Does anyone know any service similar to Tropo? - voip

I have used tropo and pretty happy with the service
Does anyone know of a reliable alternative?

Try Twilio. I have used the API, it's very easy.

Curious why you're looking for an alternative to Tropo if you've been happy with it.

This is a bit old, but for completeness sake, there is also Plivo that lets you run your own FreeSwitch servers and have an API on top of it that is similar to Twilio/Tropo:
However, noobs beware - this is not nearly as plug'n'play as Twilio or Tropo is, since you need a server to run FS and carriers to route the calls. Upside is that it's cheaper and you have much more control (at the cost of complexity).


How do I know when to trigger a Server-Sent-Event?

What I want to do
I'd like to use Server-Sent-Events for notifications and another feature – I don't need to go into detail for the other feature, but it requires real-time updates taken from a database just like notifications do.
Possible alternatives
Websockets would be an option, but I think it might be a bit too much, as I only require a one-way channel for this. However I'm totally aware that I might be wrong here and Websockets could be the best option – feel free to school me on this. The current backend-setup is Node.js (Express.js webserver) with MongoDB.
Approaches I've seen so far
I've already seen some approaches on this matter, but the main issue here is that I'd like it to be as scalable as possible. Having a for-Loop constantly query my database is the worst approach I've seen so far. The best approach I've seen is observing the MongoDB oplog, but that one seemed a bit like a hack to me rather than a good, solid solution.
I posted a link to this question on reddit in the subreddit r/node where the user /u/PremJyotish221 told me to use Redis with PUB/SUB, and let me tell you... it works perfectly! :)
So to anyone stumbling over this with the same problem, I can absolutely recommend it. It's fast, easy, reliable, and scalable.

Cron with REST interface?

I need a cron-like tool that supports REST API. It should have all the features of cron + the ability to read (and maybe even write) new cron rules.
I've scoured the interwebs but found nothing mature. and yes, I realize that REST interface for cron could be a serious security issue.
minicron does not offer REST API at the moment
chronos is way too overblown for my purposes (its built on top of ZooKeeper and Mesos)
this rest-cron project is abandoned and only partially implemented.
fcron lacks what I need but is opensource and could maybe be extended, but its c code which would be a pain.
jobber is a go-based cron-like, which would be easier to modify.
Still I was hoping for an out of the box solution. Any ideas?
To manage my infrastructure, I use EasyCron - - The API isn't the most sophisticated, but gives me more control.
I've been using recurry for this reason (nodejs).

Meteor server inside browser: feasibility?

Is it technically feasible to run the Meteor server-side stuff inside a browser tab?
What technical limitations of the browser environment would absolutely eliminate this possibility?
To be clear, yes, I am asking what you think I'm asking -- NodeJS in a tab with Meteor on top! :)
Sure, I'll have a go.
Is it technically feasible?
What would you need to make this happen?
node.js in the browser. It exists, kind of.
A database backend. You'd need MongoDB, also in the browser. I bet you could implement something on top of HTML5 LocalStorage, but it'd be a slog. Add to that the fact that Meteor doesn't currently support anything but MongoDB, and you're in for a world of hurt.
The magical Meteoric "glue" that makes it all work together -- in other words, the reason you're using Meteor in the first place.
If what you're really asking is
Is it a good idea?
The answer is almost certainly no.
I know several of the people who work at Meteor. This, ah, isn't on their roadmap.
That said, if you could hack it together, give them a call -- especially if you happen to be looking for a job! :)
If you're asking about how to prototype and run a Meteor app without having to install anything on your machine, you certainly aren't the first person with this idea. It's already been done:
In short, a hosted development platform for Meteor is probably superior to trying to cram it all in a browser anyway.

How long ServiceStack takes to get start?

I'm building a client/server game with WCF, unfortunately because of compatibility problem, I met huge challenge when porting my RESTful server end to linux(mono). So dudes ask me try ServiceStack instead of ask questions everywhere :p.
Now the question is, I know nothing about this framework. How long it takes to get start?
How much it needs to change my original WCF code? Changing client end to fit REST instead of WebService is a big work, so definitely I don't want ServiceStack is too hard for me.
Any advise? Thank you :)
Converting your code from WCF to ServiceStack will mean a complete overhaul. No part of the service layer is the same. It is not to be taken lightly.
If the work of converting the client to REST is itself too much work, then this will be too much.
That being said, I would encourage you to look at it anyway. ServiceStack is considerably faster to develop with once you are familiar with it, it is a much more flexible framework, and it is drastically faster than WCF (especially at serialization).
I can't think of a single thing in WCF I prefer to ServiceStack.


I'm going to be writing my own STUN implementation in JavaScript (server-side with NodeJS), and I'm looking for a library to base my code on.
I have found both JSTUN and PJNATH, and both seem to be supported by members of stackoverflow. I downloaded the source for both, and PJNATH was about 15,000 lines of code whereas JSTUN was less than 3000.
Is one library more complete than the other?
I need both server and client components, and I would like to be as feature-complete as possible because I do NOT want to implement TURN (too hardware intensive).
Is there a better library that I should be looking at? Ultimately I want to make a completely ICE complient solution, but STUN is enough for now.
as far as I know, JSTUN is not a complete solution. This is what they have mentioned in their site.They want to add support for RFC 5389.Please check their web site(
