Checking in Files via AnkhSVN not prompting to enter FogBugz Case Number - tortoisesvn

So I followed the fogbugz guidelines to add some properties to my project repository. The only SVN property I changed was bugtraq:warnifnoissue. In the documentation mentioned above, it's set to false. I set it to true. If I use TortoiseSVN, when I go to check in a file, I will see the Fogbugz case number textbox to the above right of the checkin comments textbox. If I check-in without putting a FogBugz case number it says something along the lines of "Are you sure you want to check in without specifying a case number?". I put this on to give a friendly nudge to developers to enter a case number. It's just a prompt, doesn't force a case number to be entered. This all works great.
However, in AnkhSVN, all the above works as described, with the SVN propeties I've set, but I do not get the friendly prompt. Is this just AnkhSVN not supporting prompts like TortoiseSVN or is there some AnkhSVN setting I need to set or an additional SVN property that needs to be set for AnkhSVN?
Thanks in advance.

Indeed that's the case. AnkhSVN does not support that property (yet). Feel free to suggest/vote for it at uservoice


Using local workspaces with TFS2012/VS2012: can I change the default lock type for checkouts?

Our team is using local workspaces. I know server workspaces provide better locking functionality, but the "check in lock" that is possible with local workspaces is sufficient for us. It's a bit of a hassle though, because for non-source files (typically, .rpt files) we have to:
Get the latest version of the file.
"Check Out For Edit".
Change the lock type to "Check in - Allow other users to check out but prevent them from checking in".
Is it possible to, at least, change the default lock type for certain file types (.rpts) so that #3 above is done automatically? Ideally, it would be nice if this applied to automatic check-outs as well, if VS is configured to check out automatically when editing/saving.
Now I know this is an old post and I'm not sure of the differences between VS2012 with TFS2012 and VS2015 with TFS2015, but I thought I'd share my solution, in case it help you or anyone else.
While there is not an option to completely automatically "Check-in lock" a file when you edit it that I can find, I did find that you could have it prompt for the check-in lock with that lock already selected.
You go Tools > Options then select the Source Control > Environment and under Editing select "Prompt for lock on checkout"
Now when ever you open a file and begin editing it, the moment you make a change it will pop up a window like this:
Note: that it has the lock type set to the check-in lock
automatically. If you had selected the "Prompt for check out" selected
in the options form, it would pop up the same for, but with the
"Unchanged" option selected.
One other important thing to note, is if you hit cancel in the Check
Out form, it will proceed to edit the file, but without checking it
out, which may be undesirable.
That covers your Points #2 and #3
As for point #1
Again, I don't know about VS2012 and TFS2012, but with 2015 you go to:Team Explorer > Settings > Source Contol (under the team project node)
You then check "Enable Get Latest on Check Out"
After both settings have been changed:
You can check out a file just by starting to edit it
The program will get the latest file when you check it out.
And it will show a prompt confirming the check-in lock before check out.
Again I'm aware that this answer is coming a little late, and it is done using 2015 software not 2012, but I hope it applies for you, and perhaps this post will help someone else.

Enable Repair option in Programs and Featues/Add Remove Programs

I've searched all over for a solution and have not been able to get them to work.
My company's product used to have the Repair option when selecting the product in the Programs and Features dialog. You could also right click on the product and select Repair there as well. Just before I inherited the installer projects, this Repair option disappeared. I looked around to see if anything was disabling this option and couldn't find anything.
In InstallShield DisableRepair is set to No. There also is no registry key set in the Uninstall section for the product for NoRepair when the product is installed. By default, I believe I should be seeing the Repair option and don't understand why it's not there. I've tried messing with ARPNOREPAIR in custom actions, all to no avail. I even created a registry key for NoRepair with both 0 and 1 for DWORD values to see if it actually would work and it did not. I'd like to say that there is some code somewhere that is disabling it, but I've checked everywhere and even talked to the previous installer coworker and he doesn't know of anything removing that option.
Does anyone have information on this?
After lots of digging around and testing I have found out some interesting things and a solution to my issue. It turns out that there was a C# custom action that was creating a separate registry entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. Also, ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT was being set to 1 in InstallShield which was disabling the original entry from showing in Programs and Features, while the new entry was set to show. Apparently NoModify and NoRemove work with the new entry, but not NoRepair(no idea why this is). My solution was to go back to the original entry and modify the keys that I was adding in the custom action.

Can you configure the Visual Studio Find Options?

Is it possible to get the VS 2012 find dialog to always use Current Document and reset case & whole-word when I press Ctrl+F? Currently it remembers my last options and I often forget to turn them off.
Also it sometimes switches to All open documents on its own which totally throws me off. I haven't yet figured out why or when this happens.
I've searched for registry keys and extensions but so far nothing useful has turned up.
It's not possible to get the dialog or the quick find UI to always choose a specific scope out of the box. During beta of VS 2012, this behavior was implemented where CTRL+F would always set the scope to Current Document and Ctrl+Shift+F would set the scope Entire Solution upon invocation of the commands. A lot of users were unhappy with this behavior, so it was reverted. There are no registry keys that you can set to alter this behavior.
Visual Studio always tries to reuse the last used scope. There are circumstances at which that scope is not available, and that'll cause the IDE to change the scope on you. Let's suppose you do a search in "Current Project", after that you close the entire solution and then invoke the dialog. The scope will have to change to something else.
You probably know about this, but Ctrl+F3 will search for the word that is under the caret and it'll always perform that search with the Whole Word option on in the current document. Perhaps that'll suit your needs.
I've published a Visual Studio "SmartFind" extension to fix this issue.

Is there a way to change 'project' once a bug has been entered in MantisBT?

As evident from title, I entered a bug in MantisBT but mistaken choose wrong project. I can go back and edit most of the parameters of bug but it doesn't allow me to change the project. I looked in configuration and there seems to be no option for that there as well. Is there a way I fix the bug information by changing the project to the correct value?
You can move issues between projects if your system configuration and access levels allow it (look for the Move button in the View Issue Details page)
You can also move multiple issues by doing the following:
Go to View Issues page.
Filter on the issues you want to move (optional)
Tick the issues from the list that you want to move or select all.
Go to the bottom of the list and select "Move" then click Go.
Select project to move to.
Note that since MantisBT uses a universal id across all projects, moving an issue doesn't break links to it, since URL to the issue will remain the same.

ReSharper - Is there a disable command I can add to a file that will not allow reorder of type members?

Much like
// ReSharper disable ConvertToAutoProperty
I would like to know what, if existing, I can add to particular files (and only particular files) so that fields are not sorted on code cleanup.
For more information:
I know there are settings one can set in R# itself. This needs to work even where I don't control settings (like on other people's computers)
I know I can make a setting to disable sorting for particular types in TypeMembersLayout. This also will not work due to the same reason.
I only want this to happen on files I care that it doesn't happen with, not a global setting.
I've been using Resharper for years, and can say with confidence this option doesn't exist. Good idea though..
Maybe Generated Code options can help you. But I didn't try it.
Go to ReSharper->Options->Code Inspection->Generated Code and add your files.
I think ReSharper leaves such files untouched.
