DirectDraw Overlays - graphics

Does anyone have a working example (code) of a DirectDraw overlay? Like something moving on the screen. I have been trying to find an example of DirectDraw overlaying usage and was unable to.
Thank you.

Try some of these:
[Edit] A bit more googling suggests you might want D3D Hooking? ..or have your tried the DirectDraw Overlay Library on CodePlex?
This code should work (I tried it when it comes out and it worked totally fine), its a little old and I don't know if it actually build with the actual SDK thought. (you maybe have to use an old SDK)


Screen video (screencast) recording on Linux

I was trying to record video of all the monitors or a selection, so was wondering what to use for Linux.
The thoughts that came to mind were screenshot the screen a bunch but this probably isnt the right way to go about it.
I looked at the Cairo docs but can't find anyhting. On Windows I found DirectShow and OSX I found AVFoundation.
i just came across something: XvGetVideo would this be an option?
You can check out ffscreencast with the --dry parameter which will show you the commands that would be issued. Looks nice for learning.
Did it under linux and it showed me it was using x11Grab

Website Operating System desktop layout

I'm going to develop a application in the company I work for, and I were asked to create a layout as an OS desktop, with applications, icons, shortcut and everything.
I've tried searching so far, but found nothing. My real problem is that I don't know what to search, I don't have a definition for what I need.
To understand butter, it's something like AirDroid or Glide OS (but no, i'm not using any flash).
Thanks :)
If someone is curious about this, I found this library:
It was made exactly for what I need. :)

Connection between svg elements

Is there a way to connect 2 elements in svg to achieve a "flow chart" like diagram? I have 2 boxes, an arrow between them, and I would like that if I drag one box, the arrow stays connected to the box.
I've founded that there is a spec for this feature in SVG 1.1 but is far from being completed.
I can't find any piece of code or library that does it (and I think it isn't a rare use case), and I would like to be sure that there isn't a proven way of doing it before I start making it myself.
You may be interested in the Dracula Graph Library which uses Raphael and does exactly what you mean:
Update: I haven't used jquery-svg before, but I put something small together that may get you going:
It takes advantage of jquery-ui draggable, but I suspect there's a nicer way to do it using the jquery.svganim.js package that's include with the library - anyway, this is all I have time for now.
Also, if you can in the future, include things like library restrictions in the question so you can get more specific answers from the get go! :) Hope that helps.

Unable to use Idea - it's blanked

I have installed Jetbrains Idea 10.5.2 to use it's great capabilities for scala programming, but I'm getting stuck with it -- it is covered with small black squares instead of characters in all menus and messages:
I've googled it a lot but unfortunately couldn't find anything. Does anybody know what to do?
May be you can try to change font for IDEA.
For you it could be probably hard - but you can try. Open global setting with Ctrl+Alt+S.
And then try to blindly find font option like on this screenshot:

Displaying WebCam video with Qt

I'm using Qt 4.5 (2009.03) on Linux Gnome (Ubuntu 9.04) and would like to display video captured by my webcam in a Phonon::VideoWidget of my Qt application.
I have a first implementation using the v4l2 API where I do the YUV2 to RGB conversion and fill a QImage my self. It works well but it is not very efficient. A collegue used gStreamer to do the same thing and it was much much faster.
Since then I found out about phonon and would like to use it. Everything is configured and set up except for the binding to the webcam device as source.
I should create a MediaSource object but I don't know how to configure it. Any help would be greatly valuable.
Edit: The Phonon overview explains that it is not supported yet. But I need a solution.
I know its little bit late for this question. but I was looking for the same thing and could not find pure qt solution. Here is my solution
If your goal is to display the YUV image on the screen you can use the OpenGL module. Implement the conversion as a fragment shader. If you want to do something else like save the converted image to a file then it is not a good idea.
Some links: (the conversion is in the FProgram string)
Maybe you can take a look the way kapture was implemented.
