How to show reports on sharepoint site? - sharepoint

i have the sharepoint site , infact it is MOSS site. I want to show the reports on share point site. Is there any facility available for to do so? Or is i need to develop any webpart for same? please guide.....
reply will appreciable....! :)

I suggest you make web user controls and have gridview or any report that you want and upload it as a webpart.
let me know if you need further help.

Since you are running MOSS you have a SQL Server which means you have a license for SQL Reporting Services (SRS). SRS integrates with Sharepoint very nicely, one in standard mode (reports are hosted within SQL) and another mode called "integrated" where the reports are actaully housed within SharePoint and revisioned/versioned as such. If SRS doesn't work for you use a page viewere web part to pass through the reports from the reporting engine of your choice.


SharePoint 2013 Dynamic Data on all pages

If I have a requirement of displaying the a content on all the pages inside a header, Whats the best way to do that in an SharePoint 2013?
I am working on a master page that will be using the design manager and there is possibility of using the same master page in the SharePoint online too. The reason why I want to know what is the best way, when I use this same master page in SharePoint online I would like avoid redoing that entire coding for getting a dynamic data from the web service.
Several ways that I have been planning is below
- User control method
- Web part method, but requires server side coding which I doubt can used in online version
This is a complete dynamic data that will be retrieved by a web service and no internal SharePoint data be used.
Thanks for reading
If its possible to consume web-service using jQuery/Ajax call you can go with that
Or else if you want to use c#, might need to go with provider hosted app feature (sharepoint 2013)
You can create a Visual Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Online.
Your web part will be contained in a Sandbox Solution which you will develop locally. Once development is complete you will upload the Solution Package created by Visual Studio to SharePoint Online.

Create Dynamic TFS Query in SharePoint Portal

We have recently moved our project over to TFS 2010 for CM control and issue tracking. For the most part we have been happy with the move. However, we have found that we need a way to allow users (notably our help desk) to write dynamic queries against our Product Backlog. The Query Results Web Part works fine for displaying information like Outstanding Work Items and Recent Issues, but our users need the ability to query for specific information that can change from support call to support call. Is there a way to allow a user to create a custom, dynamic query in TFS? If not are there any 3rd party tools that integrate with SharePoint that would allow this?
TFS 2010 has a web based user interface called Web Access. Users can create and view their own queries from there with the queries part of te app; they can also search for work items by words contained in their titles
By default, there is typically a link on the upper-left to it from the SharePoint site that TFS 2010 creates. If the link is not there you can access it directly its (default) URL: [http://address-of-your-TFS-server:8080/tfs/web]
I decided to use the Page Viewer Web Part to embed the actual query form from the Team Web Access to the Project Portal. Everything seems to work great when doing that. The only downside is you get a 'Nag Dialog' whenever you leave the page.

How do SharePoint search statistics get generated?

We have a heavily customised SharePoint publishing (WCM) site that uses no web parts in order to meet with XHTML and (AA) accessibilty guidelines. The trouble is that the search functionality is not generating any usage statistics (Usage reports within Search Administration in the SSP). We know this is down to our customisations because we have a couple of the OOTB team sites in the farm which are generating search statistics. We are not sure where/how we need to fix this. It seems we may need to wire up a call to the search.asmx web service but I'm not sure. Perhaps we need to call something from within the SharePoint API as part of our call to the search service? I'm not sure.
Has anyone out there built a heavily customised SharePoint site (no web parts) and are logging search statistics, can you comment on how you did it? Or can anyoone provide insight into how the staistics are generated?
If it helps we are running a medium sized farm with 2 WFEs, 1 Index server and 1 SQL Server box. All Windows 2003 R2 SP2, 32-Bit. MOSS 2007 SP1 (plus December CU) Enterprise Edition.
have you checked Usage Reports in the CA-->Operations tab ?
Our (intranet) site is heavily customized and the Search Usage Reports are turned on (they should be by default). You do have to enable ALL usage reporting options though, both in the SSP as in CA, the key one being "Enable search query logging.", in the SSP -> Usage reporting. I have also found that disabling / reenabling this option will sometimes help if it is already supposed to be running.
P.S. I will vote to move this question to serverfault as that is where this question belongs.
The SharePoint search statistics is only gathered when you use the standard search webparts (SearchBoxEx, CoreResultsWebPart). This is because they use an internal hidden object to perform the searches, which, in turn, logs to the statistics. AFAIK there is no way (except possibly reflection) to write to these logs when using a custom search webpart.

