Structure of a Voice Chat application (Client/Server)? - voip

I need an EXPERT opinion please, and sorry if my question itself is a confused question.
I was reading around about structure of VOIP applications (Client/Server). And mostly UDP is recommended for voice streams. I also checked some voicechat applications like paltalk and inspeak and their sites mention they use udp voice stream which dont seem correct for below reasons.
I examined the traffic/ports used by paltalk and inspeak. They have UDP and TCP ports open and using a packet sniffer i can see there is not much UDP communication but mostly it is the TCP communication going on.
Also as far as i know, In UDP Protocol server can not send data to a client behind NAT (DSL Router). And "UDP Braodcast" is not an option for "internet" based voice chat applications. THATS WHY YAHOO HAVE MENTIONED in their documentation that yahoo messenger switch to tcp if udp communication is not possible.
So my question is ....
Am i understanding something wrong in my above statements ?
If UDP is not possible then those chat applications use TCP Stream for voice ?
Since i have experienced that TCP voice streams create delay, No voice breaking but Delay in voice, so what should be the best structure for a voice chat server/client communication ?
So far i think that , if Client send data as udp packets to server and server distribute the packets to clients over TCP streams, is this a proper solution ? I mean is this what commercial voicechat applications do ?
Thanks your answer will help me and a lot of other programmers .

UDP has less overhead (in terms of total packet size), so you can squeeze more audio into the channel's bandwidth.
UDP is also unreliable - packets sent may never be received or could be received out of order - which is actually OK for voice applications, since you can tolerate some loss of signal quality and keep going. a small amount of lost packets can be tolerated (as opposed to downloading a file, where every byte counts).
can you use TCP? sure, why not... it's slightly more overhead, but that may not matter.
SIP is a voice/media standard that supports UDP and TCP. most deployments use UDP because of the lower overhead.
The Skype protocol prefers UDP where possible, and falls back to TCP.
in SIP situations, the NAT problem is solved by using a nat keep-alive packet (any request/response data) to keep the channel up and open, and by exploiting the fact that most NATs will accept replies on the same source port the connection was opened from... this isn't foolproof, and often requires a proxy server mediating the connection between 2 nat'd peers, but it's used in many deployments.
STUN, TURN, and ICE are additional methods that help with NAT scenarios, and especially in p2p (serverless) situations.
info regarding NAT issues and media:
if you're implementing a voice service of some kind, a system like FreeSwitch provides most of the tools you need to deliver media to distributed clients:

I see the question is 3 years overdue, but I see no answer accepted, so I'll take a shot at it
1- your statements are correct
2- correct, TCP or UDP can be used for audio stream.
3- Combining tcp and udp for the audio stream is not useful. If UDP is working for transmission to the server, it will work for reception, that's how all NAT firewalls work, i.e they send datagram received from internal host to remote host after they change the ip header to make the packet seem coming from them, and when they receive response, they forward it back to internal host. The difference between NAT firewalls is for how long the NAT tunnel will remain alive, but this does not matter for the audio part of the call, as there is constant flow of audio in both way during a call. This would matter more for the signalling part of the call, which uses the SIP protocol. So I would recommend using TCP for SIP as the TCP session has a default timeout of 900s, making the keep alive messages less frequently needed.
Now some applications you mentioned do not use SIP for session initiation, and hence have proprietary ways of signalling.
Other applications take advantage of something called 'hole punching' to allow client-to-client direct communication (or peer-to-peer) such as Skype. The advantage of these is that the server does not stay in the middle of the voice stream, and this can effectively reduce latency, making TCP a potential choice for the audio stream.
The guys behind development of Asterisk, the famous opensource PBX, have realized the problems in SIP which require having lots of ports open, and they have developed their own protocol, called IAX, to transmit signalling and media over one port. I would encourage you to consider implementing IAX for your client/server, because it ensures that if a client is able to connect (through signalling), then it's able to make calls.


School wifi partially blocks UDP server

I am making a multiplayer game that is UDP with node.js (dgram for UDP) and unity as the client (uses c#'s sockets). I originally had a web-socket server, but remade it to be UDP for more competitive response times.
It works perfectly at my house and between my and my friends, but when I try it at school it doesn't work (both LAN and WAN). With non-local hosting nothing works (expected because my school has a whitelist), but with LAN (not localhost) The client sends and initial join packet (exactly the same way of sending as everything else) but then just doesn't send any more packets. My server logs the join message but then the client gets timed out from not sending any more messages after that.
Additionally, the client freezes during the second message and has to be shut down from task manager, which gives me the idea that it's message is being blocked over the network.
Is there a way around my school wifi blocking my server messages, and if there isn't what should I ask my school's tech person for (probably won't work but worth a shot)
Thanks in advance (:
Well, there is nothing you can do to solve certain situations like this by bypassing alone.
If your school remotely controls what protocols (TCP, UDP) that is allowed or blocked, it is better and the right thing to ask them to lift the ban up for traffic between UDP connections.
Also, the firewall can be the main one to blame. By default, many firewalls block UDP traffic because essentially, it is an unsolicited network traffic and may be used to do malicious exploitation since it doesn't care whether or not it has the server's permission to communicated in between and it can't do it doesn't support ACK (Can even cause DDOS in that manner).
More information and references about UDP: Link
However it is more of an overstatement but know that firewall in general do block all incoming traffics by default. TCP is usually accepted, and maybe your school blocked all UDP connections because of the details said above.

Is webrtc vulnerable to network attack?

