Extract images from running 2d-game - resources

There is a 2d-game based on Direct3D. This game has a lot of graphics and animations. What is the best way to extract animation image sequences from the running game (e.g. using memory dump)? Is there any special tools for such purposes?

Depending on what you call 'the best'
FRAPS - http://www.fraps.com/
Allows you to capture screen shots which you can edit the frames out of.
Alternatively you may be able to use graphical debugging tools like PIX (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb173085(VS.85).aspx) to capture the graphical commands and pull the textures out directly (games often disable PIX support on release though).
Or, try and pull the images directly out of the files (they have to be loaded somewhere and file formats are usually pretty easy to reverse engineer).
NB: I'm assuming by 2D game you don't mean actually really mean 3D assets but 2D game play.

I don't know if it can work on full screen mode, but with a desktop screen recorder tool like CamStudio you can record the animation in uncompressed avi format.
With an extra tool for video processing you can do whatever you want with the captured frames.

there is a tool which can extract the resource files from many popular games and binary formats: Game file explorer.
Saves you the trouble of screen grabbing


I am trying to build a music visualizer but I am completely inexperienced

Where should I begin?
I am trying to build a real-time stem-split music visualizer for VJing and the like. What sets this apart is that I would like to split the input audio stream into its stems (either algorithmically or using something like Spleeter) and then use each stem data to control different aspects of the visualization.
For example:
The isolated drums to play a BPM-synced video.
I'm hoping to achieve this by making a short looping video at a fixed BPM (say, 60) and then by detecting the BPM of the stream, adjust the playback speed of the video so that the video is in sync.
The isolated synth stream could control DMX lights.
I want to try and encode this data in, say, the last row of pixels in the above video. By reading the colour, intensity, and movement data from the pixels, moves and timings could be read and sent to the lights in real-time. I'm doing this so that the user can encode all the data needed for a scene into one video file.
The isolated vocals could be synced and displayed on screen using
The isolated bassline could be parsed into MIDI data and visualized on screen.
All of the above can be controlled live.
Now the problem is that I am relatively inexperienced with programming. I am not sure where to start. Which language to use, which IDE, how to display visuals, how to interact with audio input streams, how to use DMX and how to visualize MIDI data. I know this is currently quite a bit out of my depth but I'll manage with the right resources. Please give me some advice on where to begin for a project like this.

Detect if video file contains movement

I have a bunch of video clips from a webcam (duration is 5, 10, 60 seconds), and I'm looking for a way to detect "does this video clip have movement", to decide whether the file should be saved or discarded in a future processing phase.
I've looked into motion and OpenCV, but motion seems to only want to work on the raw video stream, and OpenCV seems to be way too advanced for my use.
My ideal solution would be a linux command-line tool that I can feed video files into, and get a simple "does/doesn't contain movement" answer back, so I can discard the irrelevant files. False positives (in a reasonable quantity) are perfectly acceptable for my use.
Does such a tool exist? Or any simple examples of doing this with other tools?
You can check dvr-scan which is simple cross-platform command line tool based on OpenCV.
To just list motion events in csv format (scan only):
dvr-scan -i some_video.mp4 -so
To extract motion in single video:
dvr-scan -i some_video.mp4 -o some_video_motion_only.avi
For more examples and various other parameters see:
I had the same problem and wrote the solution: https://github.com/jooray/motion-detection
Should be fairly easy to use from command-line.
If you would like to post-process already-captured video then motion can be useful.
VLC allow you to stream or convert your media for use locally, on your private network, or on the Internet. So an already-captured video can be streamed over HTTP, RTSP, etc. and motion can handle it as a network camera.
How to Stream using VLC Media Player
If OpenCv is to advanced for you, maybe you should consider something easier which is... SimpleCV (wrapper for OpenCV) "This is computer vision made easy". There is even an example of motion detection using SimpleCV - https://github.com/sightmachine/simplecv-examples/blob/master/code/motion-detection.py Unfortunetely i can't test it(because my OpenCv version isn't compatible with SimpleCV), but generally it looks fine (and isn't complicated) - it just substract previous frame from current and calculate mean of the result. If this value is bigger than some threshold (which most likely you will have to adjust) than we can assume that there were some motion between those 2 frames. Note that setting threshold to 0 is really a bad idea, because always there is some difference between 2 consecuitve frames (changes of lighting, noises, etc).

