Customizing SharePoint Breadcrumb Navigation - sharepoint

I need help trying to customize the Breadcrumb navigation displayed by SharePoint. I have created two .aspx pages in the Pages Library named search.aspx and products.aspx. A link from search.aspx leads to the page products.aspx, and I want the breadcrumb navigation to reflect this structure so that the breadcrumb looks as follows:
Home > Search > Products
and where "Search" links to search.aspx.
However, when I navigate to the products.aspx page, the breadcrumb instead looks like:
Home > Products.
I’d think this would be something easy to do within SharePoint by configuring the site navigation structure, but from my research on the Internet people suggested disabling SharePoint breadcrumbs and creating a custom web part that creates these links and simulates the functionality. If not, others recommend creating a custom sitemap provider. These seem to be a lot of work just to achieve the functionality I described.
Looking in the masterpage, there is a breadcrumb placeholder with the following content, with which my pages inherit from:
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

You can customize the asp:SiteMapPath control in the MasterPage, this other question has info on it


define a new home page to sharepoint site

I realized a simple interface for my sub SharePoint site. but I have no idea how I download my files Interface (Javasript, css, html) that index.html becomes my homepage on my website .
best regards
Upload all files to a document library, then use SharePoint Designer to set index.html as the home page.
Edit: If you want SharePoint functionality, then you need to do what we all do: Use a SharePoint page and customize it to show/hide what you want to see. In many cases, custom CSS can be used to hide unwanted SharePoint elements. Custom HTML can be applied by editing an individual page.
Second edit: It seems that you have very sparse understanding of SharePoint and what it can do. You need to learn how SharePoint works. It's way more than just html and it's WAAAAY more than can be posted in an answer here. No way around that. Get clued up about what SharePoint does before you do things with it that it does not do naturally.

Creating Dynamic Sitemap in SharePoint

I have developed a publishing portal in sharepoint.I have a requirement wherein I need to create sitemap for the entire web application.
This should be dynamic, in the sense, whenever we update the contents of any given page in our web application, it should be reflected immediately in the sitemap page. What are the possible ways to achieve this and which is the best possible solution considering the scalability and easy configuration?
Thank you.
If you don't want to use a custom webpart, you could use normal navigation list to create your sitemap and it is automatically updated. You only need to style it in a way to resemble some kind of sitemap.
Here are some links to get you started with customizing your navigation:
Custom Navigation in SharePoint - The Full Monty
How to: Customize Navigation
Also there is the portal site map which provides the data source for your custom menu. Just read up on custom navigation and stuff like PublishingNavigation:PortalSiteMapDataSource and SharePoint:AspMenu.
There is a nice PowerShell script to create a sitemap for SHarepoint 2010, if you want to submit your sitemap to Google: Generate A Sitemap For SharePoint 2010 Using PowerShell'.
You can also install and customize the SharePoint Web part ("Table of Contents") to your liking. Read up on it here...
Take a look at our ECS product, it is close to what you need
It was built as a system of cross site collection navigation, with security trimming and permissions inheritance between site collection.

Navigating sharepoint with a treeview

I'm trying to replace the navigation on our sharepoint site with a treeview. It's a large site with up to 4 subsite leves in places. All I need it to do is
show a consistent structure from page to page
show only sites and pages
The default sharepoint treeview seems to do neither of these things (doesn't display items from the parent site, includes document libraries but not pages).
Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this? We're using the publishing site template throughout if that makes a difference.
I've tried binding the tree to the datasource the quick launch uses but I guess from the error message they expect differently named properties.
You cannot do it using the default property of sharepoint.
But I had also almost the same requirement. I did this task by the following way
Store all the links in an XML file.
Create a webpart for reading XML file and create menu
Open the masterpage using sharepoint designer and comment the lines which render the top navigation and place the new webpart there
Inherit this masterpage in its subsite.
For multi level quick launch the below link will help you
If you want more help, pls ask me, I can help you

Moss Sub sites navigation elements

My site structure looks like this:
- top-level site
I want to disable the link on the tab of each sub-site that currently links to default.aspx so that it acts as a heading to the pages only and not a url that can be clicked. When users navigate over the sub-site tab, the pages drop down menu displays.
Would I need to code this?
Coding it would make it easier as it would give you more control over the html. It is not a massive job to create a custom navigation provider and include it in your masterpage/page layouts.
This is a reasonable introduction to your options.
I personally have found the code released here by the SharePoint team to have been very useful.

Create SharePoint web page outside of document library

I'm reasonably new to SharePoint 2007 and trying to move from an ASP.NET to SharePoint way of thinking has been an interesting experience!
I would like to create a page at the same level as the default.aspx page in a subsite. The "SharePoint way" of doing things involves putting the page into a document library. I am reluctant to do this as the breadcrumb navigation of the page then includes the name of the libarary but I would like the library to be transparent to the user.
I can create a page in the right place in SharePoint designer but I can't find a way to use a SharePoint template. I have tried copying the default.aspx page, but the navigation linkes are not updated.
Am I missing something or can someone suggest a solution?
I see what you are saying. I would like to share my thoughts on how I will do it.
If the Breadcrumb is your only reason why you want to move to a different than lib, the I recommend you to override the ContentPlaceholder that has the BreadCrumb in your Page, so that BreadCrumb wont be there. But URL will be there for the User to Guess ./DocLib/default.aspx.
And if the reason to hide the document library is to make sure that you don't want to allow the user to get into the Lib and change something. I recommend you strip out the permission from the Document Lib and give all the user ReadOnly and add the user with more right who you thing will need to edit the pages.
And finally you wanted to it in a Place, you can try deploying them as a Feature that will provision the pages as Ghostable rather then GhostableInLibray.
While 1,3 cab be packaged in a WSP. 2 one needs bit of a Manual / custom Code if you are trying to automate the process.
Steps to create Ghostable pages you can refer to this
It doesn't seem to be possible. Subsites can be used to be categorise content by topic, but they can't be used very much.
