Blank popup in SharePoint - sharepoint

I am trying to connect a filter web part with a document list web part but the popup showing the options for filtering is blank.
What I am doing. I have, as I described before, a QueryStringFilter web part (MOSS) and I want it to send the filter parameter to my document list web part (out of the box SharePoint).
I go in to the edit mode of the site.
I click the filter drop down menu and click to "Connect-Send filter string to-document list"
The popup appears but is blank.
After 5 minutes of waiting the popup is still blank.
I am using IE 8 with MOSS 2007. I have tried Firefox and Chrome but get the same behavior. Have any of you experienced this and do you have a solution?

Hope you have MOSS with SP2, because IE8 support is included starting from SP2.
If that's not the issue, then you may want to help yourself with SharePoint Designer (it's free).

Now I get my popup. I think I solved it by manipulating the security settings in IE but I can't say for sure. It just startet working. Maybe it was after a restart of my computer or just IE, the settings doesn't really take effect before you restart the entire client...


SharePoint 2013: hover on search result automatically starts downloading document

I have configured a search results webpart to show documents based on the search keywords.
As soon as I hover on any of the search result item, it automatically triggers download and asks weather to save the document or open it directly.
This issue is coming on IE.
I have come to find the root cause of the problem but not the solution(Will update when I get to the solution).
As it is an intranet portal, IE has its default security settings to medium-low(It is medium for internet sites).
Under medium-low security settings Allow Active-X filtering is disabled. Enabling it solved the issue.
PS: You can get to the settings by clicking on TOOLS->INTERNET OPTIONS->SECURITY->LOCAL INTRANET.

Maximum number of columns in edit form in sharepoint 2010

I have a list which is having around 75 columns in it. The edit form of this page is customized using sharepoint designer and 70 columns are visible there. Now the task is to add 30 more columns in the edit page. I added all those columns in list but when I edited the edit form to include the 30 columns after a point the webpart is showing the error.
"Unable to display this Web Part. To troubleshoot the problem, open this Web page in a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation-compatible HTML editor such as Microsoft SharePoint Designer. If the problem persists, contact your Web server administrator."
I commented the field I added, then page is rendering in browser. I want to know is there is any limit to the edit form? if yes, how much is that.
If you need any more information, pls ask.
A hot fix is available from Microsoft to resolve this issue. You need to log a call with them and ask for sharepointfoundation2010-kb2597136-fullfile-x64-glb.exe.
After installing it, use the below Powershell script to make the changes to the Timeout value. Changing it to 2 seconds worked.
$farm = Get-SPFarm
$farm.XsltTransformTimeOut = 5
Another workaround for this is setting the "AllowPersonalization" property of the Web Part Zone to true. This error occurs when the "AllowPersonalization" property of the Web Part Zone is set to false and a user with less privilege tries to access the zone. This leads to the WebPartPageUsageException. This could be overcome by just setting the AllowPersonalization property to true.

Site Actions Menu is not rendered on internet explorer with Sharepoint 2007

I faced an interesting problem. I have a sharepoint 2007 website. I created a new masterpage and changed default design. So i dont use default.master.
I add site actions menu to masterpage. it renders on google chrome successfully. But there is a problem on IE. I cant see a div or text related with site actions menu on html source of IE.
So what could be reason of this problem?
I am almost sure that this is a probled related to unattended removal of some javascript from master page that handles IE compatibility.
Try to compare your master and the default one and to play with removed lines.

