Sharepoint SPUserField - sharepoint

Is it possible to use the SPUserField in a custom aspx page without the SPUserField being bound to a field (it always asks for FieldName).
I basically have a custom page which ultimately creates a list item, i want the user to be able to pick another user from the standard Sharepoint control...

In this case you can use PeopleEditor control from Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls namespace. For instance, in one of my pages:
AllowEmpty="false" id="allReviewers" runat="server"
SelectionSet="User" width='500'/>


Kentico global webpart usage

We're moving from a pure portal to a portal/aspx development model. So I've been working on getting my .Master pages working and so far so good, except i need a way to have a Editable Text webpart applied globally.
Imaging a block of copy that sits in the header and appears on each page.
So, in portal, the copy is entered, and this is used through out the site, regardless of the template. I know i can add static copy to the parent .Master page, but this needs to be editable by an admin.
I've tried registering the Editable Text webpart on the ASPX page, but this doesn't seem to work correctly in the portal.
I believe the way to accomplish this is to create a single page template that has only the editable text webpart on it and does not inherit any other content. Then on your master page, add a page placeholder which uses that editable text webpart page template. This should then display that on every page. I've not done this approach before but hypothetically speaking it should work.
You could set up a Custom Setting.
The Kentico documentation has a great How-To guide for that.
After that, you can then just reference it using a macro like {% Settings.MyCustomSetting %} on each page - this also allows you to then control how the text is rendered on each section, in case some sections have specific markup you need to apply to the text block.
What is the reason of converting to Mixed mode? Is it better control over the basic page markup or something else?
Are you aware that you can customize CMSPages/PortalTemplate.aspx or replace it by your custom base page completely?
You may consider to use this approach, and if you need that because some pages are more complex, so it makes more sense to hardcode them, you can also implement them as some larger custom web parts.

Modifying sharepoint edit dialog

I have successfully created a feature in sharepoint that modifies the existing edit dialog and adds a custom button to it like this.
and I am aware that I can pass back data when the user clicks the custom button like this.
<CommandUIHandler Command="ActivateUser" CommandAction="/_layouts/MyFeature/MakeUserActive.aspx?ListID={ListId}&ItemID={ItemId}&ItemUrl={ItemUrl}&ListUrlDir={ListUrlDir}" />
As detailed here
I can now handle the list item and perform my required actions on it BUT given that this button has been added in the modify context (IE: Inside the sharepoint edit item dialog) what if you want to save changes to the data itself?
To me it seems like using your custom button would always mean losing any changes the user has made to the data. Is there a way around this?
Good question!
You actually already linked to the solution: Right now you are simply redirecting the user by using a URL as your CommandAction: CommandAction="/_layouts/MyFeature/MakeUserActive.aspx?ListID={ListId}&ItemID={ItemId}&ItemUrl={ItemUrl}&ListUrlDir={ListUrlDir}"
This if course redirects the user to another page without saving the current entry. What you want to do is use Javascript as linked in the MSDN article:
CommandAction="javascript:alert('here be dragons');"
You can either work the the SharePoint Javascript object model here and use something like SP.ListOperation.Selection.getSelectedItems(); or you could use complete custom code.
From your aspx page name I can see you want to "make a use active" (btw: wouldn't "ActivateUser.aspx" be nicer?). If this simply means setting a property in another list you could do that with the SharePoint OM, if it is some custom stuff you would need a webservice which you can call from JavaScript and "activate the user" like that. You can of course always access the current form and pass on the values the user entered. Or you could create a custom save button which does some stuff (activate user) before saving.
Lastly: You can also have postbacks in your custom button where you could do anything you'd like.

SharePoint:FormField in a custom webpart?

On my home page, I want a simple webpart that allow users to quickly fill an entry in a list.
The list have, let's say, three fields : title (text), body (rich text), category (lookup).
I don't want to use the standard DataFormWebPart because I have a bit of code-behind that also fill some technical hidden fields of my list (actually, I don't exclude the DataFormWebPart, but I didn't find how to use it with code behind).
So I started to implement a custom webpart. Because I don't want to have to handle manually each field input, I started to use the FormField control, which automatically choose the rendering control, and provide a Value property with the correct format :
<SharePoint:FormField runat="server" id="fldTitle" FieldName="Title" />
This code is not sufficient, I have to specified the listid :
<SharePoint:FormField runat="server" id="fldTitle" FieldName="Title" ListId="{title list guid}" />
This is working quite correctly. I can in code access the fldTitle.Value to retrieve the user input.
BUT I have to include the webpart in a properly packaged and deployed feature, that can be activated. The webpart will always target the same list, but as the list is also instanciated in the feature (ListInstance element), I can't know the Guid in advance.
I've tried using several technics to set the list ID on the fly, but without success.
I've also "reflectored" the SP dlls to notice FormComponent class are using a "Context" that is set by ListFormWebPart.
Finally, my questions are :
is it the correct way to create a custom input webpart on the home page (not a list custom form) ?
how can I keep the behavior of the FormField (choose the right control and handle the input and its conversion to the storage format) ?
Will I have to create a custom ListFormWebPart ?
May I play with ControlTemplates ?
thanks in advance for the help... I'm struggling with this simple case for days now...
I think that customizing form templates is the easiest way to customize list forms. Since custom form templates are implemented as user controls you can add whatever code you want.
See the following article:

SharePoint 2007 - add additional menu to Global Navigation in a Master Page

In the source code for a master page, there is a section that has the following ASP.NET item: . This contains the "Welcome (User Name)" and Site Actions menus.
How do I create an additional menu that is similar to the look and feel of the Welcome menu? I've tried to create Front End HTML that behaves similar to the out of the box SharePoint menus, but it isn't quite right. I would prefer to utilize an ASP.NET or SharePoint control that acts similar to the SharePoint menu if that is possible.
For example, is <SharePoint:AspMenu> the appropriate control to use?
i am sure you will get better answer than this but just wanted to point what i have done to do this
i have added javascript library (JQuery) (for some other reason ) and when time come to do this thing i just added a JQuery code that creates another item in the navigation list with appropriate style and css class with the needed link and caption.
You could try another instance of the PersonalActions control with a custom GroupId. But when the control is rendered, it might also say "Welcome, [User]" just like the original.

Using a MulitpleLookupField in MOSS '07 Layout Page

I have a page layout for my MOSS '07 site that I want put a MultipleLookupField in. The field will point to a multiple lookup column in my custom content type that points back to the pages library so I can have a "Related Articles" field.
I've gotten the field to show up correctly--it's even editable when the page is in edit mode! But when you click on the link that shows up there, it display the page's properties view instead of the page itself.
There's lots of properties on the control, but there's little documentation at MSFT as to what they do.
Does anyone know how to change the link's URL to the actual page instead of the properties view?
Here's the tag I'm using:
The link takes me to here: /Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=6&RootFolder=*
I want it to take me here: /Pages/faq1.aspx
Unfortunately the lookup control is designed to be compatible with generic lists and does not understand that the document libraries have a file with a specific url associated.
You will probably have to find a custom lookup control on the web or roll your own.
