Indent or comment several text lines with vi - vim

can vim or vim be used to comment or indent at the same time a number of lines? For instance:
for item in Lista:
ind = int(floor(1.0*(item-lmin)/width))
if ind==nintervals:
print item,ind
comment it to:
#for item in Lista:
#ind = int(floor(1.0*(item-lmin)/width))
#if ind==nintervals:
#print item,ind
or indent it to:
for item in Lista:
ind = int(floor(1.0*(item-lmin)/width))
if ind==nintervals:
print item,ind
P.D. Is relevant the difference between VI and VIM?

here is another way.
block lines with ctrl+v
Insert comment sign (//) with I
escape with ESC
the key typing is
ctrl+v → jjjj → I → // → ESC

To comment, press a capital V to enter VISUAL LINE mode, select all lines, then press : to enter command mode and use the command (note that VIM already include the '<,'>marks for you):
If you prefer hash marks near the text, and not near the left margin, the command is:
To indent, select the block the same, then type > to indent, < to unindent.

type :set number. take note of the start and end line number of the block you want to comment. then do an address range substitution, eg

Lots of answers here, all with a theme. The best way to do it really depends on context (because context determines the easiest navigation method), so I'll make some assumptions about the context. If the section you want to indent or comment is a single paragraph (eg, you want to indent or comment everything from the cursor up to the next blank line), you can indent with:
If the cursor is not on the start of the paragraph, but the section you want to indent is a single paragraph and the cursor is in the middle, use
Finally, suppose you want to indent a block of code delimited by {}, and the cursor is in the middle of that block. Use
To comment, in each case just replace the > with v and use the above commands to make a block selection, then do a text replace like s/^/#/.
The key is the navigation commands. I highly recommend
:help v_a

Similar to the accepted answer, but easier for blocks or paragraphs:
Block lines: Ctrl + V
Select paragraph: }
Insert mode: I (uppercase i)
Type character to insert: # (with space after char, no Enter!)
Press: ESC
This should auto complete the character in all the selected block.
Basically the diference with the accepted answer is that instead of using j to go down line by line you use } to select the whole paragraph (or you could use G for end of file, for ex.
Short version:
Ctrl + V + } + I + # + ESC

I know there are a zillion answers here already explaining how to use > and < for indentation, so I'm not going to bother with that. With respect to the commenting, though, while you can do it quick and dirty with a block insert or a substitution, you can do way better with the NERD Commenter plugin. It provides commands to comment and uncomment in various ways, it knows what comment symbol to insert based on the syntax, and it can do pretty multi-line comments if the language supports them.

Select the lines using visual mode.
To indent once type >> or << to indent right or left respectively. To indent n times type n>> or n<<.
To comment out do replace the beginning of the line with the comment:
'<,'> means "from the beginning of the selection until the end.
s/^/#/ replaces the beginning of each line in the range with #, assuming # makes a line into a comment.

Put your cursor on the first line, count how many lines should be indented, in the above example it's 5, then for hash (#) type
:.,.+5%s/^\([ <tab>]*\)/#\1/<enter> or for a tab indentation,
:.,.+5%s/^\([ <tab>]*\)/<tab>\1/<enter>,
<tab> and <enter> are the tab and enter keys.
There are probably more elegant ways of doing this, but something like this is a quick-n-dirty thing.

For commenting you could use VISUAL BLOCK selection (Ctrl-V) and select the beginnings of the lines, then press Shift-I and write one #. After pressing Esc all the lines get the #.

My usual solution is:
<q><a> => start a macro and save it as macro a
<^> => to get to the start of the line
<i> => insert mode
<#> => Add the #
<ESC> => End insert mode
<down> => Move to the next line
<q> => End macro
Then once:
<[at]><a> => repeat macro a
Then just repeat <[at]><[at]> (repeat last executed macro) until all lines are commented. You can just hold <[at]> and let keyboard repeat do the rest.
BTW: How do you write an [at] sign here without stackoverflow turning it into "> blockquote"?
To indent:
[shift] + [v] => line select mode
[down] => until all lines to indent are selected
[>] => indent once
[2..x][>] => indent 2..x levels

If you are using Python (or other languages that use # as comment), a faster way to comment multiple lines would be:
Enter visual block mode (Ctrl+v) from the start of the line.
Go down as needed (j multiple times).
Replace space with # by pressing r then #.
To uncomment, do the same but for step three replace it with space.


