Could you recommend an unstructured data indexing software? [closed] - search

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am collecting logs from several custom made applications. Each application has it's own log format. What I'm looking for is a central tool which would allow me to search through all of my logs. This means the tool would have to be able to define a different regex (or alike) for each log file (marking where a record begins, ends, and what are the fields). I've been trying Splunk, but I'm not happy with it, since performance are slow, I'm limited (free version) with the amount of indexed data per-day, and it's not as flexible as I want it to be.
Could you recommend a software (preferably free or cheap) for the task?

You can try Lucene. It is free. It is written in Java, and it allows full-text search over large amount of data. It is not a complete application, but rather a library, so you have to write code that uses it to index and to search your logs. You may have to define different document types or at least different indexing functions for your logs, but then search works beautifully.

If you can use Windows, try out Microsoft's best tool ever, Logparser. I wish there was such a simple tool for Unix. But there isn't. And although I've kept wanting to get around to making a Unix version of Logparser, I just haven't had the time.
Note: This would be a great project for someone with time on their hands or for a grad-student somewhere!
Never used it, but have heard of it.


Open source search engines : alternatives to Lucene [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Currently we are using Lucene for our search engine, but we want to look at some alternatives. I have looked at several on the net but seems like a lot of them are out of date or the development stopped. That is why I want to ask if you guys know any good open-source alternatives to Lucene that are still in development?
Kind regards,
Try Sphinx search It is used by many NLP researchers.
If you are looking for an open source and Java based alternative, then you could try Terreir. Note that Terrier targets academia.
If the language is not an issue, then you could look at Xapian. I found its community quite active, and it has participated in Google Summer of Code several times.
Otherwise, you could try Whoosh, a python based search library.
FastcatSearch is also open source and java based alternative.
Lucene is a IR library as already you know, Solr is a search server, and FastcatSearch is a counterpart of Solr.
It provides web-based manager, so that you can set up configs easily.

Microsoft Project opensource alternatives [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been recommended to use the Microsoft project as a project manager in my course. But being a opensource fan and linux user what will be the best opensource alternative to this.
I have seen this question:, which suggests to use openproj. Openproj's last version was released 2 years back so I was thinking otherwise.
Also following the wiki project management softwares comparison, I found out there are lot of opensource alternatives. Some software in the list with maximum features I found out are:
eGroupWare (web based)
Onepoint Project
web2project (web based)
Could anyone recommend what is the best (or most popular) alternative.
Finally looking at the various project management softwares, I found out that deciding for one completely depends on your needs. The one thing that works everywhere is Pen and Paper as suggested in this answer.
Your list is missing my two favorites:
Pen and paper
.txt files
and I don't mean this in jest! They are simple tools - but they have certain advantages to them. They have limitations in what you can track with them, and hence you only track what is important. Take it as the minimalistic approach to project management if you will.
In general, I don't tend to think you can manage software development by GANTT or PERT and resources. Most software construction is creative and implements things which have not been tried before. Hence, the problems you are to solve have a high risk of failure where you have to retry the attempt. I find that GANTT and friends are best if you have a large number of well-known low-risk tasks to accomplish.
You may not believe this to be true, but then I implore you to at least take my standpoint into consideration when you track the project in detail. Especially if and when you suddenly have to update the GANTT chart due to slips.
Have a look at RationalPlan. It has different editions based on your needs: is what we are using
Another option is Gantt.

What tools do you use to write and communicate Product Requirements? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Many Product Managers use wiki's or bug tracking software like Jira but there must be a better solution. I would love to get your feedback and suggestions.
I'm happy with Word. I don't think it's the tool that matters as much as the process, or how the tool is used.
Mockup tool to clarify requirements together with users
Word to create "formal" documents
Some mockup tools can get pretty close to producing the "spec" for developers, too. MockupScreens for example (I am developer):
EDIT: Oh, and on a big/formal project you might really need a traceability matrix (you can use Excel for that, or some specialized tool like RequisitePro). You know the situation I'm talking about: there are hundreds of "stakeholder request" that need to somehow be mapped onto "functional requirements" to 1) prove that each request is addressed and 2) to do regression checks when something somewhere changes
We use Word + Balsamiq mockups (
If you deliver Web or desktop applications, and the users need help specifying their needs or the desired visual layout, a mockup is fundamental.
Also, Balsamiq uses a lightweight wireframes style that will help your customer to focus on the information, and not in the graphic details (fonts. etc.)
We track the state of each requirement in a version controlled Excel file.
Since this post is tagged 'agile' and you framed your question as how you should write and communicate product requirements, I'd say the most common tools used are user stories and conversations.
You mention Jira and wikis, so it seems like one thing you're looking for is a requirements repository. Those are great to have, but don't forget that within most agile frameworks those requirements artifacts are merely placeholders for a conversation. That conversation is the primary requirements communication mechanism for most agile teams and no tool or application can completely replace it.

Dreamweaver equivalent for Linux [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for an equivalent software to Dreamweaver in Linux.
It is not an exact match but it is based out of Eclipse which means super cross platform funky java love.
Aptana Studio is actually what I replaced Dreamweaver with since Adobe bought Macromedia, I use it on Windows and Linux without trouble. But for the suggestion you will also get my 2 cents about Wysiwtf... it is almost never what you get. Some of the best code I have ever done in my life was done in SciTE (also available in Linux), it supports multiple coding languages and offers enough features to be useful without becoming bloated.
If you want something reasonably non-technical, then perhaps Kompozer?
Or, if you want more technical stuff, then you probably want Aptana.
Another mention bluefish.
Depending on what desktop environment you use I can recommend Quanta+ to you. It's part of the KDE SC but can also be used in other DEs.
You could also use KompoZer, it seems to be nice as well. Didn't test this one though.
I've also researched this for myself, and the answer is that, in my opinion, there is nothing comparable.
Most people choose Dreamweaver for its WYSIWYG (as good as it can be with HTML), and the ease of use. If you're looking for database connectivity, PHP debugging and the like, then Elipse beats Dreamweaver by a lot, but chance is the original poster is looking for the ease-of-use, so neither Bluefish nor Eclipse is going to satisfy him.

Can anyone recommend a good book or other resource on NTFS semantics? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'd like to improve my understanding of NTFS semantics; ideally, I'd like some kind of specification document(s).
I could (in theory) figure out the basics by experimentation, but there's always the possibility that I'd be ignoring some important variable.
For example, I'm having difficulty finding definitive information on the following:
(1) When do file times (created/modified/accessed) get set/updated? For example, does copying and/or moving a file affect any or all of these times? What about if the file is being copied/moved between volumes? What about alternate streams?
(2) How do sharing modes and read/write access interact?
(3) What happens to security information (SACL, DACL, ownership etc.) when a file is copied and/or moved?
As I said, I could probably "answer" these questions by writing some code, but that would only tell me how the specific operations I tested behaved across any machines that I ran the code on. I'd like to find a resource that can tell me how this stuff is supposed to behave, identifying all the variables that could affect the behaviour.
Apparently there are no public non-NDA specifications. Projects such as NTFS-3G would greatly benefit from them, but they don't mention anything.
A predecessor of NTFS-3G, called linux-ntfs, has made some documentation on its own here. Maybe that's good enough for you, maybe not.
