IIS and Glassfish in Windows 7 - iis

I installed the newest version of Windows 7.
This is my development box, so I have glassfish installed, which I use for Java applications. Also, I use IIS to run PHP applications. I run both servers on port 80, but never at the same time.
However, since I set up IIS, I can't get glassfish to run. In eclipse, it always gives the following error:
Port conflict: Please stop the server process using the same port as the one used by the Application Server.
A server process is already running on this port but we cannot determine if it's a GlassFish process (lack of info or credentials).If you do not find something else running on this port, check for antivirus software blocking or monitoring this port.
Edit: I tried turning off IIS, and even turned off the IIS feature. Still no luck.
I also ran netstat, and the following are showing up on ports that glassfish uses:
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State

This turned out to be an issue with my virtual machine. A fresh copy fixed the issue.

this happen because you select the same port number use by the iis and glashfish, i suggest you configure either of the two to use different port number.


Unable to access node server running on specific port from other machine

I am running node server running react application.server is run by webpack. Server is running on I tried opening the application on other machine but page displays connection timed out. I have tried following things to resolve the issue, but nothing helped.
ping from another machine. It is successful.
On server, netstat -ano. I am able to see listening. No loopback address was there as mentioned in many answers on Stack Overflow.
On another machine,telnet 3005. It fails and say cannot connect on port 3005. Telnet to some other port on which java is running, is successful. It fails only for node.js server.
So my problems are:
telnet is not working to that port.
Not able to open application on other machine's browser.
Am I missing any checks?
Sounds like you've tested quiet a bit. Have you tried another port, just in case there's a firewall or something?
Also, try explicitly telling webpack to listen on the all-hosts address
webpack-dev-server --port 9000 --host

Cannot access eclipse orion server from local machine using local IP

I have been given a centos server to lauch eclipse orion code editor. I installed eclipse orion as per the instruction on https://wiki.eclipse.org/Orion/How_Tos/Install_Orion_on_Localhost (steps for linux using jetty server). It works fine on centos browser. The centos os is running on So that I can access the following urls on web browser of centos.
But when I tried to access the from other local machines on local network, that is not accessible. I searched the StackOverflow Questions like how to make jetty server accessible from LAN? and Unable to access jetty server with local IP address but both are useless for me. How can I fix this situation? Can I fix it editing the code on orion.ini file or need to deal with configuration file or something else?
I have also tried the orion for windows computer but it worked itself for accessing the orion system for any other computer in local network. But I am surprised to face it on centos using the jetty server for setting up eclipse-orion system .
First of all check that have you allowed specific port (8080) from eclispse.
add rule with that port no. in centos iptables as below:-
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 (adjust according your port no.) -j ACCEPT

How to uninstall IIS on windows 8.1 so I can XAMPP on port 80

I installed IIS on my Windows 8.1 computer but now I want to work with XAMPP. At first I got this error:
Problem detected!
9:32:40 PM [Apache] Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4!
9:32:40 PM [Apache] Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
9:32:40 PM [Apache] You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
9:32:40 PM [Apache] or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port
I deleted IIS from control panel and unchecked IIS from "Turn Windows features on and off" then I restarted.
But yet when I type localhost in my browser IIS comes up and doesn't let me use XAMPP as my localhost in my project. When I choose XAMPP for my project and run it then I see error 404 because it can't define XAMPP as my localhost.
I want to work with XAMPP, what should I do?
If you unchecked IIS (and all the child nodes) from the "Windows Features" then IIS is gone, so you might have another process using that port. Historically many applications have decided to use that (chats, music players, and others).
I would run netstat as below to find all the processes that are listening/using TCP port 80 and using the PID find in Task Manager who they are:
netstat -ano | findstr :80
There find the PID (last column) and find the culprit. If it is SYSTEM (usually PID 4, and reading your question, that is likely the case, so keep reading) , then some application is using HTTP.sys to listen in Port 80. So for that you'll need to then look in HTTP.sys, for that:
netsh http show servicestate > out.txt
notepad out.txt
there you can find the registered URLs by searching for ":80/" and see if that gives you a clue of who is doing that.

