Sharepoint : Event Receiver : Item Adding - sharepoint

Anybody used the "ItemAdding" method successfully in an Event Receiver in Sharepoint for validation?
I think it just can't work properly for validation purposes because it seems that :
You can't access the data you just
entered in a form
If you add an error message,
instead of displaying the form
back with your error, Sharepoint
display the big ugly error page.
Here's what I found so far on the web for the ItemAdding method :
Anyway, if somebody successfully used that method, please tell me how because I think that it's just broken/missing something!

You can't use ItemAdding to perform that kind of "friendly" validation checking. If you set e.Cancel = true and set e.ErrorMessage, sharepoint will redirect you to the standard error page and display your message. You can't make it redirect back to your form page.
Rather than trying to hack the built in pages, you should use an infopath or aspx form bound to a content type. Infopath has built-in validation controls and with aspx forms you build yourself you can treat it like any web app and choose your own validation.
No easy way out here I'm afraid.

You can access data that was just added in the form. Look at properties.AfterProperties in the adding/updating event receivers.
An example would be properties.AfterProperties["Title"].
I agree that error handling is a little hard, but I recommend that you do validation in your event receivers in addition to having your UI do validation. If it is not a custom page, then you can add JavaScript to existing pages using a Content Editor Web Part to do the validation.


Orchard Dynamic Forms Workflow not invoked

I made a simple workflow in Orchard 1.9.1 to notify when a dynamic forms is submitted.
I didn't set any prpoperty/data on the Start Activity so that it can capture all Dynamic Forms submission. However there seems an issue and the workflow is NOT being invoked.
I followed steps from here:
But this notify activity or may be even the start activity doesn't seem to be invoked/working . What More settings are required to get this workflow in action ?
Also, I have set the redirect URL in "Forms" element properties but the form isn't redirecting. What can be the issue here as well ?
I have not seen this problem with a workflow before. I assume there's nothing in the logs?
My first guess would be that it's your form that is not submitting properly, try to remove that redirect, also make sure there's isn't some validation error blocking it, if you placed recaptcha element remove it and try again.
Second guess which is not very likely is that you have somehow managed to hide notification zone, either with CSS or in layout view #Zone(Model.Messages)

Custom E-Mail Event for Sharepoint Upon InfoPath Form Submit

A customer wants an e-mail notification sent to a select group of people when a new InfoPath form is submitted to a particular Document Library on their SharePoint 2007 setup.
Easy, right? Use a custom set of rules for an e-mail submission in InfoPath, plop in the addresses, use a fancy equation to construct a useful e-mail subject line... and done. Worked like a charm. Problem solved in just a few minutes...
However, the customer doesn't want the whole form e-mailed out or even attached to the e-mail. They only want a few select fields from the form in a very simple message.
I've tried writing an ItemAdded event handler from the SPItemEventReceiver base class, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Yes, I added the event handler to the GAC and created a Feature.xml and Elements.xml to register the event handler with SharePoint. But, I'm not sure if this is even the right event to customize. Is an item in a Document Library the same as an item in a List?
Has anyone had luck doing a similar e-mail notification event? Is there an easier way to accomplish what I'm attempting? Perhaps there's a way to do this easily through the SharePoint interface or edit the contents of the e-mail submission rule to be a simplified version of the form?
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
How about a very simple SharePoint Designer workflow that is triggered when the form is uploaded. From there you send an email and include content of the (exported) columns in an email body.

problem with Infopath Form services

I want to have some url for my infopath form and give that link to user instead of going to form library and click is it possible?
Also when I created Infopath form I have given some text fields and button, I don't want the Infopath services buttons(Save,save as...) how I cna remove those?
Any suggestions would really be appreciated...Thanks
You can publish an InfoPath form to a network share and give your users a link to it (or use a file:// url on a webpage). Another option is to figure out the URL to the form within form services (whats the actual URL when they click on the new button) and send out that link as the official URL. Both options have advantages (and disadvantages) so make sure to evaluate them both with respect to what you are trying to accomplish and the environment (ie - are you just trying to save your users a click or is there some other reason you need the 'new' URL).
1.) Format your URL like this:
2.) You found already! ; )

UpdatePanel in SharePoint throws an error

I get the following when I click on a custom made webpart in the Web Part Gallery: The control with ID 'UpdatePanel1' requires a ScriptManager on the page. The ScriptManager must appear before any controls that need it. If I use the webpart, ie perform a search, I get a pop-up error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The Status code returned from the server was: 500.
This webpart takes a search string from a textbox, passes it to BL/DAL and returns a data from DB. I've integrated an UpdatePanel for partial postbacks - used this blog as guide but it is not working.
I've added the scriptManager to the default.master page using MSSP Designer as the blog suggests but curiously, the script manager causes an error (red underline) In Internet Explorer 6.0 the tag <asp:ScriptManager> is not permitted.
I'm not totally sure what's up with that but here's an alternative. Dont use MS Ajax - EVER. jQuery is simpler, faster, better, stronger, sexier!
This is how I normally do this stuff:
add jQuery to your master page head
create a user control that implements your web part ui. This should use Page.ScriptManager.RegistryScriptInclude or .RegistryScriptBlock to insert script for the control. Eg, methods to do your callback using jQuery.Ajax.
create a web part wrapper for the user control
create an aspx in _layouts that acts as the 'service' for your callback. The page load can use the parameters passed from the ajax call to return some json or text
Instead of #4 you could create a web service but this is a lot harder with SharePoint - an apx will work well enough.

connecting web parts in sharepoint

I am trying to connect to simple webparts in my sharepoint team site, i need one of the webparts to filter its information based on what it recieves from another webpart
I am using the query string filter webpart and the a list view webpart but no matter how i connect them always i am getting this error
"Web Part Error: This page has exceeded its data fetch limit for connected Web Parts. Try disconnecting one or more Web Parts to correct the problem."
What should I do and what am I doing wrong
i can connect to web parts on some other pgae, but getting this error on the DispForm.aspx page of a certain item , is webpart connections not allowed there ??!!
There is an issue with creating QueryString filter webparts in sharepoint, when you're not using the Web UI (I'm making an assumption that you aren't).
This fella here has a post about it and how he hacked around the issue.
Another option is not using the QueryString filter web part at all, and just passing querystrings to a regular web part.
Me too,you look this url
I have fixed this issue.
In the sharepoint list, filtered column name in query strng fitlter has been deleted and added new column with same name.
Solution: Remove filter and Set current view again in webpart properties. It works fine.
With Regards,
The page 'DispForm.aspx' usually is a form of a SharePoint list and different rules apply to list-form pages than on pages that do not belong to a Sharepoint list (and the differences are hardly documented). I solved the problem by workarounds; you could use not a ListViewWebPart, but a DataViewWebPart (Using Query String and Data view WebPart), or you could avoid the QueryStringFilterWebPart by using URL parameters that the ListViewWebPart understands (ListViewWebPart Filter Param).
