Server Farm Sync - iis

What is the preferred method of keeping a server farm synchronized? It's currently a pain to have to upload to multiple servers. Looking for a balance of ease of use and cost. I read somewhere that a DFS can do it, but that's something that requires the servers to run on a domain. Are there any performance issues with using a DFS?

We use SVN to retain the server files in specific repositories and then have a script that executes to pull the latest files out of SVN onto each of the servers in the webfarm (6 servers). This employs the TortoiseSVN utility as it has an easier command line interface for the admins and updates all the machines from a single server, usually the lowest IP address in the pool.
We ensure no server has any local modifications for the checked out repository to avoid conflicts and we get a change log with the file histories in SVN with the benefits of roll back too. We also include any admin scripts so these get the benefit of versioning and change logs.


Create a failover server, with all configuration files and everything from master server

I have a primary server, where I'm running couple off websites.
A friend of mine has configured everything there. Im running Debian on my server.
ISPConfig (Where I manage all my domains, mails, ftp)
Now, I have very important websites which needs to up and running all the time and I want to purchase another server so if this one fails the other one should take over.
I'm planning to use DNSMadeEasy service..
I know I can use rcync to clone all of this but my question is:
How do I know what needs to be copied to the other files so I get all the configuration files of all different services i'm running.
Is there a way to clone on server to another or what is the best approach here?
Im super concerned that this server might go do, and I can not afford to have my website going do..
Any thought and ideas?
Your question is unclear, but here are a couple of basic technologies that you should consider:
(1) Set up another MySQL server which is a replication slave of the master. The two servers communicate so that the slave is always up-to-date.
(2) Use version control such as git to manage all the software that is installed on any server, and all versions and changes made to it. commit the changes as they are made and push the changes to an independent "repository," e.g. on (a private repository on a ...) public service such as GitHub or BitBucket.
(3) Arrange for all "asset files" to be similarly-maintained this time probably using rsync.

Keeping Multiple Servers in a Cluster In-Sync?

I'm currently managing a cluster of PHP-FPM servers, all of which tend to get out of sync with each other. The application that I'm using on top of the app servers (Magento) allows for admins to modify various files on the system, but now that the site is in a clustered set up modifying a file only modifies it on a single instance (on one of the app servers) of the various machines in the cluster.
Is there an open-source application for Linux that may allow me to keep all of these servers in sync? I have no problem with creating a small VM instance that can listen for changes from machines to sync. In theory, the perfect application would have small clients that run on each machine to be synced, which would talk to the master server which would then decide how/what to sync from each machine.
I have already examined the possibilities of running a centralized file server, but unfortunately my app servers are spread out between EC2 and physical machines, which makes this unfeasible. As there are multiple app servers (some of which are dynamically created depending on the load of the site), simply setting up a rsync cron job is not efficient as the cron job would have to be modified on each machine to send files to every other machine in the cluster, and that would just be a whole bunch of unnecessary data transfers/ssh connections.
I'm dealing with setting up a similar solution. I'm half way there. I would recommend you use lsyncd, which basically monitors the disk for changes and then immediately (or whatever interval you want) automatically syncs files to a list of servers using rsync.
The only issue I'm having is keeping the server lists up to date, since I can spin up additional servers at any time, I would need to have each machine in the cluster notified whenever a machine is added or removed from the cluster.
I think lsyncd is a great solution that you should look into. The issue I'm having may turn out to be a problem for you as well, and that remains to be solved.
Instead of keeping tens or hundreds of servers cross-synchronized it would be much more efficient, reliable, and most of all simple maintaining just one "admin node" and replicating changes from that to all your "worker nodes".
For instance at our company we use a Development server -> Staging server -> Live backends workflow where all the changes are transferred across servers using a custom php+rsync front end. That allows the developers to push updates to a Staging server in the live environment, test out changes, and roll them to Live backends incrementally.
A similar approach could very well work in your case as well. Obviously it's not a plug-and-play solution, but I see it as the easiest way to go - both in terms of maintainability and scalability.