How to check jboss running in redhat environment?

I have installed jboss-eap-6.2.0 in redhat environment and started the server.But i'm not able to access the home page via http://<>:8080 .Here i have to access home using ip address or name like http://<>:8080 its getting time out. So i would like to know what is the problem here and why not to see the jboss home here ?
1.Is there any way to check the server running in putty command line ?
2.Able to install the software connecting via ip but same ip is not allowing to access jboss page .So is firewall blocking the port 8080 ?
Please advise
Open the standalone.xml file from the JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration directory.
Look for all the texts jboss.bind.address in there and change the ip with the server's IP address so that you can access it from your local pc.
For example
... and so on...
Also, you can look for the loop back ip address( in the xml file as well and replace it.
Even i faced same issue wheni installed jboss7 on centos machine.i found that 8080 port was being used by some other app,thus disabling jboss7 to use that port.
-you can
telnet localhost 8080 (or) ps -ef|grep java
to check if jboss is running
if its running properly and you still not able to connect through your browser
use nmap to check services running on that port
you can edit your port configuration at
run jboss again
You need to set the value of the default interface in socket-binding as well in your standalone.xml.

Start Tomcat from Eclipse in port 80 ( Linux )

This question has been asked before, but no real answer has been given ( to the best of my knowledge).
Here is the link to the original question:
Start Tomcat from Eclipse in port 80 in Ubuntu with Authbind.
I do need torun tomcat on port 80.
I prefer not having to install tomcat on the computer. I believe it is not required.
I want to avoid using port forwarding ( I have to do it now since I find no other solution)
I am using:
Ubuntu 12.04
Eclipse Juno
Tomcat 7
OpenJDK 64-Bit Serve - java version "1.7.0_07"
I am able to start tomcat in port 80 as a non root user and without installing tomcat.
I follow this article:
There are a lot of articles about the topic, but I found this article to be simple an complete.
When I try to start tomcat using eclipse it always fails and complains about port 80 been used. But it is not true.In fact, while eclipse is running and while the error is been shown in the screen I am able to manually start tomcat on port 80.
I have noticed that eclipse complains about port 80 been used when it does not have access rights to that port. I did get the same error before I was not able to manually run tomcat on port 80. The difference is that when I manually run tomcat it did log an access right error, and eclipse complains about the usage of the port.
I have modified the eclipse tomcat launcher to include the option "-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true" and to start tomcat as "authbind --deep start"
But I always get the same error.
If I start eclipse as root them it works fine, so I do believe the problem is related to the access rights on port 80 and not to port to been used.
I do assume that eclipse starts tomcat with the same user rights used to start eclipse.
Could anybody provide some support?. I can work by using port forwarding, but I would really like to know what I am missing and how to do it right.
The easiest way is to start tomcat with a listener on port 8080 and forward port 80 to localhost:8080:
ssh -L 80:localhost:8080 <user>#localhost
Execute this command with sudo
I thing to run something which uses the ports 1-1024 under Linux the process has to have the root privileges.
I am not sure if I can be helpful to anyone, but I solved similar problem as described: I started tomcat with startup.sh script, it was working fine on port 80. I restarted machine (just in case) and tried starting the same tomcat from eclipse, but when I got error about port 80 being used.
Turns out eclipse does not take startup scripts from tomcat installation, so it does not use the authbind configuration. The best solution I came up with is to start eclipse with authbind:
authbind --deep ./STS
As to why this didn't work:
I have modified the eclipse tomcat launcher to include the option "-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true" and to start tomcat as "authbind --deep start"
As I understand you tried passing "authbind --deep start" as arguments to tomcat. I believe the point of authbind is to start application authbind with tomcat as argument. I don't see any way to do it in eclipse.
I am also now learning eclipse like u. Even i faced the same problem as you. Then, i changed the port number then server is starting now.
To change the port number, u need to double click the Apache Tomcat at servers. Then click on ports and change the HTTP/1.1 port to any four digit number u wish and save it.
It will work.
