Good functions and techniques for dealing with haskell tuples? - haskell

I've been doing a lot of work with tuples and lists of tuples recently and I've been wondering if I'm being sensible.
Things feel awkward and clunky which for me signals that I'm doing something wrong.
For example I've written three convenience functions for getting the first, second and third value in a tuple of 3 values.
Is there a better way I'm missing?
Are there more general functions that allow you to compose and manipulate tuple data?
Here are some things I am trying to do that feel should be generalisable.
Extracting values:
Do I need to create a version of fst,snd,etc... for tuples of size two, three, four and five, etc...?
fst3(x,_,_) = x
fst4(x,_,_,_) = x
Manipulating values:
Can you increment the last value of every tuple in a list of pairs and then use that same function to increment the last value of every tuple in a list of triples?
Zipping and Unzipping values:
There is a zip and a zip3. Do I also need a zip4? or is there some way of creating a general zip function?
Sorry if this seems subjective, I honestly don't know if this is even possible or if I'm wasting my time writing 3 extra functions every time I need a general solution.
Thank you for any help you can give!

Extracting values
Yes, you need to write fstN yourself. But why not extract it in pattern matching?
Zipping and Unzipping values
Data.List already provides up to zip7. For general zipN, use a ZipList.
See How to zip multiple lists in Haskell?.
Manipulating values
Not without extensions. Since all tuples are of different types, you have to create a type class, for example:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies #-}
class Firstable a b c | a -> b, a -> c where
firstOf :: a -> b
restOf :: a -> c
concatenate :: b -> c -> a
instance Firstable [a] a [a] where
firstOf = head
restOf = tail
concatenate = (:)
instance Firstable (a,b) a b where
firstOf = fst
restOf = snd
concatenate = (,)
instance Firstable (a,b,c) a (b,c) where
firstOf (x,_,_) = x
restOf (_,x,y) = (x,y)
concatenate x (y,z) = (x,y,z)
instance Firstable (a,b,c,d) a (b,c,d) where
firstOf (x,_,_,_) = x
restOf (_,x,y,z) = (x,y,z)
concatenate x (y,z,w) = (x,y,z,w)
instance Firstable (a,b,c,d,e) a (b,c,d,e) where
firstOf (x,_,_,_,_) = x
restOf (_,x,y,z,w) = (x,y,z,w)
concatenate x (y,z,w,t) = (x,y,z,w,t)
Then you could use
incFirst :: (Num b, Firstable a b c) => a -> a
incFirst x = (1 + firstOf x) `concatenate` restOf x
main = do
print $ map incFirst [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)]
print $ map incFirst [(1,3,6,7),(2,5,-2,4)]
(lastOf is similar.)
But why not use separate functions?

When I start to have big tuples, I use Haskell's pitiful excuse for record syntax to give each element a name, e.g.,
data LatticeOperations a = LO { bot :: a
, top :: a
, glb :: a
, lub :: a
, le :: a
This is a five-tuple, but the names turn into functions that select the individual elements.
For changing tuples, you have record-update syntax. In the example I've just given, it makes no sense to replace just one element, but I might, for example, refine the partial order and replace three elements
lattice { le = le', glb = glb', lub = lub' }
And of course if you have a big record and are just trying to increment you can do something like
data FatRecord = FR { count :: Int, ... }
fat = fat { count = count fat + 1 }
I don't think record syntax helps with zip and unzip.

Once tuples get more than size 3 or so, and/or the same tuple type gets used widely, it's best to use a record.

There is no way to generalise over tuple-size without using extensions like Template Haskell. So if we just consider plain haskell: Yes, you do need to write versions of fst etc. for each tuple-size and no, you can't write a general zip method.

I recently found that
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
allows for a record to use the field selectors as values -
like this:
data R = R {a::Int, b::String, c::Bool}
testA R{..} = a > 0
.. = R {..} where a = 7; b= "x"; c= True
check the GHC manual!

