Vim - how to store and execute commonly used commands? - text

If I wanted to process a batch of text files with the same set of commands for example:
:set tw=50
Can I save the above and run it with a shortcut command?

If you want to use it only once, use a macro as specified in some of the other answers. If you want to do it more often, you can include the following line in your .vimrc file:
:map \r :set tw=50<CR>gggqG
This will map \r to cause your two lines to be executed whenever you press \r. Of course you can also choose a different shortcut, like <C-R> (Ctrl+R) or <F12> or something.

The following in .vimrc will define a new command Wrap that does what you want.
command! Wrap :set tw=50 | :normal gggqG
Call it with :Wrap

As a very quick start, put this in your .vimrc:
" define the function
" '!' means override function if already defined
" always use uppercase names for your functions
function! DoSomething()
:set tw=50
" map a keystroke (e.g. F12) in normal mode to call your function
nmap <F12> :call DoSomething()<CR>
note: the formatted code above looks rather horrible, but lines starting with " are comments.

Other than macros, you can use argdo. This command will perform the same operation on all open files. Here is how you format all open files using :argdo and :normal:
shell> vim *.txt
:argdo exe "normal gggqG"|up

Before you go for writing a thousands-lines .vimrc (which is a good thing, but you can postpone it for a while), I think you might want to look at the plain recording, in particular you may consider using the qx (where x is any key) for recording, q to finish recording and #x to execute recorded macro.

Yes, the important word is macro
But it seems like a 'command' such as :set tw=50 would be better included in the .vimrc file so vim uses it every time you start it up.


Vim key binding to call a function with input from user

There might be a simple solution for this. I couldn't find any solution to it (I might be searching with wrong context)
Here is my requirement.
I wrote the below key mapping in vimrc. It should print the line "Hello user_name." n times, where n and user_name are the user input once the key is pressed.
autocmd FileType ruby nnoremap <expr> <C-h> :call FuncPrnt(<-syntax to pass input from user->)
function! FuncPrnt(count, uname)
let c=a:count
let i=0
while i<c
call append(line("."), "Hello ".a:uname.".")
let i+=1
On Pressing the key user enters 3 and 'Ironman'. The output would be like
Hello Ironman.
Hello Ironman.
Hello Ironman.
Thanks in advance
A simpler approach is to just use a non-<expr> mapping to prepare the Ex command without executing it:
nnoremap <C-h> :call FuncPrnt(,"")<left><left><left><left>
If you associate that with a filetype (such as "ruby" in your case), make sure you create a local mapping using <buffer>. Otherwise the mapping will be global and will work on every buffer and not only those with Ruby source files.
If you use an autocmd in your vimrc, make sure you wrap it in an augroup to prevent getting duplicated commands if you reload your vimrc.
Alternatively, you can add filetype mappings for Ruby in a file ~/.vim/ftplugin/ruby.vim which gets automatically loaded by Vim whenever a file of type Ruby is loaded. (That way you don't need to use explicit autocmds, Vim will take care of those details on your behalf.)
Got the answer. Just in case someone else is searching for similar solution
autocmd FileType ruby nnoremap <expr> <C-h> input("", ":call FuncPrnt(,\"\")<left><left><left><left>")
will print the command and waits for the user to edit. Once the user edits and enters it is executed
Thinking outside of the box a little bit (questioning the premise), perhaps the best in this case is to define a user-defined command instead of a mapping.
You can define one here with:
command! -buffer -bar -count=1 -nargs=1 FuncPrnt
\ call FuncPrnt(<count>, <q-args>)
That way you can use it with:
:3FuncPrnt Ironman
If you omit the count, 1 will be used. (You can pick a different default as the argument to -count=N.)
You can use Tab completion for FuncPrnt, so perhaps :3Fu<Tab> or even :3F<Tab> might be enough to complete the command.
This might end up being quicker or more convenient to type than <C-H>3<right><right>, since it doesn't involve moving your hand to the arrow keys.

Create vim function or map for gggqG

I have this nmap defined:
nmap <leader>fr :gggqG<CR>
And when I execute it I get an "E492: Not an editor command gggqG" error. However, when I manually execute gggqG it does what it should (basically reformat the current document based on the new tw setting I've setup). I'm starting to want this command more and more and so am looking for a way to simplify the execution of it (I know just typing gggqG is not hard). Does anyone know how I can I define this thing (which I guess is not an editor command) as function or map? Many thanks!
gggqG is series of normal commands not command-line command.
nmap <leader>fr gggqG
You should also probably prevent recursive mappings and use nnoremap.
nnoremap <leader>fr gggqG

How to jump to a search in a mapped :normal command?

