How do you alter the 'page_load' for DotNetNuke - menu

For the main menu, I want the first four links to be blue, and specifically the last four links to be yellow. There will only be eight menu items.
I was thinking of hard coding the yellow links into the menu div, and that way when the page loads the first four menu items (default colour blue) they will be blue, and then my hard-coded links of yellow would load up.
My question is, where can I add the "yellow" code? Where can I hard code my yellow menu items? Or is there a different, better, approach to this?

My first question would be which men u are you implementing? A lot of them have a menuitem_x sort of id that is applied to the menu markup so with the CSS you can do what you want
As for where to place the markup there are a few places
You can do it directly in the skin files (not suggested since you may have to edit a few files)
in the skin .css files (much better place to do it and more maintainable and portable)
in the admin go to Site Settings and use the stylesheet editor to add the classes to the portal stylesheet (better than #1 but not as good as #2 since its now specific to the portal and not the skin so it wont be as portable)
Number 3 - works good if you dont have access to the skin or dont want to change it for other reasons

You could use Javascript within the skin.
We have done simular in the past for DNN menus but i keep away from the skinning side so dont have any examples, sorry.
Google does though :)

I would use one of the specific SEO friendly DNN menu modules that generate clean code that can be followed by search engines. I usually use one of them, except for projects where I don't have SEO concerns. When you have a menu with clean markup, like a list, you can change the colors using jQuery and specifying the first four items. You can probably do it like this, one by one. There may be a better selector for grabbing the first four items which is something I have never used.

Solved it, not as dynamic as I'd like, but it works.
The way I've done it is I'm playing with id tags, rather than class tags. Using ID, I can pick out the individual menu items and apply CSS to them.
Essentially, it looks like I've done what 'codemypantsoff' suggested. Thanks!


Windows Explorer Navigation Bar in PyQt

What's the best approach to mimic the Windows Explorer navigation bar in PyQt?. Perhaps a list of QComboBoxes as part of a parent class that concatenates the current item of each combo box to resolve the final path?
Is it possible to get a similar look by using stylesheets?
This is the object I need to mimic. I just want a theoretical approach about the best way to mimic it.
Thanks in advance
This is technically known as a breadcrumb widget.
There are multiple approaches to this. The closest emulation to Windows Explorer's behavior--leaving out the normally hidden line editor--involves a chain of widgets like so:
A top level parent QWidget-derived class with your implementation, which would have:
A QHBoxLayout
An arbitrary number of QComboBoxes
A QFileSystemModel from which to populate the combo boxes.
You could use a single QLabels with a series of hyperlinks divided by path separators if you don't care about drop-down behavior. Qt Creator does this.
If your data source is static and not as gigantic as the filesystem, you could use QToolButtons backed by a tree of QAction/QMenus. This is possibly a masochistic approach, given that you have to populate all of the actions and menus. Since that's what they are there for, though, it might be handy as part of a context-sensitive menubar or tab bar.
I was looking for such a widget too without any luck. So I've tried to implement this by myself. It's not finished yet and needs some more work, but here's the first result: breadcrumbsaddressbar.
It's based on QToolButton widgets with menu. Parts of address which don't fit are hidden like in Windows Explorer. Also the widget has auto-completion feature.
Update: there's also a C++ widget QtAddressBar which I have't tried.

Draw flowchart on webpage as navigation menu

I need to draw a simple "flow chart" that is used to navigation on my site. What I have been doing now is that I've drawn this MSPaint, then I add pixelmaps so that it navigate the user to different pages according to where in the pictures he clicks.
What I also want is that the page the user is on, changes colour (for instance, if user clicks on step 3, he navigates to page 3, and the page 3 changes colour to to green).
What is the best method to implement this? SVG? Canvas? JavaScript? CSS?
All answers that can point me to the right direction is very welcome.
Your first mistake here, I'd say, is that you're using pixelmaps; for something as simple as this, I'd recommend just making it a pure HTML/CSS entity, then giving a .active class or some equivalent to whatever page you're actually on. This is the easiest way of doing things in my books, and it has the benefit of degrading gracefully if the image fails to load for whatever reason.
That said, if you don't want to do it that way and are really attached to the static image for whatever reason, you could have variants of that image where the specific step is highlighted, and display whatever image is appropriate for that page. That would accomplish what you're looking for, but I wouldn't recommend it--it's very heavy in terms of network usage when compared with an HTML solution.
Now, bear in mind you could draw this with canvas, but that seems like overkill in this situation if you're basically just drawing a navbar; if you were drawing a full flowchart already and just wanted to reuse that code, well, that would be a different story; but in this case, with static imagery, just use HTML--it's just faster and easier.