Better late than never: try the Tuple package.

Haskell's built-in fst and snd only support tuple pairs, so you're right to define your own. If you want to increment the last value in a list, reverse the list, work from that end, and reverse it back. If you want that increment to work for lists and lists of tuples, just define a new function that increments for those data types and call that within your increment function for the list. #KennyTM has answered the zipN question.
Working with lists and tuples in Haskell is a little different than a lot of languages, but after a while of they feel especially natural and powerful in comparison.


The meaning of the universal quantification

I am trying to understand the meaning of the universal quantification from the following page
I am not sure, if I understand this sentence correctly
The essence of universal quantification is that we can express
functions which operate the same way for a set of types and whose
function behavior is entirely determined only by the behavior of all
types in this span.
Let`s take the function from the example:
-- ∀a. [a]
example1 :: forall a. [a]
example1 = []
What I can do with the function example1 is, to use every functions, that is defined for List type.
But I did not get the exactly purpose of the universal quantification in Haskell.
I need a collection of numbers, and I need to be able to easily insert into the middle of the list, so I decide on making a linked list. Being a savvy Hask-- programmer (Hask-- being the variant of Haskell that does not have universal quantification!), I quickly whip up a type and a length function without trouble:
data IntLinkedList = IntNil | IntCons Int IntLinkedList
length_IntLinkedList :: IntLinkedList -> Int
length_IntLinkedList IntNil = 0
length_IntLinkedList (IntCons _ tail) = 1 + length_IntLinkedList tail
Later I realize it would be handy to have a variant type that can store numbers not quite as big as 1 and not quite as small as 0. No problem...
data FloatLinkedList = FloatNil | FloatCons Float FloatLinkedList
length_FloatLinkedList :: FloatLinkedList -> Int
length_FloatLinkedList FloatNil = 0
length_FloatLinkedList (FloatCons _ tail) = 1 + length_FloatLinkedList tail
Boy that code looks awfully familiar! And if, later, I discover it would be nice to have a variant that can store Strings I am once again left copying and pasting the exact same code, and tweaking the exact same places that are specific to the contained type. Wouldn't it be nice if there were a way to just cook up a linked list once and for all that could contain elements of any single type, and a length function that worked uniformly no matter what elements it had? After all, our length functions above didn't even care what values the elements had. In Haskell, this is exactly what universal quantification gives you: a way to write a single function which works with an entire collection of types.
Here's how it looks:
data LinkedList a = Nil | Cons a (LinkedList a)
length_LinkedList :: forall a. LinkedList a -> Int
length_LinkedList Nil = 0
length_LinkedList (Cons _ tail) = 1 + length_LinkedList tail
The forall says that this function for all variants of linked lists -- linked lists of Ints, linked lists of Floats, linked lists of Strings, linked lists of functions that take FibbledyGibbets and return linked lists of tuples of Grazbars and WonkyNobbers, ...
How nice! Now instead of separate IntLinkedList and FloatLinkedList types, we can just use LinkedList Int and LinkedList Float for that, and length_LinkedList, implemented once, works for both.

