Performance of IcedTea 6 vs Sun's HotSpot 6 - linux

How does IcedTea 6's performance stand up against Sun's own HotSpot on linux systems? I tried searching Google but Phoronix's test is the best I got, which is almost a year old now. Hopefully things have improved since then.
Also, once Sun completely open sources the JVM, would it be possible to implement it for Linux platforms such that a main module (Quickstarter in the Consumer JRE) starts up with the OS and loads the minimal Java kernel, regardless of any Java apps running. And then progressively load other modules as necessary. Might improve startup times.

so it will be within the answer: and
I'd expect SUN's stuff to be faster, but it really depends on all kinds of optimizations, so one version might be faster doing operation X, but in the next version it might not be as fast..
regarding kernel preloading: on linux you may use preload or alternatives to speed up app loading, without affecting the overall system performance (loading a Quickstarter equivalent will keep memory occupied at all times). Also, as far as i know, java loads lots of shared libraries, that are shared between apps, so i don't really see the point of building in-kernel support for this thing. I guess its easy to make a simple app that loads some libraries and does nothing after that(quickstarter), but i dont see this doing a big difference when loading apps, and in some cases it might even slow down the system(i'm thinking about ram usage, and memory swapping)


OS specific build performance in Java

We are currently evaluating our next-generation company-wide developer pc-configuration and have noticed something really weird.
Our rather large monolith has - on our current configuration a build time of approx. 4.5 minutes (no test, just compile).
For our next generation configuration we upgraded several components. A moderate increase in frequency and IPC with the processor, doubling the number of CPU cores and a switch from a small SATA SSD towards a NVMe SSD rated at >3GBps. Also, the next generation configuration switches from Windows 7 to Windows 10.
When executing the first tests, we noticed an almost identical build time (4.3 Minutes), which was a lot less improvement than we expected.
During our experiments we tried at one point to run the build process from within a virtual Linux machine running on the windows host. On the old configuration (Windows7) we saw a drop in build times from 4.5 to ~3.7 Minutes, on the Windows 10 Host, we saw a decrease from 4.3 to 2.3 minutes. We have ruled out things like virus scan.
We were rather astonished with these results and have tried to find another explanation than some almost-religious and insulting statements about different operation systems.
So the question is: What could we have possibly done wrong in configuring the Windows machine such that the speed is almost half of a Linux running virtualized in the very same windows host? Especially as all the hardware advancements seem to be eaten up by the switch from windows 7 to 10.
Another question is: How can we ace the javac process use up more cores, because right now, using Hotspot JDK 8 we can see at most two cores really used by the build. I've read about sjavac but that seems a rather experimental feature only available to OpenJDK9 onward, right?
After almost a year in experimenting we came to the conclusion, that it is indeed NTFS which is the evil-doer. If you have a ntfs user-partition with a linux host, you get somewhat similar results compared to an all-windows-setup.
We did benchmarks of gradle-build, eclipse internal build, starting up wildfly and running database-centered tests on multiple devices. All our benchmarks showed consistently a speedup of at least 100% when switching from Windows to Linux (sometimes, Windows takes 3x the amount of time in real world benchmarks than Linux, some artificial benchmarks had a speedup of 60!). Especially on notebooks we experienced much less noise, as the combined processor load of a complete build is substantial less than with windows.
Our conclusion was, to switch from Windows to Linux over the course of the last year.
Regarding the parallelisation thing, we realized, it was some form of code-entanglement. Resolving this helped gradle and javac to parallelise the build a lot (also have a look into gradle-composite-builds)

Why so many applications allocate incredibly large amount of virtual memory while not using any of it?

I've been watching some weird phenomena in programming for quite some time, since overcommit is enabled by default on linux systems.
It seems to me that pretty much every high level application (eg. application written in high level programming language like Java, Python or C# including some desktop applications written in C++ that use large libraries such as Qt) use insane amount of virtual operating memory. For example, it's normal for web browser to allocate 20GB of ram while using only 300MB of it. Or for a dektop environment, mysql server, pretty much every java or mono application and so on, to allocate tens of gigabytes of RAM.
Why is that happening? What is the point? Is there any benefit in this?
I noticed that when I disable overcommit in linux, in case of a desktop system that actually runs a lot of these applications, the system becomes unusable as it doesn't even boot up properly.
Languages that run their code inside virtual machines (like Java (*), C# or Python) usually assign large amounts of (virtual) memory right at startup. Part of this is necessary for the virtual machine itself, part is pre-allocated to parcel out to the application inside the VM.
With languages executing under direct OS control (like C or C++), this is not necessary. You can write applications that dynamically use just the amount of memory they actually require. However, some applications / frameworks are still designed in such a way that they request a large chunk memory from the operating system once, and then manage the memory themselves, in hopes of being more efficient about it than the OS.
There are problems with this:
It is not necessarily faster. Most operating systems are already quite smart about how they manage their memory. Rule #1 of optimization, measure, optimize, measure.
Not all operating systems do have virtual memory. There are some quite capable ones out there that cannot run applications that are so "careless" in assuming that you can allocate lots & lots of "not real" memory without problems.
You already found out that if you turn your OS from "generous" to "strict", these memory hogs fall flat on their noses. ;-)
(*) Java, for example, cannot expand its VM once it is started. You have to give the maximum size of the VM as a parameter (-Xmxn). Thinking "better safe than sorry" leads to severe overallocations by certain people / applications.
These applications usually have their own method of memory management, which is optimized for their own usage and is more efficient than the default memory management provided by the system. So they allocate huge memory block, to skip or minimize the effect of the memory management provided by system or libc.