Completely de-indent visual block [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Remove all arbitary spaces before a line in Vim
(9 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
How can I map a key to completely de-indent a visual block?
The best method I know for doing this "manually" is de-indenting once with < and then repeatedly pressing ., so the mapping is:
vmap <leader>d <.................
This does work but I'd like to know the "right" way to do this. The above also only works for however many .s there are.
use the steps in this page to completely trim white spaces from the left for a range
Step by step:
Select your block ( shift-v)
:left or :le
That should do it
You can add a count to <; I usually do 50<, which will de-indent it 50 times, which should almost always be enough.
From :help <:
{Visual}[count]< Shift the highlighted lines [count] 'shiftwidth'
leftwards (for {Visual} see Visual-mode). {not in
Instead of using the < key to de-indent you can simply delete all the whitespace in each line before the first character. You can do so by adding:
let #y = '0d^j'
In order to run this on every line of the selected block, enter command mode by typing : and complete the command to:
:'<,'>normal #y
Then again you can record another macro to do so:
let #q = ':normal #y'
Using this approach, you will eventually be able to de-indent a visual block by typing #q, which calls the macro #y in the background.
Explanation of the first macro:
0 will move the cursor to the beginning of the line,
d^ will delete all whitespace until the first character and
j will move the cursor to the line below

Wrapping a code block around code in VIM

Is it possible to wrap a code block around a piece of code in VIM? For example, if I want to wrap a while loop around the following, how can I do it without having to scroll to the bottom of the code to add the closing brace:
if(z > y)
case 1:
case 2:
This is what the code will look like afterwards:
while (a > 10)
if(z > y)
case 1:
case 2:
Vim does not have a built in surrounding system. I suggust you look at Tim Pope's excellent surround plugin. Then assuming you are positioned on the if you can do this:
Vj%SBIwhile (a > 10)
The Vj% selects the block + the conditional.
SB surrounds the selected text with a {,} (read surround with block)
Insert your loop text at the beginning of the newly inserted block.
You don't need surround to do this. You can do it with plain vanilla vim.
Vj%>`]o}<esc>g;g;Owhile (a > 10)<cr>{<esc>
However I prefer to use surround as it is a very handy plugin to have.
For more help see:
:h %
:h g;
:h `]
You can use the vim plugin surround.vim. It lets you wrap lines or fragments in blocks (and change the wrapping pairs).
Check something like Snipmate, it's possible they have an ability of surrounding Visually selected code with a snippit.
snipMate-visual-selection-support There is a special placeholder called {VISUAL}. If you visually select text, then press Vim
switches to insert mode. The next snippet you'll expand will replace
{VISUAL} by the text which was selected previously
You can make a mapping to do this in vanilla Vim e.g.:
:imap <S-F2> <Esc>j>>j>%%o<C-D>}
Use the mapped key after typing the opening brace for the surrounding code. Goes without saying that you should change <S-F2> to a keymap you like.
Breakdown of the key sequence:
Esc: go to Normal mode
j>>: move cursor to next line (in your example the if line) and indent it.
j>%: move cursor to the line with opening brace of if, indent from there to matching brace (the cursor will jump back to the opening brace)
% goes to the closing brace of if
o add a new line after the closing brace, and enter Insert mode.
CTRL+D: unindent (to undo the effect of smartindent)
} add the closing brace for the surround code (in your example, while)
Of course the plugins recommended by others have many more features so you should look at those as well.

How to add text at the end of each line in Vim?

In Vim, I have the following text:
key => value1
key => value2
key => value1111
key => value12
key => value1122222
I would like to add "," at the end of each line. The previous text will become the following:
key => value1,
key => value2,
key => value1111,
key => value12,
key => value1122222,
Does anyone know how to do this? Is it possible to use visual block mode to accomplish this?
This will do it to every line in the file:
If you want to do a subset of lines instead of the whole file, you can specify them in place of the %.
One way is to do a visual select and then type the :. It will fill in :'<,'> for you, then you type the rest of it (Notice you only need to add s/$/,/)
There is in fact a way to do this using Visual block mode. Simply pressing $A in Visual block mode appends to the end of all lines in the selection. The appended text will appear on all lines as soon as you press Esc.
So this is a possible solution:
That is, in Normal mode, Visual select a paragraph vip, switch to Visual block mode CTRLV, append to all lines $A a comma ,, then press Esc to confirm.
The documentation is at :h v_b_A. There is even an illustration of how it works in the examples section: :h v_b_A_example.
Another solution, using another great feature:
:'<,'>norm A,
See :help :normal.
ex mode is easiest:
: - enter command mode
% - for every line
s/ - substitute
$ - the end of the line
/ - and change it to
, - a comma
The substitute command can be applied to a visual selection. Make a visual block over the lines that you want to change, and type :, and notice that the command-line is initialized like this: :'<,'>. This means that the substitute command will operate on the visual selection, like so:
And this is a substitution that should work for your example, assuming that you really want the comma at the end of each line as you've mentioned. If there are trailing spaces, then you may need to adjust the command accordingly:
This will replace any amount of whitespace preceding the end of the line with a comma, effectively removing trailing whitespace.
The same commands can operate on a range of lines, e.g. for the next 5 lines: :,+5s/$/,/, or for the entire buffer: :%s/$/,/.
$ matches end of line
If you want to add ',' at end of the lines starting with 'key', use:
I have <M-DOWN>(alt down arrow) mapped to <DOWN>. so that I can repeat the last command on a series of lines very quickly. with this mapping I can:
And then hold alt while pressing down repeatedly to append the comma to the end of each line.
This works well for me because it allows very good control over what lines do and do not get the change.
(I also have the other arrows mapped similarly to allow for easy repeating of .)
Here's the mapping line to paste into your vimrc:
map <M-DOWN> <DOWN>.
Following Macro can also be used to accomplish your task.

