Porting Unix ada app to Linux: Seg fault before program begins - linux

I am an intern who was offered the task of porting a test application from Solaris to Red Hat. The application is written in Ada. It works just fine on the Unix side. I compiled it on the linux side, but now it is giving me a seg fault. I ran the debugger to see where the fault was and got this:
Warning: In non-Ada task, selecting an Ada task.
=> runtime tasking structures have not yet been initialized.
<non-Ada task> with thread id 0b7fe46c0
process received signal "Segmentation fault" [11]
task #1 stopped in _dl_allocate_tls
at 0870b71b: mov edx, [edi] ;edx := [edi]
This seg fault happens before any calls are made or anything is initialized. I have been told that 'tasks' in ada get started before the rest of the program, and the problem could be with a task that is running.
But here is the kicker. This program just generates some code for another program to use. The OTHER program, when compiled under linux gives me the same kind of seg fault with the same kind of error message. This leads me to believe there might be some little tweak I can use to fix all of this, but I just don't have enough knowledge about Unix, Linux, and Ada to figure this one out all by myself.

This is a total shot in the dark, but you can have tasks blow up like this at startup if they are trying to allocate too much local memory on the stack. Your main program can safely use the system stack, but tasks have to have their stack allocated at startup from dynamic memory, so typcially your runtime has a default stack size for tasks. If your task tries to allocate a large array, it can easily blow past that limit. I've had it happen to me before.
There are multiple ways to fix this. One way is to move all your task-local data into package global areas. Another is to dynamically allocate it all.
If you can figure out how much memory would be enough, you have a couple more options. You can make the task a task type, and then use a
for My_Task_Type_Name'Storage_Size use Some_Huge_Number;
statement. You can also use a "pragma Storage_Size(My_Task_Type_Name)", but I think the "for" statement is preferred.
Lastly, with Gnat you can also change the default task stack size with the -d flag to gnatbind.

Off the top of my head, if the code was used on Sparc machines, and you're now runing on an x86 machine, you may be running into endian problems.
It's not much help, but it is a common gotcha when going multiplat.

Hunch: the linking step didn't go right. Perhaps the wrong run-time startup library got linked in?
(How likely to find out what the real trouble was, months after the question was asked?)


How to find reason for SEGFAULT in large multi-thread C program?

I am working with a multi-thread program for Linux embedded systems that crashes very randomly through SEGFAULT signal.
I need to find the issue WITHOUT using gdb since the crash occurs only under production environment, never during testing.
I know the symbol table of the program and I'm using sigaction() and backtrace() in main thread but I don't get enough information. The backtraced lines are from sigaction function itself. I allow 50 frames to be captured and I use -g flag in gcc for compilation:
Caught segfault at address 0xe76acc
Obtained 3 stack frames.
./mbca(_Z11print_tracev+0x20) [0x37530]
./mbca(_Z18segfault_sigactioniP7siginfoPv+0x34) [0x375f4]
/lib/libc.so.6(__default_rt_sa_restorer_v2+0) [0x40db5a60]
As the program is running 15 threads, I would like to get a clue about from which one is coming the signal so I can limit the possibilities. FYI Main thread creates a fork and that fork creates the remaining 14 threads.
How can I achive this? What can I do with the information I already have?
Thank you all for your help
PD: I also tried Core-dump file but it is not generated because this option was not included in kernel compilation and I cannot modify it.

How to collect a minimum debug data from a truncated core of Linux C program? with or without GDB?

How to collect a minimum debug data from a truncated core of Linux C program?
I tried some hours to reproduce the segmentation-fault signal with the same program but I did not succed. I only succeded to get it once. I don't know how to extract a minimum information with gdb. I thougth I was experienced with gdb but now I think I have to learn a lot again...
Perhaps someone knows another debugger than GDB to try something with. By minimum information I mean the calling function which produces a segfault signal.
My core file is 32MB and GDB indicates the core allocated memory requiered is 700MB. How to know if the deeper stack function concerned by the segfault is identified inside the core file or not?
From the name of the file I already know the concerned thread name but it is not enougth to debug the program.
I collected the /proc/$PID/maps file of the main program but I don't know if it is usefull to retrieve the segfault function.
Moreover, how to know if the segfault signal was produced from inside the thread or if it came from outside the thread?