SharePoint list webpart connections option not visible

I want to connect two list webparts. The problem is that when I go to "Edit Web Part -> Connections" this option "Connections" doesn't apperar.
Searching on google found this: There is a paragraph that says: "The Web Part menu may not be enabled or visible on your Web Part Page for several reasons, including that the Web Part or the zone does not support connections, you are using a browser that is not compatible with Windows SharePoint Services, or connections are disabled on your site"
I think connections are disable on my site. Where can I enable connections on a SharePoint site?
Thanks for your help!
Ha ha. In Internet Explorer 11, you have to view Sharepoint sites in "Compatibility Mode"! Imagine that! Without Compatibility Mode, IE won't display the connection menus - but Firefox and Chrome will! Apparently, this is even a problem with Sharepoint 2013.
I saw this problem even when Connections were enabled.
The workaround was to choose Edit Web Part and Click "Apply". This magically made the connection menu appear. However when the page is reloaded, the workaround needs to be applied again.
I'm not 100% sure if I remember correctly, but I had the same issue last week.
First you need access to the central administration at the sharepoint host.
In there, you have to click on "Application Managment" -> "Manage Web Applications"
Then select your web app and click on Web Part Security in the ribbon. If i remember right you should find an option there to allow connections between webparts.
Here in my experience I found that on wiki page web part connection is not possible, if you want to connect two web parts or two list, go and add your lists, or webpart onto webpart page, and on edit page connect them, ok.
There are some issue with placing filter web parts on a wiki page. The filter web part is not visible and it's impossible to select the webpart menu when in page edit mode.
I encountered it a few times. Like user2780851 states. Enable the publishing features, add a new (publishing) page (so in the 'pages' library not in the 'sitepages' library). When you add the filter webparts on this publishing page all the menu options (and the connection option) will be available.
I was able to get things to redisplay without using compatibility mode. In IE 11, what I had to do was hit F12 to pull up the developer menu, and then under the emulation tab, I switched my user agent to Internet Explorer 10, and then it started working correctly. My problem that lead me to this thread was that my web part menu wasn't displaying at all. This is a serious Microsoft fail. Probably why they are planning to abandon IE altogether. Good riddance, says I.
I've found that this issue has caused a lot of confusion, and led people to incorrectly think that connections between web parts isn't available on wiki pages.
The Connections option will appear as long as you are in the edit mode of any web part on the page - it doesn't have to be a web part which will be involved in the connection.
First you need access to the central administration at the sharepoint host.
In there, you have to click on "Application Managment" -> "Manage Web Applications" Then select your web app and click on Web Part Security in the ribbon. If i remember right you should find an option there to allow connections between webparts.
this is answer right i did it and it works

Can't add webpart to SharePoint page

On my sharepoint site I am unable to add an existing basic webpart to a page where I've added webparts before. I am a site owner. I am using IE 8. I also work remotely using VPN.
The strange thing is IE won't even open up the EDIT MODE.
When I use Google Chrome, it is able to open up EDIT MODE, and it was also able to open up the Add Web Part popup, but when you actually select a web part and press ADD...nothing gets added to the main page.
The extra strange thing is from Google Chrome, I am able to delete and modify existing webparts.
I've upgraded to IE 9 and the same issue still happens.
i assume the similar issue you would be facing with firefox it seems your css is not compliant with IE8 try using ie8 in campatibility mode or use following querystring parameter at end of ur url
toolpaneview=2 and see what is the result
I had that problem and it appeared that a CSS file was messing up with the Ribbon controls.
Try to disable a CSS file at a time.
We had this issue (or at least a very similar one) where, in edit page mode, clicking on 'Add a Web Part' had no effect. I was assuming that it is a JavaScript issue. In, I beleive, the same day, it effected both my Production and DEV Site Collections, in IE8, Firefox and Chrome. We restarted all of our servers and ran the config wizard. No good.
We were able to create new pages which seem to be uneffected.
For an existing page, our workaround is to edit the properties of the page, then, down at the bottom, select 'Open Page in Maintenance View'. Select one of the Web Parts and Close it. Note: It seems as though if you unselected the 'Allow Close' checkbox, it wont be on this list. Then click on the 'Go Back to Web Part Page'. Click on the zone where the closed Web Part was. You may now be able to 'Add a Web Part'. If so, the last Web Part folder on the left will be 'Closed Web Parts' which I beleive you can put back (Open) the closed Web Part.
I have see this issue occur when someone else has the current page open in edit mode. Until that person either checks in or undoes there checkout you will not be able to edit the page.
