In groovy, is there a way to check if an object has a given method? - groovy

Assuming that I have an object someObj of indeterminate type, I'd like to do something like:
def value = someObj.someMethod()
Where there's no guarantee that 'someObj' implements the someMethod() method, and if it doesn't, just return null.
Is there anything like that in Groovy, or do I need to wrap that in an if-statement with an instanceof check?

Use respondsTo
class Foo {
String prop
def bar() { "bar" }
def bar(String name) { "bar $name" }
def f = new Foo()
// Does f have a no-arg bar method
if (f.metaClass.respondsTo(f, "bar")) {
// do stuff
// Does f have a bar method that takes a String param
if (f.metaClass.respondsTo(f, "bar", String)) {
// do stuff

Just implement methodMissing in your class:
class Foo {
def methodMissing(String name, args) { return null; }
And then, every time you try to invoke a method that doesn't exist, you will get a null value.
def foo = new Foo();
assert foo.someMethod(), null
For more information, take a look here:

You should be able to do something like:
Or you can fall back to the good old Java reflection API.

You can achieve this by using getMetaMethod together with the safe navigation operator ?.:
def str = "foo"
def num = 42
def methodName = "length"
def args = [] as Object[]
assert 3 == str.metaClass.getMetaMethod(methodName, args)?.invoke(str, args);
assert null == num.metaClass.getMetaMethod(methodName, args)?.invoke(num, args);

if class :
MyClass.metaClass.methods*.name.any{it=='myMethod'}//true if exist
if object :
myObj.class.metaClass.methods*.name.any{it=='myMethod'}//true if exist

In very concise way you can use this:
//it means someObj has the method


How do I store a list/array of classes in a Groovy variable?

I want to store a list/array of Java exception classes (e.g. NullPointerException, some custom exception classes, etc.) into a Groovy list/array, but I keep running into either casting problems or MissingPropertyException:
class Foo {
Exception[] foo
List bar
def setFoo(Exception[] values) { = values
def setBar(List values) { = values
f = Foo()
But I can't seem to get it right. Any pointer is much appreciated. Thanks!
Changes to
class Foo {
Class[] foo
List bar
def setFoo(Class[] values) { = values
def setBar(List values) { = values
def f = new Foo()
f.setFoo([NullPointerException.class] as Class[])
foo should be an array of Class rather than Exception. (Exception is the instance of Exception Class)
You need to explicitly cast list to Class array, which does the conversion from list to array for you.
It can be done with just def list = [UserClass1, UserClass2]. In groovy, even .class not required.
You code should as below, isn't this simple?
class Foo {
def bar
def f = new Foo(bar: [NullPointerException, RuntimeException])
assert instanceof List<Class>
assert ( as Class[]) instanceof Class[]
You can quickly try it online demo

Groovy call field

I'm trying to put into the field an object that supports a call operation, and then to call him. I can do it without intermediate reading fields in a variable?
My attempt looks like this:
class CallableObjectDynamic {
def call() {
return "5"
class MyClassDynamic {
CallableObjectDynamic field = new CallableObjectDynamic()
class GroovyRunnerDynamic {
static String make(int arg1) {
MyClassDynamic x = new MyClassDynamic()
return x.field()
But I receive groovy.lang.MissingMethodException.
What can you do? Or can anyone give a proof where it's written that we can't call the field?
Membership (.) has lower order of precedence than function/method/call invocation (()). Thus this line:
return x.field()
is interpreted as "invoke the 'field' method on the 'x' object".
To get Groovy to parse the code as you desire, the minimal change would be to regroup using parentheses, as follows:
return (x.field)()
which is (ultimately) interpreted as "invoke the 'call' method on the 'field' object member of the 'x' object", as desired.
It is trivial issue. Not required to have parenthesis for field.
Change from:
return x.field()
return x.field
If you want to execute call method further, then use below code snippet.
Note that static method return type is changed.
class CallableObjectDynamic {
def call() {
return "5"
class MyClassDynamic {
CallableObjectDynamic field = new CallableObjectDynamic()
class GroovyRunnerDynamic {
static def make(int arg1) {
MyClassDynamic x = new MyClassDynamic()
return x.field
Output would be : 5
Not sure why argument to make method is done here, seems to be not used in the above code.
Alternatively, you can change
class GroovyRunnerDynamic {
static def make(int arg1) {
MyClassDynamic x = new MyClassDynamic()
EDIT: Based on OP's implicit call.
Not really sure how it is working, but the below does implicit call. Just assign x.field to a variable and just add parenthesis for that as shown below.
class GroovyRunnerDynamic {
static String make(int arg1) {
MyClassDynamic x = new MyClassDynamic()
def fun = x.field