Recursively merge list of lists based on shared elements

I don't know what the official technical name is for what I'm trying to do so I'll try to explain it as best I can.
Given a list of lists:
[[2,3,4,5], [1,5,6], [7,8,9]]
I want to union only the lists that have atleast one common element. So basically something like this:
simUnion :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
simUnion list = --...
-- [[1,2,3,4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
The problem I'm running into is running a match process between each element. Basically this is like the old math class problem where each person in a room must shake the hand of each other person. Ordinarily I'd accomplish this with a nested for loop, but how can I do this using Haskell's recursion?
Any help at all would be great!
If there is a finite number of distinct elements, you can turn the task inside out and make a Ord elem => Map elem [[elem]] out of your [[elem]] and then start iteratively merging the elements by the next algorithm:
while map isn't empty, take away a key, put it in the queue
get all the groups containing key popped from the queue
concat them and put into the queue (and in some accumulator, too)
if the queue got empty, the group is finished; take another key from the map
Note: The following post is written in literate Haskell. Save it as *.lhs and load it in GHCi. Also note that the discussed algorithm has runtime O(n²) and isn't optimal. A better approach would use union find or similar.
First, let us think about the tools we need if we want to group a single list x with the rest of the lists xs. We need to separate between the lists from xs that have an element in common with x, and we need to build the union of such lists. Therefore, we should import some functions from Data.List:
> import Data.List (partition, union)
Next, we need to check whether two lists are suitable to get merged:
> intersects :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
> intersects xs ys = any (`elem` ys) xs
Now we have all the tools at hand to define simUnion. The empty case is clear: if we don't have any lists, the result doesn't have any list either:
> simUnion :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [[a]]
> simUnion [] = []
Suppose we have at least two lists. We take the first one and check whether they have any element in common with any other list. We can do so by using partition:
> simUnion (x:xs) =
> let (common, noncommon) = partition (intersects x) xs
Now, common :: [[a]] will only contain those lists that have at least one element in common. There can be two cases now: either common is empty, and our list x has no element in common with any list from xs:
> in if null common
> then x : simUnion xs
We ignore uncommon here, since xs == uncommon in this case. In the other case, we need to build the union of all lists in common and x. This can be done with foldr union. However, this new list must be used in simUnion again, since it may have new intersections. For example, in
simUnion [[1,2], [2,3], [3,4]]
you want to end up with [[1,2,3,4]], not [[1,2,3],[3,4]]:
> else simUnion (foldr union x common : noncommon)
Note that the result will be unsorted, but you can map sort over it as a last step.
I have two main recommendations:
Don't think of it in terms of recursion! Instead, make liberal use of library utility functions.
Use appropriate data structures! Since you're talking about membership tests and unions, sets (from the Data.Set module) sound like they would be a better choice.
Applying those ideas, here's a fairly simple (though perhaps very naïve and suboptimal) solution:
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
simUnion :: Set (Set Int) -> Set (Set Int)
simUnion sets = outer sets
where outer :: Set Int -> Set Int
outer set = unionMap middle set
where middle :: Int -> Set Int
middle i = unionMap inner sets
where inner :: Set Int -> Set Int
inner set
| i `Set.member` set = set
| otherwise = Set.empty
-- | Utility function analogous to the 'concatMap' list function, but
-- for sets.
unionMap :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> Set b) -> Set a -> Set b
unionMap f as = Set.unions (map f (Set.toList as))
Now using your example:
-- | This evaluates to:
-- >>> simUnion sampleData
-- fromList [fromList [1,2,3,4,5,6],fromList [7,8,9]]
sampleData :: Set (Set Int)
sampleData = Set.fromList (map Set.fromList sampleData')
where sampleData' :: [[Int]]
sampleData' = [[2,3,4,5], [1,5,6], [7,8,9]]
Ordinarily I'd accomplish this with a nested for loop, but how can I do this using Haskell's recursion?
You don't use recursion directly. You use higher-order functions like and unionMap. Note that these functions are analogous to loops, and that we're using them in a nested manner. Rule of thumb: imperative for loops very often translate to functional map, filter, reduce or similar operations. Nested imperative loops correspondingly often translate to nested use of such functions.