Memory profiling of a multithreaded haskell program

I have a Snap web app which serves some JS files and 1-pixel images (it's main task is to rather work fast then serve huge html/media content). There are several servers behind HAProxy.
I upgraded it from GHC 7.6 to 7.8, also upgrading some libs. After upgrade, app started leaking little by little (on all servers), ending in OOM every 15 minutes on 8GB-RAM machines (and much longer on 16Gb) and restarting afterwards.
The problem is, if I compile app for profiling and run app for some time, I can't see any memory leaks anymore. It just consumes 1 CPU and works in constant small memory.
So I wanted to ask for some general advices on how to find such a bottleneck, if running under profiling doesn't help much.
UPDATE: I noticed after playing with an app that if I remove -A100M runtime option it doen't OOM that fast, but with default value HAProxy's "sessions" gets to it's limit (so, basically it chokes). I'm playing with different RTS options now, hope some will help getting both, performance and long-lived memory consumption.
UPDATE 2: just for the record, I found that with -A30 rts option app, while being memory hungry, lives quite well. 8Gb machines OOM-kill app, but 16Gb one looks like this: (green line is "RAM available", you can see deploy-procedure which restarted app on a graph). I'm happy with the result, but would be glad to know any techniques to profile memory of multi-threaded app anyway.
UPDATE 3: I'm voting to close this question as "too broad". In general, I see that if such generic set of tools that'll let you profile memory easier would exist, they'd definitely be documented elsewhere on wiki etc.
I have never used it myself but maybe ticky-ticky profiling could help? It's supposed to be immune to the optimization changes caused by ordinary profiling, but at the cost of being harder to interpret.
Basically compile and link the relevant modules with the -ticky and -rtsopts flags, and run with +RTS -rfoo.ticky flag to get heaps of data in foo.ticky.

System.OutOfMemoryException error

We are working on a rich client application in which many threads are running as well third party controls are used, after running application for 1 hour it starts giving error of 'System.OutOfMemoryException' unless and until we restart the application, i have search many sites for help but no particular and specified reason is giving.
It sounds pretty self-explanatory, you're system doesn't have enough memory. If you're still running the application as 32-bit then moving to 64-bit might solve the problem. I had exactly that problem on a server-2008-r2 recently, and moving to 64 bit did solve my problem. But if you're already 64 bit then perhaps the server doesn't have enough physical memory. In which case, you need to add more memory, or work out how to make your application less memory hungry. There could be objects that could be discarded that it's keeping references to, etc, and if that's the case you should try profiling to try and identify what's hogging the most memory. Beyond that, does the application use any unmanaged DLLs, e.g. COM objects written in C++ or similar. Maybe there's a memory leak outside of the managed framework?
I recommend using a profiler to identify and find where does the high memory consumption come from.

User-Contributed Code Security

I've seen some websites that can run code from the browser, and the code is evaluated on the server.
What is the security best-practice for applications that run user-contributed code? Besides of accessing and changing the server's sensitive information.
(for example, using a Python with a stripped-down version of the standard library)
How to prevent DoS like non-halting and/or CPU-intensive programs? (we can't use static code analysis here) What about DoSing the type check system?
Python, Prolog and Haskell are suggested examples to talk about.
The "best practice" (am I really the only one who hates that phrase?) is probably just not to do it at all.
If you really must do it, set it up to run in a virtual machine (and I don't mean something like a JVM; I mean something that hosts an OS) so it's easy to restore the VM from a snapshot (or whatever the VM in question happens to call it).
In most cases, you'll need to go a bit beyond just that though. Without some extra work to lock it down, even a VM can use enough resources to reduce responsiveness so it can be difficult to kill and restart it (you usually can eventually, but "eventually" is rarely what you want). You also generally want to set some quotas to limit its total CPU usage, probably limit it to using a single CPU (and run it on a machine with at least two), limit its total memory usage, etc. In Windows, for example, you can do (at least most of that) by starting the VM in a job object, and limiting the resources available to the job object.