how can i assign a closure class with a closure property

I have a class something like this
class SomeClass () {
Closure instClos
SomeClass (Closure clos) { instClos = clos} //constructor
def call() {instClos()}
what i'd like to be able to do is do implicit Class constructor like this
SomeClass myInst = {println "hello there}
but that doesn't work and throws cast exception. you can make this work by writing [] round the closure to call the constructor. but its not pretty
SomeClass myInst = [{println "hello there}] // or myInst = new ({println "hello there}
is there a nice way to create the object through assignment and have that closure stored automatically on the created class instance?
feel i'm missing some groovy syntax here that would sort this (PS i'd prefer not having to extend Closure if i can avoid that )
based on the input provided so far i provided an extended script to show the various options. I tried to add an asType closure to Closure and try and call {...} as SomeClass - but if i tried that the asType is never called so groovy must be using another mechanism when you try a coercion
class SomeClass {
Closure instClos
SomeClass (Closure clos) {
println "\tSomeClass constructor: Will constructor called"
instClos = clos
def call() {
println "\ calling closure "
return (instClos() + "!")
SomeClass asType (Closure clos) {
new SomeClass (instClos: clos)
//this will call the map constructor - needs to be explicitly provided
SomeClass me = [{println "map style construction"; "echo"}]
assert me() == "echo!"
//use new to get class instance with constructor
me = new SomeClass ({println "new SomeClass () construction"; "echo"})
assert me() == "echo!"
//using layered closure approach - doesnt read well though
def someClos = {new SomeClass(it)}
def c = someClos {println "trying layered closure ";"echo"}
assert c() == "echo!"
//extending the Closure class to add a method
Closure.metaClass.some = {
if (it == SomeClass) {
new SomeClass (delegate)
//this will call .some() on closure
me = {println "hello will using .some() "; "echo"}.some ( SomeClass)
assert me() == "echo!"
I'm not aware of anyway to auto-coerce a closure. Even though groovy has closure coercion, it works by changing the closure's type, but it's still a closure, and is not layered. Some ideas:
1. Constructor
class SomeClass {
Closure instClos
SomeClass (Closure clos) { instClos = clos} //constructor
def call() {instClos() + "!"}
def c = new SomeClass( { "echo" } )
assert c() == "echo!"
2. Map constructor
class SomeClass {
Closure instClos
def call() {instClos() + "!"}
SomeClass c = [instClos: { "echo" }]
assert c() == "echo!"
3. Closure metaprogramming
(Needs enableGlobally())
Closure.metaClass.some = { new SomeClass(delegate) }
def c = { "echo" }.some()
assert c() == "echo!"
4. Another closure layering
class SomeClass {
Closure instClos
SomeClass (Closure clos) { instClos = clos} //constructor
def call() {instClos() + "!"}
def some = { new SomeClass(it) }
def c = some { "echo" }
assert c() == "echo!"
5. Override Closure's asType
def asType = Closure.metaClass.asType
Closure.metaClass.asType = { Class c ->
(c == SomeClass) ? new SomeClass(delegate) : asType(c)
def c = { "echo" } as SomeClass
assert c() == "echo!"
If you have enough flexibility in your design you TRULY only need one method,, then you could specify it as an interface instead:
interface SomeClass {
def call()
Groovy long ago anticipated the case that Java 8 formalizes with the #FunctionalInterface annotation. If you assign a Groovy Closure to variable or formal parameter of interface type, where the interface has only one method (like SomeClass as defined above), the Groovy compiler will coerce the closure into an instance of that interface. So, given the interface declaration above, the following code:
SomeClass myInst = { println "hello there" }
prints "hello there".

Groovy AST Transformations - How can I figure out the return type of a MethodCallExpression?

With Groovy AST Transformations, how can I figure out the return type of a MethodCallExpression?
MethodCallExpression.getType() always returns java.lang.Object even if I explicitly define the return type of the method in the method definition.
Due to the dynamic nature of groovy, the AST can't know the return type of a method call expression at compile time. For example:
class Example {
String foo() { "foo" }
def e = new Example()
assert == "foo"
Looks simple enough. foo returns a string, so the MethodCallExpression for should have a type of String, right? But what if foo is changed in the metaClass?
class Example {
String foo() { "foo" }
def e = new Example()
if (someRuntimeCondition) { = { -> 42 }
assert == "foo" // is foo a String or an Int?
The groovy compiler just doesn't have enough information to make any assumptions about the method call since it could change at runtime, so it has to compile it down to an Object.

replacing toString using Groovy metaprogramming

In the following Groovy snippet, I attempt to replace both the hashCode and toString methods
String.metaClass.toString = {-> "override" }
String.metaClass.hashCode = {-> 22 }
But when I test it out, only the replacement of hashCode works
String s = "foo"
println s.hashCode() // prints 22
println s.toString() // prints "foo"
Is toString somehow a special case (possibly for security reasons)?
See the first comment on this issue. It says about String's toString and other String related classes:
(...) seems to be intent, it is probably a
good idea to have a faster invocation
for classes that don't allow
overriding toString().
This is a know defect.
Basically Groovy does not correctly override methods that are part of an interface implementation.
This works:
class T {
def doIt() { true }
def t = new T()
assert t.doIt()
t.metaClass.doIt = { -> false }
assert !t.doIt()
This doesn't:
interface I {
def doIt()
class T implements I {
def doIt() { true }
def t = new T()
assert t.doIt()
t.metaClass.doIt = { -> false }
assert !t.doIt()
Because toString() in String comes from CharSequence the correct way to override would be:
CharSequence.metaClass.toString = {-> "silly"}
println "hello world".toString()
