How do I use the Membership methods in the database layer? - membership

I have an ASP.NET 2.0 3-tiered app. I want ALL of the db interaction to go through the db layer. So, when I use the Login controls, instead of them calling methods that hit the db, I want them to call down the layers until I reach the db layer. At that point I would call the Membership methods to, say, login, check the username,etc. However, I can't seem to reference the membership class in the class project that is my db layer. I tried setting a reference to System.Web.Security but it's not in my list, even though I can use these methods in the ui layer. Is there something I am missing?

System.Web.Security is in the System.Web assembly.


How to expose read-only calculations from business domain model on back-end to front-end using CQRS? A Read-Model vs. Write-Model Issue

I have two questions related to CQRS and Domain Driven Design (DDD).
As far as I understand the segregation idea behind CQRS, one would have two separate models, a read model and a write model. Only the write model would have access to and use the business domain model by means of commands. The read model, however, directly translates database content to DTOs by means of queries and has no access to the business domain at all.
For context: I am writing a web application back-end that provides calculation services for particle physics. Now my questions:
1.) My business domain logic contains some functions that calculate mathematical values as output from given measurement system configurations as input. So, technically, these are read-only queries that calculate the values on-the-fly and do not change any state in any model. Thus, they should be part of the read model. However, because the functions are heavily domain related, they have to be part of the domain model which again is part of the write model.
How should I make these calculation functions available for the front-end via my API when the read model, that should contain all the queries, does not have any access to the domain model?
Do I really have to trigger a command to save all the calculations to the database such that the read model can access the calculation results? These "throw-away" calculations will only be used short-term by the front-end and nobody will ever have to access the persistent calculation results later on.
It's the measurement configuration that has to be persistent, not the calculation results. Those will be re-calculated many times, whenever the user hits the "calculate" button on the front-end.
2.) I also feel like I duplicate quite a bit of data validation code, because both read model and write model have to deserialize and validate the same or very similar request parameters in the process chain http request body -> json -> unvalidated DTO -> validated value -> command/query.
How should I deal with that? Can I share validation code between read model and write model? This seems to dissolve the segregation.
Thanks in advance for all your help and ideas.
I think that what do you have is a set of domain services that with a given input they return an output.
As you said, this services are located in the domain. But, nothing denies you to use them in the read model. As long as you don't change the domain inside the functions, you can use them in any layer above the domain.
If, for any reason, this solution is not viable, because for example the services require domain objects that you cannot/don't want to build in the query side, you can always wrap the domain services inside application services. There you take in input a base object, you do all the transformations to the domain one, you call the domain service and you return the resulting value.
For the second question, you can build a validation service in the domain layer, as a set of services or simple functions. Again, nothing denies you to use them in the validation steps.
I've done the same in my last web app: the validation step of the form data calls a set of domain services, that are used also when I build the domain objects during the handling of a command. Changing the validation in the domain has as effect that also the Web related validation changes. You validate two times (before building the command and during the building of the domain object), but it's ok.
Take a look at the ports/adapters or the onion architecture: it helps a lot understanding what should stay inside a layer and what can be used by an overlapping layer.
Just to add my two pence worth.
We have microservices that use mongo as a backend. We use NET Core using mediatr ( to implement a CQRS pattern in the MSs. We have .Query and .Command features.
Now in our world we never went to Event Sourcing. So, at the mongo level, our read and write models (entities) are the same. So what worked best for us was to have a single entity model which could be transformed into different models (if needed ) via each command/query handler(s).
If you are doing pure CQRS via event sourcing (so different read and write models) or something else then please ignore me! But this worked best for us.

loading backbone.js resources based on authentication

I'm building my first backbone app, and though I'm doing my authentication server side, there are features that non-authenticated users are unable to use, but because they are in my asset path, and part of my backbone files, everything gets loaded.
Is there a way to load only the resources that a user is actually able to use?
I'm using Rails with cancan to manage this server-side.
You need to split the assets out in to separate groups: a group that can be used by anyone, and a group that can be used by authenticated users. Only send the code that the user is allowed to use, basically.
I wrote a post about doing this with mvc recently. the same idea applies to rails, though the use of the asset pipeline makes the implementation a bit different:
The best way is to create a Base view with a property named requireLogin: true/false.
All other views should inherit this view and the views which need authentication you should set requireLogin:true, for all others this property should be false.
After this you should handle the authentication base of this property.

