SharePoint site asking username & password , how to avoid? - sharepoint

I create the sharepoint team site. It asking for username & Password . I want to avoid for asking it.Also want to accsess site without uname & pwd from outside (globally).help please

Add the site to trusted sites, or my intranet sites and set in your IE options to provide the username and password to intranet sites automatically logon with current username and password.
For outside users this will not work, unless they are accessing your site through vpn (which would make them local users tbh)

Your question tag has the answer you need to enable the anonymous access to the SharePoint. Add to it that when you enable anonymous access you can view the site with read-only and you will have to login to the site to make any changes to it.
And steps to enable anonymous access are here & here.

This is not possible and you don't really want it. If you could do that, any person on the planet could access your site, add and remove users, delete documents, add documents, or modify them. Kids from anywhere could use it as their private playground.


Azure website password protection

I would like to enable viewing a website that I created to one person, whose IP I do not know. Is there a way to hide the website under a simple password (without publishing the page and logging by Facebook etc.)?
Thank you!
If the person can have an account in an active directory you trust, you can add them pretty easily.
Only users that have access to the AAD (including guests) can see the site afterwards.

How to disable MediaWiki user account from the wiki website as an administrator

I'm the administrator of a wiki that's only accessible via login from a user with an account. I need to remove/disable/delete a user, but from the special pages on the website, I only seem to be able to delete their contributions and block the user. What I want is to prevent the user from ever being able to login and I've seen a few solutions such as changing their password and merging his account with someone else but those options seem to be accessible only via the Mediawiki software, which I've been having trouble installing. So is there any way to do this on the website itself?
Set $wgBlockDisablesLogin to true and block the account.

Always prompting of log in information for users

I have a requirement to always prompting of log in information for users in SharePoint site rather than taking their logged in credentials.
Any idea??
Depending on the setup you have.
You could just remove the SharePoint site from the trusted sites or local intranet under IE's security tab using a group policy.
This will cause a prompt every time they go to the site.
you need to reverse the steps found here

How to go to a Wildcard link (site) based on the users login details on Sharepoint Wss3.0

I am currently using Sharepoint Wss 3.0, I know that Wss do not offer "Mysite" like Sharepoint 2007. We have about +/- 200 users with our company, which i want a "Mysite" or a personal site for each user.
I managed to create currently 10 users with a sub site like below eg:
in the link above "shabeersa" is the user on our AD system and which the user login into sharepoint.
NOW. I WANT TO KNOW " How to go to a Wildcard link (site) based on the users login details on Sharepoint Wss3.0"
All i want to provide the users is eg link: http://itds008:13864/sites/Intranet/mysite/$*(user)$$$
Please help
One approach would be to create a page in the layouts folder that redirects the user to his personal site. The reason why the page should be in the layouts folder, is because that supports server side code without the need for adding a page parser path in your web.config.
If you want a more 'user friendly' url, you could also create a web part that handles the redirection and put that web part on http://itds008:13864/sites/intranet/mysite for example.
By the way... I put 'user friendly' in quotes because your url is not exactly easy to remember for your end-users. I would consider using a host header for setting up web applications in SharePoint.

sharepoint access

Is there any method available for sharepoint that can do the following:
Create an internet site suing wss3.0. login using fba. no need to login to edit documents from library that logged in user has access to.
change the password of a user from the site?
You can create an internet site using FBA under WSS 3.0. You will need the appropriate license, which I believe is called the "internet connector" license in the case of WSS. I'm not sure what you mean by "no need to login to edit documents from library that logged in user has access to." You can expose a document library to anonymous users even if authenticated users have specific privileges to it, if that's what you mean. You can write a custom web part that will allow administrators or users themselves to change user passwords from within the site.
