DotNET String comparisons [closed] - string

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Closed 7 years ago.
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After a few harsh lessons I now always use OrdinalIgnoreCase when comparing Strings in DotNET. I've run into maybe 5 different problems to do with numerics, weird alphabets and localisations. Does anyone know of a good site that explains in depth a lot of the problems with culture specific Strings, preferably with a bunch of good examples of where and how something can fail?

Plenty of MSDN info:
String-Related Issues
Best Practices for Developing World-Ready Applications
New recommendations for Using strings in .Net 2.0
Performing Culture-Insensitive String Comparisons
How culture Affects Strings
And a search for more info.

I actually found MSDN quite useful for this explanation.
For detailed information, have a look at New Recommendations for Using Strings in Microsoft .NET 2.0.

this one seems preety good to me.
I live in Turkey and I know that understanding the turkish İ character will help you understand the concept better.

Here's my favorite: Sorting it all Out


SnapSVG Tutorial [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I just starting Working with SnapSvg plugin, But it seems the plugin very little teaching resource,
Is there any Ebook or course about SnapSVG?
look these links maybe help you
Snap is quite new, so you won't see a lot of established resources. The one Mohammad links should be a good start. I've also been compiling some of the test Snap stuff I do here. It has quite a few examples that are relatively self explanatory.
Its also worth reading things on Raphael. Raphael was written by the same author, and is good for compatibility with older browsers. A lot of the examples and things like transform strings are basically the same, so in many cases you can do similar things. So if you read an ebook on Raphael, it will be quite helpful.

Use case diagrams [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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What are the free options for creating use case diagrams under Windows? I need some simple use case diagrams for a school project.
Why install anything when you can use free online tools such as
There are multiple options, but not yet mentioned are:
Cacoo - web tool for creating various diagrams,
Dia - standalone toolf for creating diagrams, with Win32 version also available in downloads,
When I remember right, there is a community edition of Magic Draw (the leading app?):
I already used Poseidon (Community) and ArgoUML, both not really convenient.
Recently I found a great tool called yEd: This can be run via web start. Not really UML but use cases are perfect with yEd.
Apparently there is already something in Eclipse: I did use it to test. Not yet convincing usability.
Wikipedia says:
Don't miss the stackoverflow search top right of this page.
There's a pretty nice tool called UML Pad.

where is subsonic 2.* documentation [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have to get up to speed with subsonic 2.* to support an existing application. The subsonicproject website has a few walk-throughs but I was hoping to find something more complete. For instance, I don't see any mention of how to create a new record using subsonic.
Thank you,
Start here:
Then just go down the list:
The whole idea was to make it really, really simple to do things. People expect to have to read reams of docs to get into it - you don't. It's supposed to be a simple thing.
Official documentation can be found here, under the heading "SubSonic 2.2 (for .NET 2.0 and up)". However, I'm sure you have seen that it is woefully inadequate.
You may be better served by checking through Rob Conery's blog. SubSonic 2.* content starts somewhere in 2007.

Automated transcription software [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've noticed that the wiki transcriptions for some of the recent Stack Overflow Podcasts are kind of weak. Clearly, this task calls for a computer program. Is transcribing audio to text (ideally with speaker labels so we know who said what) something that could feasibly be accomplished in software? Are there any active open-source software projects attempting to implement such functionality?
Believe me, I have searched for this before. There are slim to none text to speech that are open source or free to use. From my search there weren't any free speech to text synthesizers. These things are so hard to code and expensive that they can't really be made with an open source approach. If you really need this you would have to purchase it from a company. (although I don't know any off the top of my head).
I've looked into this a little. I tried the Microsoft Speech API but got very poor results. I've been wanting to look into the CMU Sphinx project, especially the Transcriber demo.

Where can i download some good software design document? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Right now i am designing a software, and i need some good documents for reference.
Where can i download some good system design or UI design documents ?
by the way, i don't want just some document template.
Thanks in advance!
It's a bit hard to answer your question because it's a little vague. Are you talking technical documentation (eg low-level and/or high-level designs, architecture documents, etc) or more business-level documentation (eg requirements, functional specification)?
I would say of these the func spec is the most important, in which case I'd suggest reading:
Painless Functional Specifications - Part 1: Why Bother?
Painless Functional Specifications - Part 2: What's a Spec?
The Project Aardvark Spec
for a good intro and a good sample func spec (last link).
