Youtube Comment Search [closed] - search

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Digging around on youtube and flickr's APIs, I noticed Flickr allows you to poll all recent comments (once per hour). Youtube however only allows pulling all comments for a specific video. I'm curious if anyone has any clever ideas on a way to poll+cache or search site-wide youtube comments. I don't know what the comments per second rate is on youtube but I'm guessing it's insane.


how do I set view page to Safari browser [closed]

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Closed 4 days ago.
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I want to view my code in Safari and I don't know how to set in VS Code.
I am completely new to VS Code. Have viewed most of the video tutorials.
I tried video tutorials and HELP

Is it possible to speed up a program using a VM? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I’m trying to collect footage from a game. Is it at all possible to have it play at say, twice the speed?
In the sense that if I run it for an hour, I want to capture multiple hours of in-game time.
i dont really know, what you mean but you can record only every second frame, so the video looks twice as fast

Filter works in Spark AR simulator, but not in app? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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So basically when I build and test in the simulator, it works fine. This includes the simulator for phone and the one in the program. However, when I create an instagram link it doesn't work at all, doesn't even say the name of the filter at the top when selected. What should I do? It used to work.
Does your filter include segmentation?
This may be it as Instagram's segmentation is not supported in majority of devices

How to construct a sequence of yes/no questions in dialogFlow? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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If I want to create a long sequence (at least ten) of yes and no questions in dialogFlow, using webhook to store results, do I need to create an intent for each question or could this be done programatically from the webhook somehow, enforcing the order of the sequence in a better way and possibly making the code less extensive?
A sequence of questions like:
Is cucumber a fruit? Yes/No, Are there flying fish? Yes/No, e.t.c.

AntiXSS in ServiceStack [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Experimenting AntiXSS in ServiceStack. I saw you have lots of work put into AntiXsrf namespace. I added token in form, tried AntiForgery.Validate using global and request filter, all seem work fine.
Also, if I use request filter, is there a way to decorate auth/credential? Since I also has a CustomAuthProvider, I can authService.RequestContext.Get() and run validate separately if necessary.
Just want to verify this is the right approach, or in case you already have something built in that I missed.
BTW, is stackoverflow the preferred place to ask all these amateurish questions ^_^ ? Or should I ask more often in the google groups?