What do you need to properly jump to a matched search result?
To reproduce, make a macro with a search in it after you've run vim -u NONE to ensure there's no vimrc interfering. You'll need to make a file with at least 2 lines and put the cursor on the line without the text TEST_TEXT.
map x :norm gg/TEST_TEXT^MIthis
My intention is that when I press x, it goes to the top of the file, looks for TEST_TEXT and then puts this at the start of the line that matches the search. The ^M is a literal newline, achieved with the CtrlQ+Enter keypress. What's happening instead is either nothing happens, or the text gets entered on the same line as when I called the macro.
If I just run the :norm gg/TEST_TEXT^MIthis command without mapping it to a key, the command executes successfully.
I had an initially longer command involving a separate file and the tcomment plugin, but I've gotten it narrowed down to this.
What is the correct sequence of keys to pull this off once I've mapped it to a key?
The problem is that the ^M concludes the :normal Ex command, so your search command is aborted instead of executed. The Ithis is then executed outside of :normal.
In fact, you don't need :normal here at all. And, it's easier and more readable to use the special key notation with mappings:
:map x gg/TEST_TEXT<CR>Ithis
If you really wanted to use :normal, you'd have to wrap this in :execute, like this:
:map x :exe "norm gg/TEST_TEXT\<lt>CR>Ithis"<CR>
Bonus tips
You should use :noremap; it makes the mapping immune to remapping and recursion.
Better restrict the mapping to normal mode, as in its current form, it won't behave as expected in visual and operator-pending mode: :nnoremap
This clobbers the last search pattern and its highlighting. Use of lower-level functions like search() is recommended instead.
There are many ways of doing this however this is my preferred method:
nnoremap x :0/TEST_TEXT/norm! Itest<esc>
:{range}norm! {cmd} - execute normal commands, {cmd}, on a range of lines,{range}.
! on :normal means the commands will not be remapped.
The range 0/TEST_TEXT start before the first line and then finds the first matching line.
I have a few issues with your current mapping:
You are not specifying noremap. You usually want to use noremap
It would be best to specifiy a mode like normal mode, e.g. nnoremap
It is usually best to use <cr> notation with mappings
You are using :normal when your command is already in normal mode but not using any of the ex command features, e.g. a range.
For more help see:
:h :map
:h :norm
:h range
try this mapping:
nnoremap x gg/TEST_TEXT<cr>Ithis<esc>
note that, if you map x on this operation, you lost the original x feature.

Map :w (save) and a call for a .sh file to F2 in VIM

I'd like to map F2 in VIM so that it first saves the file with :w and then calls a script /home/user/proj/ that will upload the changed files to the server.
I already tried
:map F2 :w<cr>|:! /home/user/proj/
but that doesn't work.
Please tell my why this isn't working and help me to get this working.
Try :noremap <F2> :<c-u>update <bar> !/home/user/proj/<cr>.
noremap vs. map
This creates a non-recursive mapping. See Wikia - Mappings keys in Vim
I just assumed this, because it's what people want most of the time. :-)
update vs. write
Only save the file if there were actual changes. See: :help :update.
<bar> vs. |
:help map_bar
You used a generic mapping, instead of one for a certain mode, like nmap for normal mode mappings. Thus the mapping could also be triggered in visual mode. If you select something in visual mode and hit :, you'll see the commandline is prefixed with a range. But you don't want that in your case and <c-u> clears the commandline.
<cr> at the end?
Your mapping drops into the commandline mode and inserts 2 things separated by <bar>. Afterwards it has to execute what it has written, thus you need to append a <cr>.

Get Vim to open new blocks like Sublime Text 2

In sublime text 2 when you:
BLOCK { <Return>
It generates (where the pipe is the cursor):
How can I get Vim to behave this way?
I have autoindent on, and smartindent off because with smartindent it does this on return:
To be more clear, I'm specifically looking for 2 returns, moving up a line, and tabbing in (2 soft tabs to be specific). I already have it auto-matching characters like {, (, [ etc.
A simple mapping will work for most purposes:
imap {<cr> {<cr>}<c-o>O
Depending on plugins, some users may need inoremap instead of imap.
Before it was with TextMate, now it's with ST2.
You have basically two paths before you.
The "dumb" path
One could come up with dozens of variations of this method: you simply create a mapping that executes the series of key presses needed to reach your goal:
inoremap {<CR> {<cr><cr>}<C-o>k<tab>
I called it "dumb" but it doesn't mean that you would be dumb to use it: it's low-tech, has no dependencies, is easy to customize and it can be mapped to anything you like.
The "smart" method
This method involves the use of a plugin. I use DelimitMate but there are many others, choose your poison.
I did some quick digging for vim addons (which are often the solution to this sort of problem). I don't think I've found what you want: there are a few addons that come close, but nothing that inserts the extra newline before the closing brace.
You could do something like
imap { {<return><return>}<up><tab>
but this will get awkward if you are working in a language that uses braces in other situations. You could instead react to the newline:
inoremap <return> <return><return>}<up><tab>
Of course this will trigger on EVERY entered newline, rather than just those following an opening brace. To get it to check that the brace is the last character of the current line, you can:
Have a function (in ~/.vimrc or somewhere in ~/.vim/plugin) that looks like
function! CloseBraceIfOpened()
if getline(".")[-1:] == '{'
" insert a space and then delete it to preserve autoindent level
exec "normal o "
normal x
normal o}
normal k
normal o
also do
inoremap <buffer> <enter> <esc>:call CloseBraceIfOpened()<enter>A
Note that this imap is buffer-specific, so that mapping will only apply to the buffer you are in when you run it. To have it apply to all buffers, remove <buffer>.
If you are really ambitious/particular, you can do tests in the function to see if the code in the current line really opens a block.
To get the indentation working the way you want it, turn on the 'autoindent' and 'smartindent' settings.
: set autoindent smartindent
To have it on by default, add
set autoindent smartindent
to ~/.vimrc.
I use the following map:
inoremap {{ {<CR><CR>}<ESC>kcc
so instead of using {<CR> I use this mapping. Besides that I also use the plugin mentioned by romainl, DelimitMate for other mappings with braces.
I had the same problem and delimitMate solves it. After installing it you can enable it with:
let g:delimitMate_expand_cr = 1
There are lot's of hacks that delivers the SublimeText experience. Because I got frustrated I've created a project that includes all those features in a single vim distribution (without the need of installing/compiling external plugins/tools).
You can check it out from here:
