Can anyone recommend a good book or other resource on NTFS semantics? [closed] - security

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'd like to improve my understanding of NTFS semantics; ideally, I'd like some kind of specification document(s).
I could (in theory) figure out the basics by experimentation, but there's always the possibility that I'd be ignoring some important variable.
For example, I'm having difficulty finding definitive information on the following:
(1) When do file times (created/modified/accessed) get set/updated? For example, does copying and/or moving a file affect any or all of these times? What about if the file is being copied/moved between volumes? What about alternate streams?
(2) How do sharing modes and read/write access interact?
(3) What happens to security information (SACL, DACL, ownership etc.) when a file is copied and/or moved?
As I said, I could probably "answer" these questions by writing some code, but that would only tell me how the specific operations I tested behaved across any machines that I ran the code on. I'd like to find a resource that can tell me how this stuff is supposed to behave, identifying all the variables that could affect the behaviour.

Apparently there are no public non-NDA specifications. Projects such as NTFS-3G would greatly benefit from them, but they don't mention anything.
A predecessor of NTFS-3G, called linux-ntfs, has made some documentation on its own here. Maybe that's good enough for you, maybe not.


MongoDB + Node.js Tree Module? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a module - if it exists - that is an API for creating a traditional tree data structure (like a decision tree) and saving and loading it from a data source (like a MongoDB document). Ideally this API would allow splicing trees at any node and then resaving them to the DB and also retrieval of any node via an ID.
I've found the following:
decision-tree: too narrow a definition and no DB support.
simple-tree: no DB support
tree: no documentation
tree-kit: utilities but not a traditional tree data structure from what I can see.
tree-data: no documentation that I can find
None of these seem to be a full solution for my decision-tree needs. And it is quite possible that I'm approaching this the wrong way.
Found tree-model and it seems promising, but still no API for interaction with a DB. Perhaps I will write one.
After looking into this and not finding a substantial solution for what I wanted, I wrote my own:

Solving Homophone Confusion [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This may be a question that is not suitable for stackoverflow, but I had no other better place to ask it. I was wondering if there are any known tools (non-commercial) that can be used to solve the homophone confusions such as these in a sentence?
it's vs its
you're vs your
I am new to NLP and I haven't used any of the known tools. Tried to search for these in google but nothing useful shows up. Are there any parts in NLTK or CoreNLP that cover this?
I have no experience with this topic but I found a how to PDF that may be of some use to you.
How to solve homophone problems
It's no complete solution, but LanguageTool has some rules for this. See the rule file and search for rulegroup id="IT_IS"(disclaimer: I'm the maintainer of LanguageTool). After the Deadline also uses a rule-based approach, only that it tries to avoid useless suggestions by filtering its suggestion against a large n-gram database.

Are there any good tutorials on performing optical flow transforms for a sequence of still images? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to experiment with guiding an RC car via my laptop using bluetooth and an X10 camera to snap the pictures. Basically I want to create the DARPA not so grand challenge of guiding my RC car around the house and avoiding obstacles and teaching it how to navigate. Not terribly practical but fun to mess with. Any suggestions on books, tutorials or alternatives to optical flow that accomplish the goal of allowing the RC car to perceive motion relative to its optics. Thanks in advance!
The place to go for any vision processing applications is most likely OpenCV. It is an open-source library with many common vision functions implemented for you.
It is available in C++ and Python.
As far as actually implementing optical flow, there is a pretty decent reference with lots of comments available here:
I think that you will find that the included pdf files provide good context for what the code is actually doing.

Where can I buy game sprites and tiles? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Yes, I'd prefer to buy them instead of using "free" or "free" with some kind of weird license. Tried Google, but no luck and my fav RF graphics sites don't have any... :(
You're unlikely to find sets of tiles that are simultaneously online, exactly meet your needs and are purchasable for a fee.
I'd suggest going to one of the freelance graphics / design sites e.g. 99 designs and get the work done for a small commission. Depending on your game you will probably have custom requirements anyway, so getting custom tiles created is probably the best bet. This is how I'm planning to source the graphics and artwork for my next game.
Alternatively, you'd be surprised by how many good "free" tile sets you can find. But then you will be forced to stick to the graphic style and theme of the free tileset, and run the risk of looking very similar to other games using the same tileset.
You could pay someone to create them, perhaps at a site like vWorker/Rent A Coder.

Could you recommend an unstructured data indexing software? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am collecting logs from several custom made applications. Each application has it's own log format. What I'm looking for is a central tool which would allow me to search through all of my logs. This means the tool would have to be able to define a different regex (or alike) for each log file (marking where a record begins, ends, and what are the fields). I've been trying Splunk, but I'm not happy with it, since performance are slow, I'm limited (free version) with the amount of indexed data per-day, and it's not as flexible as I want it to be.
Could you recommend a software (preferably free or cheap) for the task?
You can try Lucene. It is free. It is written in Java, and it allows full-text search over large amount of data. It is not a complete application, but rather a library, so you have to write code that uses it to index and to search your logs. You may have to define different document types or at least different indexing functions for your logs, but then search works beautifully.
If you can use Windows, try out Microsoft's best tool ever, Logparser. I wish there was such a simple tool for Unix. But there isn't. And although I've kept wanting to get around to making a Unix version of Logparser, I just haven't had the time.
Note: This would be a great project for someone with time on their hands or for a grad-student somewhere!
Never used it, but have heard of it.