How to modify this Haskell square root function to take an array

I have a function that will take and int and return its square root. However now i want to modify it so that it takes an array of integers and gives back an array with the square roots of the elements of the first array. I know Haskell does not use loops so how can this modification be done? Thanks.
intSquareRoot :: Int -> Int
intSquareRoot n = try n where
try i | i*i > n = try (i - 1)
| i*i <= n = i
The idea of “looping through some collection”, putting each result in the corresponding slot of its input, is a somewhat trivial, extremely common pattern. Patterns are for OO programmers. In Haskell, when there's a pattern, we want to abstract over it, i.e. give it a simple name that we can always re-use without extra boilerplate.
This particular “pattern” is the functor operation1. For lists it's called
map :: (a->b) -> [a]->[b]
more generally (e.g. it'll also work with real arrays; lists aren't actually arrays),
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a->b) -> f a->f b
So instead of defining an extra function
intListSquareRoot :: [Int] -> [Int]
intListSquareRoot = ...
you simply use map intSquareRoot right where you wanted to use that function.
Of course, you could also define that “lifted” version of intSquareRoot,
intListSquareRoot = map intSquareRoot
but that gains you practically nothing over simply inlining the map call right where you need it.
If you insist
That said... it's of course valid to wonder how map itself works. Well, you can manually “loop” through a list by recursion:
map' :: (a->b) -> [a]->[b]
map' _ [] = []
map' f (x:xs) = f x : map' f xs
Now, you could inline your specific function here
intListSquareRoot' :: [Int] -> [Int]
intListSquareRoot' [] = []
intListSquareRoot' (x:xs) = intSquareRoot x : intListSquareRoot' xs
This is not only much more clunky and awkward than quickly inserting the map magic word, it will also often be slower: compilers such as GHC can make better optimisations when they work on higher-level concepts2 such as folds, than when they have to work again and again with manually defined recursion.
1Not to be confused what many C++ programmers call a “functor”. Haskell uses the word in the correct mathematical sense, which comes from category theory.
2This is why languages such as Matlab and APL actually achieve decent performance for special applications, although they are dynamically-typed, interpreted languages: they have this special case of “vector looping” hard-coded into their very syntax. (Unfortunately, this is pretty much the only thing they can do well...)
You can use map:
arraySquareRoot = map intSquareRoot

How would you (re)implement iterate in Haskell?

iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
(As you probably know) iterate is a function that takes a function and starting value. Then it applies the function to the starting value, then it applies the same function to the last result, and so on.
Prelude> take 5 $ iterate (^2) 2
The result is an infinite list. (that's why I use take).
My question how would you implement your own iterate' function in Haskell, using only the basics ((:) (++) lambdas, pattern mataching, guards, etc.) ?
(Haskell beginner here)
Well, iterate constructs an infinite list of values a incremented by f. So I would start by writing a function that prepended some value a to the list constructed by recursively calling iterate with f a:
iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
iterate f a = a : iterate f (f a)
Thanks to lazy evaluation, only that portion of the constructed list necessary to compute the value of my function will be evaluated.
Also note that you can find concise definitions for the range of basic Haskell functions in the report's Standard Prelude.
Reading through this list of straightforward definitions that essentially bootstrap a rich library out of raw primitives can be very educational and eye-opening in terms of providing a window onto the "haskell way".
I remember a very early aha moment on reading: data Bool = False | True.

