Milw0rm/Packetstorm News Bot - forum

I am making a security forum, so I would like to know if there is some forum bot that will get the newest posts from milw0rm and packetstorm and will post them in the forum ?
One friend of mine told me that there is such thing, but after some google searches i was not able to find it. Can you help me ?
Thanks in advance.

I would go with XPath on the scraping.

If the sites you described provide some form of RSS, you could use an RSS reader that's freely available on the net to add the posts to your forum.


Is there a way in Instagram's API to get the URL to a new post from a specific user? I'd like to integrate it with a Reddit bot

The Owl City subreddit (/r/OWLCITY) is running into a unique problem: Whenever Adam Young posts something new to Instagram (#owlcityofficial), there's an influx of new Reddit posts saying that Adam posted something new. I suggested (and if I can get it off the ground, hope to do so with the approval of the subreddit's moderators) to create a bot that automatically creates a new post whenever Adam posts something to Instagram, as a sort of "master thread." All discussion about the post could be had there, with all others being subject to deletion.
This appears to be easier said than done. Looking briefly at Reddit's API's this appears to be possible. But on Instagram's end, that's another story. It appears Instagram deprecated and shut down their first API last year, and I can't find any information on whether the two APIs still available support something like this. I would prefer to use the Display API, as I doubt I qualify to use the Graph API. Furthermore, I can't find any useful information on the Instagram API. Also, almost any search for what I'm trying to do shows a plethora of results of how to do it with the OLD API, and limiting the results to the last year doesn't bring up anything useful.
Is there a way to do what I want to do? Keep in mind I'm relatively new to programming, so any help with this would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Maybe use Python with Selenium to get the Channel Page and get the first entry. Compare it with and if it is newer, scrape it. No API needed, if you not want to dig to deep into API references.
Try search for Instagram Basic Display API.
Please specify what kind of programming Language you have experience.

Send Direct Message Using Instagram Official API

I have been working with Facebook API and there documentation is awesome. Now i need to use the Instagram API and there documentation is not developer friendly, I want to use the Direct message functionality using Instagram API and i am unable to find that how to do it? as i can't see it in there documentation and I have been doing research for hours but unable to find any best possible resource.
I don't even know that are they providing the "Direct message" functionality or not? After my all research i have come to know about "Instagram Private API" which provides direct messaging functionality but i don't know that are they officially using there API's for messaging. I am sure they are using a Hack for that but i don't know that for how much time hack lasts long.
Any One who can guide me would be great.
I appreciate for your time and consideration.
Please do let me know about your concerns on this.
Thanks in advance!
A Bit Late To Answer (Aug, 2022)
I have successfully cracked it by myself, after doing a lot of research on google over this topic. You can use the mentioned deep link to open Instagram Direct with some text to share from your application,
Moreover, the below code should work on iOS to launch Instagram Direct (Messenger) from your app with some content
if let url = URL(string: "instagram://sharesheet?text=") {, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
Not sure, why did they hide this information from their official documentation but now who cares, I have achieved it with the continuous efforts of 16-18 hrs! :)

Add feed of LinkedIn posts to website on

I am hosting my website on and would like to know if it is possible to incorporate my feed of LinkedIn posts (posts that I have posted on LinkedIn) on my website. I would like to have the same feed appear so I do not have to post twice.
Because this is a general question, many different solutions are possible all of which do the same thing but with different methods.
One suggestion is that you set up an RSS feed from your website to LinkedIn. One functionality that can take care of that is IFTTT.
Good luck

Create latest news section on website

I'm trying to create a latest news section to the front page of my website. What is the simplest way to go about this? I know I could use WordPress but I don't necessarily want it to be a blog, just a scrolling news section.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about
I've searched for ages on the internet and found nothing about this, if anyone has any links that maybe useful I'd appreciate it
Not sure if this is what your looking for but I have used it in the past. It takes news feeds from RSS and puts them on your site.

Search people in Twitter in Java (Twitter4j)

Does anyone know a way to use Twitter4j or any other lib in order to search people in Twitter through its API? I am trying to find out if specific people have Twitter accounts.
Thanks for the help.
This should answer your question. This should help you build a basic query
This is the API for searching users in twitter:
