BDC Web Part connection Interface error - sharepoint

I want to provide "Query Value" to the BDC List WebPart from (Provider) businessdata filter webpart. I get fllowing error when i try to connect.
"The provider connection point (BusinessDataFilterWebPart) and the consumer connection point "BusinessDataListWebPart" do not use the same connection interface."
Following is my code snippet.
System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart providerWebPart =
ProviderConnectionPointCollection providerConnections =
ProviderConnectionPoint providerConnection = null;
foreach (ProviderConnectionPoint ppoint in providerConnections)
if (ppoint.InterfaceType == typeof(ITransformableFilterValues))
providerConnection = ppoint;
System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart consumerWebPart =
ConsumerConnectionPointCollection consumerConnections =
ConsumerConnectionPoint consumerConnection = null;
foreach (ConsumerConnectionPoint cpoint in consumerConnections)
if (cpoint.InterfaceType == typeof(IWebPartParameters))
consumerConnection = cpoint;
SPWebPartConnection newConnection = webPartManager.SPConnectWebParts(
providerWebPart, providerConnection, consumerWebPart, consumerConnection);

It looks like you are comparing two different connection interfaces. Your provider connection implements ITransformableFilterValues and your consumer connection implements IWebPartParameters.
I don't know much about the code you have written here as I rarely write connections between web parts in code. But the whole point about connections is the consumer and provider have to provide and expect the same interface.
Have you tried connecting these two web parts together in the browser interface?

My direct experience with this problem is with the query string filter web part as the provider and the report viewer web part as the consumer, but the issue was the same.
The ITransformableFilterValues interface is not consumable by the IWebPartParameters interface. But each item in the connection points collection implements a different interface type.
In your debugger, check the other interface types implemented by both the ConsumerConnectionPointCollection and ProviderConnectionPointConnection. If both collections have connections that implement the same interface type, use that interface type in the foreaches where you are checking the interface type.
If there is no direct match, you should experiment to find the right combination.

You need to use the correct transformer and the override method with the transformation as a parameter so the two interfaces can connect/transform. From the msdn documentation on the TransformableFilterValuesToParametersTransformer: "Allows standard filters, which implement Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ITransformableFilterValues, to connect to any Web Part that can consume IWebPartParameters"
var transformer = new TransformableFilterValuesToParametersTransformer();
transformer.ProviderFieldNames = new string[] { "DocumentIdForCurrentPage" };
transformer.ConsumerFieldNames = new string[] { "DocumentId" };
providerWebPart, providerConnection, consumerWebPart, consumerConnection,transformer);


CCavenue integration in liferay

Actually I have integrated CCAvenue JSP_Kit to my Lifreay portal 6.2. Till payment every thing is working properly that means after filling all the payment details and submitting no error is coming. But we are getting a response as null.
Below is the code of ReponseHandler.jsp.
encResp is coming null after payment or after cancel the request.
String workingKey = "working key"; //32 Bit Alphanumeric Working Key should be entered here so that data can be decrypted.
String encResp= request.getParameter("encResp");
AesCryptUtil aesUtil=new AesCryptUtil(workingKey);
String decResp = aesUtil.decrypt(encResp);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(decResp, "&");
Hashtable hs=new Hashtable();
String pair=null, pname=null, pvalue=null;
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
pair = (String)tokenizer.nextToken();
if(pair!=null) {
StringTokenizer strTok=new StringTokenizer(pair, "=");
pname=""; pvalue="";
if(strTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
hs.put(pname, pvalue);
In the portal world you typically don't have access to the full and original HttpServletRequest. You can get access to it by calling
origRequest = PortalUtil.getOriginalHttpServletRequest(
This, of course, means that you're somewhat outside of the spec, however if you really need to communicate through servlet parameters, that might be your only option. I'd also recommend to add this code to a better testable/maintainable location - e.g. inside the Java Portlet class.
Here's the PortalUtil interface.