What is the best way to refactor a Ruby ‘if’ statement into one-line shorthand form in Vim?

I have the following Ruby code:
if some_cond && another
and I want to change it to:
foo_bar if some_cond && another
What are the most idiomatic ways to do that in Vim?
Assuming that the cursor is located at the if-line prior to
refactoring (not necessarily at the beginning of that line),
I would use the following sequence of Normal-mode commands:
or this chain of Ex commands:
Here the if-line is first moved down one line by the :move + command.
The :move command cuts a given range of lines (the current line, if
not specified) and pastes it below the line addressed by the argument.
The + address is a shorthand for .+1 referring to the next line
(see :help {address}).
Second, the line containing the body of the conditional statement is
joined with the just moved if-line. The :join command concatenates
a given range of lines into a single line. The - range is a shortened
form of the .-1 address referring to the line just above the cursor
(see :help {address}).
Third, the newly joined line is unindented by one shiftwidth using
the :< command.
Finally, the remaining end-line, which can now be addressed as +,
is removed by the :delete command.
I see few (probably non-optimal) solutions:
cursor in first character in first line:
D - remove if condition but leave cursor in same position (don't delete line)
J - join next line to current
A <Space> <ESC> - append space and exit to Normal mode
p - paste if condition
and then remove remaining end with jdd
cursor in first character in first line, as previously:
j - move to next line
dd - remove this line
k - move back to if condition
P - paste removed line before actual line, cursor should be placed to pasted line
J - join next line to current
== or << - unindent current line
and then remove remaining end with jdd
another solution:
j - move to second line
JD - join line with next, remove what was joined
dd - remove current line
k - step to previous line
PJ<< - paste, join and unshift
It's probably not optimal, but I do it without thinking, because most of this commands are in my muscle memory (you don't think how to move around you, how to yank/delete and paste most of the time, and joining line is also helpful to remember).
If you have virtualedit enabled in config, instead of A <Space> <Esc> you can $ <Space>, but I find $ harder to use than A followed by Ctrl-[ (it's simmilar to ESC).
As an advice: if you use some upper letter commands, try to chain them if it's possible, so you only need to keep Shift pressed and then execute some commands, instead of mixing upper and lower letter commands and pressing two keys at a time (upper letter is 2 key press, one is Shift). Once I found combo helpful for restarting server in console Ctrl+cpj, which sends Ctrl+c, Ctrl+p (previous command) and Ctrl+j (Enter key) with single Ctrl press. Since then I try to find simmilar time-saving combination in Vim too mostly with Shift, as Ctrl is not much used in Vim.
Yet another way:
ddp swap the two lines
kJ move up and join the lines
== re-indent the line
jdd move down and delete the last line
There are probably 30 ways to do this.
Here is one, assuming you are starting from the end of the word end in normal mode:
dd (delete last line)
"aD (delete and copy foo_bar to buffer a)
dd (delete now-empty line 2)
"aP (paste from buffer a before caret)
aSpaceEsc (insert space and return to normal mode)
Again, "properly" rarely applies in Vim because there are so many ways to accomplish something. This is so small a change that even re-typing foo_bar could be justifiable.

In Vim, what is the best way to select, delete, or comment out large portions of multi-screen text?

