Using an emsp; in Internet Explorer 6 - internet-explorer-6

As I have a background in the publishing industry, I prefer to use fixed-width spaces like em spaces. However, IE6 displays a box when I use  , which really bugs me. Can I do a javascript replace just for IE6, or should I just not use em spaces?
Just to prove that it's not just my computer, MercerTraieste usefully linked to this image:
Example of incorrect emsp entity display

Perhaps IE6 uses a font without an em space. Missing characters are often shown as boxes. If this is true then the question is not why does IE6 display a box instead of an em space?, but instead why does IE6 not use the font that has an em space?
You say that you are using Georgia. On my computer I did not find an em space in the Georgia font. Perhaps the other browsers tries to use another font having an em space or doesn't use the box character to indicate a missing character.
One way to look for the em space character is to use Character Map available in Accessories. If you check the Advanced view check box and selects Unicode for the Character set and sets Group by to Unicode Subrange you get a Group By box to the right. The em space is found in the General Punctuation category. It might be hard to spot as it is... well, a space.

According to Google Doctype IE6 supports the   character entity, so your font might not.

One possibility is that you could find a different font that does do what you want with the em spaces and then just use that; alternatively, you could use a stylesheet and set the text property word-spacing to 1em.
Of course, if you're only using em spaces in some areas and not in others, then you'd be better off just using a similar font that does support em spaces.


unicode box-drawing does not render correctly in browsers

I recently discovered this historical document, which purports to act as a test of UTF-8 encoding for whatever application displays it.
When I paste it into my terminal (iterm2), it loads the box drawings at the end beautifully (except for a couple at bottom right):
But in both Chrome and Firefox, they are crooked and clearly wrong:
It seems the difference has to do with the width of the rendered character: for example "╲" displays in my terminal as wide as other characters such as "a", but in the browser it displays wider.
Is this a deliberate choice, and if so what inspired it? If not, where is the right place to file a bug?
Thanks to Tom Blodget's answer, I am now aware that fonts are an important consideration. I'll clarify:
In my screenshots above, Firefox and Chrome are using Courier as the monospace font, while the terminal is using Monaco. In both contexts, the font seems to apply as much to the box-drawing characters as to the ASCII ones: when I change the font, the appearance of the drawings changes as well as that of the surrounding text.
When I switch the terminal to either Courier or Courier New, it shows the box drawings equally well -- in some ways better!
When I switch either browser to Monaco, it still shows the box drawings wrong, again from characters apparently displaying at a wider-than-monospace width.
So it still seems like the browsers are doing something wrong.
When I go to dev tools, I see the entire test is one pre element. Several fonts are being used on my system. Everything looks okay except the hatch pattern on the right.
If I hack out all of the other text, the only font used is Consolas and it looks okay. I think it's down to which fonts you have, how the browser prioritizes them, especially when it has to use more than one, and (conjecture) two monospaced fonts need not have the same width.
A terminal is likely to be less adept at using multiple fonts, instead, using one fixed one or selecting one "best" match for the required characters.
[Google Chrome 72.0.3626.96 on Windows 10.]
This is likely the same as
If you have any old fonts installed that don't cover the unicode BOX DRAWING range, it's likely that your browser is stitching them together. While each font itself might be monospace (each glyph is the same width within the font), the combination of fonts might not be monospace (because glyph width differs between fonts), which is why the alignment fails.
I found on my system that uninstalling the legacy Bitstream Vera font resolved the issue. (Bitstream Vera has been superseded by DejaVu Sans)