Type-conditional controls in Haskell

I'm going through the 99 Haskell problems to build my proficiency with the language. On problem 7 ("Flatten a nested list structure"), I found myself wanting to define a conditional behavior based on the type of argument passed to a function. That is, since
*Main> :t 1
1 :: (Num t) => t
*Main> :t [1,2]
[1,2] :: (Num t) => [t]
*Main> :t [[1],[2]]
[[1],[2]] :: (Num t) => [[t]]
(i.e. lists nested at different levels have different data types) it seems like I should be able to write a function that can read the type of the argument, and then behave accordingly. My first attempt was along these lines:
listflatten l = do
if (:t l) /= ((Num t) => [t]) then
listflatten (foldl (++) [] l)
else id l
But when I try to do that, Haskell returns a parse error. Is Haskell flexible enough to allow this sort of type manipulation, do I need to find another way?
1. Use pattern matching instead
You can solve that problem without checking for data types dynamically. In fact, it is very rarely needed in Haskell. Usually you can use pattern matching instead.
For example, if you have a type
data List a = Elem a | Nested [List a]
you can pattern match like
flatten (Elem x) = ...
flatten (Nested xs) = ...
data List a = Elem a | Nested [List a]
deriving (Show)
nested = Nested [Elem 1, Nested [Elem 2, Elem 3, Nested [Elem 4]], Elem 5]
main = print $ flatten nested
flatten :: List a -> [a]
flatten (Elem x) = [x]
flatten (Nested lists) = concat . map flatten $ lists
map flatten flattens every inner list, thus it behaves like [List a] -> [[a]], and we produce a list of lists here. concat merges all lists together (concat [[1],[2,3],[4]] gives [1,2,3,4]). concat . map flatten is the same as concatMap flatten.
2. To check types dynamically, use Data.Typeable
And if on some rare occasion (not in this problem) you really need to check types dynamically, you can use Data.Typeable type class and its typeOf function. :t works only in GHCI, it is not part of the language.
ghci> :m + Data.Typeable
ghci> typeOf 3 == typeOf "3"
ghci> typeOf "a" == typeOf "b"
Likely, you will need to use DeriveDataTypeable extension too.
(Sorry about the length—I go a little bit far afield/in excessive depth. The CliffsNotes version is "No, you can't really do what you want because types aren't values and we can't give your function a sensible type; use your own data type.". The first and the fifth paragraph, not counting this one or the code block, explain the core of what I mean by that first part, and the rest of the answer should provide some clarification/detail.)
Roughly speaking, no, this is not possible, for two reasons. The first is the type-dispatch issue. The :t command is a feature (an enormously useful one) of GHCi, and isn't a Haskell function. Think about why: what type would it have? :t :: a -> ?? Types themselves aren't values, and thus don't have a type. It's two different worlds. So the way you're trying to do this isn't possible. Also note that you have a random do. This is bad—do notation is a syntactic sugar for monadic computation, and you aren't doing any of that. Get rid of it!
Why is this? Haskell has two kinds polymorphism, and the one we're concerned with at the moment is parametric polymorphism. This is what you see when you have a type like concat :: [[a]] -> a. That a says that one single definition of concat must be usable for every possible a from now until the end of time. How on earth would you type flatten using this scheme? It's just not possible.
You're trying to call a different function, defined ad-hoc, for different kinds of data. This is called, shockingly, ad-hoc polymorphism. For instance, in C++, you could define the following function:
template <typename T>
void flatten(vector<T>& v) { ... }
template <typename T>
void flatten(vector< vector<T> >& v) { ... }
This would allow you do different things for different types. You could even have template <> void flatten(int) { ... }! You can accomplish this in Haskell by using type classes such as Num or Show; the whole point of a type signature like Show a => a -> String is that a different function can be called for different as. And in fact, you can take advantage of this to get a partial solution to your problem…but before we do, let's look at the second problem.
This issue is with the list you are trying to feed in. Haskell's list type is defined as (roughly) data [a] = [] | a : [a]. In other words, every element of a list must have the same type; a list of ints, [Int], contains only ints, Int; and a list of lists of ints, [[Int]], contains only lists of ints, [Int]. The structure [1,2,[3,4],5] is illegal! Reading your code, I think you understand this; however, there's another ramification. For similar reasons, you can't write a fully-generic flatten function of type flatten :: [...[a]...] -> [a]. Your function also has to be able to deal with arbitrary nesting depth, which still isn't possible with a list. You need [a], [[a]], and so on to all be the same type!