Highlighting an item in the actionbar when in a certain activity when using ActionBarSherlock

I'm putting the final touches on an application that Ive been working on for quite a while and while I understand how to restyle existing components by using inheritance Im coming up blank in my search on how to accomplish this last thing.
I want to apply a custom color/image behind the text or icon representing the current activity I am in. This would be similar to how the tabs have the highlight underneath them while selected. I am already using the tabs and have figured out how to change the image resource that is the little underline in the tab bar. Now I just need to accomplish the same look for the action items.
Ive overlooked the actionbarsherlock library for the past day and a half but I dont see anywhere that I could do what I want to accomplish. I have to imagine that such a thing can be done but like I said before so far Im coming up short. Any help would be much appreciated.
I figured out a simple way to do what I asked earlier. I just created a square shape in xml, put text over it, assigned it the gradient and color I wanted and assigned it to that action item I wanted highlighted in the activity i was in.

Is it possible to use a story's title as a pager in views slideshow?

I'm not by any stretch of the imagination a Drupal expert, but I would like to create a views slideshow in Drupal 6, that has the pagers listed vertically on the left of the slideshow (like one of those tabbed content sliders) and uses the stories' titles as pagers instead of the default numerical pagers. Actually, a similar effect can apparently be achieved using the dynamic display block module, but I find it a little iffy and a little buggy so I'm reluctant to use it.
Is it possible to customize views slideshow to that extent?
Any insight into achieving this would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks - Jane
You can use the same approach that Miche describes in her very good video here:
She uses it to display the first letter, but you can adapt it to display titles instead:
(PS: Its also a GREAT video about Views)

Building Nav Bars with rollovers in DreamWeaver CS3

I'm working with Dreamweaver CS3. The question here is what part of the code (listed below) do I need to replicate to have my secondary nav bar utilize the on-click action?
FYI...DW has two menu options or auto insert for roll over images and one for "navbar". DW will only allow you to use the 'navbar' item once per page
the nav bar option builds all the rollover actions for you (listed below)
the "rollover" option ONLY builds normal and over, but no click
I guess I really have two questions...the first is what part of the code do I need to insert manually, the second is what does the "MM_nbGroup" code mean?
"../photogallery.html" target="_top" onClick="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','photoMainNav','../images/buttons/photography_down.gif',1)"
onMouseOver="MM_nbGroup('over','photoMainNav','../images/buttons/photography_over.gif','../images/buttons/photography_over.gif',1)" onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="../images/buttons/photography.gif"
Thanks for any help on this in advance!
For anyone wondering the same thing, here's what I've found so far...
The 'insert' bar provided in DWCS3 doesn't allow for two 'inserted' menu bars on one page. However, the 'Behaviors' palette will allow you to add effective roll-overs with the "Set Nav Bar Image" option. Unfortunately (as far as I can tell) DWCS3 is not as smart as Adobe's GoLive was, in that it won't automatically fill in the appropriate items if you name your files correctly. Even still, you should name your images accordingly (xxx_over, xxx_down, etc) to keep it straight in your own head.
As for the MM_nbGroup question, best I can tell this is WYSIWYG code that ships with DWCS3 (the kind of stuff that really mifs some of you developers, sorry guys), as it names items by group # and doesn't seem to have any real relevance in the lexicon of html. I could be mistaken on this however, and am open to enlightenment on the topic if anyone can offer.