Selecting a large amount of text that extends over many screens in an IDE like Eclipse is fairly easy since you can use the mouse, but what is the best way to e.g. select and delete multiscreen blocks of text or write e.g. three large methods out to another file and then delete them for testing purposes in Vim when using it via putty/ssh where you cannot use the mouse?
I can easily yank-to-the-end-of-line or yank-to-the-end-of-code-block but if the text extends over many screens, or has lots of blank lines in it, I feel like my hands are tied in Vim. Any solutions?
And a related question: is there a way to somehow select 40 lines, and then comment them all out (with "#" or "//"), as is common in most IDEs?
Well, first of all, you can set vim to work with the mouse, which would allow you to select text just like you would in Eclipse.
You can also use the Visual selection - v, by default. Once selected, you can yank, cut, etc.
As far as commenting out the block, I usually select it with VISUAL, then do
:'<,'>s/^/# /
Replacing the beginning of each line with a #. (The '< and '> markers are the beginning and and of the visual selection.
Use markers.
Go to the top of the text block you want to delete and enter
anywhere on that line. No need for the colon.
Then go to the end of the block and enter the following:
Entering ma has set marker a for the character under the cursor.
The command you have entered after moving to the bottom of the text block says "from the line containing the character described by marker a ('a) to the current line (.) delete."
This sort of thing can be used for other things as well.
:'a,.ya b - yank from 'a to current line and put in buffer 'b'
:'a,.ya B - yank from 'a to current line and append to buffer 'b'
:'a,.s/^/#/ - from 'a to current line, substitute '#' for line begin
(i.e. comment out in Perl)
:'s,.s#^#//# - from 'a to current line, substitute '//' for line begin
(i.e. comment out in C++)
N.B. 'a (apostrophe-a) refers to the line containing the character marked by a. ``a(backtick-a) refers to the character marked bya`.
To insert comments select the beginning characters of the lines using CTRL-v (blockwise-visual, not 'v' character wise-visual or 'V' linewise-visual). Then go to insert-mode using 'I', enter your comment-character(s) on the first line (for example '#') and finally escape to normal mode using 'Esc'. Voila!
To remove the comments use blockwise-visual to select the comments and just delete them using 'x'.
Use the visual block command v (or V for whole lines and C-V for rectangular blocks). While in visual block mode, you can use any motion commands including search; I use } frequently to skip to the next blank line. Once the block is marked, you can :w it to a file, delete, yank, or whatever. If you execute a command and the visual block goes away, re-select the same block with gv. See :help visual-change for more.
I think there are language-specific scripts that come with vim that do things like comment out blocks of code in a way that fits your language of choice.
Press V (uppercase V) and then press 40j to select 40 lines and then press d to delete them. Or as #zigdon replied, you can comment them out.
The visual mode is the solution for your main problem. As to commenting out sections of code, there are many plugins for that on, I am using tComment.vim at the moment.
There is also a neat way to comment out a block without a plugin. Lets say you work in python and # is the comment character. Make a visual block selection of the column you want the hash sign to be in, and type I#ESCAPE. To enter a visual block mode press C-q on windows or C-v on linux.
My block comment technique:
Ctrl+V to start blockwise visual mode.
Make your selection.
With the selection still active, Shift+I. This put you into column insert mode.
Type you comment characters '#' or '//' or whatever.
Or you may want to give this script a try...
For commenting out lines, I would suggest one of these plugins:
NERD Commenter
I find myself using NERD more these days, but I've used EnhancedCommentify for years.
If you want to perform an action on a range of lines, and you know the line numbers, you can put the range on the command line. For instance, to delete lines 20 through 200 you can do:
To move lines 20 through 200 to where line 300 is you can use:
And so on.
Use Shift+V to go in visual mode, then you can select lines and delete / change them.
My usual method for commenting out 40 lines would be to put the cursor on the first line and enter the command:
:.,+40s/^/# /
(For here thru 40 lines forward, substitute start-of-line with hash, space)
Seems a bit longer than some other methods suggested, but I like to do things with the keyboard instead of the mouse.
First answer is currently not quite right?
To comment out selection press ':' and type command
:'<,'>s/^/# /g
('<, '> - will be there automatically)
You should be aware of the normal mode command [count]CTRL-D.
It optionally changes the 'scroll' option from 10 to [count], and then scrolls down that many lines. Pressing CTRL-D again will scroll down that same lines again.
So try entering
V "visual line selection mode
30 "optionally set scroll value to 30
CTRL-D "jump down a screen, repeated as necessary
y " yank your selection
CTRL-U works the same way but scrolls up.
v enters visual block mode, where you can select as if with shift in most common editors, later you can do anything you can normally do with normal commands (substitution :'<,'>s/^/#/ to prepend with a comment, for instance) where '<,'> means the selected visual block instead of all the text.
marks would be the simplest mb where u want to begin and me where u want to end once this is done you can do pretty much anything you want
deletes from marker b to marker e
commenting out 40 lines you can do in the visual mode
will comment out 40 lines from where u start the sequence
