How to see the list of files checked in to MKS after creating the devpath? - mks

After creating the devpath in MKS, developers will check in the code to MKS. I want to find the list of files got checked in to the MKS after creation of devpath (from the beginning to the end).
Please help me.

You can use the command line interface "rlog" command to see all changes on a devpath.
The basic syntax would be something like: si rlog --devpath=Version2
You can also use the other parameters of the rlog command to limit the output to a date range or other criteria.
Hope this helps.

If you use the GUI you can go to the "project history view", and mark two of the checkpoint bubbles (holding CTRL) and then select "view differences" from the context menu. In that view you can see all the files that were checked in between the selected checkpoints.


Show nested folders in Total Commander

I know that default "CTRL+B" Windows command works for showing all nested files.
Is there a shortcut to show all nested folders?
I doubt if this feature exists in Total Commander. The built-in tree utility is always good enough for me.
If you don't like console output, just run this inside Total Commander's command line to copy the output to the clipboard:
tree | clip
Of course, you can assign it a shortcut. :)
Total Commander by version differs from the oldest one, if u can't find ur desired shortcut, just simply set this shortcut on the configuration panel as following:
>Change main menu
>Redefine Hotkeys...

How to add comments to folder in linux and view them with mouse cursor

I run simulations for various choices of parameters. For each choice I store the resulting data in a folder, like
...and so forth.
would like to write a little text file AAA.txt which contains not just the C parameter but all the others too. Then when viewing this folder which contains the data I want to hold my cursor on the little file symbol and have a little box appear. This box should show just the content of AAA.txt, so I can quickly check which set of parameters was used in this particular run.
Anyone know how to do this? I use Ubuntu 14.04
I am not aware of ways to give you a custom "tooltip". As an alternative, you could look into creating custom thumbnails of your .dat files.
See here for how to do that with nautilus; the default file browser for Ubuntu.
Alternatively, you might look into what Gloobus can do for you.

dialog/whiptail radiolist consistence

So basically I am trying to rewrite a bash script which uses dialog --radiolist for choosing locale,keyboard,time. At the moment the tag is a number that corresponds to a local (I created a hashtable for it). But because I have, and want to keep it that way for now, around 100 locales it gets messy at the end.
What I wanna achieve is to make it more compact without having to add or add an artificial, non visible item that might easily translate to its tag. (as a tag I would put the locale name)
What I have tried:
1. Noobish thing but I though that there might be some way to include empty like NULL in ASCII or 0, blank space etc, but dialog would always make it visible.
2. Exclude the item at all and finish on on/off but instead on/off takes place of item (not surprisingly if options are as follow --radiolist text height width list-height [ tag item status ])
3. Instead of letting the dialog on exit write to the output the name of the chosen locale I created an output statement myself.
I had red a lot about dialog and whiptail(, but always end up with having to add tag and an item. Would appreciate any suggestions and maybe some info if there is easily plug-gable dialog/whiptail compatible libs.
Thank You in advance
Perhaps you overlooked the --no-tags option (see manpage):
Some widgets (checklist, inputmenu, radiolist, menu) display a
list with two columns (a "tag" and "description"). The tag is
useful for scripting, but may not help the user. The --no-tags
option (from Xdialog) may be used to suppress the column of tags
from the display. Unlike the --no-items option, this does not
affect the data which is read from the script.
The question mentions whiptail and consistency, which could refer to consistency across dialog and whiptail. There is none, since
whiptail provides fewer options than dialog (inevitably, there will be differences, since there is no one-one mapping possible)
consistency as such between the two is done in dialog occasionally to help with compatibility (the reverse is not true).

Can I disable the ability for simultaneous checkout in Perforce

I am using perforce with Siemens TIA software. I would like to disable the ability for a file to be checked out by more than one person at a time since the files being used are binary and therefore the merge tools don't work all too well for multiple updates.
In perforce lingo you want to the make the file exclusive, or +l. If you are using the visual application p4v, you can check out the file, right click and then go "Change Filetype...". You can do the same thing on the command line:
p4 edit -t binary+l //somepath/somefile
which can include wild cards if you want to modify a bunch of files. The deeper solution is to use the p4 typemap command so you can tell perforce to understand your extension as always being binary and exclusive.
There are some workflow challenges with making a file exclusive. Imagine user A checks out the file exclusive but then goes home and is sick the next day? User B can't check out the file to do the work while user A is a away and you need an administrator to either unlock user A's computer or to revert the check out. User B can edit the file in "non-exclusive mode" by using the command line:
p4 edit -t binary //somepath/somefile_someone_else_has_exclusive
And then check it in, but now user A is going to have a mess on their hands when they do get back in and they want to check in.
See the "Locking files" section of the p4 resolve documentation - and note what you'll be losing if you do this.

"Show In - Explorer" with multiple files?

Here's a frequent situation: You have about thirty files checked out into a specific pending change-list. After working on those files, and before submitting them, you needed to move them to a folder (external to deposits, so a simple "Integrate" wouldn't be suitable).
Using the "Show In - Explorer" option, you'll get a lot of window popped-up. And that's just painful (and sometimes, the system just cannot open all of them).
So, question is, is there a simple way to copy-paste multiple files from a change-list without doing it individually?
You can do this with a custom tool.
In P4V, open the custom tools manager via the Tools->Manage Custom Tools... menu item
Click New->Tool... to open the Add Custom Tool dialog and enter these parameters (xcopy isn't the ideal app for this, but I'll talk about that later1)
alt text
Now you will be able to select all the files in your change list, right click on them, and a new item will be available in the context menu Copy selected files to another location..."
alt text
An input box will appear, asking you where you wish to copy the files.
alt text
Click OK and the files will be copied to the location you entered in the input dialog. Maybe...
1There are some problems with xcopy:
the target directory must already exist
it doesn't seem to work if the path contains spaces
if the process fails, you're process list will fill up with a bunch of instances of xcopy.exe that are stuck trying to do who knows what
the custom tool will no longer work if the previous condition occurs
I tried robocopy also, which would be perfect if there was a way to pass it the source directory, but P4V custom tool editor doesn't provide the parent directory as a parameter. Ideally, you should write your own file copy utility, if this is really important to you. It wouldn't require that much effort.
Lastly, the P4V custom tool editor offers a file browser, but not a folder browser, and the latter is what you really need for a tool such as this.
So, play around with the custom tool thing. You might be able to come up with an answer to your problem.
I know you want to do these things outside of Perforce, but the best I can think of is if you create another workspace specifically for exporting files. You can sync your Perforce workspace to contain only the files in a particular changelist.
In this workspace, try giving the files in your changelist, after it is submitted, a particular label. If you sync your workspace to this label, it will delete every file that does not have this label based on this Perforce page. (do Find for label in that page)
p4 sync #label_name
This involves Perforce, but it does provide a way to get only the files you want.
I believe you can also accomplish this only using changelist numbers, but it may be more complicated. I'm not 100% sure this works
p4 sync #none
p4 sync #changelist,#changelist
I think this will sync files only in this changelist.