Interactions between Service, Model, and Repository Layers

I have been tasked with the undertaking of translating an application from SharePoint to .NET. I am concerned with doing it the right way, so I got an architecture book to read up on patterns and practices.
I've tried to model everything out using Domain Driven Design. I have a Model that represents my world, a Repository to store it in the database, and a Service layer to interact with UI (which is WebForms, because I have 0 experience in MVC and am already hardly treading water with this undertaking).
I am having difficulty grasping the correct way for the layers to interact. My understanding is that the Model should be the base of everything. It references nothing, other layers reference it.
Question 1: Is that right?
I'm getting really concerned with the Service Layer. I'm noticing that I'm developing a very anemic Model, for two reasons: 1, my Model doesn't reference Repository, so I can't store anything via the Model. 2, I am trying to do things as they happen (ie. I add an object to a list of objects, so I store it in the DB one at a time instead of all at once when the user is done adding the objects). So a lot of the work is being done between the Service and Rep layers, with the Model just being there and looking nice.
I'm starting to worry--I'm early in the development, but I am the one being looked at to be the architect of all this. I don't want a maintenance nightmare (I expect this application will be used for years). As always, time is a concern, and I have not been able to prepare/learn effectively. Any help would be swell. :-)
Model should be the base of everything. It references nothing, other layers reference it.
Question 1: Is that right?
The typical way to enforce separation between the domain model and the persistence system is to define repositories. Persistence however is not a part of the domain model.
Your models should call methods defined by the repository
For example consider this totally fake repository:
// Repository
public class SharepointRepository
void SaveWidget(); // Implement
So the repository is only concerned with loading and saving data, they don't contain any of your domain logic at all.
However if your model is tightly bound to the repository, you've got a separation of concerns issue.
So in this case, Dependency Injection becomes useful. With the prior example, your model would have to explicitly instantiate SharePointRepository and invoke methods. A cleaner way of doing this so that your model doesn't care is to inject the dependency of your repository at runtime.
namespace YourApp.Domain.Abstract
public interface ISharePointRepository
void SaveWidget();
Based on this interface, you could build a concrete implementation and inject the dependency to the concrete implementation at run time.
namespace YourApp.Domain.Concrete
public class SqlSharePointRepository : ISharePointRepository
void SaveWidget()
// Code that Saves the widget using the managed sql provider
So on your web form:
When you are collecting data, your model will be hydrated with data from the form, and will invoke a repository method, however the repository itself would have been injected into the application at runtime, so you could change SqlSharePointRepository to RavenDbRepository without breaking your app.
To see how to bind your repository in Webforms see this SO Post: How can I implement Ninject or DI on Web Forms?
With MVC the controller is responsible for the gap you think your are experiencing. But as to your questions and based on your current design, the model should invoke repository operations, however the repository itself should be loosely coupled.

Transparent authorization reliability

I need a gear for custom authorization in business logic classes. It has to be permissions based system, but I can not decide how to apply authorization rules to methods.
My first thought was to apply custom attributes to method
[NeedPermission("Users", PermissionLevel.Read)]
public IList<User> GetAllUsers()
// some code goes here
My business logic class has interface, so I can use, for example, Unity Interception behavior and check in runtime if current user has required permissions. And throw an exception if he has not.
But now I'm concerned about reliability of this method.
Usually the reference to business logic class injected by unity container. So there is no problem because it is configured to apply interface interception mechanism.
But what if some developer will instantiate my business logic class directly? Then no interception will be applied and he will be able to call any method even if current user has not permissions to make some actions or even he is not authenticated.
Also somebody can change unity container configuration, turn off Interception extension completly. Again my authorization system will not work.
I saw ASP .NET MVC is using similar mechanism for authorization. Authorization rule is applied only when request came by standard way (IController.Execute). I think this is not a problem in this case because end user of controller (web user) has no way to access controller class directly.
In my case end user of business logic is a programmer who develops front end and he can intentionally or unintentionally screw things - create instance of business logic class and call any methods.
What can you suggest me? How do you deal with this kind of problems?
Thank you.
The .NET Framework supports a mechanism for declarative permission verifications that does not depend on Unity interception or other "external" AOP. In order to take advantage of this, your attribute must inherit from System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute. The System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermissionAttribute that is included in the BCL is an example of using this mechanism to evaluate user permissions. If it does not suit your needs, there's nothing stopping you from creating your own attribute that does.
If your constructors are internal and your objects instantiated from a factory, a developper won't be able to bypass your security by error.
If someone really, really wants to create your objets without the security, he could still do it using reflection, but this would have be pretty intentional to do so.

Accessing interfaceof model service in model entity

Can i access model service through model entity by using interface of model service.
I know that we can access entity from model service, but vice versa though model service interface is it possible.
You can. It's certainly better than writing more procedural code - working with entities instead of letting them to work themselves.
But I agree with Szymon Pobiega on this:
My own rule of thumb is use Domain Events (as desscribed by Udi) as a preferred way of IoC when interaction can be made one-way. If it can't, I use double dispatch.