Generating core dumps

From times to times my Go program crashes.
I tried a few things in order to get core dumps generated for this program:
defining ulimit on the system, I tried both ulimit -c unlimited and ulimit -c 10000 just in case. After launching my panicking program, I get no core dump.
I also added recover() support in my program and added code to log to syslog in case of panic but I get nothing in syslog.
I am running out of ideas right now.
I must have overlooked something but I do not find what, any help would be appreciated.
Thanks ! :)
Note that a core dump is generated by the OS when a condition from a certain set is met. These conditions are pretty low-level — like trying to access unmapped memory or trying to execute an opcode the CPU does not know etc. Under a POSIX operating system such as Linux when a process does one of these things, an appropriate signal is sent to it, and some of them, if not handled by the process, have a default action of generating a core dump, which is done by the OS if not prohibited by setting a certain limit.
Now observe that this machinery treats a process on the lowest possible level (machine code), but the binaries a Go compiler produces are more higher-level that those a C compiler (or assembler) produces, and this means certain errors in a process produced by a Go compiler are handled by the Go runtime rather than the OS. For instance, a typical NULL pointer dereference in a process produced by a C compiler usually results in sending the process the SIGSEGV signal which is then typically results in an attempt to dump the process' core and terminate it. In contrast, when this happens in a process compiled by a Go compiler, the Go runtime kicks in and panics, producing a nice stack trace for debugging purposes.
With these facts in mind, I would try to do this:
Wrap your program in a shell script which first relaxes the limit for core dumps (but see below) and then runs your program with its standard error stream redirected to a file (or piped to the logger binary etc).
The limits a user can tweak have a hierarchy: there are soft and hard limits — see this and this for an explanation. So try checking your system does not have 0 for the core dump size set as a hard limit as this would explain why your attempt to raise this limit has no effect.
At least on my Debian systems, when a program dies due to SIGSEGV, this fact is logged by the kernel and is visible in the syslog log files, so try grepping them for hints.
First, please make sure all errors are handled.
For core dump, you can refer generate a core dump in linux
You can use supervisor to reboot the program when it crashes.

Address space identifiers using qemu for i386 linux kernel

Friends, I am working on an in-house architectural simulator which is used to simulate the timing-effect of a code running on different architectural parameters like core, memory hierarchy and interconnects.
I am working on a module takes the actual trace of a running program from an emulator like "PinTool" and "qemu-linux-user" and feed this trace to the simulator.
Till now my approach was like this :
1) take objdump of a binary executable and parse this information.
2) Now the emulator has to just feed me an instruction-pointer and other info like load-address/store-address.
Such approaches work only if the program content is known.
But now I have been trying to take traces of an executable running on top of a standard linux-kernel. The problem now is that the base kernel image does not contain the code for LKM(Loadable Kernel Modules). Also the daemons are not known when starting a kernel.
So, my approach to this solution is :
1) use qemu to emulate a machine.
2) When an instruction is encountered for the first time, I will parse it and save this info. for later.
3) create a helper function which sends the ip, load/store address when an instruction is executed.
i am stuck in step2. how do i differentiate between different processes from qemu which is just an emulator and does not know anything about the guest OS ??
I can modify the scheduler of the guest OS but I am really not able to figure out the way forward.
Sorry if the question is very lengthy. I know I could have abstracted some part but felt that some part of it gives an explanation of the context of the problem.
In the first case, using qemu-linux-user to perform user mode emulation of a single program, the task is quite easy because the memory is linear and there is no virtual memory involved in the emulator. The second case of whole system emulation is a lot more complex, because you basically have to parse the addresses out of the kernel structures.
If you can get the virtual addresses directly out of QEmu, your job is a bit easier; then you just need to identify the process and everything else functions just like in the single-process case. You might be able to get the PID by faking a system call to get_pid().
Otherwise, this all seems quite a bit similar to debugging a system from a physical memory dump. There are some tools for this task. They are probably too slow to run for every instruction, though, but you can look for hints there.

Execute code in process's stack, on recent Linux

I want to use ptrace to write a piece of binary code in a running process's stack.
However, this causes segmentation fault (signal 11).
I can make sure the %eip register stores the pointer to the first instruction that I want to execute in the stack. I guess there is some mechanism that linux protects the stack data to be executable.
So, does anyone know how to disable such protection for stack. Specifically, I'm trying Fedora 15.
Thanks a lot!
After reading all replies, I tried execstack, which really makes code in stack executable. Thank you all!
This is probably due to the NX bit on modern processors. You may be able to disable this for your program using execstack.
As already mentioned it is due to the NX bit. But it is possible. I know for sure that gcc uses it itself for trampolines (which are a workaround to make e.g. function pointers of nested functions). I dont looked at the detailes, but I would recommend a look at the gcc code. Search in the sources for the architecture specific macro TARGET_ASM_TRAMPOLINE_TEMPLATE, there you should see how they do it.
EDIT: A quick google for that macro, gave me the hint: mprotect is used to change the permissions of the memory page. Also be carefull when you generate date and execute it - you maybe have in addition to flush the instruction cache.
