SubSonic inner join mystery - subsonic

I've have 2 tables CampaignCoverage and Coverage
CampaignCoverage has a CoverageID column. Coverage has a column DateX.
Basically I've not specified in the code that CampaignCoverage.CoverageID = Coverage.ID like you would to in SQL. How does this work at all????!!!!
CampaignCoverageCollection campaignCoverages =
new Select()

If you have not specified that CampaignCoverage.CoverageID is a foreign key to Coverage.ID (I think that is what you are trying to say), then getting rid of the join should do the trick. i.e. Remove
That said, you probably do want to make a CampaignCoverage.CoverageID a foreign key to Coverage.ID. After you do that, you can get rid of the IsEqualTo clause. i.e. Remove


Select one column from Type-ORM query - Node

I have a type ORM query that returns five columns. I just want the company column returned but I need to select all five columns to generate the correct response.
Is there a way to wrap my query in another select statement or transform the results to just get the company column I want?
See my code below:
This is what the query returns currently:
I want it to return:
const qb = createQueryBuilder(Entity, 'stats_table');'', 'company');
qb.addSelect('stats_table.title', 'title');
qb.addSelect('SUM(count)', 'sum');
qb.where('city_code IS NOT NULL OR country_code IS NOT NULL');
qb.addOrderBy('sum', 'DESC');
return qb.getRawMany();
TypeORM didn't meet my criteria, so I'm not experienced with it, but as long as it doesn't cause problems with TypeORM, I see an easy SQL solution and an almost as easy TypeScript solution.
The SQL solution is to simply not select the undesired columns. SQL will allow you to use fields you did not select in WHERE, GROUP BY, and/or ORDER BY clauses, though obviously you'll need to use 'SUM(count)' instead of 'sum' for the order. I have encountered some ORMs that are not happy with this though.
The TS solution is to map the return from qb.getRawMany() so that you only have the field you're interested in. Assuming getRawMany() is returning an array of objects, that would look something like this:
getRawMany().map(companyRecord => {return {company:}});
That may not be exactly correct, I've taken the day off precisely because I'm sick and my brain is fuzzy enough I was making too many stupid mistakes, but the concept should work even if the code itself doesn't.
EDIT: Also note that map returns a new array, it does not modify the existing array, so you would use this in place of the getRawMany() when assigning, not after the assignment.

Is it possible to combine 'field' and table record inside 'select' in JOOQ?

I'm using an auto incremental session variable temporary column, to get some kind of sequence for a specific sort-order. The query looks something like this:
).from(/* Get an inner query here */)
But, when I try to execute the above query, it returns the following error:
Unknown column 'TABLE.ID' in 'field list'
The only way I can make it work, is when TABLE.ID is passed as field("ID") inside
Is it so that JOOQ doesn't support specifying the column(s) using a combination of TableRecord and field("column")?
Turns out, it is possible to do so. Apparently, the improper aliasing might have had something to do with the issue. Solved it like this:
TABLE t ="t");

SQLAlchemy query with conditional filters and results

I'm building a fastAPI app and I have a complicated query that I'm trying to avoid doing as multiple individual queries where I concat the results.
I have the following tables that all have foreign keys:
CHANGE_LOG: change_id | original (FK ROSTER.shift_id) | new (FK ROSTER.shift_id) | change_type (FK CONFIG_CHANGE_TYPES)
ROSTER: shift_id | shift_type (FK CONFIG_SHIFT_TYPES) | shift_start | shift_end | user_id (FK USERS)
CONFIG_CHANGE_TYPES: change_type_id | change_type_name
CONFIG_SHIFT_TYPES: shift_type_id | shift_type_name
USERS: user_id | user_name
FK= Foreign Key
I need to return the following information:
user_name, change_type_name, and shift_start shift_end and shift_type_name for those whose shift_id matches the original or new in the CHANGE_LOG row.
The catch is that the CHANGE_LOG table might have both original and new, only an original but no new, or only a new but no original. But as the user can select a few options from drop down boxes before submitting the request, I also need to be able to include a filter to single out:
just one user, or all users
any change_type, or a group of change_types
The issue is that I can't find a way to get the user_name guaranteed for each row without inspecting it afterwards because I don't know if the new or original exist or are set to null.
Is there a way in SQLalchemy to have an optional filter in the query where I can say if the original exists use that to get the user_id, but if not then use the new to get the user_id.
Also, if i have a query that definitely finds those with original and new shifts, it will never find those with only one of them as the criteria will never match.
I've also read this and similar ones, and while they'll resolve the issue of conditionally setting some of the filters, it doesn't get around the issue of part nulls returning nothing at all, rather than half the data.
This one seems to solve that problem, but I have no idea how to implement it.
I know it's complicated, so let me know if I've done a poor job of explaining the question.
Sorted. The solution was to use the outerjoin option.
I'm sure the syntax can be more elegant than my solution if I properly engage in adding relationships when defining each class, but what I end up with is explicit and I think it makes it easier to read... at least for me.
Since I'm using a few tables more than once in the same query for different information, it was important to alias those, otherwise I ended up with a conflict (which 'user_id' did you want - it's not clear). For those playing at home, here's my general solution:
.outerjoin(original, original.shift_id==CHANGE_LOG.original_shift)
.outerjoin(new, new.shift_id==CHANGE_LOG.new_shift)
.outerjoin (CONFIG_CHANGE_TYPES,CONFIG_CHANGE_TYPES.change_id==CHANGE_LOG.change_type)
.outerjoin(CONFIG_SHIFT_TYPES, CONFIG_SHIFT_TYPES.shift_id==new.roster_shift_id)
.outerjoin(o_name, o_name.shift_id==original.roster_shift_id)
.outerjoin(n_name, n_name.shift_id==new.roster_shift_id)
.outerjoin(USERS, or_(USERS.operator_id==original.user_id, USERS.user_id==new.user_id)
).statement, engine)