Partial ligature selection with DirectWrite

Using HitTestTextPosition style API from IDWriteTextLayout I did not managed to handle properly text positions inside "ti", "ffi" or other ligatures with fonts like Calibri. It always returns position after or before ligature not inside like t|i or f|f|i.
What is the recommended way to do a caret movement inside ligatures with DirectWrite API?
There... is no "inside" position if you have GSUB replacements turned on?
Opentype GSUB ligatures are single glyph replacements for codepoint sequences, rather than being "several glyphs, smushed together". They are literally distinct, single glyphs, with single bounding boxes, and a single left and right side bearing for cursor placement/alignment. If you have the text A + E and the font has a ligature replacement that turns it into Ӕ then with ligatures enabled there really are only two cursor positions in that code sequence: |Ӕ and Ӕ|. You can't place the cursor "in the middle", because there is no "middle"; it's a single, atomic, indivisible element.
The same goes for f. ligatures like ff, fi, fl, ffi, ffl, or ſt: these are single glyphs once shaped with GSUB turned on. This is in fact what's supposed to happen: having GSUB ligatures enabled means you expressly want text to be presented—for all intents and purposes—as having atomic glyphs for many-to-one substitutions, like turning the full phrase "صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم‎", as well as variations of that, into the single glyph ﷺ.
If you want to work with the base codepoint sequences (so that if you have a text with f + f + i it doesn't turn that into ffi) you will need to load the font with the liga OpenType feature disabled.
The text editors I know of use the simple hack of (1) dividing the width of the glyph cluster by the number of code points within the cluster (excluding any zero width combining marks), rather than use the GDEF caret positioning information. This includes even Word, which you can tell if you look closely enough below. It's not precise, but since it's simple and close enough at ordinary reading sizes, it's what many do:
(2) I've heard that some may (but don't know which) also use the original glyph advances of the unshaped characters (pre-ligation) and scale them proportionally to the ligature cluster width.
(3) Some text editors may use the GDEF table, but I never knew of any for sure (possibly Adobe In-Design?).
The most challenging aspect of using methods 2 or 3 with IDWriteTextLayout is that accessing the corresponding IDWriteFontFace in that run requires quite the indirection because the specific IDWriteFontFace used (after resolving font family name+WWS+variable font axes) is stored in the layout but not publicly accessible via any "getter" API. The only way you can extract them is by "drawing" the glyph runs via IDWriteTextLayout::Draw into a user-defined IDWriteTextRenderer interface to record all the DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN::fontFace's. Then you could call IDWriteFontFace::GetDesignGlyphAdvances on the code points or IDWriteFontFace::TryGetFontTable to read the OpenType GDEF table (which is complex to read). It's a lot of work, and that's because...
The official PadWrite example has the same issue
IDWriteTextLayout was designed for displaying text rather than editing it. It has some functionality for hit-testing which is useful if you want to display an underlined link in a paragraph and test for it being clicked (in which case the ligature would be whole anyway within a word), or if you want to draw some decorations around some text, but it wasn't really intended for the full editing experience, which includes caret navigation. It was always intended that actual text editing engines (e.g. those used in Word, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, ...) would call the lower level API's, which they do.
The PadWrite sample I wrote is a little misleading because although it supports basic editing, that was just so you can play around with the formatting and see how things worked. It had a long way to go before it could really be an interactive editor. For one (the big one), it completely recreated the IDWriteTextLayout each edit, which is why the sample only presented a few paragraphs of text, because a full editor with several pages of text would want to incrementally update the text. I don't work on that team anymore, but I've thought of creating a DWrite helper library on GitHub to fill in some hindsight gaps, and if I ever did, I'd probably just ... use method 1 :b.

How to write a multiline text in a static text control in mfc?

I have a simple problem with my static text control. I want to write two sentences in two lines.
I searched everywhere, they answered that its style should not be simple and it should be big enough and then it can be done with \n or \r\n. Another guy wrote that it worked!
I did that, but it's not working! The caption is "Welcome to Genetic Algorithm Simulator Application.\nPlease Choose a Function:"
but it just ignores \n and shows this:
Welcome to Genetic Algorithm Simulator Application.Please Choose a Function:"
Also keep in mind that if the "Center Image" style (SS_CENTERIMAGE) is applied (giving you vertical centering of the text), then "\r\n" character sequences are ignored.
You should not set SS_SIMPLE style for static control. This is what is causing control to display only single line ignoring new line character. Get rid of this style and it will work.
I tried it with MFC in VS2008, in the static text control properties set the property "No Wrap" to False and the text should be automatically wrapped to the size of the control.
center image/no wrap/simple all these three options should set to be false!
Just apply the style SS_EDITCONTROL.

How to display conjuncted letters [Bengali Language] using LWUIT in mobile?

