Moving from IMAP gmail to Google Apps for domain - gmail

I've got a gmail account that I use to check my IMAP mail from my domain right now and its working OK. I want to move to using google apps for my domain so i dont have to setup accounts etc using my hosting company. Can I do that with my existing google account or do I have to loose my gmail and get a brand new account etc setup again?

I believe this question should be for SF or SU.
Anyway, if you want to use, it has nothing to do with your They will be independent.
More G.apps FAQ here, read "How is Google Apps different from a free account? ".

I've been through the process, and although I didn't actually want to tie my account to the Google Apps domain, I didn't see any way this could be done.
I've been very happy with the result, FWIW.


Not able to generate DKIM record for .net domain in google app

I'm using google apps for mail service. I have generated and submitted DKIM records for .co and .in domains successfully. But I'm not able to generate DKIM record for .net domain (say It shows an error we are unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later. (Error #1000). I have tried this for 2 .net domains. Both provide the same error. I have tried using in different browser and different machine, and the results are the same.
I am not sure if the issue is with the .net domain or if this is just a coincidence.
Had the same issue today (setup of DKIM on a new GSuite domain) and chatted with Google Support about it.
They pointed me to the following quote on the DKIM setup process.
Important: After you create your G Suite account and turn on Gmail, you must wait 24–72 hours before you can generate a DKIM domain key.
So you'll need to wait 24 - 72 hours after setup of the GSuite account before you can set up DKIM.
I also asked the support person whether I could get access to submit this as a product request (that the DKIM setup is prevented before this time) and he gave me access to the G Suite Feature Ideas (customers only) Cloud Connect Community. I've posted this as a feature suggestion there - upvote if you think this is needed! (needs login):
Preview Screenshot:
I had a "Google Apps for Work" account and wanted to setup DKIM for Google Apps email and another provider and I couldn't do it. I contacted Google Apps support and they said it was a bug with no immediate plans to fix it.
I got the same useless error code you did. I'm disappointed in Google about this. They just leave the broken submit form up, leaving it to the user to contact support to find out it's broken with no plans to fix it.
I'm going to cancel my paying google apps account.
I experienced the same error message when I tried to set up DKIM immediately after signing up for GSuite. It worked when I re-tried about two days later.

Why do all of my Linux based email clients fail to authenticate using imap gmail?

I have tried to set up every email client available for linux, ubuntu 14.04 and each and every one fails. I'm looking to find what the common element is that causes authentication to fail in each and every instance. Is it because google has changed their authentication algorithm and nobody has kept up with the changes?
It seems that Google, sometime late in 2014 started blocking apps that are using IMAP/SMTP PLAIN authentication by default. It also seems no Linux email client has addressed this change (at least that as far as I have found).
It had only affected me recently. The change only propagated to me now, in February of 2016. I found this out by attempting to install one email client after the other; kmail, evolution, claws, sylpheed, thunderbird. Finally, after reading Gmail blocking mutt I found out that my mail account had been tampered with by Google to reject anything other than OAuth. One way to fix this is to
Allow less secure apps: ON
in the "My Account" settings.
I received a very nice email from Microsoft Google expressing their dismay that I would choose anything other than their email client to access my gmail account:
Hi ... ,
You recently changed your security settings so that your Google Account is no longer protected by modern security standards.
Please be aware that it is now easier for an attacker to break into your account. You can make your account safer again by undoing this change here, then switching to apps made by Google such as Gmail to access your account.
Don't recognize this activity?
Review your recently used devices now.
The Google Accounts team [emphasis mine]
Apparently the only "modern security standards" are Google's security standards. And for why the above is FUD see:
What are the dangers of allowing “less secure apps” to access my Google account?
Also, lmao, apparently "business users" of gmail do not need this security "improvement." I assume this is so because Google does not want to really make a needed security change (otherwise why leave business users out of this), but rather to strong-arm Mom and Pop into using their email software.
Bad Google.

Configure Google Apps Gmail to get email from external server

I have a big question. I search in Google Help pages, but honestly, their system for help is very bad.
So, lets go to the point.
I have a domain, in this case lets say it is, in an older host company. Last week I change the host company.
I could access my emails in via google with an account like "". Now that I change the host company, I can't get any emails. I can't find a place to change the POP configuration in my google account.
Thanks for help!

Google Multiple Sign-ins - Is there a way to specify the account in the URL?

We recently switched our team to Google Apps and with that, everyone got a Google Apps account . However, for those of us with a GMail account as well, this makes it so that bringing up Gmail in your browser opens up either your personal account or your Google apps account.
Even though GMail has multiple Sign-ins enabled for both of my accounts, I still have to spend time switching through both accounts.
I was wondering if there was a way to specify the account I wanted to use in the URL directly, which would allow me to create a bookmark for GMail for both of these accounts:
something like:
I just don't believe anyone at Google has never thought of this! :-)
The same question applies to all of Google's services too I guess (docs, sites, etc...)
This works like a charm, with one exception: regular accounts. will direct you to the inbox for whichever account you logged in as first. My work around has been to make sure I log into my personal e-mail first (but this at least avoids having to log into the rest in a specific order).
For an access to multiple gmail adresse you can use this :

Develop Gmail Contextual Gadget without Google App domain?

I'm looking into creating a Gmail Contextual Gadget. I've created a couple of simple gadgets that integrate into Google Calendar, and it was simple enough with those to publish the gadget manifest and add them to the calendar through the "add any gadget" labs feature.
The Gmail Contextual Gadget is starting to look like a different beast altogether (much more difficult to get up and running with a sample). Do I really have to register a domain with Google Apps, submit an Application Manifest, etc. in order to simply try my hand at creating one of these gadgets? Is there a simpler, less committal way of trying out the technology?
YES , you must have a Google Apps domain setup. It does not work for standard GMAIL accounts.