Select only one row in dql subquery

I have to execute following query:
create dm_myobject object
set my_id_attribute = (select r_object_id from dm_otherobject where <some clause here>)
where ...
But subquery in brackets returns more than one id. I can't make whereclause more detailed to retrieve only one value.
How to take first?
In my experience it is impossible to use DQL hints in a sub query like you suggested, because the hint is applied to the query as a whole. It is indeed possible to use, say, ENABLE(RETURN_TOP 1) on a query that contains a sub query, however that hint will then be used on the outer query and never on the inner one. In your case, however, you'll end up with an error message telling that the sub query returns more than one result.
Try using an aggregate function on the selected attribute instead:
CREATE dm_myobject OBJECT
SET my_id_attribute = (
SELECT MIN(r_object_id)
FROM dm_otherobject
WHERE <some clause>
The MIN and MAX functions work with ints and strings, and I suspect they work with IDs too. Since it is ok for you to set only the first ID that's returned from your sub query, I suspect you're returning them in a sorted order and want to use the first -- hence the usage of the MIN function.
An alternative approach would of course be to write a script or a small Java program that executes several DQL statements, but that might or might not work for you in your case.

Subsonic : Same column name different tables

I have a query where I need to do a "Where" clause for two different columns in two different tables but subsonic creates the same parametrized parameter name for both which is causing an issue. How can I fix this?
string _RawSql = new Select()
.InnerJoin(Table3.SidColumn, Table2.Table3SidColumn)
The query this is creating is
FROM [dbo].[Table1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Table2] ON [dbo].[Table1].[Table2Sid] = [dbo].[Table2].[Sid]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Table3] ON [dbo].[Table2].[Table3Sid] = [dbo].[Table3].[Sid]
WHERE [dbo].[Table1].[Sid] = #Sid
AND [dbo].[Table3].[Sid] = #Sid
Note that in the last two lines its using #Sid for both Table1 and Table3. How go I do it so it uses #Sid0 and #Sid1?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Thanks for the response, I really appreciate it. I am using 2.1
I am already using TableColumn. Below is the c# subsonic code...
which creates the following sql when viewed in sql profiler
WHERE [dbo].[Table1].[Sid] = #Sid
AND [dbo].[Table3].[Sid] = #Sid
Could you please show me how can I replace these lines with the way you are suggesting? I would really rather not use literal "Table2.Sid = 2"
ranmore, the issue is same with variables or with constants.
I have even tried
This creates the query as
WHERE Table1.Sid = #Table1.Sid0
AND Table3.Sid = #Table3.Sid1
I finally get different parametrized vars in this case but now SQL Server complains because it does not like . in the parametrized var names.
I have no clue how to perform a join with 2 where clauses for 2 different tables!
What version are you using? In 2.2 You can use the TableColumn object to get around this (it may be the same for 2.1 as well. So instead of using the struct, as you're doing, you can use the object (Table2.SidColumn).
If push comes to shove - you can override everything with a string - so in your case you could use "Table1.Sid" and "Table2.Sid" right in the Where() method.
I haven't been able to confirm this, but perhaps the problem only happens with literals? (not sure if your sample code is like that for brevity's sake)
int table1SidColumnValue = 2;
int table3SidColumnValue = 1;
I remember seeing a problem with this when using multiple .In() clauses with literal values, not sure if that applies to your problem though.
I'm not sure what version of the code I have but your query produces numbered parameters for me.
If you look at Line 255 of ANSISqlGenerator.cs
c.ParameterName = String.Concat(col.ParameterName, query.Constraints.IndexOf(c));
The where parameters really should have numbers appended to them... maybe pull the latest version?