Migrate data from one server to another

I bought a new server and I want to move all the data (directories, sub directories, users, passwords, ..etc) from my old server to it.
Is there a way to do that?
Do you have physical access to both servers? If so you can use the dd command to make a clone of the disk from the old server to the disk that is going into the new server.
In order to do this though, both hard drives have to be installed in one of the servers.
You can also use netcat and dd to clone a disk over a network.
for the directories and files, use a FTP client from your server, if it allows you to, if not, just download all the content to your computer and upload it to the new server.
For the users and passwords, i guess they are in a Database, connect to the database using SSH, telnet, or MysqlAdmin or any RMDB client system and export a dump file, then log in to the new server's SQL system and import that dump file.
Anyway you should give more details of both servers anyway so we can help you, for example, are they Shared hosting or dedicated machine? and what kind of access do you have to them, also, their operative system would help people to reply you accurately
In principle, yes.
If the hardware is similar (= just more RAM, disk space but same CPU architecture and no special graphics card drivers), you might be able to copy every file and then install the boot loader once more (the boot loader config usually changes when the hard disk size changes).
Or you can create a list of all services that you use, determine which config files each one uses and then just copy those. Ideally, you shouldn't copy them but compare the old and the new versions and merge them.
The most work intensive way is to use a tool like puppet. In a nutshell, puppet allows to create install scripts for services (along with all the configuration that you need). So if you need to install a service again (new hardware, second server), you just tell puppet to do it. On the plus side, your whole installation will be documented, too. If you ever wonder why something is the way it is, you can look into the puppet files.
Of course, this approach takes a lot of time and discipline, so it might not be worth it in your case. Apply common sense.

Is Mercurial Server a must for using Mercurial?

I am trying to pick a version control software for our team but I don't have much experience for it before. After searching and googling, it seems Mercurial is a good try. However, I am a little bit confused about some general information about it. Basically, our team only have 5 people and we all connect to a server machine which will be used to store the repositories. The server is a Redhat Linux system. We probably use a lot of the centralized workflow. Because I like the local commit idea, I still prefer the DVCS kind software. Now I am trying to install mercurial. Here are my questions.
1) Does the server used for repositories always need to be installed the software "mercurial-server "? Or it depends on what kind of workflow it uses ? In other words, is it true if there is no centralized workflow used for works, then the server can be installed by "mercurial client" ?
I am confused about the term "mercurial-server". Or it means the mercurial installed on the server is always called "mercurial server" and it does matter if it is centralized or not. In addition, because we all work on that server, does it mean only one copy of mercurial is required to install there ? We all have our own user directory such as /home/Cassie, /home/John,... and /home/Joe.
2) Is SSH a must ? Or it depends on what kind of connection between users and the server ? So since we all work in the server, the SSH is not required right ?
Thank you very much,
There are two things that can be called a "mercurial server".
One is simply a social convention that "repository X on the shared drive is our common repository". You can safely push and pull to that mounted repository and use it as a common "trunk" for your development.
A second might be particular software that allows mercurial to connect remotely. There are many options for setting this up yourself, as well as options for other remote hosting.
Take a look at the first link for a list of the different connection options. But as a specific answer to #2: No, you don't need to use SSH, but it's often the simplest option if you're in an environment using it anyways.
The term that you probably want to use, rather than "mercurial server", is "remote repository". This term is used to describe the "other repository" (the one you're not executing the command from) for push/pull/clone/incoming/outgoing/others-that-i'm-forgetting commands. The remote repository can be either another repository on the same disk, or something over a network.
Typically you use one shared repository to share the code between different developers. While you don't need it technically, it has the advantage that it is easier to synchronize when there is a single spot for the fresh software.
In the simplest case this can be a repository on a simple file share where file locking is possible (NFS or SMB), where each developer has write access. In this scenario there is no need to have mercurial installed on the server, but there are drawbacks:
Every developer must have a mercurial version installed, which can handle the repo version on the share (as an example, when the repo on the share is created with mercurial 1.9, a developer with 1.3 can't access this repo)
Every developer can issue destructive operations on the shared repo, including the deletion of the whole repo.
You can't reliably run hooks on such a repo, since the hooks are executed on the developer machines, and not on the server
I suggest to use the http or ssh method. You need to have mercurial installed on the server for this (I'm not taking the http-static method into account, since you can't push into a http-static path), and get the following advantages:
the mercurial version on the server does not need to be the same as the clients, since mercurial uses a version-independent wire protocol
you can't perform destructive operations via these protocols (you can only append new revisions to a remote repo, but never remove any of them)
The decision between http and ssh depends on you local network environment. http has the advantage that it bypasses many corporate firewalls, but you need to take care about secure authentication when you want to push stuff over http back into the server (or don't want everybody to see the content). On the other hand ssh has the drawback that you might need to secure the server, so that the clients can't run arbitrary programs there (it depends on how trustworthy your clients are).
I second Rudi's answer that you should use http or ssh access to the main repository (we use http at work).
I want to address your question about "mercurial-server".
The basic Mercurial software does offer three server modes:
Using hg serve; this serves a single repository, and I think it's more used for quick hacks (when the main server is down, and you need to pull some changes from a colleague, for example).
Using hgwebdir.cgi; this is a cgi script that can be used with an HTTP server such as Apache; it can serve multiple repositories.
Using ssh (Secure Shell) access; I don't know much about it, but I believe that it is more difficult to set up than the hgwebdir variant
There is also a separate software package called "mercurial-server". This is provided by a different company; its homepage is As far as I can tell, this is a management interface for option 3, the mercurial ssh server.
So, no, you don't need to have mercurial-server installed; the mercurial package already provides a server.