Orchard CMS front-end all possible content filtering by user permissions

Good day!
In my Orchard, I have several content types all with my custom part attached. This part defines to what users this content is available. For each logged user there is external service, which defines what content user can or cannot access. Now I need access restriction to apply everywhere where orchard display content lists, this includes results by specific tag from a tag cloud, or results listed from Taxonomy term. I seems can’t find any good way to do it except modifying TaxonomyServices code as well as TagCloud services, to join also my part and filter by it. Is this indeed the only way to do it or there are other solutions? I would like to avoid doing changes to built-in modules if possible but cannot find other way.
Thanks in advance.
I'm currently bumbling around with the same issue. One way I'm currently looking at is to hook into the content manager.
public class ModContentManager : DefaultContentManager, IContentManager
//private readonly Lazy<IShapeFactory> _shapeFactory;
private readonly IModAuthContext _modAuthContext;
public ModContentManager(IComponentContext context,
IRepository<ContentTypeRecord> contentTypeRepository,
IRepository<ContentItemRecord> contentItemRepository,
IRepository<ContentItemVersionRecord> contentItemVersionRepository,
IContentDefinitionManager contentDefinitionManager,
ICacheManager cacheManager,
Func<IContentManagerSession> contentManagerSession,
Lazy<IContentDisplay> contentDisplay,
Lazy<ISessionLocator> sessionLocator,
Lazy<IEnumerable<IContentHandler>> handlers,
Lazy<IEnumerable<IIdentityResolverSelector>> identityResolverSelectors,
Lazy<IEnumerable<ISqlStatementProvider>> sqlStatementProviders,
ShellSettings shellSettings,
ISignals signals,
//Lazy<IShapeFactory> shapeFactory,
IModAuthContext modAuthContext)
: base(context,
signals) {
//_shapeFactory = shapeFactory;
_modAuthContext = modAuthContext;
public new dynamic BuildDisplay(IContent content, string displayType = "", string groupId = "") {
// So you could do something like...
// var myPart = content.As<MyAuthoPart>();
// if(!myPart.IsUserAuthorized)...
// then display something else or display nothing (I think returning null works for this but
//don't quote me on that. Can always return a random empty shape)
// else return base.BuildDisplay(content, displayType, groupId);
// ever want to display a shape based on the name...
//dynamic shapes = _shapeFactory.Value;
Could also hook into the IAuthorizationServiceEventHandler, which is activated before in the main ItemController and do a check to see if you are rendering a projection or taxonomy list set a value to tell your content manager to perform checks else just let them through. Might help :)