I found out video quality of media streams in webrtc is notably better via UDP connections. Also data-channel is based on UDP too ( is that right ? )
Supposed two peers ( both behind NATs ) connected with each other with webrtc technology and their IP address are exposed to the public ,
will webrtc service be vulnerable to network attack , especially UDP flood attack ?
Real-time interactions like video chat prefer UDP connections over TCP connections because dropped packets over UDP will not result in a wait for retransmissions. The audio or video will simply be corrupted, and if necessary, the receiving party can ask to have something repeated. This is preferred to the interactivity being interrupted while waiting for the retransmitted packet(s). WebRTC prefers UDP connections, but can also fall back to TCP connections. This is true for the data channel as well.
I am not familiar with the details of UDP flood attacks, but will try to describe relevant NAT behavior. When two peers interact from behind NATs, there is only one port open per connection on the NAT to receive packets that are passed on to the client. The external IP address of the NAT is public, but you cannot send to random ports on this IP and have packets delivered to the client. Further, there are different types of NAT behavior; it may not be sufficient to send to the port at the NAT IP to have packets sent to the client, it may also be necessary that they come from address or ports that have already interacted with the client. See NAT types. An attack can also try to overwhelm the NAT unit itself.

How do I test a custom TCP implementation on Linux?

For learning purposes I'm implementing TCP (for now just RFC 793) but I have no
idea how to test it. Most TUN/TAP stuff on the internet are out of date (e.g.
Linux API calls no longer work) and just doesn't explain enough. In addition, I
feel like a creating a device and forwarding packages etc. are not the best way
for learning purposes. For example, I'd rather only override socket(),
listen(), connect(), accept(), send(), recv() etc. in a program rather
than forwarding all ethernet traffic to a device/program that does the
bookeeping for the whole system rather than for a single program.
I'm wondering if this is possible. If not, I'd like to know the simplest way to
test a TCP implementation on Linux.
Because I'm following RFC 793, it'd be great if I could have an IP (Internet
Protocol as mentioned in the RFC) API in my application. Is this possible or do
I have to mess with TUN/TAP stuff?
If we talk about research I strongly recommend you read Engineering with Logic: Rigorous Test-Oracle Specification and
Validation for TCP/IP and the Sockets API
It contains section about testing TCP/IP implementation:
You could try setting up two peers, one using a RAW socket and the other a TCP socket.
If they can communicate and packets are really delivered/recovered the same way TCP does, you know that your custom implementation is successful.
C sockets
C RAW sockets
C TCP implementation
All you need is to intercept all tcp packets with bits (syn, ack, fin, etc.) your application has sent and to see if it works properly:
It could simply be done with wireshark or other sniffer. When testing you will see all tcp packets with bits you've sent.
In order you want to see linux system calls which your application are calling, you can use GDB or any other debugger.

Session start request using UDP sockets

I have been using UDP sockets to send and receive voice through RTP packetization. It is pretty straightforward. I just send my mic voice signals ( that are encoded ) over IP using User Datagram socket , and on the other end i receive the UDP-RTP packets and decode them to be able to play them on my speakers.
I have been searching on internet for a while to find a way to start up a session using UDP sockets. What i want to to is to a Handshake-like process between two ends of my conversation and after the requests were acknowledged the media layer ( which i described in first paragraph ) would fire and start sending voice.
I have not been able to find any tutorials on session request using UDP sockets but i suppose it shouldnt be impossible.( one user sends a request to build a session and if the other user confirms media layer starts)
Has anyone done something like this before? any info is welcome.
Firstly, UDP is a connectionless, unreliable protocol, you won't find anything like handshaking for negotiating connection i.e no session management. But, to transport RTP packets it's not a good idea to use tcp, it lacks realtime feature, so you have to stick with UDP. Now, to overcome the signaling problem you can use protocols like. SIP. It's standard signaling protocol used in VOIP. SIP initiates a connection before sending RTP packets. To properly use SIP and RTP you might have to take help of another protocol called SDP, which tells which port to use for transmitting RTP and other various info. You can get more info about these techniques here. Hope this will helps!

UDP vs TCP security

We are working on a game with millions of clients communicating with our servers. These games are for the most part turn-based. I am aware that UDP offers some performance advantages over TCP, but I'm wondering if one protocol enjoys a security advantage over the other? I've read some sites indicating that TCP will generally be safer, but I've seen a significant number of attacks that exploit weaknesses in TCP.
Our code is pretty tolerant of unreliable connections and lost/out-of-order data, which is why I thought of UDP. Thank you!
The big security problem with UDP is that you are susceptible to spoofing and DOS attacks. It's not possible to spoof an address across the internet using TCP since the handshake will never complete. OTOH with UDP there is no implicit handshake - any session maintenance must be done by your code (processing overhead).
I am aware that UDP offers some performance advantages over TCP
Only across a LAN - part of the reason is the decreased latency of not having to carry out a handshake - but the big difference is that it bypasses congestion control mechanisms. That's not an issue for data across a LAN where the packet loss will be very low - but if you want to send data across the internet you're going to have to implement bandwidth throttling, error recovery and congestion control in your application (more processing overhead). While you can handle some types of packet loss via forward error control, this won't help with an overloaded router. All that stuff which slows down UDP is there for a reason.
If your dataflows are not more than, say 2 MSS in any direction followed by an acknowledgement from the remote end, then go for it - but if you want to move a lot of data quickly use TCP (or a station wagon).
This is a good resource to compare UDP and TCP :
Traditionally,most real-time applications use UDP eg:VOIP.I am not an expert on Security,
but I guess both of them are equally secure/unsecure.It depends on usage of Security protocols like TLS etc.
TCP just has mechanisms to guarantee delivery of packets.