I have been trying to develop a simple J2ME application using LWUIT in Bengali language. However, because of heavy usage of vowels as conjuncted letters in Bengali language, I am facing some problems with LWUIT.
For example let us say, “X” is a consonant letter and “#” works as a vowel in Bengali; now they are combined together when needed becoming a conjuncted format “X#”.
Using LWUIT, when I add such vowels and try to display them as the conjuncted format with a consonant in a real application, they are combined with their previous letter (which is in a consecutive order) as defined in the charset. Although interestingly, in the LWUIT designer display/preview, the characters appear correctly.
For details, kindly download this document here ( and see the real-life examples.
I will appreciate if anybody can help me out on this. Just let me know how can I set LWUIT framework in such a way so that it doesn’t combine the letters as they defined in the charset by consecutive order while painting them.
I have used LWUIT version 1.3 and font “KarnaphuliP.ttf” for my application.
I know nothing about Bangali, and I cannot find the font you mentioned. But I managed to get an alternative font for recreating the problem:"Bengali-Progoty.TTF" (which, unfortunately, is not a bit similar to yours). You can get the font here:Bengali-Progoty.TTF.
Those vowels are special, in that their width are zero ,and I bet their origin point is the right-top point, instead of left-top. This way, vowels can be drawn on top of other characters preceding them.
When lwuit designer generates bitmap font, it draws every character (What I mean is, unicode character) onto a big bitmap, calculates the width of current character, add that width to current offset, and draws the next character. As a vowel has a width of zero, it will be combined into the last non-vowel character preceding it.
To solve this problem, you can either switch to unicode font (Bangali has a place in unicode), or you can stick to the current font and do some customization work to the font generation process.
1 Create your own class overriding the EditorFont class in lwuit's editor.jar.
2 Override EditorFont#getBitmapFont() method, do your own drawing of every character. You can test if any character is a vowel, and if so, draw it with a preceding space.
3 Override the FontTask Ant task provided in lwuit's editor.jar.
4 Override the FontTask#addToResources() method, insert your own EditorFont instance instead of the original one.
5 Override the LWUITTask class, add an AddXXX method to support your overriden FontTask.
6 Build a resource using ant, and use your own version of LWUITTask and FontTask instead of the original version.
7 As vowels have become regular characters, they will take up the same space as other characters and cannot be drawn on top of other characters any more. You have to draw them on top of other characters manually. The com.sun.lwuit.CustomFont class may have to be overriden in order to draw these vowels correctly.
Given the complexity introduced, I highly recommend switching to unicode font. But as I have said, I know nothing about Bangali and cannot tell if it is adequate to use a unicode font. Maybe you have to do it the hard way after all.
Good luck.
I think it may be better for you to implement your own Virtual keyboard. There is a sample in the LWUIT developer guide and demo. I am sure if u invest time in that it will come in handy later on.

Laying out graphics in RTF

I'm interested how to construct certain kinds of layout in RTF documents, ideally using techniques that do not depend only on the most recent RTF standards, and that are "native", i.e., they do not involve embedding other representations, like picture files. In particular:
In Postscript and DVI, I can specify a coordinate at any time that the next text will be printed at: can this be done with RTF?
Can RTF compose characters through overstriking?
Can lines, outline boxes and filled boxes be drawn, with their geometry specified either absolutely, or relative to text?
You can use the \pvpg \phpg \posx123 \posy123 construct after
you start a paragraph with \pard to position it relative to the top left of the page. See:
Yes, but it's rather involved, and I think it was only introduced in RTF 1.5. See the drawing objects section of the spec. Here is a basic example of drawing a box (I'm not sure it's entirely valid but it should give you an idea of how to work with drawing objects):
{\pard {\*\do
\dobxcolumn \dobypara
\dprect \dpx0 \dpy0 \dpxsize1000 \dpysize1000 \dplinew25
If you're doing any work with RTF it's worth picking up O'Reilly's RTF Pocket Guide.
I don't believe this is possible. You'd need to use tabs and newlines to get the text where you want it.
Not really, unless \strike and \strikedl count. says drawing objects are an option, and so is inserting images, but neither are really "native", both being absent in the first RTF specs. (And the latter is a bad choice for i.e. just a line.)
