
a) the process is restarted OR
b) the ccnet.config file is altered or touched in some way.
So I just went into C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\server.ccnet.config and added a space, saved and now the buildargs are being passed to nant. woohoo!

I had the exact same problem running some bat file but my reason was I has used:
instead of


Config Transforms and

How is it possible to Transform configuration from a build?
I have the following in my CC project (snipped for brevity):
<buildArgs>/noconsolelogger /P:TransformConfigFiles=true /p:Configuration=Development /v:diag</buildArgs>
Where “Development” is the name of the configuration build. Is “TransformConfigFiles” actually the correct command line argument?
The CC project executes without error, it’s just that actual transform doesn’t happen. It’s meant to replace the connection string. Here’s the transform config:
Web.Development.config using "set attributes" transform:
<add name="DbConnectionNameHere" connectionString="myConnectionHere" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>
I've never seen that (/P) parameter (TransformConfigFiles). That doesn't mean I'm omniscient.
Check this one out:
web.config file transform from command line
I think the below substantiates my guess about "TransformConfigFiles":
TFS 2012 and web.config transforms with UCM Clearcase - How to?

I am trying to configure for UCM Clearcase for the first time. Following is the sourceControl tag in the ccnet.config file:
<sourcecontrol type="clearCase">
I constantly receive the following error:
ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.CruiseControlException: Source control
operation failed: cleartool: Error: Not an object in a vob: "PATH TO
When I run cleartool from an arbitrary directory with the following parameters:
cleartool.exe lshist -r -nco -branch "123_India_Release" -since
05-Dec-2012.14:38:18 -fmt
I get the same error. But if I change the working directory to $(ViewDirectory) before running cleartool, it runs fine.
How should I make run cleartool.exe from the $(ViewDirectory)?
I have already tried adding <workingDirectory>$(ViewDirectory)</workingDirectory> tag before <executable>cleartool.exe</executable> but it did not work.
Any help would be appreciated.
As a workaround I have done the following:
<buildArgs>update -force</buildArgs>
I have added this to the tasks tag. I have configured an hourly trigger which does the following:
1) Update snapshot view
2) Build the VS 2010 solutions mentioned in the tasks tag.
The limitations are:
1) The trigger is hourly. I want it to be a commit based trigger.
2) This is a workaround
Further experimentation revealed that the ccnet.exe works fine. It does all that is needed. The issue is caused by the service ccservice.
I have stopped ccservice for now and started ccnet.exe. I plan to leave it running.
The View directory isn't enough: you must specify a vob.
See for instance:
"clearfsimport: Error: Not an object in a vob: "\"." (as an illustratio of that error message)
this thread (or this one): "You have to specify explicitly the VOB(s) to check for modification set"
The path should looks like:
If your $(ViewDirectory) already references Drive:\path\to\view, then you could use:

Get the CCNetBuildDate in NAnt parallel tasks

In a cruise control configuration file, I use a set of parallel tasks to call some NAnt targets. I noticed that the CC system parameters (like CCNetBuildDate) are not pushed to the NAnt scripts, while they are pushed when I remove the parallel flag. How can I push the CCNetBuildDate information to my parallel tasks?
When I tested this (1.5) I got 0001-01-01 for CCNetBuildDate.
Until this bug is fixed you could save the correct settings before executing the parallel tasks. As you can not override properties passed on the command line you would have to change their names or use <exec> to call nant directly:
<buildArgs> #CCNetBuildParameters</buildArgs>
<buildArgs> #CCNetBuildParameters</buildArgs>
where CCNetBuildParameters is a file looking similar to:

Merge Publisher - what does <file action="Copy"> actually do in CruiseControl.Net?

I inherited a project that runs TestComplete scripts from CruiseControl.
For each Script there is an entry in CCnet.Config and each entry ends with the following:
<file action="Copy">
<xmllogger />
<statistics />
Which I assumed copies the TestComplete log to that location. However, if I change the location (i.e. to C:\test\log2\TestWebLog.mht), the file still ends up in C:\Test\Log\TestCompleteResult. I have tried shutting down CruiseControl, rebooting the system etc. and the file still ends up in the same location.
I have deleted the directory and file, checked the time stamp and looked at the log file. All indicate that it is a new file created by the most recent run of the TestComplete script, but it always gets put in the same location: C:\Test\Log\TestCompleteResult\TestWebLog.mht.
Is there some place else this path could be defined?
From the CruiseControl.NET Wiki :
Copy: instead of merging the data into the build log, it will copy the specified files into a "build" folder under the artefacts folder for the project
In ccnet.config you can specify an artifact directory for each project into which the build results will be placed.
<project name="Project">
The default merge action is to combine the specified file with the result.xml found in the artifact directory.
The "Copy" merge action copies the specified file into the artifactdirectory\Build folder.
The file you specify in the <file>...</file> tags is the source file that will be copied to the artifact folder.
The <merge> publisher includes an existing file in the build report. If you want to change the location in which the file is generated, you need to change the task configuration (i.e. in the place where TestComplete gets actually invoked).

CruiseControl.NET post-build actions

We have CC.NET setup on our ASP.NET app. When we build the project, the ASP.NET app is pre-compiled and copied to a network share, from which a server runs the application.
The server is a bit different from development box'es, and the next server in our staging environment differs even more. The difference is specific config files and so on - so I want to exclude some files - or delete them before the pre-compiled app is copied to a network share.
My config file looks like this:
<project name="Assembly.Web.project">
<intervalTrigger seconds="3600" />
<sourcecontrol type="svn">
<executable>C:\Program Files (x86)\SVN 1.5 bin\svn.exe</executable>
<buildArgs>/noconsolelogger /p:Configuration=Debug /v:diag</buildArgs>
<logger>C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.dll</logger>
As you can see, I use a buildPublisher to copy the pre-compiled files to the network share. What I want to do here, is either 1) delete certain files before they are copied or 2) replace those files after they have been copied.
I DO NOT want to have some app running watching specific files for change, and then after that replace the files with other ones. I want something to be either done by CC.NET, or triggered by CC.NET.
Can you launch a .bat file with CC.NET?
I use a NAnt task for all publishing, deploying, cleaning and so on.
Take a look at MSDEPLOY or Web Deployment Projects. There is a question that will provide more detail here
You have to use NAnt for those kind of stuff.
Here is the Task Reference of Nant..
Of course CruiseControl.NET can run a batch file, simply use the exec task. However, an easier answer might just be to have MSBuild do the task for you. It should be simple to add a few steps in the postcompile target.