MOSS 2007: Displaying data from SQL Server Database

I have a requirement to select some data from a table in a database (SQL Server) and display it on a page in a SharePoint site (MOSS 2007).
I have a little bit of experience of MOSS, so I know I have a couple of options:
or possibily even a custom ASPX page.
I've never really worked with any of these. Can anyone advise on the +/-'s of each?
It all depends on what functionality is required once the table is displayed in SharePoint. Do you need extra bells and whistles or is a dump of the data adequate? (Think about the future as well.) Here's some thoughts...
Business Data Catalog (BDC)
If you want to nicely integrate the SharePoint look and feel with your data as well as get some cool functionality, BDC is a good solution. There is no need to program anything and these are the features you get. However if this data will only be used once in one way then it is probably overkill.
You would need to roll your own XML description of the data so SharePoint knows how to pull it from the database (or use something third party like Lightning Tools). As Colin mentioned it requires the Enterprise license of MOSS.
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
If Reporting Services is already available for use then this is the quickest and simplest solution. It works well but can get painful as more advanced features are required in your reports.
You should be able to use the Report Designer wizard to point to your table and set everything up for you. There are SSRS web parts that can be used within SharePoint, or indeed you can run SSRS inside SharePoint using SharePoint integration mode.
Application Page
This method Steven mentioned lets you integrate an ASP.NET application into SharePoint (such that it can be accessible by a URL within your SharePoint site). This allows anything that ASP.NET does, and the code-behind will be aware of SharePoint so you can tap into that if needed as well. The cons here are code access security and deployment.
See this webcast for how to do it.
Web Part
Similar to developing an application page but much more integrated with SharePoint. A custom web part is very powerful and allows you to integrate ASP.NET code on a SharePoint page. As you would know web parts can be dragged to whatever location and give a consistent properties pane. Again, code access security and deployment needs to be considered.
If you like designer view in Visual Studio then be aware this isn't the approach that Microsoft push. You can however use something like SmartPart where you would develop your custom app as a user control and the SmartPart wraps it into a web part. I'm used to doing it the MS way now and actually prefer the additional control this gives, however it can take more time.
Page Viewer Web Part
If you don't want to touch your SharePoint installation at all then have a look at this web part. It takes a URL as parameter and displays an IFrame containing the page that would be your report, either in SSRS or standard ASP.NET.
The downside from this lack of integration is problems with sizing the IFrame, and possible security warnings from the browser if accessing the URL in a different domain.
Don't forget the DataView Webpart. It has a pretty small developement footprint and works really well as a first "cut" if you are unsure as to how hardcore you need the final result to be.
It renders using XSLT, giving you full control of the final HTML, so it can do some pretty things with Javascript and co.
For a very simple example of charting.
Have you ever used the .NET Framework do develop webpages?
MOSS 2007 uses this framework for master / template files.
So your best choice would be to create an ASPX template file to display the results on the webpage.
BDC is the way to go if you want to keep it "strictly Sharepoint". The problem is, it is only included in the Enterprise edition of SharePoint. If you have the Standard edition, you could go for SSRS and the SSRS webpart, or, create your own webpart. That way you can use your data display anywhere in your site and it's also ASP.NET compatible.
As Nat said - if all that is needed is to display some data from a database on a page - the DVWP is a great solution. Just open your page in SharePoint Designer, add the database connection, and drop the web part on your page. You can use any of the several pre-formatted layouts, or design/tweak your own so the data is displayed as you need.
Relatively straightforward, lots of HowTos online, and far faster/easier to setup than something like BDC.

DIsplaying SSRS reports in SharePoint?

I have a series of reports served by SSRS. They are great and the users like them.
That being the case, upper management wants to throw a wrench in the works and serve the reports from the Sharepoint server.
Is there a realtively painless way to let users access the reports from sharepoint? How would somebody go about doing such a thing? Or do I just need to bite the bullet and try to stop the madness?
I'm not sure which version of SSRS or Sharepoint you're using, but there have traditionally been both a Report Viewer and a Report Explorer web part shipped with Sharepoint in the RSWebParts.CAB file (at least since SQL Server 2005 SP2 I think). You can start there, but if you wanted quick and low-tech you could put in an IFRAME web part and point it to the Reports folder on your SSRS Server. Since you're using Sharepoint, that's also making the assumption that you're using Windows Authentication, so that wouldn't be an issue there.
Here's a link that might be of some use:
Viewing Reports with SharePoint 2.0 Web Parts
The most painless is going to be to run SSRS in Native mode, which it sounds like you're doing already, then install the SSRS web parts on your WSS/MOSS server.
You will have to manage security and report source control using some other methods besides sharepoint, however you don't have to deal with installing WSS/MOSS on your SSRS box and adding it to your SharePoint farm.
The more painful option is to run SSRS in Integrated mode. This allows you to use all the SharePoint document management stuff for your reports and share the same security setup however, the server configuration can be lengthy and difficult to setup.
Hope this helps!
