WSPBuilder obfuscated dll - sharepoint

I am using WSPBuilder to build a wsp file for sharepoint. One of my referenced dll's is obfuscated with .Net Reactor. When building the wsp project, this dll is not recognized, the WSPbuilder is throwing an error. I am not with the solution of installing this dll manually as it should be part of a complete setup on a sharepoint farm with multiple web front ends.
Any solution or idea for a workaround?
The error i am getting is this:
Unable to resolve assembly 'WSPBuilder.XmlSerializers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b778c59697d7d9e', please use DLLReferencePath to point to the directory where this DLL is located.

This problem is solved with WSPBuilder ver.
See Unable to resolve assembly WSPBuilder.XmlSerializers


References from Precompiled DLL

I've successfully built a Precompiled Function (DLL) and but ran into some issues regarding Reference from my DLL to other .Net Framework libraries.
I first tried to promote only my DLL to Azure and that failed due to missing dependancies. Next I tried to use Reflector to list the actual dependancies of my DLL and include them with Nuget but ended up just copying every DLL from my project bin directory to Azure and it worked.
So what how do I tell what libraries are actually included by the Azure Function environment and which I need to Nuget or upload myself. I couldn't find any documentation on the subject.
With the pre-compiled model, you need to bring your dependencies with the assembly where your function is defined (much like deploying a console or standard Web Application).
The simplest approach is to deploy the files from your assembly's output folder. The Azure Functions Tools for Visual Studio 2017 will do exactly that for you, giving you the ability to publish directly from VS.

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Xrm.Client

I have created a plug-in in CRM. It’s registered successfully. Inside my plug-in I have created a web service with many functions.
After successful calling of plug-in step I am getting error-
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Xrm.Client, Version=5.0.9689.2166, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies`. The system cannot find the file specified.
To solve this issue I have created the New XRM.cs file from crmsvcutil.exe but got the same issue. Searched more about this but no solutions found yet.
NOTE: I am using the Microsoft hosted version of CRM
Here below the reference files which I am using.
System System.Core
Is there any way to run my plugin on Hosted version of CRM???
Appreciate if any help :)
I have solved this issue by using this command.
CrmSvcUtil.exe /out:"Xrm.cs"
removing code customization options solved my issue.
/codeCustomization:"Microsoft.Xrm.Client.CodeGeneration.CodeCustomization, Microsoft.Xrm.Client.CodeGeneration"
Microsoft.XRM.Client is usually not needed by the plug-in.
It is needed to connect to CRM from an outside application.
Microsoft.XRM.Client has been removed from the SDK since CRM 2016.
Plugins do not automatically resolve dependencies in your project, they have to already be on the server.
Microsoft.XRM.Client can be placed in the GAC if it is needed by the plugin.
Update for Dynamics CRM 2015
The NuGet package Microsoft.CrmSdk.Extensions contains Microsoft.Xrm.Client.
Update for Dynamics CRM 2016 and Dynamics 365
Microsoft.Xrm.Client is no longer part of the SDK.
The NuGet package Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies contains everything needed for plugin development.
The various parts of the Dynamics CRM SDK are in NuGet.
NuGet is a much better solution than adding Dynamics CRM dlls as project references; especially for source control and team development.
Microsoft.Xrm.Client.dll doesn't actually appear to work if running from the GAC. This is because of some dodgy type resolution methods it has that only work if the assembly is loaded locally. I have raised an issue with full details about that here:

Code Analysis Using VS2012 - Missing Dll References / GAC

I'm trying to run code analysis on my project and I'm plagued by lots of DLL resolve issues.
I've already Added a few dlls to the GAC using gacutil and solved a few issues that way, however I'm seeing an error regarding a reference to System.Net.Http version
I don't have a single reference to this DLL in my solution, I don't have this DLL anywhere on my machine in fact, only version or
I do have a binding redirect for this dll in my config file for the web site but obviously the code analysis process isn't using this.
I'm not sure how best to proceed with this. Can I configure code analysis to use the binding redirects? Or do I need to go hunting for DLLs online in order to GAC them?
Would appreciate any ideas, thanks.
I decided to just GAC version and code analysis is now working fine ...

Issue with ReportViewer on Windows Azure websites (WAWS)

In one of my project i have used reportviewer control to display reports on web pages and at time of uploading on Azure I have followed the steps mentioned here
After uploading when i runs that report web page then it's giving me below error
An error occurred during local report processing.
The definition of the report 'Reports\Report1.rdlc' is invalid.
An unexpected error occurred in Report Processing.
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel, >
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its
dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
What should be cause of this?
I have added following 2 dlls as shown in below snap
Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dll (10.0)
Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll (10.0)
After long research i found solution of my problem from this link
The problem with missing reference of below dlls
but after instaling i could not found those dlls in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL
But there is assembly files available in this path C:\Windows\assembly
then i have added those dlls using VS2010 directly as shown in below fig.
And it's worked!
What is the version of ReportViewer you have used in this project and would you please specify how many and which one Reference DLL you have included in your project? This will help to ensure that you have included all the DLL properly in your project. You must use Report Viewer SP1 which is compatible with Azure DB, and the same SP1 language pack.
I would suggest FTP to your website and verify that you do have all the DLL uploaded correctly as you configure in your project. This is the best way to check in Windows Azure Websites if all the configured files made it to file server.

Error While Deploying wsp in SharePoint 2010

I am upgrading an SP2007 project to SP2010 where I have made the necessary changes to the project(changed the reference, master pages, etc.). I have deployed the farm solution in my machine I am getting the following error:
Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: System.Web.Extensions.dll.
I have referenced this DLL in my project.
Could anyone help me to resolve this issue?
Another good idea is to include an iisreset and a Restart-Timer SPtimerv4 while deploying, as this will help to release similar locks.
However, do you really need to deploy System.Web.Extensions with your WSP now that you've upgraded to 2010? Since 2010 runs on .Net framework 3.5 it should already be present on your server..
Best regards,