Thus, to get all of the necessary properties, you want a different type. The type you want has a different property: it contains either nothing, a single element followed by the rest of the value, or a nested list of elements followed by the rest of the value. In other words, something like
data NList a = Nil
| a :> NList a
| (NList a) :>> NList a
deriving (Eq, Show)
infixr 5 :>, :>>
Then, instead of the list [1,2,3] == 1 : 2 : 3 : [], you would write 1 :> 2 :> 3 :> Nil; instead of Lisp's (1 (2 3) 4 ()), you would write
1 :> (2 :> 3 :> Nil) :>> 4 :> Nil :>> Nil. You can even begin to define functions to manipulate it:
nhead :: NList a -> Either a [a]
nhead Nil = error "nhead: Empty NList."
nhead (h :> _) = Left a
nhead (h :>> _) = Right a
ntail :: NList a -> NList a
ntail Nil = error "nhead: Empty NList."
ntail (_ :> t) = t
ntail (_ :>> t) = t
Admittedly, you might find this a bit clunky (or perhaps not), so you might try to think about your type differently. Another option, which the Haskell translation of the 99 problems uses, is to realize that everything in a nested list is either a single item or a list of nested lists. This translation gives you
data NestedList a = Elem a
| List [NestedList a]
deriving (Eq, Show)
The two above lists then become List [Elem 1, Elem 2, Elem 3] and List [Elem 1, List [Elem 2, Elem 3], Elem 4, List []]. As for how to flatten them—since you're trying to learn from the 99 problems, that I won't say :) And after all, you seem to have a handle on that part of the problem.
Now, let's return to type classes. I lied a bit when I said that you couldn't write something which took an arbitrarily-nested list—you can, in fact, using type classes and some GHC extensions. Now, before I continue, I should say: don't use this! Seriously. The other technique is almost definitely a better choice. However, this technique is cool, and so I will present it here. Consider the following code:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
class Flattenable f e where
flatten :: f -> [e]
instance Flattenable a a where
flatten = return
instance Flattenable f e => Flattenable [f] e where
flatten = concatMap flatten
We are creating a type class whose instances are the things we can flatten. If we have Flattenable f e, then f should be a collection, in this case a list, whose elements are ultimately of type e. Any single object is such a collection, and its element type is itself; thus, the first instance declaration allows us to flatten anything into a singleton list. The second instance declaration says that if we can flatten an f into a list of es, then we can also flatten a list of fs into a list of es by flattening each f and sticking the resulting lists together. This recursive class definition defines the function recursively for the nested list types, giving you the ability to flatten a list of any nesting with the single function flatten: [1,2,3], [[4,5],[6]], [[[7,8],[9]],[[10]],[[11],[12]]], and so on.
However, because of the multiple instances and such, it does require a single type annotation: you will need to write, for instance, flatten [[True,False],[True]] :: [Bool]. If you have something that's type class-polymorphic within your lists, then things are a little stricter; you need to write flatten [[1],[2,3 :: Int]] :: [Int], and as far as I can tell, the resulting list cannot be polymorphic itself. (However, I could well be wrong about this last part, as I haven't tried everything by any means.) For a similar reason, this is too open—you could declare instance Flattenable [f] () where flatten = [()] if you wanted too. I tried to get things to work with type families/functional dependencies in order to remove some of these problems, but thanks to the recursive structure, couldn't get it to work (I had no e and a declaration along the lines of type Elem a = a and type Elem [f] = Elem f, but these conflicted since [f] matches a). If anyone knows how, I'd very much like to see it!
Again, sorry about the length—I tend to start blathering when I get tired. Still, I hope this is helpful!
You are confusing the interactive command :t in the interpreter with a built-in function. You cannot query the type at runtime.
Look at the example for that problem:
flatten (List [Elem 1, List [Elem 2, List [Elem 3, Elem 4], Elem 5]])
As you see, the problem wants you to create your own data structure for arbitrarily nested lists.
Normal haskell lists can not be arbitrarily nested. Every element of the list has to have the same type, statically known, which is why it makes no sense to check the type of the elements dynamically.
In general haskell does not allow you to create a list of different types and then check the type at runtime. You could use typeclasses to define different behaviors for flatten with different types of arguments, but that still wouldn't give you arbitrarily nested lists.
