Moss Sub sites navigation elements - sharepoint

My site structure looks like this:
- top-level site
I want to disable the link on the tab of each sub-site that currently links to default.aspx so that it acts as a heading to the pages only and not a url that can be clicked. When users navigate over the sub-site tab, the pages drop down menu displays.
Would I need to code this?

Coding it would make it easier as it would give you more control over the html. It is not a massive job to create a custom navigation provider and include it in your masterpage/page layouts.
This is a reasonable introduction to your options.
I personally have found the code released here by the SharePoint team to have been very useful.


SharePoint 2013, change welcome page layout when a sub site is created

we have a custom page layout, and we want this:
When a new sub site is created by users, we want the default.aspx, AKA welcome page to be based on our custom page layout.
How can we do this?
Two options:
1) Create a custom web template and define a module for the welcome page. This obviously only works for that custom web template, but does not require code.
2) Create a web event receiver (e.g. WebProvisioned), apply it to site collection. In the code behind set the page layout of the welcome page to your custom page layout. This works for any template, but requires custom code.
Option 1 only works in a farm solution, option 2 should also work in a sandboxed solution I guess.
I believe you want this OOTB (Codeless).
Go to page (you want to make home page) set the layout. (you custom
Set this page as a home page.
Remove all data (lists, libraries, pages). except this page.
Save the site as site template(_layouts/savetmpl.aspx). If you are not finding the save as template option. Write the url.
After saving the template, you can
use the same template for all your sites. For creating subsites,
this should be add in list site template in settings. Let me know, I
can explain you more.

SharePoint 2013 online customize personimmersive page

I want to customize the SharePoint 2013 online(office 365) "About me" linked page (personimmersive.aspx) to a custom look and feel.
Even clicking on any SPUser name, for ex in a list item modified by is "John Smith" if we click on it goes to about me page.
This page resides under mysite but I cannot see this page is SharePoint 2013 designer to edit, but modifying SharePoint pages in designer is not always the best way.
Can I just create a new page and redirect all Profile page request to that custom page?
IF I create app parts and edit the page I cannot edit the top portion of the page.
redirecting may not be a feasible approach, specially on the online versions
you can try to take advantage of web parts and css to do what you can
The biggest change is that you can’t edit the entire top portion of
the page. These used to be in a web part zone, and you could choose to
add/remove the web parts. Now they are fixed, with no ability to move
them around or change the parts.
We had removed the Activity Feed web part previously because we were
using Yammer newsfeeds and group feeds embedded throughout the site,
and this part always showed “No activities”. Now this is back again,
with no way to remove it, short of editing the page in SharePoint
There are still web part zones on the bottom, but really the problem
is no control over the display of most of the top of the page.
There is personImmersive.aspx in SharePoint Designer, you should be able to find it in All Files. Just make sure you connect to [your_domain] instead of [your_domain]
you can't customize the page completely.However you can add custom web part and custom css to change the look and feel to a great extent.
#tiago duarte you can still remove the activity web part.This can be done using script editor webpart and hiding the complete block/div.

How to make document library in top level visible to subsites

I'd like to ask if you came up with a solution that will allow for subsites to access a centralized document library at the parent level. I'm still trying to no avail. I've tried doc library templates, views, Doc Center and the best method i have OOTB is a page view web part on the subsites page display a view from the parents library. (by the way to remove the ribbon, append ?IsDlg=1 to the url and the ribbons hidden) cool tip. Say will you give be a Y/N on a solution that will allow one to keep a set of documents in the doc center and surface them in the sub-site.
There are another option without such hard coding. You can open any view of your document library, as mentioned earlier AllItems.aspx for example with SharePoint Designer. Open it for editing in advanced mode (there are option when you click right mouse button on file in SP Designer). Then just point mouse cursor inside web part and chose in ribbon web parts, Add to Site gallery, see the picture. Fill in name of new web part. That is all, now you can add this web part on any page on any web site from webpart gallery through the user interface or through the SP Designer by clicking Insert, Web Part in the ribbon on any page.
You can do this by editing the AllItems.aspx (or other view page) and scraping off the WebPartPages:ListViewWebPart and pasting it into a page on the subsite.
This will give you an error "List does not exits The page you selected contains a list that does not exist."
Then you need to get the WebID for the root site (where you took the ListViewWebpart from and replace the part of the webpart that looks like this:
<WebId xmlns="">00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</WebId>
with (for example)
<WebId xmlns="">7b04dee8-b120-4dee-abea-28b77316ec7d</WebId>

Customizing SharePoint Breadcrumb Navigation

I need help trying to customize the Breadcrumb navigation displayed by SharePoint. I have created two .aspx pages in the Pages Library named search.aspx and products.aspx. A link from search.aspx leads to the page products.aspx, and I want the breadcrumb navigation to reflect this structure so that the breadcrumb looks as follows:
Home > Search > Products
and where "Search" links to search.aspx.
However, when I navigate to the products.aspx page, the breadcrumb instead looks like:
Home > Products.
I’d think this would be something easy to do within SharePoint by configuring the site navigation structure, but from my research on the Internet people suggested disabling SharePoint breadcrumbs and creating a custom web part that creates these links and simulates the functionality. If not, others recommend creating a custom sitemap provider. These seem to be a lot of work just to achieve the functionality I described.
Looking in the masterpage, there is a breadcrumb placeholder with the following content, with which my pages inherit from:
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
You can customize the asp:SiteMapPath control in the MasterPage, this other question has info on it

SharePoint 2007 Publishing site with deep menu structure

I am a beginner in SharePoint and I need to create publishing site that will have multilevel menu. Requirement is that levels will not be fixed and that client should be able to add pages and customize menu.
If I am not mistaken pages can be created only in the first level under the site. I don't see something like folders concept. For the navigation purposes I can add heading and it will be shown as another level. If I need more levels I need to create sub sites.
Is this correct?
Can I do something like this without creating SharePoint sub sites ?
If I don't need I will skip writing some custom menu control or write custom SiteMapProvider. I will than need to write UI for managing navigation also.
I have managed to create Folder in Pages list and create (actually move) pages to that folder and even create sub folder but they are not showing on the menu not even in the navigation settings page. I can't approve folder, it is in pending status what ever I try.
I looks like this is not possible by the Andrew Connell: Subfolders are not Supported in the Pages Library in MOSS Publishing Sites
Out of the box, you can modify the navigation for a Publishing site manually.
I assume that you are after a more automated way to do this. Unfortunately, the way to modify the navigation for a PublishingWeb is through the object model and the PublishingWeb.CurrentNavigationNodes object, which would require a timer job or some other method to update as pages are edited/added/deleted.
This is non-trivial and you will still need to create a solution/feature package.
The other way is to create a custom navigation provider.
The issue with both of these options (aside from the actual coding and release) is caching the navigation structure. We have used the standard web cache for the object holding the navigation structure, but using the standard user browsing (i.e. the menu code itself) to kick of a refresh of the navigation is fraught with threading issues.
You can create multiple document libraries in a site and then put the pages in the various libraries. That way you wouldn't need to create sub-sites
