Is it possible to speed up a program using a VM? [closed] - windows-10

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I’m trying to collect footage from a game. Is it at all possible to have it play at say, twice the speed?
In the sense that if I run it for an hour, I want to capture multiple hours of in-game time.

i dont really know, what you mean but you can record only every second frame, so the video looks twice as fast


How to scan a folder for unused images Python [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I have a folder of images.
I want to read all images and do some processing.
But next time if I run the script again, it should not consider already processed image, only new one.
What is the conventional way to do this?
You could use sqlite to store data about already know files
Later you could expanse the idea and use SQL to get bigger goals as "when it was processed" "what command you used to process"

How to construct a sequence of yes/no questions in dialogFlow? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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If I want to create a long sequence (at least ten) of yes and no questions in dialogFlow, using webhook to store results, do I need to create an intent for each question or could this be done programatically from the webhook somehow, enforcing the order of the sequence in a better way and possibly making the code less extensive?
A sequence of questions like:
Is cucumber a fruit? Yes/No, Are there flying fish? Yes/No, e.t.c.

How do I measure CPU usage and memory percentage versus time on linux? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I would like to plot the CPU and memory usage of an application on linux vs time. What is the best way to do this?
Would greping these values out from top every 0.1s and writing them into some file work - or is there a better and easier way?
There is an easier way. All of the information displayed in top can be found in /proc/<pid>/, most of it in /proc/<pid>/stat. man proc describes the content of these files.

Music effects in Win RT [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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What is another way to play sounds in Win RT instead of using Media Element? I'd like to play some "play-and-forget" sounds.
You can have multiple MediaElements or you can use XAudio2 or WASAPI, but multiple MediaElements is possibly the easiest way. Just track which one is done playing so you can reuse it.

Youtube Comment Search [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Digging around on youtube and flickr's APIs, I noticed Flickr allows you to poll all recent comments (once per hour). Youtube however only allows pulling all comments for a specific video. I'm curious if anyone has any clever ideas on a way to poll+cache or search site-wide youtube comments. I don't know what the comments per second rate is on youtube but I'm guessing it's insane.