Producing Vector Graphics Movies with something like Nodebox or Processing

I like the idea of Nodebox and Processing, and would like to generate movies to visualize some data/algorithms. However, Nodebox exports extremely bloated Quicktime files with frame by frame images, and Processing only exports Java applications. I want to be able to export movies that don't take a Gigabyte a minute of disk space. Perhaps something like SVG animations or Actionscript which stores the vector graphics definition of the animation rather than frame images would be better. Is there a framework that is as easy to program as Nodebox and Processing and can export "lean" movies?
Have you tried the MovieMaker library that ships with Processing ?
Also, it should be fairly simple to save multiple frames using saveFrame().
This is option have a couple of advantages:
If your sketch crashes at some point, you still have all the frames up to that point (unlike writing a .mov file)
It's fairly simple to put the frames back into a video file, but you also have control over playback speed and can easily do a bit of editing if needed.
You can try to a sequence of PDF file using createGraphics() to get vector output, but I'm not sure how stable/feasible this option is.
They are changing the way this works moving towards 2.0 too, as they are moving to GSVideo over Quicktime...
Daniel Shiffman posted about it recently on his blog, but it's the only place I've heard about any changes to post-2.0 tactics (though he IS part of the inner circle, I know)
You can find that post at
Also, if you are on OSX, you can try Syphon ? See info here

Cropping audio files?

I was wondering if there was a tool similar to jCrop, with the exception that instead of an image I'd allow the user to crop an audio file? Google didn't give me any useful results sadly :(
The reason why I'm asking is that I'm making a tool to convert audio files to popular ringtone formats, and only letting the user specify the offsets in numbers is somewhat inconvenient. Obviously the tool doesn't have to be in javascript - anything that fits into a website is ok.
Here's a browser-based audio editor written in Flash that you could probably adapt (it supports cropping):
One thing I found a bit confusing is that you have to hold down the play button on the editor to play the full sound.

Fast, Pixel Precision 2D Drawing API for Graphics App?

I woud like to create a cross-platform drawing program. The one requirement for writing my app is that I have pixel level precision over the canvas. For instance, I want to write my own line drawing algorithm rather than rely on someone elses. I do not want any form of anti-aliasing (again, pixel level control is required.) I would like the users interactions on the screen to be quick and responsive (pending my ability to write fast algorithms.)
Ideally, I would like to write this in Python, or perhaps Java as a second choice. The ability to easily make the final app cross-platform is a must. I will submit to different API's on different OS'es if necessary as long as I can write an abstraction layer around them. Any ideas?
addendum: I need the ability to draw on-screen. Drawing out to a file I've got figured out.
I just this week put together some slides and demo code for doing 2d graphics using OpenGL from python using the library pyglet. Here's a representative post: Pyglet week 2, better vertex throughput (or 3D stuff using the same basic ideas)
It is very fast (relatively speaking, for python) I have managed to get around 1,000 independently positioned and oriented objects moving around the screen, each with about 50 vertices.
It is very portable, all the code I have written in this environment works on windows and Linux and mac (and even obscure environments like Pypy) without me ever having to think about it.
Some of these posts are very old, with broken links between them. You should be able to find all the relevant posts using the 'graphics' tag.
The Pyglet library for Python might suit your needs. It lets you use OpenGL, a cross-platform graphics API. You can disable anti-aliasing and capture regions of the screen to a buffer or a file. In addition, you can use its event handling, resource loading, and image manipulation systems. You can probably also tie it into PIL (Python Image Library), and definitely Cairo, a popular cross-platform vector graphics library.
I mention Pyglet instead of pure PyOpenGL because Pyglet handles a lot of ugly OpenGL stuff transparently with no effort on your part.
A friend and I are currently working on a drawing program using Pyglet. There are a few quirks - for example, OpenGL is always double buffered on OS X, so we have to draw everything twice, once for the current frame and again for the other frame, since they are flipped whenever the display refreshes. You can look at our current progress in this subversion repository. (Splatterboard.py in trunk is the file you'll want to run.) If you're not up on using svn, I would be happy to email you a .zip of the latest source. Feel free to steal code if you look into it.
If language choice is open, a Flash file created with Haxe might have a place. Haxe is free, and a full, dynamic programming language. Then there's the related Neko, a virtual machine (like Java's, Ruby's, Parrot...) to run on Mac, Windows and Linux. Being in some ways a new improved form of Flash, naturally it can draw stuff. http://haxe.org/
QT's Canvas an QPainter are very good for this job if you'd like to use C++. and it is cross platform.
There is a python binding for QT but I've never used it.
As for Java, using SWT, pixel level manipulation of a canvas is somewhat difficult and slow so I would not recommend it. On the other hand Swing's Canvas is pretty good and responsive. I've never used the AWT option but you probably don't want to go there.
I would recommend wxPython
It's beautifully cross platform and you can get per pixel control and if you change your mind about that you can use it with libraries such as pyglet or agg.
You can find some useful examples for just what you are trying to do in the docs and demos download.