NServiceBus Event Subscriptions Not Working With Azure Service Bus

I'm attempting to modify the Azure-based Video Store sample app so that the front-end Ecommerce site can scale out.
Specifically, I want all instances of the web site to be notified of events like OrderPlaced so that no matter which web server the client web app happens to be connected to via SignalR, it will correctly receive the notification and update the UI.
Below is my current configuration in the Global.asax:
Configure.ScaleOut(s => s.UseUniqueBrokerQueuePerMachine());
startableBus = Configure.With()
bus = startableBus.Start();
And I've also configured the Azure Service Bus queues using:
class AzureServiceBusConfiguration : IProvideConfiguration<NServiceBus.Config.AzureServiceBusQueueConfig>
public AzureServiceBusQueueConfig GetConfiguration()
return new AzureServiceBusQueueConfig()
QueuePerInstance = true
I've set the web role to scale to two instances, and as expected, two queues (ecommerce and ecommerce-1) are created. I do not, however, see additional topic subscriptions being created under the topic. Instead, I see:
I would think that you would see VideoStore.ECommerce-1.OrderCancelled and VideoStore.ECommerce-1.OrderPlaced subscriptions under the Videostore.Sales.Events topic. Or is that not how subscriptions are stored when using Azure Service Bus?
What am I missing here? I get the event on one of the ecommerce instances, but never on both. Even if this isn't the correct way to scale out SignalR, my use case extends to stuff like cache invalidation.
I also find it strange that two error and audit queues are being created. Why would that happen?
Yves is correct. The AzureServiceBusSubscriptionNamingConvention was not applying the correct individualized name. I was able to fix this by implementing the following EndpointConfig:
namespace VideoStore.ECommerce
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, IWantCustomInitialization
public void Init()
AzureServiceBusSubscriptionNamingConvention.Apply = BuildSubscriptionName;
AzureServiceBusSubscriptionNamingConvention.ApplyFullNameConvention = BuildSubscriptionName;
private static string BuildSubscriptionName(Type eventType)
var subscriptionName = eventType != null ? Configure.EndpointName + "." + eventType.Name : Configure.EndpointName;
if (subscriptionName.Length >= 50)
subscriptionName = new DeterministicGuidBuilder().Build(subscriptionName).ToString();
if (!SettingsHolder.GetOrDefault<bool>("ScaleOut.UseSingleBrokerQueue"))
subscriptionName = Individualize(subscriptionName);
return subscriptionName;
public static string Individualize(string queueName)
var parser = new ConnectionStringParser();
var individualQueueName = queueName;
if (SafeRoleEnvironment.IsAvailable)
var index = parser.ParseIndexFrom(SafeRoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstanceId);
var currentQueue = parser.ParseQueueNameFrom(queueName);
if (!currentQueue.EndsWith("-" + index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))) //individualize can be applied multiple times
individualQueueName = currentQueue
+ (index > 0 ? "-" : "")
+ (index > 0 ? index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : "");
if (queueName.Contains("#"))
individualQueueName += "#" + parser.ParseNamespaceFrom(queueName);
return individualQueueName;
I could not, however, get NServiceBus to recognize my EndpointConfig class. Instead, I had to call it manually before starting the bus. From my Global.asax.cs:
new EndpointConfig().Init();
bus = startableBus.Start();
Once I did this, the subscription names appeared as expected:
Not sure why it's ignoring my IConfigureThisEndpoint, but this works.
This sounds like a bug, can you raise a github issue on this at
That said, I think it's better to use signalr's scaleout feature instead of using QueuePerInstance as signalr needs to replicate other information like (connection/group mappings) internally as well when running in scaleout mode.
I think I see the issue, the subscriptions should be individualised as well, which isn't the case in current naming conventions
while it is in the queuenamingconventions
As these conventions are public you can override them to work around the problem by changing the func in IWantCustomInitialization until I can get a fix in, just copy the current method and add the individualizer logic. The queue individualizer is internal though, so you'll have to copy that class from

Extract paging from IQueryable

I'm using a function to allow query composition from Web UI and I would to implement paging functionality which it will be available for dataBound controls such as ObjectDataSource, gridView, etc:
public class MyClass<TEntity> where TEntity : class
FakeEntities xxx = new FakeEntities();
public IEnumerable<TEntity> Get(Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IQueryable<TEntity>> queryExpression)
var query = xxx.Set<TEntity>();
return queryExpression(query).ToList();
public int Count()
// What Can I return?
// **** USAGE ****
MyClass<User> u = new MyClass<User>();
var all = u.Get(p => p.Where(z => z.Account == "Smith").OrderBy(order => order.IdOther).Skip(1).Take(2));
The above query use Take and Skip function, so can I get real count of my entities? Obviously I must return Query Count without modifying filter expression.
I found this solution: Get count of an IQueryable<T>
However I get targetInvocationException with inner message {"This method supports the LINQ to Entities infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code."}
I know my request could be freak-abnormal, because best practice should to impose to move "presentation needs" to some wrap class and that's is what I'll do. So I don't need anymore to get Count entities on my business logic class.
That's just UI concern only.
Thank you the same.

How to discover all Entity Types? One of each?

I need to write a service that connects to CRM, and returns with a list of all of the entity available on the server (custom or otherwise).
How can I do this? To be clear, I am not looking to return all data for all entities. Just a list of every type, regardless of whether any actually exist.
You need to use RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest
RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest request = new RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest()
EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Entity,
RetrieveAsIfPublished = true
// service is the IOrganizationService
RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse response = (RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse)service.Execute(request);
foreach (EntityMetadata currentEntity in response.EntityMetadata)
string logicalName = currentEntity.LogicalName;
// your logic here
note that you will get also system or hidden entities, like wizardpage or recordcountsnapshot
You will probably find these sections of the MSDN useful:
Customize Entity Metadata (lookout for the samples linked on that page).
Retrieve and Detect Changes to Metadata.
