What sort of resharper specific files does resharper generate in your vs.net project? - resharper

What sort of resharper specific files does resharper generate in your vs.net project?
(BTW, did you guys get the full version or just the C# version?)

The "_Resharper.[Solution Name]" folder stores the Resharper specific cache. You can go to Resahrper > Options dialog and select "Store caches in: system TEMP folder" so that your solution folder is not cluttered.
I personally prefer to use the TEMP folder so that the cache does not accidentally get added to the version control. Also, in case you want to clean the cache you can use the "Clear Caches" button on the Resharper Options dialog.

Couple of different things:
A folder called "_ReSharper.[Solution Name]" which then contains a collection of files and folder beneath that
A file called "[Solution Name].[ReSharper Version].resharper.user"
Both are created in the root of solution next to the .sln file. You can delete them if necessary and ReSharper will just recreate them on next load. Keep them out of your source control management system - they serve no purpose under verison control.


Find in Entire Solution in Visual Studio 2012 gets quite a lot of result from Temp folder

In Visual Studio 2012, I tried to do some search in:
Find in Files->Entire Solution, then I get quite a lot results from files in
. The files take the name like tmpE11.tmp.cs or tmpFBEE.tmp.cpp, the contents are identical to some of the files in my solution.
My guess is that it is caused or auto-generated by some crashes, but why are they reachable by the search? I doubt if I can simply delete them or not.
Maybe this is related to a bug reported, where lots of tmp files created and are then included in the Find Results. If I clear the 'Miscellaneous Files Folder' the search does not include the temporary files.
To display the 'Miscellaneous Files Folder' (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/36bhtx7w.aspx):
List item
On the Tools menu, click Options.
In the Options dialog box, expand the Environment node and select Documents.
Select Show miscellaneous files in Solution Explorer.
Specify the number of documents you want to appear in the folder.
In Visual Studio 2013 you can limit the contents to 0 which effectively prevent inclusion.

Visual Studio: Exclude From Project Quickly

I have got thousands of files/folders inside a solution. For some reason I have to exclude them all and then include again in the project, to get the latest list of files.
The normal "Exclude From Project" in visual studio menu takes too much time. Is there a quick way to do it?
Put them all into one master folder and include that folder.
If some are files, you may also want to compile them and include the DLLs or the equivalent in whatever language you're using.

How do I permanently exclude the bin and obj folders from TFS 2012 checkin?

I mucked around with TFS settings and I accidentally included the bin and obj folders for TFS 2012 checkin, and even checked them in already. I don't want this because these files change often and aren't meant for inclusion.
I've checked What happened to "Exclude from Source Control" in VS2012. The accepted answer doesn't work because the bin & obj folders and the DLLs inside those folders don't appear in the "Promote Candidate Changes" list, even after excluding them. The second most popular answer also doesn't work permanently. I press yes to all and it removes them from the included changes list, but when I do any action involving rebuilding, they're added to include list again.
I'm looking for a permanent solution which will permanently exclude these folders and the files inside from checkin, and if possible also removes them from the TFS server.
TFS 2012 has the option to drop a .tfIgnore file in your workspace.
Visual studio has a UI to create the file for you:
While you can manually create a .tfignore text file using the above rules, you can also automatically generate one when the Pending Changes page has detected a change.
To automatically generate a .tfignore file
In the Pending Changes page, in the Excluded Changes section, choose the Detected changes link.
The Promote Candidate Changes dialogue box appears.
Select a file, open its context menu, and choose Ignore this local item, Ignore by extension, or Ignore by file name.
Choose OK or Cancel to close the Promote Candidate Changes dialog box.
A .tfignore file appears in the Included Changes section of the Pending Changes page. You can open this file and modify it to meet your needs.
The .tfignore file is automatically added as an included pending change so that the rules you have created will apply to each team member who gets the file.
Or create it from the command line using echo . > .tfIgnore and then open it using notepad.
Another trick is to name the file .tfIgnore. in explorer and save it. You'll probably be prompted if you want to change the extension, the answer, in this case, is: yes.
For Excluding Bin folders ,Tick "Show Solution Changes" Under View options in "Included Changes"
I called in the help of our TFS admin.
We couldn't make a .tfignore file, but what did work was the following:
Check in both folders in TFS;
Delete the dlls and pdbs which are unique to the project from the source control explorer and check in this change.
Rebuild the project locally, try to check in and confirm that there are no pending changes.
the dependent assemblies remain in TFS, but since these rarely change, this isn't a big issue.

How to force Visual Studio not to add GlobalSection(Performance) section?

I played with Visual Studio builtin profiling tools and now every time I check out any file this section automatically adds to my solution file:
GlobalSection(Performance) = preSolution
HasPerformanceSessions = true
I totally removed all profiling reports, then removed local copy of all source control files from this solution and update to latest. This section still in *.sln file after any checkout.
Other teammates who haven't used prfiler doesn't have this problem.
Has anyone any ideas?
Open the PerformanceExplorer in Visual Studio by using the Menu Analyze -> Windows -> PerformanceExplorer and check if it lists any session entries.
If so delete them by doing a right-click on an entry to open the ContextMenu. Then select "Remove" from the menu.
You should also check the folder of your solution if it contains any .vsp or .psess files and delete them. These are the report files of a profiling session.
Only way I could solve this was to close the solution, delete *.psess and *.vsp files from the root directory, reset my .sln file to the remote version and reopen the solution. Problem was then gone. This was using Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.

How to tell VS2012 C# debugger where to find sources

I'm trying to debug a third-party library. I have it's .pdb and sources. I put .pdb near my dlls. When I step-into third-party code for the first time, VS2012 asks where are the sources. I pick the correct file and everything is fine. Now, I'm rebuilding my code with another version of the same third-party lib. I have another version's .pdb and sources. When I step-into, it doesn't ask where are the sources, instead, it just connects to the SAME SOURCES it connected at the first place. I can close the file and open file from new sources, but each time I press F11 to step-into another file, it continues to open files from the old location.
Visual Studio remembered the selection you made and stored it in the hidden .suo file in the solution directory. You can edit it. First ensure that the Solution Explorer window displays the solution name (similar to "Solution 'name' (x projects)"). If not then use Tools + Options, Projects and Solutions, tick the "Always show solution" checkbox.
Right-click the solution in the Solution Explorer window, Properties, Debug Source Files setting. You should see the directory you added in the original debug sessions. Delete it and add the new directory.