What's the best way to keep multiple Linux servers synced?

I have several different locations in a fairly wide area, each with a Linux server storing company data. This data changes every day in different ways at each different location. I need a way to keep this data up-to-date and synced between all these locations.
For example:
In one location someone places a set of images on their local server. In another location, someone else places a group of documents on their local server. A third location adds a handful of both images and documents to their server. In two other locations, no changes are made to their local servers at all. By the next morning, I need the servers at all five locations to have all those images and documents.
My first instinct is to use rsync and a cron job to do the syncing over night (1 a.m. to 6 a.m. or so), when none of the bandwidth at our locations is being used. It seems to me that it would work best to have one server be the "central" server, pulling in all the files from the other servers first. Then it would push those changes back out to each remote server? Or is there another, better way to perform this function?
The way I do it (on Debian/Ubuntu boxes):
Use dpkg --get-selections to get your installed packages
Use dpkg --set-selections to install those packages from the list created
Use a source control solution to manage the configuration files. I use git in a centralized fashion, but subversion could be used just as easily.
An alternative if rsync isn't the best solution for you is Unison. Unison works under Windows and it has some features for handling when there are changes on both sides (not necessarily needing to pick one server as the primary, as you've suggested).
Depending on how complex the task is, either may work.
One thing you could (theoretically) do is create a script using Python or something and the inotify kernel feature (through the pyinotify package, for example).
You can run the script, which registers to receive events on certain trees. Your script could then watch directories, and then update all the other servers as things change on each one.
For example, if someone uploads spreadsheet.doc to the server, the script sees it instantly; if the document doesn't get modified or deleted within, say, 5 minutes, the script could copy it to the other servers (e.g. through rsync)
A system like this could theoretically implement a sort of limited 'filesystem replication' from one machine to another. Kind of a neat idea, but you'd probably have to code it yourself.
AFAIK, rsync is your best choice, it supports partial file updates among a variety of other features. Once setup it is very reliable. You can even setup the cron with timestamped log files to track what is updated in each run.
I don't know how practical this is, but a source control system might work here. At some point (perhaps each hour?) during the day, a cron job runs a commit, and overnight, each machine runs a checkout. You could run into issues with a long commit not being done when a checkout needs to run, and essentially the same thing could be done rsync.
I guess what I'm thinking is that a central server would make your sync operation easier - conflicts can be handled once on central, then pushed out to the other machines.
rsync would be your best choice. But you need to carefully consider how you are going to resolve conflicts between updates to the same data on different sites. If site-1 has updated
'customers.doc' and site-2 has a different update to the same file, how are you going to resolve it?
I have to agree with Matt McMinn, especially since it's company data, I'd use source control, and depending on the rate of change, run it more often.
I think the central clearinghouse is a good idea.
Depends upon following
* How many servers/computers that need to be synced ?
** If there are too many servers using rsync becomes a problem
** Either you use threads and sync to multiple servers at same time or one after the other.
So you are looking at high load on source machine or in-consistent data on servers( in a cluster ) at given point of time in the latter case
Size of the folders that needs to be synced and how often it changes
If the data is huge then rsync will take time.
Number of files
If number of files are large and specially if they are small files rsync will again take a lot of time
So all depends on the scenario whether to use rsync , NFS , Version control
If there are less servers and just small amount of data , then it makes sense to run rysnc every hour.
You can also package content into RPM if data changes occasionally
With the information provided , IMO Version Control will suit you the best .
Rsync/scp might give problems if two people upload different files with same name .
NFS over multiple locations needs to be architect-ed with perfection
Why not have a single/multiple repositories and every one just commits to those repository .
All you need to do is keep the repository in sync.
If the data is huge and updates are frequent then your repository server will need good amount of RAM and good I/O subsystem
