How to call and save contact in Java ME? - java-me

I am doing a program using j2me and the last window in the program has a form that contains name of the place, number and location.
I want to know:
if there is any way to call for the number which appears in the window?
if there is any way to save the information (name and number) in the contact?
any tutorials or examples applied this feature << because I searched a lot and I didn't find something useful.

You can use the midlet.platformRequest("tel:[telephone number]") to make the call. As far as accessing contact in the phone or saving contacts to the phone's address book, your phones needs JSR 75 API functionality and you might also require to sign the build


Google retiring "ranking" email to replace Gmail/ actions

I'm wondering how I can replace the functionality of the Google ranking action.
I'm sending out email at the end of a ticket/support issue and want to be able to let customers state whether they are happy or not with the service they are getting without opening a web browser(inline button/link) or another method. I was trying to hijack the RSVP method however it appears as if the only answers you can set are "Yes, No, and, Maybe"
Looks like there is a lot in SCHEMA.ORG seems like Google has given up on any additions to the basic 3(Yes,No,Maybe) buttons with no real options.

How can I configure QnAMaker tool to modify liststyle button in Skype?

I have made a bot using QnA Maker and Node JS which is running on Skype.
When the user inputs a word which has got multiple matches in FAQ link or document uploaded in QnA Maker, it shows button of choice using QnAMakerTool module from Node. My question is when the multiple matches has same initial words then because of the size of the choice button in Skype the half of the texts get hide. For example, I have three matches like
Whom should I contact for parking?
Whom should I contact for canteen?
Whom should I contact for Stationery?
It shows in Skype as
Whom should I contact for...
Whom should I contact for...
Whom should I contact for...
If the option text is too long then few parts get hidden. What can I do for this?
First of all, there is a limitation on the max characters in Skype, so that's something you will have to live with. However, you can implement some custom logic to change the text being shown.
That current logic that you are seeing is on the QnAMakerTools file.
The way to go here is probably providing your own QnAMakerTools implementation (it needs to follow this interface).
The QnAMakerDialog receives an IQnAMakerOptions parameter. One of the properties of that interface is feedbackLib which basically is the QnAMakerTools instance that the dialog will later use to disambiguate the question as you can see here.

waiting for the website to change something

I am a student and in the school website, what I want to do is that I want to busy wait on the certain URL and check if the class i want to register for is open or not. I was wondering if there was a way to constantly check on the website(busy waiting or otherwise) to see if the class is open or not. There is a table Rem where it shows the number of places remaining in the User Interface.
Also what language would you use to solve this problem?
Yes you can. but for that you will probably need to create a script that fetches the value of data from that table.
So something like web scraping should work.
I would definately use php for this stuff.
Google web scraping and you can code the script.
I am not sure if this is the exact thing that will help you, but what you need to do is something similar - See Here

Can I make a preference search?

so I am starting a website for finding products and I was wondering is it possible to make a search where for example your looking to buy a laptop, and lets say and theres a check box that says "Intel CPU" and "AMD CPU" and once you mark all the specs you want it will give you search results on a specific laptop with those specs! I apologize for my question being so long, But is it possible and how do I approach doing it?
Well, You could always have an ajax request sent whenever user clicks the check box and return the list from php (which will connect to the database) and update the list. A lot of websites use this feature.

Drag items out of Outlook - record message ids

I am in the process of designing an application that will allow items to be dragged to it and will invoke some long running processes on them. The items will normally be dragged in from the filesystem and from Outlook. My concern is with the latter.
How can I hook into Outlook to find out if a message (or several) has been dragged out of it and on to my application and what the message ID is/are?
I understand that the Outlook object model does not have such drag/drop events and one solution is to listen to the Windows messages - this is not feasible in the team, as our combined Interop knowledge is not great.
We will be using C# 4.0 in Visual Studio 2010 for developing this application.
Even this is an old question, there is actually a way. It's undocumented, but I was able to reverse engineer this at least half way. I'm not sure though if the "Selection"-method is still cleaner, but I prefer to read the data directly.
A sample and the docs for this can be found here:
You cannot get access to the MailItem.EntryID directly from Outlook via the generic IDataObject drag-n-drop interface. If you just want to access the MSG data, then you can use this CodeProject example. Once an MSG is copied to disk (or clipboard, drag-n-dropped, etc.), it loses any reference to an EntryID.
The only way I know of to get access to the EntryID is by using VSTO and using the ActiveExplorer().Selection to see which items are selected at the time of the drop action. Here is an example of accessing the Body of a selected message during a drag-n-drop command. You should be able to find numerous examples once you see the general pattern being used.
